diff --git a/product/ERP5/Document/NewOrderRule.py b/product/ERP5/Document/NewOrderRule.py
index c13ca00add447322c15d35598acfee572f454f96..c23d2a1f94710ddbaa17fda7c6bb9d65cb1e736a 100644
--- a/product/ERP5/Document/NewOrderRule.py
+++ b/product/ERP5/Document/NewOrderRule.py
@@ -34,9 +34,11 @@ from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
 from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet, interfaces
 from Products.ERP5.Document.Predicate import Predicate
 from Products.ERP5.mixin.rule import RuleMixin
+from Products.ERP5.mixin.movement_collection_updater import \
+     MovementCollectionUpdaterMixin
 from Products.ERP5.MovementCollectionDiff import _getPropertyAndCategoryList
-class NewOrderRule(RuleMixin, Predicate):
+class NewOrderRule(RuleMixin, MovementCollectionUpdaterMixin, Predicate):
   Order Rule object make sure an Order in the simulation
   is consistent with the real order
diff --git a/product/ERP5/mixin/movement_collection_updater.py b/product/ERP5/mixin/movement_collection_updater.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..39e0116febfb866feb56930a58294eb8079dfd4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/product/ERP5/mixin/movement_collection_updater.py
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+import zope.interface
+from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
+from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, interfaces
+from Products.ERP5.MovementCollectionDiff import MovementCollectionDiff
+from Products.ERP5.mixin.rule import _compare
+class MovementCollectionUpdaterMixin:
+  """Movement Collection Updater interface specification
+  Documents which implement IMovementCollectionUpdater
+  usually invoke an IMovementGenerator to generate
+  an IMovementList and compare it to another IMovementList
+  obtained from an IMovementCollection, thus generating
+  an IMovementCollectionDiff.
+  """
+  # Declarative security
+  security = ClassSecurityInfo()
+  security.declareObjectProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation)
+  # Declarative interfaces
+  zope.interface.implements(interfaces.IMovementCollectionUpdater,)
+  # Implementation of IMovementCollectionUpdater
+  def getMovementCollectionDiff(self, context, rounding=False,
+                                movement_generator=None):
+    """
+    Return a IMovementCollectionDiff by comparing movements
+    the list of movements of context and the list of movements
+    generated by movement_generator on context.
+    context -- an IMovementCollection usually, possibly
+               an IMovementList or an IMovement
+    movement_generator -- an optional IMovementGenerator
+                          (if not specified, a context implicit
+                          IMovementGenerator will be used)
+    """
+    # We suppose here that we have an IMovementCollection in hand
+    decision_movement_list = context.getMovementList()
+    prevision_movement_list = movement_generator.getAggregatedMovementList(
+      self._getMovementGeneratorContext(context),
+      movement_list=self._getMovementGeneratorMovementList(), rounding=rounding)
+    # Get divergence testers
+    tester_list = self._getMatchingTesterList()
+    if len(tester_list) == 0:
+      raise ValueError("It is not possible to match movements without divergence testers")
+    # Create small groups of movements per hash keys
+    decision_movement_dict = {}
+    for movement in decision_movement_list:
+      tester_key = []
+      for tester in tester_list:
+        if tester.test(movement):
+          tester_key.append(tester.generateHashKey(movement))
+        else:
+          tester_key.append(None)
+      tester_key = tuple(tester_key)
+      decision_movement_dict.setdefault(tester_key, []).append(movement)
+    prevision_movement_dict = {}
+    for movement in prevision_movement_list:
+      tester_key = []
+      for tester in tester_list:
+        if tester.test(movement):
+          tester_key.append(tester.generateHashKey(movement))
+        else:
+          tester_key.append(None)
+      tester_key = tuple(tester_key)
+      prevision_movement_dict.setdefault(tester_key, []).append(movement)
+    # Prepare a mapping between prevision and decision
+    # The prevision_to_decision_map is a list of tuples
+    # of the form (prevision_movement_dict, list of decision_movement)
+    prevision_to_decision_map = []
+    # First find out all existing (decision) movements which belong to no group
+    no_group_list = []
+    for tester_key in decision_movement_dict.keys():
+      if prevision_movement_dict.has_key(tester_key):
+        for decision_movement in decision_movement_dict[tester_key]:
+          no_match = True
+          for prevision_movement in prevision_movement_dict[tester_key]:
+            # Check if this movement belongs to an existing group
+            if _compare(tester_list, prevision_movement, decision_movement):
+              no_match = False
+              break
+          if no_match:
+            # There is no matching.
