Commit 7afa86e8 authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud 🐙

Drop "command" parameter from the previous jio version.

parent 71d52ce6
......@@ -29,22 +29,7 @@
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 120, nomen: true */
/*global define, module, require, indexedDB, jIO, RSVP, Blob, Math, alert*/
// (function (dependencies, factory) {
// "use strict";
// if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
// return define(dependencies, factory);
// }
// if (typeof module === "object" && module !== null &&
// typeof module.exports === "object" && module.exports !== null &&
// typeof require === "function") {
// module.exports = factory.apply(null,;
// return;
// }
// factory(jIO, RSVP);
// }(["jio", "rsvp"], function (jIO, RSVP) {
// "use strict";
/*global indexedDB, jIO, RSVP, Blob, Math, alert, console*/
(function (jIO) {
"use strict";
......@@ -262,11 +247,10 @@
* @param {function} research The function to reserach
* @param {function} ongoing The function to process
* @param {function} end The completed function
* @param {Object} command The JIO command
* @param {Object} metadata The data to put
IndexedDBStorage.prototype._putOrPost =
function (open, research, ongoing, end, command, metadata) {
function (open, research, ongoing, end, metadata) {
var jio_storage = this,
......@@ -309,8 +293,7 @@
throw error;
.push(command.success, command.error, command.notify);
......@@ -319,7 +302,6 @@
* Retrieve data
*@param {Object} command The JIO command
*@param {Object} param The command parameters
IndexedDBStorage.prototype.get = function (param) {
......@@ -333,7 +315,7 @@
.push(function (db) {
global_db = db;
transaction = db.transaction(["metadata", "attachment"], "readwrite");
transaction = db.transaction(["metadata", "attachment"], "readonly");
var store = transaction.objectStore("metadata");
return getIndexedDB(store, param._id);
......@@ -354,7 +336,7 @@
return transactionEnd(transaction);
.push(function () {
return ({"data": meta});
return meta;
.push(undefined, function (error) {
if (global_db !== undefined) {
......@@ -368,10 +350,9 @@
* Remove a document
* @param {Object} command The JIO command
* @param {Object} param The command parameters
IndexedDBStorage.prototype.remove = function (command, param) {
IndexedDBStorage.prototype.remove = function (param) {
var jio_storage = this,
......@@ -405,8 +386,7 @@
.push(function (resultResearch) {
if (resultResearch.result === undefined) {
throw ({"status": 404, "reason": "Not Found",
"message": "IndexeddbStorage, unable to get metadata."});
throw new jIO.util.jIOError("IndexeddbStorage, unable to get metadata.", 500);
//delete metadata
return removeIndexedDB(, param._id);
......@@ -439,18 +419,16 @@
throw error;
.push(command.success, command.error, command.notify);
* Creates a new document if not already existes
* @param {Object} command The JIO command
* @param {Object} metadata The metadata to put
*/ = function (command, metadata) { = function (metadata) {
var that = this;
if (!metadata._id) {
metadata._id = generateUuid();
......@@ -464,22 +442,20 @@
function promiseEndPost(metadata) {
return ({"id": metadata._id});
return metadata._id;
return that._putOrPost(openIndexedDB, promiseResearch,
promiseOngoingPost, promiseEndPost,
command, metadata);
* Creates or updates a document
* @param {Object} command The JIO command
* @param {Object} metadata The metadata to post
IndexedDBStorage.prototype.put = function (command, metadata) {
var that = this,
IndexedDBStorage.prototype.put = function (metadata) {
var that = this;
function promiseOngoingPut(researchResult) {
var key;
for (key in metadata) {
......@@ -488,19 +464,15 @@
delete metadata._attachment;
if (researchResult.result !== undefined) {
found = true;
return putIndexedDB(, metadata);
function promiseEndPut() {
