Commit 7ea987f7 authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski

Templatize callattrInternal()

and friends.  Should be pretty much the last step for letting
calls go all the way through our runtime using CAPI exceptions.
parent b9367a3f
......@@ -1068,8 +1068,8 @@ Box* slotTpGetattrHookInternal(Box* self, BoxedString* name, GetattrRewriteArgs*
crewrite_args.arg1 = rewrite_args->rewriter->loadConst((intptr_t)name, Location::forArg(1));
res = callattrInternal(self, _getattr_str, LookupScope::CLASS_ONLY, &crewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(1), name, NULL,
res = callattrInternal<CXX>(self, _getattr_str, LookupScope::CLASS_ONLY, &crewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(1), name,
if (!crewrite_args.out_success)
......@@ -1082,8 +1082,8 @@ Box* slotTpGetattrHookInternal(Box* self, BoxedString* name, GetattrRewriteArgs*
// the rewrite_args and non-rewrite_args case the same.
// Actually, we might have gotten to the point that doing a runtimeCall on an instancemethod is as
// fast as a callattr, but that hasn't typically been the case.
res = callattrInternal(self, _getattr_str, LookupScope::CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), name, NULL, NULL,
res = callattrInternal<CXX>(self, _getattr_str, LookupScope::CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), name, NULL, NULL,
......@@ -99,21 +99,25 @@ bool checkInst(LookupScope scope) {
return (scope & INST_ONLY) != 0;
template <ExceptionStyle S>
static inline Box* callattrInternal0(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, LookupScope scope, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args,
ArgPassSpec argspec) {
return callattrInternal(obj, attr, scope, rewrite_args, argspec, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
ArgPassSpec argspec) noexcept(S == CAPI) {
return callattrInternal<S>(obj, attr, scope, rewrite_args, argspec, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
template <ExceptionStyle S>
static inline Box* callattrInternal1(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, LookupScope scope, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args,
ArgPassSpec argspec, Box* arg1) {
return callattrInternal(obj, attr, scope, rewrite_args, argspec, arg1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
ArgPassSpec argspec, Box* arg1) noexcept(S == CAPI) {
return callattrInternal<S>(obj, attr, scope, rewrite_args, argspec, arg1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
template <ExceptionStyle S>
static inline Box* callattrInternal2(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, LookupScope scope, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args,
ArgPassSpec argspec, Box* arg1, Box* arg2) {
return callattrInternal(obj, attr, scope, rewrite_args, argspec, arg1, arg2, NULL, NULL, NULL);
ArgPassSpec argspec, Box* arg1, Box* arg2) noexcept(S == CAPI) {
return callattrInternal<S>(obj, attr, scope, rewrite_args, argspec, arg1, arg2, NULL, NULL, NULL);
template <ExceptionStyle S>
static inline Box* callattrInternal3(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, LookupScope scope, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args,
ArgPassSpec argspec, Box* arg1, Box* arg2, Box* arg3) {
return callattrInternal(obj, attr, scope, rewrite_args, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, NULL, NULL);
ArgPassSpec argspec, Box* arg1, Box* arg2, Box* arg3) noexcept(S == CAPI) {
return callattrInternal<S>(obj, attr, scope, rewrite_args, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, NULL, NULL);
......@@ -224,14 +228,14 @@ extern "C" void printHelper(Box* dest, Box* var, bool nl) {
// begin code for handling of softspace
bool new_softspace = !nl;
if (softspace(dest, new_softspace))
callattrInternal(dest, write_str, CLASS_OR_INST, 0, ArgPassSpec(1), space_str, 0, 0, 0, 0);
callattrInternal<CXX>(dest, write_str, CLASS_OR_INST, 0, ArgPassSpec(1), space_str, 0, 0, 0, 0);
Box* str_or_unicode_var = (var->cls == unicode_cls) ? var : str(var);
callattrInternal(dest, write_str, CLASS_OR_INST, 0, ArgPassSpec(1), str_or_unicode_var, 0, 0, 0, 0);
callattrInternal<CXX>(dest, write_str, CLASS_OR_INST, 0, ArgPassSpec(1), str_or_unicode_var, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (nl) {
callattrInternal(dest, write_str, CLASS_OR_INST, 0, ArgPassSpec(1), newline_str, 0, 0, 0, 0);
callattrInternal<CXX>(dest, write_str, CLASS_OR_INST, 0, ArgPassSpec(1), newline_str, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (!var)
softspace(dest, false);
......@@ -2399,7 +2403,7 @@ extern "C" BoxedString* str(Box* obj) {
if (obj->cls != str_cls) {
// TODO could do an IC optimization here (once we do rewrites here at all):
// if __str__ is objectStr, just guard on that and call repr directly.
