2011-07-01 gabriel.oliveira
* Refactor javascript to apply inside new ung structure

2011-07-01 gabriel.oliveira
* Refactor css to apply inside new ung structure

2011-07-01 gabriel.oliveira
* Fix unfoldDomain param, and disable reset
* Fix forgot to commit erp5_web_ung_layout form content
* Remove old listbox and add new one based on gadget

2011-06-09 gabriel.oliveira
* Force listbox page navigation to work

2011-06-08 gabriel.oliveira
* Add Xinha Editor as an option to Preferred Text Editor

2011-04-04 gabriel
* Add field to change the language of Web Site

2011-02-10 gabriel
* Add script ERP5Site_loadEmailThreadData to load the data of selected email. This script is used to open one email in the current page.
* Refactor ERP5Site_createNewEmailThread to do not create a new email if  it already exist one Email Thread created.

2011-02-09 gabriel
* Add logo to UNG Mail
* Add Form to compose a new email
* Refactor code to display in listbox the hour instead of the date when the email was created in current day
* Add javascript file to UNG Mail

2011-02-07 gabriel
* Initial commit to UNG Mail
* Added Web Section and form to Mail
* Add domain to UNG Mail

2011-02-04 gabriel
* Release 0.3 (r43019)
* Added UNG Calendar Prototype

2011-01-25 gabriel
* Add Web Section to UNG Calendar and added new form and css file for this section.

2011-01-19 gabriel
* Release 0.2 (r42537)

2010-01-17 gabriel
* Add CachingMethod to extract all subjects from all objects in Web Page Module

2010-01-17 gabriel
* Add CachingMethod to extract all subjects from all objects in Web Page Module

2010-01-10 gabriel
* Add gadget view on UNG template and added script to add a gadget

2010-01-07 gabriel
* Add dialog to display the list of gadget

2010-01-05 gabriel
* Add Domains and clean up the code that generates domains

2010-12-28 gabriel
* Added javascript code to be possible choose the theme to Spreadsheet editor and save it

2010-12-27 gabriel
* Implemented javascript code to be possible save all changes on enabled preferences.
* Clean up the code to remove some global variables

2010-12-27 gabriel
* Fix issue with search
* Add tag to display the document's key shared in the view page.
* Refactor javascript code to checkall and uncheckall actions do not reload the page

2010-12-22 gabriel
* Initial commit to load part of user and system preferences
* Implemented code to allow which the user edit the document using the reference of the document shared.
* Clean up the script to generate the UNG Domains and remove not used scripts.

2010-12-20 gabriel
* Added page to Login and script to Logout
* Initial implementation to share documents in UNG.
* Added redirect to be possible open the document with the key.

2010-12-16 gabriel
* Implemented feature to change the state of Document via UNG Theme

2010-12-14 gabriel
* Added default reference for templates.
* Refactor code to create the documents allowed in UNG using ERP5 System Templates.
* Added one preference and one template for each allowed object in UNG Web Site

2010-12-13 gabriel
* Remove all categories because for now all ung sections are domains only

2010-12-10 gabriel
* Refactored code to be possible make upload of Spreadsheet Documents.

2010-12-10 gabriel
* Added box and feature to make upload of Text documents.

2010-12-07 gabriel
* Added feature to be possible filter the Listbox according to the Portal Type

2010-12-06 gabriel
* refactor the script WebSection_deleteObjectList to remove completely the objects with state 'deleted'.

2010-12-06 gabriel
* Added one domain and categories to filter the documents in listbox.

2010-12-04 gabriel
* Refactor script to not delete object completely but only change the state in the first time. The goals is only remove the object completely on the trash section.

2010-11-12 gabriel
* clean up css to show records number of listbox in toolbar

2010-11-11 gabriel
* Added page navigation to listbox

2010-11-05 gabriel
* Implemented action to rename document and added script to do it.

2010-10-29 gabriel
* added dropdown menu to create new documents and css style for it

2010-10-26 gabriel
* Remove not used attributes in ung template and added Jquery to change the content width dynamically

2010-10-25 gabriel
* Added feature to search documents by text and change 'Refresh' button to reset the query

2010-10-21 gabriel
* Added action to create new Web documents

2010-10-19 gabriel
* Added ERP5 Form to show contents allowed in UNG WebSite and added new styles to listbox

2010-10-14 gabriel
* Clean up the bt5 because all fields were moved to erp5_web_ung_core