return {"status": (found ? 204 : 201) };
return metadata._id;
return that._putOrPost(openIndexedDB, promiseResearch,
promiseOngoingPut, promiseEndPut,
command, metadata);
......@@ -510,7 +482,6 @@
// * Retrieve a list of present document
// *
// * @method allDocs
// * @param {Object} command The JIO command
// * @param {Object} param The command parameters
// * @param {Object} options The command options
// * @param {Boolean} [options.include_docs=false]
......@@ -633,262 +604,242 @@
// };
// /**
// * Add an attachment to a document
// *
// * @param {Object} command The JIO command
// * @param {Object} metadata The data
// *
// */
// IndexedDBStorage.prototype.putAttachment = function (command, metadata) {
// var jio_storage = this,
// transaction,
// global_db,
// BlobInfo,
// readResult;
// function putAllPart(store, metadata, readResult, count, part) {
// var blob,
// readPart,
// end;
// if (count >= metadata._blob.size) {
// return;
// }
// end = count + jio_storage._unite;
// blob = metadata._blob.slice(count, end);
// readPart = readResult.slice(count, end);
// return putIndexedDB(store, {"_id": metadata._id,
// "_attachment" : metadata._attachment,
// "_part" : part,
// "blob": blob}, readPart)
// .then(function () {
// return putAllPart(store, metadata, readResult, end, part + 1);
// });
// }
// return jIO.util.readBlobAsArrayBuffer(metadata._blob)
// .then(function (event) {
// readResult =;
// BlobInfo = {
// "content_type": metadata._blob.type,
// "length": metadata._blob.size
// };
// return new RSVP.Queue()
// .push(function () {
// return openIndexedDB(jio_storage._database_name);
// })
// .push(function (db) {
// global_db = db;
// transaction = db.transaction(["attachment",
// "blob"], "readwrite");
// return promiseResearch(transaction,
// metadata._id, "attachment", "_id");
// })
// .push(function (researchResult) {
// if (researchResult.result === undefined) {
// throw ({"status": 404, "reason": "Not Found",
// "message": "indexeddbStorage unable to put attachment"});
// }
// //update attachment
// researchResult.result._attachment = researchResult.
// result._attachment || {};
// researchResult.result._attachment[metadata._attachment] =
// (BlobInfo === undefined) ? "BlobInfo" : BlobInfo;
// return putIndexedDB(, researchResult.result);
// })
// .push(function () {
// //put in blob
// var store = transaction.objectStore("blob");
// return putAllPart(store, metadata, readResult, 0, 0);
// })
// .push(function () {
// return transactionEnd(transaction);
// })
* Add an attachment to a document
* @param {Object} metadata The data
IndexedDBStorage.prototype.putAttachment = function (metadata) {
var jio_storage = this,
function putAllPart(store, metadata, readResult, count, part) {
var blob,
if (count >= metadata._blob.size) {
end = count + jio_storage._unite;
blob = metadata._blob.slice(count, end);
readPart = readResult.slice(count, end);
return putIndexedDB(store, {"_id": metadata._id,
"_attachment" : metadata._attachment,
"_part" : part,
"blob": blob}, readPart)
.then(function () {
return putAllPart(store, metadata, readResult, end, part + 1);
return jIO.util.readBlobAsArrayBuffer(metadata._blob)
.then(function (event) {
readResult =;
BlobInfo = {
"content_type": metadata._blob.type,
"length": metadata._blob.size
return new RSVP.Queue()
.push(function () {
return openIndexedDB(jio_storage._database_name);
.push(function (db) {
global_db = db;
transaction = db.transaction(["attachment",
"blob"], "readwrite");
return promiseResearch(transaction,
metadata._id, "attachment", "_id");
.push(function (researchResult) {
if (researchResult.result === undefined) {
throw new jIO.util.jIOError("IndexeddbStorage unable to put attachment.", 500);
//update attachment
researchResult.result._attachment = researchResult.