obj = callattrInternal(obj, str_box, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(0), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
obj = callattrInternal<CXX>(obj, str_box, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(0), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (isSubclass(obj->cls, unicode_cls)) {
......@@ -2428,7 +2432,7 @@ extern "C" BoxedString* repr(Box* obj) {
static BoxedString* repr_box = internStringImmortal(repr_str.c_str());
obj = callattrInternal(obj, repr_box, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(0), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
obj = callattrInternal<CXX>(obj, repr_box, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(0), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (isSubclass(obj->cls, unicode_cls)) {
obj = PyUnicode_AsASCIIString(obj);
......@@ -2555,13 +2559,13 @@ template <ExceptionStyle S> BoxedInt* lenInternal(Box* obj, LenRewriteArgs* rewr
try {
if (rewrite_args) {
CallRewriteArgs crewrite_args(rewrite_args->rewriter, rewrite_args->obj, rewrite_args->destination);
rtn = callattrInternal0(obj, len_str, CLASS_ONLY, &crewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(0));
rtn = callattrInternal0<CXX>(obj, len_str, CLASS_ONLY, &crewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(0));
if (!crewrite_args.out_success)
rewrite_args = NULL;
else if (rtn)
rewrite_args->out_rtn = crewrite_args.out_rtn;
} else {
rtn = callattrInternal0(obj, len_str, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(0));
rtn = callattrInternal0<CXX>(obj, len_str, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(0));
} catch (ExcInfo e) {
if (S == CAPI) {
......@@ -2661,9 +2665,10 @@ extern "C" i64 unboxedLen(Box* obj) {
// For rewriting purposes, this function assumes that nargs will be constant.
// That's probably fine for some uses (ex binops), but otherwise it should be guarded on beforehand.
extern "C" Box* callattrInternal(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, LookupScope scope, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args,
ArgPassSpec argspec, Box* arg1, Box* arg2, Box* arg3, Box** args,
const std::vector<BoxedString*>* keyword_names) {
template <ExceptionStyle S>
Box* callattrInternal(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, LookupScope scope, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args,
ArgPassSpec argspec, Box* arg1, Box* arg2, Box* arg3, Box** args,
const std::vector<BoxedString*>* keyword_names) noexcept(S == CAPI) {
int npassed_args = argspec.totalPassed();
......@@ -2704,7 +2709,7 @@ extern "C" Box* callattrInternal(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, LookupScope scope,
RewriterVar* r_val = NULL;
if (rewrite_args) {
GetattrRewriteArgs grewrite_args(rewrite_args->rewriter, rewrite_args->obj, Location::any());
val = getattrInternalEx<CXX>(obj, attr, &grewrite_args, scope == CLASS_ONLY, true, &bind_obj, &r_bind_obj);
val = getattrInternalEx<S>(obj, attr, &grewrite_args, scope == CLASS_ONLY, true, &bind_obj, &r_bind_obj);
if (!grewrite_args.out_success) {
rewrite_args = NULL;
} else if (val) {
......@@ -2715,7 +2720,7 @@ extern "C" Box* callattrInternal(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, LookupScope scope,
if (val == NULL) {
if (rewrite_args)
if (rewrite_args && (S == CXX || !PyErr_Occurred()))
rewrite_args->out_success = true;
return val;
......@@ -2735,14 +2740,14 @@ extern "C" Box* callattrInternal(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, LookupScope scope,