+            # So, let us add the decision movements to no_group_list
+            no_group_list.append(decision_movement)
+      else:
+        # The tester key does not even exist.
+        # So, let us add all decision movements to no_group_list
+        no_group_list.extend(decision_movement_dict[tester_key])
+    if len(no_group_list) > 0:
+      prevision_to_decision_map.append((None, no_group_list))
+    # Second, let us create small groups of movements
+    for tester_key in prevision_movement_dict.keys():
+      for prevision_movement in prevision_movement_dict[tester_key]:
+        map_list = []
+        for decision_movement in decision_movement_dict.get(tester_key, ()):
+          if _compare(tester_list, prevision_movement, decision_movement):
+            # XXX is it OK to have more than 2 decision_movements? # XXX-JPS - I think yes
+            map_list.append(decision_movement)
+        prevision_to_decision_map.append((prevision_movement, map_list))
+    # Third, time to create the diff
+    movement_collection_diff = MovementCollectionDiff()
+    for (prevision_movement, decision_movement_list) in prevision_to_decision_map:
+      self._extendMovementCollectionDiff(movement_collection_diff, prevision_movement,
+                                         decision_movement_list)
+    # Return result
+    return movement_collection_diff
+  def updateMovementCollection(self, context, rounding=False,
+                               movement_generator=None):
+    """
+    Invoke getMovementCollectionDiff and update context with
+    the resulting IMovementCollectionDiff.
+    context -- an IMovementCollection usually, possibly
+               an IMovementList or an IMovement
+    movement_generator -- an optional IMovementGenerator
+                          (if not specified, a context implicit
+                          IMovementGenerator will be used)
+    """
+    movement_diff = self.getMovementCollectionDiff(context,
+                 rounding=rounding, movement_generator=movement_generator)
+    # Apply Diff
+    for movement in movement_diff.getDeletableMovementList():
+      movement.getParentValue().deleteContent(movement.getId())
+    for movement in movement_diff.getUpdatableMovementList():
+      kw = movement_diff.getMovementPropertyDict(movement)
+      movement.edit(**kw)
+    for movement in movement_diff.getNewMovementList():
+      # This case is easy, because it is an applied rule
+      kw = movement_diff.getMovementPropertyDict(movement)
+      movement = context.newContent(portal_type=self.movement_type, **kw)
diff --git a/product/ERP5/mixin/rule.py b/product/ERP5/mixin/rule.py
index 422e766cf003d45d0605d5cb0ab832e9e7133db3..daae4f8058986a8ab8be781773d9f62acf5eb99d 100644
--- a/product/ERP5/mixin/rule.py
+++ b/product/ERP5/mixin/rule.py
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
 from Acquisition import aq_base
 from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
 from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, interfaces
-from Products.ERP5.MovementCollectionDiff import MovementCollectionDiff
 def _compare(tester_list, prevision_movement, decision_movement):
   for tester in tester_list:
@@ -151,125 +150,6 @@ class RuleMixin:
     return result_list
-  # Implementation of IMovementCollectionUpdater
-  def getMovementCollectionDiff(self, context, rounding=False, movement_generator=None):
-    """
-    Return a IMovementCollectionDiff by comparing movements
-    the list of movements of context and the list of movements
-    generated by movement_generator on context.
