Commit 7df9e626 authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski Committed by Kevin Modzelewski


- improve bool and str hash() speed
- optimize str.find(char)
parent 5926766a
......@@ -39,8 +39,12 @@ extern "C" Box* boolRepr(BoxedBool* v) {
return false_str;
extern "C" Box* boolHash(BoxedBool* v) {
return boxInt(v == True);
size_t bool_hash(BoxedBool* v) {
return v == True;
Box* boolHash(BoxedBool* v) {
return boxInt(bool_hash(v));
extern "C" Box* boolNew(Box* cls, Box* val) {
......@@ -96,6 +100,7 @@ void setupBool() {
bool_cls->giveAttr("__xor__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)boolXor, BOXED_BOOL, 2)));
bool_cls->tp_hash = (hashfunc)bool_hash;
void teardownBool() {
......@@ -1584,7 +1584,11 @@ extern "C" size_t strHashUnboxed(BoxedString* self) {
extern "C" Box* strHash(BoxedString* self) {
return boxLong(strHashUnboxed(self));
return boxInt(strHashUnboxed(self));
size_t str_hash(BoxedString* self) noexcept {
return strHashUnboxed(self);
extern "C" Box* strNonzero(BoxedString* self) {
......@@ -1827,8 +1831,14 @@ Box* strReplace(Box* _self, Box* _old, Box* _new, Box** _args) {
int max_replaces = static_cast<BoxedInt*>(_maxreplace)->n;
size_t start_pos = 0;
std::string s = self->s();
bool single_char = old->size() == 1;
for (int num_replaced = 0; num_replaced < max_replaces || max_replaces < 0; ++num_replaced) {
start_pos = s.find(old->s(), start_pos);
if (single_char)
start_pos = s.find(old->s()[0], start_pos);
start_pos = s.find(old->s(), start_pos);
if (start_pos == std::string::npos)
s.replace(start_pos, old->size(), new_->s());
......@@ -1841,7 +1851,11 @@ Box* strPartition(BoxedString* self, BoxedString* sep) {
RELEASE_ASSERT(PyString_Check(self), "");
RELEASE_ASSERT(PyString_Check(sep), "");
size_t found_idx = self->s().find(sep->s());
size_t found_idx;
if (sep->size() == 1)
found_idx = self->s().find(sep->s()[0]);
found_idx = self->s().find(sep->s());
if (found_idx == std::string::npos)
return BoxedTuple::create({ self, EmptyString, EmptyString });
......@@ -2063,7 +2077,12 @@ Box* strContains(BoxedString* self, Box* elt) {
BoxedString* sub = static_cast<BoxedString*>(elt);
size_t found_idx = self->s().find(sub->s());
size_t found_idx;
if (sub->size() == 1)
// Call the much-faster single-character find():
found_idx = self->s().find(sub->s()[0]);
found_idx = self->s().find(sub->s());
if (found_idx == std::string::npos)
return False;
return True;
......@@ -2841,6 +2860,7 @@ void setupStr() {
str_cls->tp_as_sequence->sq_slice = str_slice;
str_cls->tp_as_sequence->sq_length = str_length;
str_cls->tp_iter = (decltype(str_cls->tp_iter))strIter;
str_cls->tp_hash = (hashfunc)str_hash;
boxString("Type basestring cannot be instantiated; it is the base for str and unicode."));
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