result._attachment || {};
researchResult.result._attachment[metadata._attachment] =
(BlobInfo === undefined) ? "BlobInfo" : BlobInfo;
return putIndexedDB(, researchResult.result);
.push(function () {
//put in blob
var store = transaction.objectStore("blob");
return putAllPart(store, metadata, readResult, 0, 0);
.push(function () {
return transactionEnd(transaction);
// .push(function () {
// return {"status": 204};
// })
// .push(undefined, function (error) {
// if (global_db !== undefined) {
// global_db.close();
// }
// throw error;
// })
// .push(command.success, command.error, command.notify);
// });
// };
.push(undefined, function (error) {
if (global_db !== undefined) {
throw error;
// /**
// * Retriev a document attachment
// *
// * @param {Object} command The JIO command
// * @param {Object} param The command parameter
// */
// IndexedDBStorage.prototype.getAttachment = function (command, param) {
// var jio_storage = this,
// transaction,
// global_db,
// blob,
// totalLength;
// function getDesirePart(store, start, end) {
// if (start > end) {
// return;
// }
// return getIndexedDB(store, [param._id, param._attachment, start])
// .then(function (result) {
// var blobPart = result.blob;
// if (result.blob.byteLength !== undefined) {
// blobPart = new Blob([result.blob]);
// }
// if (blob) {
// blob = new Blob([blob, blobPart]);
// } else {
// blob = blobPart;
// }
// return getDesirePart(store, start + 1, end);
// });
// }
// return new RSVP.Queue()
// .push(function () {
// return openIndexedDB(jio_storage._database_name);
// })
// .push(function (db) {
// global_db = db;
// transaction = db.transaction(["attachment", "blob"], "readwrite");
// //check if the attachment exists
// return promiseResearch(transaction,
// param._id, "attachment", "_id");
// })
// .push(function (researchResult) {
// var result = researchResult.result,
// start,
// end;
// if (result === undefined ||
// result._attachment[param._attachment] === undefined) {
// throw ({"status": 404, "reason": "missing attachment",
// "message": "IndexeddbStorage, unable to get attachment."});
// }
// totalLength = result._attachment[param._attachment].length;
// param._start = param._start === undefined ? 0 : param._start;
// param._end = param._end === undefined ? totalLength
// : param._end;
// if (param._end > totalLength) {
// param._end = totalLength;
// }
// if (param._start < 0 || param._end < 0) {
// throw ({"status": 404, "reason": "invalide _start, _end",
// "message": "_start and _end must be positive"});
// }
// if (param._start > param._end) {
// throw ({"status": 404, "reason": "invalide offset",
// "message": "start is great then end"});
// }
// start = Math.floor(param._start / jio_storage._unite);
// end = Math.floor(param._end / jio_storage._unite);
// if (param._end % jio_storage._unite === 0) {
// end -= 1;
// }
// return getDesirePart(transaction.objectStore("blob"),
// start,
// end);
// })
// .push(function () {
// var start = param._start % jio_storage._unite,
// end = start + param._end - param._start;
// blob = blob.slice(start, end);
// return ({ "data": new Blob([blob], {type: "text/plain"})});
// })
// .push(undefined, function (error) {
// // Check if transaction is ongoing, if so, abort it
// if (transaction !== undefined) {
// transaction.abort();
// }
// if (global_db !== undefined) {
// global_db.close();
// }
// throw error;
// })
// .push(command.success, command.error, command.notify);
// };
* Retriev a document attachment
* @param {Object} param The command parameter
IndexedDBStorage.prototype.getAttachment = function (param) {
var jio_storage = this,
function getDesirePart(store, start, end) {
if (start > end) {
return getIndexedDB(store, [param._id, param._attachment, start])
.then(function (result) {
var blobPart = result.blob;
if (result.blob.byteLength !== undefined) {
blobPart = new Blob([result.blob]);
if (blob) {
blob = new Blob([blob, blobPart]);
} else {
blob = blobPart;
return getDesirePart(store, start + 1, end);
return new RSVP.Queue()
.push(function () {
return openIndexedDB(jio_storage._database_name);
.push(function (db) {
global_db = db;
transaction = db.transaction(["attachment", "blob"], "readwrite");
//check if the attachment exists
return promiseResearch(transaction,
param._id, "attachment", "_id");
.push(function (researchResult) {
var result = researchResult.result,
if (result === undefined ||
result._attachment[param._attachment] === undefined) {
throw new jIO.util.jIOError("IndexeddbStorage unable to get attachment.", 404);
totalLength = result._attachment[param._attachment].length;
param._start = param._start === undefined ? 0 : param._start;
param._end = param._end === undefined ? totalLength
