/* * Copyright 2013, Nexedi SA * Released under the LGPL license. * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html */ // JIO ERP5 Storage Description : // { // type: "erp5" // url: {string} // } /*jslint nomen: true, unparam: true */ /*global jIO, UriTemplate, FormData, RSVP, URI, Blob*/ (function (jIO, UriTemplate, FormData, RSVP, URI, Blob) { "use strict"; function getSiteDocument(storage) { return new RSVP.Queue() .push(function () { return jIO.util.ajax({ "type": "GET", "url": storage._url, "xhrFields": { withCredentials: true } }); }) .push(function (event) { return JSON.parse(event.target.responseText); }); } function getDocumentAndHateoas(storage, id, options) { if (options === undefined) { options = {}; } return getSiteDocument(storage) .push(function (site_hal) { // XXX need to get modified metadata return new RSVP.Queue() .push(function () { return jIO.util.ajax({ "type": "GET", "url": UriTemplate.parse(site_hal._links.traverse.href) .expand({ relative_url: id, view: options._view }), "xhrFields": { withCredentials: true } }); }) .push(undefined, function (error) { if ((error.target !== undefined) && (error.target.status === 404)) { throw new jIO.util.jIOError("Cannot find document: " + id, 404); } throw error; }); }); } var allowed_field_dict = { "StringField": null, "IntegerField": null, "FloatField": null, "TextAreaField": null }; function extractPropertyFromForm(context, id) { return context.getAttachment(id, "view") .push(function (blob) { return jIO.util.readBlobAsText(blob); }) .push(function (evt) { return JSON.parse(evt.target.result); }) .push(function (json) { var form = json._embedded._view, converted_json = { portal_type: json.portal_type }, form_data_json = {}, field, key; form_data_json.form_id = { "key": [form.form_id.key], "default": form.form_id["default"] }; // XXX How to store datetime for (key in form) { if (form.hasOwnProperty(key)) { field = form[key]; if ((key.indexOf('my_') === 0) && (field.editable) && (allowed_field_dict.hasOwnProperty(field.type))) { form_data_json[key.substring(3)] = { "default": field["default"], "key": field.key }; converted_json[key.substring(3)] = field["default"]; } } } return { action_href: form._actions.put.href, data: converted_json, form_data: form_data_json }; }); } // XXX docstring function ERP5Storage(spec) { if (typeof spec.url !== "string" || !spec.url) { throw new TypeError("ERP5 'url' must be a string " + "which contains more than one character."); } this._url = spec.url; this._default_view_reference = spec.default_view_reference; } ERP5Storage.prototype.get = function (id) { return extractPropertyFromForm(this, id) .push(function (result) { var key; result = result.data; // Remove all ERP5 hateoas links / convert them into jIO ID for (key in result) { if (result.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (!result[key]) { delete result[key]; } } } return result; }); }; ERP5Storage.prototype.put = function (id, data) { var context = this; return extractPropertyFromForm(context, id) .push(function (result) { var key, json = result.form_data, form_data = {}; form_data[json.form_id.key] = json.form_id["default"]; // XXX How to store datetime:!!!!! for (key in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (key === "form_id") { throw new jIO.util.jIOError( "ERP5: forbidden property: " + key, 400 ); } if ((key !== "portal_type") && (key !== "parent_relative_url")) { if (!json.hasOwnProperty(key)) { throw new jIO.util.jIOError( "ERP5: can not store property: " + key, 400 ); } form_data[json[key].key] = data[key]; } } } return context.putAttachment( id, result.action_href, new Blob([JSON.stringify(form_data)], {type: "application/json"}) ); }); }; ERP5Storage.prototype.allAttachments = function (id) { var context = this; return getDocumentAndHateoas(this, id) .push(function () { if (context._default_view_reference === undefined) { return { links: {} }; } return { view: {}, links: {} }; }); }; ERP5Storage.prototype.getAttachment = function (id, action) { if (action === "view") { if (this._default_view_reference === undefined) { throw new jIO.util.jIOError( "Cannot find attachment view for: " + id, 404 ); } return getDocumentAndHateoas(this, id, {"_view": this._default_view_reference}) .push(function (response) { var result = JSON.parse(response.target.responseText); result._id = id; result.portal_type = result._links.type.name; // Remove all ERP5 hateoas links / convert them into jIO ID // XXX Change default action to an jio urn with attachment name inside // if Base_edit, do put URN // if others, do post URN (ie, unique new attachment name) // XXX Except this attachment name should be generated when return new Blob( [JSON.stringify(result)], {"type": 'application/hal+json'} ); }); } if (action === "links") { return getDocumentAndHateoas(this, id) .push(function (response) { return new Blob( [JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(response.target.responseText))], {"type": 'application/hal+json'} ); }); } if (action.indexOf(this._url) === 0) { return new RSVP.Queue() .push(function () { return jIO.util.ajax({ "type": "GET", "url": action, "xhrFields": { withCredentials: true } }); }) .push(function (evt) { var result = JSON.parse(evt.target.responseText); result._id = id; return new Blob( [JSON.stringify(result)], {"type": evt.target.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")} ); }); } throw new jIO.util.jIOError("ERP5: not support get attachment: " + action, 400); }; ERP5Storage.prototype.putAttachment = function (id, name, blob) { // Assert we use a callable on a document from the ERP5 site if (name.indexOf(this._url) !== 0) { throw new jIO.util.jIOError("Can not store outside ERP5: " + name, 400); } return new RSVP.Queue() .push(function () { return jIO.util.readBlobAsText(blob); }) .push(function (evt) { var form_data = JSON.parse(evt.target.result), data = new FormData(), key; for (key in form_data) { if (form_data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { data.append(key, form_data[key]); } } return jIO.util.ajax({ "type": "POST", "url": name, "data": data, "xhrFields": { withCredentials: true } }); }); }; ERP5Storage.prototype.hasCapacity = function (name) { return ((name === "list") || (name === "query") || (name === "select") || (name === "limit")); }; ERP5Storage.prototype.buildQuery = function (options) { // if (typeof options.query !== "string") { // options.query = (options.query ? // jIO.Query.objectToSearchText(options.query) : // undefined); // } return getSiteDocument(this) .push(function (site_hal) { return jIO.util.ajax({ "type": "GET", "url": UriTemplate.parse(site_hal._links.raw_search.href) .expand({ query: options.query, // XXX Force erp5 to return embedded document select_list: options.select_list || ["title", "reference"], limit: options.limit }), "xhrFields": { withCredentials: true } }); }) .push(function (response) { return JSON.parse(response.target.responseText); }) .push(function (catalog_json) { var data = catalog_json._embedded.contents, count = data.length, i, uri, item, result = []; for (i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { item = data[i]; uri = new URI(item._links.self.href); delete item._links; result.push({ id: uri.segment(2), value: item }); } return result; }); }; jIO.addStorage("erp5", ERP5Storage); }(jIO, UriTemplate, FormData, RSVP, URI, Blob));