Commit 6b9607c6 authored by Marius Wachtler's avatar Marius Wachtler

rewrite additional nonzero() cases

parent 3307cddc
......@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ ICSetupInfo* createBinexpIC(TypeRecorder* type_recorder) {
ICSetupInfo* createNonzeroIC(TypeRecorder* type_recorder) {
return ICSetupInfo::initialize(true, 2, 64, ICSetupInfo::Nonzero, type_recorder);
return ICSetupInfo::initialize(true, 2, 512, ICSetupInfo::Nonzero, type_recorder);
ICSetupInfo* createHasnextIC(TypeRecorder* type_recorder) {
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public:
class NonzeroIC : public RuntimeIC {
NonzeroIC() : RuntimeIC((void*)nonzero, 1, 40) {}
NonzeroIC() : RuntimeIC((void*)nonzero, 1, 512) {}
bool call(Box* obj) { return call_bool(obj); }
......@@ -2275,12 +2275,28 @@ extern "C" void setattr(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, Box* attr_val) {
static bool nonzeroHelper(Box* r) {
// I believe this behavior is handled by the slot wrappers in CPython:
if (r->cls == bool_cls) {
BoxedBool* b = static_cast<BoxedBool*>(r);
bool rtn = b->n;
return rtn;
} else if (r->cls == int_cls) {
BoxedInt* b = static_cast<BoxedInt*>(r);
bool rtn = b->n != 0;
return rtn;
} else {
raiseExcHelper(TypeError, "__nonzero__ should return bool or int, returned %s", getTypeName(r));
extern "C" bool nonzero(Box* obj) {
STAT_TIMER(t0, "us_timer_slowpath_nonzero", 10);
static StatCounter slowpath_nonzero("slowpath_nonzero");
std::unique_ptr<Rewriter> rewriter(
Rewriter::createRewriter(__builtin_extract_return_addr(__builtin_return_address(0)), 1, "nonzero"));
......@@ -2374,40 +2390,47 @@ extern "C" bool nonzero(Box* obj) {
return r;
// TODO: rewrite these.
static BoxedString* nonzero_str = internStringImmortal("__nonzero__");
static BoxedString* len_str = internStringImmortal("__len__");
// go through descriptor logic
Box* func = getclsattrInternal(obj, nonzero_str, NULL);
if (!func)
func = getclsattrInternal(obj, len_str, NULL);
if (func == NULL) {
ASSERT(obj->cls->is_user_defined || obj->cls == classobj_cls || obj->cls == type_cls
|| isSubclass(obj->cls, Exception) || obj->cls == file_cls || obj->cls == traceback_cls
|| obj->cls == instancemethod_cls || obj->cls == module_cls || obj->cls == capifunc_cls
|| obj->cls == builtin_function_or_method_cls || obj->cls == method_cls || obj->cls == frame_cls
|| obj->cls == generator_cls || obj->cls == capi_getset_cls || obj->cls == pyston_getset_cls
|| obj->cls == wrapperdescr_cls,
"%s.__nonzero__", getTypeName(obj)); // TODO
// TODO should rewrite these?
return true;
Box* r = runtimeCallInternal<CXX>(func, NULL, ArgPassSpec(0), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// I believe this behavior is handled by the slot wrappers in CPython:
if (r->cls == bool_cls) {
BoxedBool* b = static_cast<BoxedBool*>(r);
bool rtn = b->n;
return rtn;
} else if (r->cls == int_cls) {
BoxedInt* b = static_cast<BoxedInt*>(r);
bool rtn = b->n != 0;
return rtn;
} else {
raiseExcHelper(TypeError, "__nonzero__ should return bool or int, returned %s", getTypeName(r));
// try __nonzero__
GetattrRewriteArgs grewrite_args(rewriter.get(), r_obj, rewriter ? rewriter->getReturnDestination() : Location());
Box* func = getclsattrInternal(obj, nonzero_str, rewriter ? &grewrite_args : NULL);
if (!grewrite_args.out_success)
if (!func) {
// try __len__
= GetattrRewriteArgs(rewriter.get(), r_obj, rewriter ? rewriter->getReturnDestination() : Location());
func = getclsattrInternal(obj, len_str, rewriter ? &grewrite_args : NULL);
if (!grewrite_args.out_success)
if (func == NULL) {
ASSERT(obj->cls->is_user_defined || obj->cls == classobj_cls || obj->cls == type_cls
|| isSubclass(obj->cls, Exception) || obj->cls == file_cls || obj->cls == traceback_cls
|| obj->cls == instancemethod_cls || obj->cls == module_cls || obj->cls == capifunc_cls
|| obj->cls == builtin_function_or_method_cls || obj->cls == method_cls || obj->cls == frame_cls
|| obj->cls == generator_cls || obj->cls == capi_getset_cls || obj->cls == pyston_getset_cls
|| obj->cls == wrapperdescr_cls,
"%s.__nonzero__", getTypeName(obj)); // TODO
if (rewriter.get()) {
RewriterVar* b = rewriter->loadConst(1, rewriter->getReturnDestination());
return true;
CallRewriteArgs cargs(rewriter.get(), grewrite_args.out_rtn,
rewriter ? rewriter->getReturnDestination() : Location());
Box* rtn = runtimeCallInternal0<CXX>(func, rewriter ? &cargs : NULL, ArgPassSpec(0));
if (cargs.out_success) {
RewriterVar* b = rewriter->call(false, (void*)nonzeroHelper, cargs.out_rtn);
return nonzeroHelper(rtn);
extern "C" BoxedString* str(Box* obj) {
# run_args: -n
# statcheck: noninit_count('slowpath_nonzero') <= 10
# statcheck: noninit_count('slowpath_nonzero') <= 25
def f():
for i in xrange(-10, 10):
......@@ -9,3 +9,29 @@ def f():
print "is false-y"
num_nonzero = 0
num_len = 0
class C(object):
def mynonzero(self):
global num_nonzero
num_nonzero += 1
return True
def mylen(self):
global num_len
num_len += 1
return True
f = C()
s = 0
for i in range(1000):
if f:
if i == 200:
C.__len__ = C.mylen
if i == 400:
C.__nonzero__ = C.mynonzero
if i == 600:
del C.__len__
if i == 800:
del C.__nonzero__
print num_nonzero, num_len
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