-    context -- an IMovementCollection usually, possibly
-               an IMovementList or an IMovement
-    movement_generator -- an optional IMovementGenerator
-                          (if not specified, a context implicit
-                          IMovementGenerator will be used)
-    """
-    # We suppose here that we have an IMovementCollection in hand
-    decision_movement_list = context.getMovementList()
-    prevision_movement_list = movement_generator.getAggregatedMovementList(
-      self._getMovementGeneratorContext(context),
-      movement_list=self._getMovementGeneratorMovementList(), rounding=rounding)
-    # Get divergence testers
-    tester_list = self._getMatchingTesterList()
-    if len(tester_list) == 0:
-      raise ValueError("It is not possible to match movements without divergence testers")
-    # Create small groups of movements per hash keys
-    decision_movement_dict = {}
-    for movement in decision_movement_list:
-      tester_key = []
-      for tester in tester_list:
-        if tester.test(movement):
-          tester_key.append(tester.generateHashKey(movement))
-        else:
-          tester_key.append(None)
-      tester_key = tuple(tester_key)
-      decision_movement_dict.setdefault(tester_key, []).append(movement)
-    prevision_movement_dict = {}
-    for movement in prevision_movement_list:
-      tester_key = []
-      for tester in tester_list:
-        if tester.test(movement):
-          tester_key.append(tester.generateHashKey(movement))
-        else:
-          tester_key.append(None)
-      tester_key = tuple(tester_key)
-      prevision_movement_dict.setdefault(tester_key, []).append(movement)
-    # Prepare a mapping between prevision and decision
-    #   The prevision_to_decision_map is a list of tuples
-    #   of the form (prevision_movement_dict, list of decision_movement)
-    prevision_to_decision_map = []
-    # First find out all existing (decision) movements which belong to no group
-    no_group_list = []
-    for tester_key in decision_movement_dict.keys():
-      if prevision_movement_dict.has_key(tester_key):
-        for decision_movement in decision_movement_dict[tester_key]:
-          no_match = True
-          for prevision_movement in prevision_movement_dict[tester_key]:
-            # Check if this movement belongs to an existing group
-            if _compare(tester_list, prevision_movement, decision_movement):
-              no_match = False
-              break
-          if no_match:
-            # There is no matching.
-            # So, let us add the decision movements to no_group_list
-            no_group_list.append(decision_movement)
-      else:
-        # The tester key does not even exist.
-        # So, let us add all decision movements to no_group_list
-        no_group_list.extend(decision_movement_dict[tester_key])
-    if len(no_group_list) > 0:
-      prevision_to_decision_map.append((None, no_group_list))
-    # Second, let us create small groups of movements
-    for tester_key in prevision_movement_dict.keys():
-      for prevision_movement in prevision_movement_dict[tester_key]:
-        map_list = []
-        for decision_movement in decision_movement_dict.get(tester_key, ()):
-          if _compare(tester_list, prevision_movement, decision_movement):
-            # XXX is it OK to have more than 2 decision_movements? # XXX-JPS - I think yes
-            map_list.append(decision_movement)
-        prevision_to_decision_map.append((prevision_movement, map_list))
-    # Third, time to create the diff
-    movement_collection_diff = MovementCollectionDiff()
-    for (prevision_movement, decision_movement_list) in prevision_to_decision_map:
-      self._extendMovementCollectionDiff(movement_collection_diff, prevision_movement,
-                                         decision_movement_list)
-    # Return result
-    return movement_collection_diff
-  def updateMovementCollection(self, context, rounding=False, movement_generator=None):
-    """
-    Invoke getMovementCollectionDiff and update context with
-    the resulting IMovementCollectionDiff.
-    context -- an IMovementCollection usually, possibly
-               an IMovementList or an IMovement
-    movement_generator -- an optional IMovementGenerator
-                          (if not specified, a context implicit
-                          IMovementGenerator will be used)
-    """
-    movement_diff = self.getMovementCollectionDiff(context,
-                 rounding=rounding, movement_generator=movement_generator)
-    # Apply Diff
-    for movement in movement_diff.getDeletableMovementList():
-      movement.getParentValue().deleteContent(movement.getId())
-    for movement in movement_diff.getUpdatableMovementList():
-      kw = movement_diff.getMovementPropertyDict(movement)
-      movement.edit(**kw)
-    for movement in movement_diff.getNewMovementList():
-      # This case is easy, because it is an applied rule
-      kw = movement_diff.getMovementPropertyDict(movement)
-      movement = context.newContent(portal_type=self.movement_type, **kw)
   # Placeholder for methods to override
   def _getMovementGenerator(self):