: param._end;
if (param._end > totalLength) {
param._end = totalLength;
if (param._start < 0 || param._end < 0) {
throw ({"status": 404, "reason": "invalide _start, _end",
"message": "_start and _end must be positive"});
if (param._start > param._end) {
throw ({"status": 404, "reason": "invalide offset",
"message": "start is great then end"});
start = Math.floor(param._start / jio_storage._unite);
end = Math.floor(param._end / jio_storage._unite);
if (param._end % jio_storage._unite === 0) {
end -= 1;
return getDesirePart(transaction.objectStore("blob"),
.push(function () {
var start = param._start % jio_storage._unite,
end = start + param._end - param._start;
blob = blob.slice(start, end);
return new Blob([blob], {type: "text/plain"});
.push(undefined, function (error) {
// Check if transaction is ongoing, if so, abort it
if (transaction !== undefined) {
if (global_db !== undefined) {
throw error;
// /**
// * Remove an attachment
// *
// * @method removeAttachment
// * @param {Object} command The JIO command
// * @param {Object} param The command parameters
// */
// IndexedDBStorage.prototype.removeAttachment = function (command, param) {
// var jio_storage = this,
// transaction,
// global_db,
// totalLength;
// function removePart(store, part) {
// if (part * jio_storage._unite >= totalLength) {
// return;
// }
// return removeIndexedDB(store, [param._id, param._attachment, part])
// .then(function () {
// return removePart(store, part + 1);
// });
// }
// return new RSVP.Queue()
// .push(function () {
// return openIndexedDB(jio_storage._database_name);
// })
// .push(function (db) {
// global_db = db;
// transaction = db.transaction(["attachment", "blob"], "readwrite");
// //check if the attachment exists
// return promiseResearch(transaction, param._id,
// "attachment", "_id");
// })
// .push(function (researchResult) {
// var result = researchResult.result;
// if (result === undefined ||
// result._attachment[param._attachment] === undefined) {
// throw ({"status": 404, "reason": "missing attachment",
// "message":
// "IndexeddbStorage, document attachment not found."});
// }
// totalLength = result._attachment[param._attachment].length;
// //updata attachment
// delete result._attachment[param._attachment];
// return putIndexedDB(, result);
// })
// .push(function () {
// var store = transaction.objectStore("blob");
// return removePart(store, 0);
// })
// .push(function () {
// return transactionEnd(transaction);
// })
// .push(function () {
// return ({ "status": 204 });
// })
// .push(undefined, function (error) {
// if (global_db !== undefined) {
// global_db.close();
// }
// throw error;
// })
// .push(command.success, command.error, command.notify);
// };
* Remove an attachment
* @method removeAttachment
* @param {Object} param The command parameters
IndexedDBStorage.prototype.removeAttachment = function (param) {
var jio_storage = this,
function removePart(store, part) {
if (part * jio_storage._unite >= totalLength) {
return removeIndexedDB(store, [param._id, param._attachment, part])
.then(function () {
return removePart(store, part + 1);
return new RSVP.Queue()
.push(function () {
return openIndexedDB(jio_storage._database_name);
.push(function (db) {
global_db = db;
transaction = db.transaction(["attachment", "blob"], "readwrite");
//check if the attachment exists
return promiseResearch(transaction, param._id,
"attachment", "_id");
.push(function (researchResult) {
var result = researchResult.result;
if (result === undefined ||
result._attachment[param._attachment] === undefined) {
throw ({"status": 404, "reason": "missing attachment",
"IndexeddbStorage, document attachment not found."});
totalLength = result._attachment[param._attachment].length;
//updata attachment
delete result._attachment[param._attachment];
return putIndexedDB(, result);
.push(function () {
var store = transaction.objectStore("blob");
return removePart(store, 0);
.push(function () {
return transactionEnd(transaction);
.push(undefined, function (error) {
if (global_db !== undefined) {
throw error;
// IndexedDBStorage.prototype.allDocs = function (command, param, option) {
// IndexedDBStorage.prototype.allDocs = function (param, option) {
// /*jslint unparam: true */
// this.createDBIfNecessary().
// then(this.getListMetadata.bind(this, option)).
// then(command.success, command.error, command.notify);
// };
// IndexedDBStorage.prototype.check = function (command) {
// command.success();
// };
// = function (command) {
// command.success();
// then(this.getListMetadata.bind(this, option));
// };
jIO.addStorage("indexeddb", IndexedDBStorage);
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