Box* rtn;
ArgPassSpec new_argspec
= bindObjIntoArgs(bind_obj, r_bind_obj, rewrite_args, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args, new_args);
return runtimeCallInternal<CXX>(val, rewrite_args, new_argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, new_args, keyword_names);
return runtimeCallInternal<S>(val, rewrite_args, new_argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, new_args, keyword_names);
} else {
if (rewrite_args) {
rewrite_args->obj = r_val;
Box* rtn = runtimeCallInternal<CXX>(val, rewrite_args, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args, keyword_names);
assert(rtn); // not sure why we have this here
Box* rtn = runtimeCallInternal<S>(val, rewrite_args, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args, keyword_names);
assert(rtn || (S == CAPI && PyErr_Occurred()));
return rtn;
......@@ -2752,14 +2757,8 @@ Box* _callattrEntry(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, CallattrFlags flags, Box* arg1,
const std::vector<BoxedString*>* keyword_names, void* return_addr) {
STAT_TIMER(t0, "us_timer_slowpath_callattr", 10);
if (S == CAPI) {
try {
return _callattrEntry<CXX>(obj, attr, flags, arg1, arg2, arg3, args, keyword_names, NULL);
} catch (ExcInfo e) {
return NULL;
if (S == CAPI)
#if 0 && STAT_TIMERS
static uint64_t* st_id = Stats::getStatCounter("us_timer_slowpath_callattr_patchable");
......@@ -2820,7 +2819,7 @@ Box* _callattrEntry(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, CallattrFlags flags, Box* arg1,
rewrite_args.arg3 = rewriter->getArg(5);
if (npassed_args >= 4)
rewrite_args.args = rewriter->getArg(6);
rtn = callattrInternal(obj, attr, scope, &rewrite_args, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args, keyword_names);
rtn = callattrInternal<S>(obj, attr, scope, &rewrite_args, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args, keyword_names);
if (!rewrite_args.out_success) {
......@@ -2830,11 +2829,13 @@ Box* _callattrEntry(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, CallattrFlags flags, Box* arg1,
rewriter->commitReturning(rewriter->loadConst(0, rewriter->getReturnDestination()));
} else {
rtn = callattrInternal(obj, attr, scope, NULL, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args, keyword_names);
rtn = callattrInternal<S>(obj, attr, scope, NULL, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args, keyword_names);
if (rtn == NULL && !flags.null_on_nonexistent) {
if (S == CXX && rtn == NULL && !flags.null_on_nonexistent) {
raiseAttributeError(obj, attr->s());
} else if (S == CAPI) {
assert(rtn || PyErr_Occurred());
return rtn;
......@@ -2967,11 +2968,12 @@ static KeywordDest placeKeyword(const ParamNames* param_names, llvm::SmallVector
template <ExceptionStyle S>
static Box* _callFuncHelper(BoxedFunctionBase* func, ArgPassSpec argspec, Box* arg1, Box* arg2, Box* arg3,
void** extra_args) {
Box** args = (Box**)extra_args[0];
auto keyword_names = (const std::vector<BoxedString*>*)extra_args[1];
return callFunc<CXX>(func, NULL, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args, keyword_names);
return callFunc<S>(func, NULL, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args, keyword_names);
typedef std::function<Box*(int, int, RewriterVar*&)> GetDefaultFunc;
......@@ -3354,11 +3356,6 @@ Box* callFunc(BoxedFunctionBase* func, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, ArgPassSpe
if (S == CAPI) {
assert(!rewrite_args && "implement me");
rewrite_args = NULL;
CLFunction* f = func->f;
ParamReceiveSpec paramspec = f->paramspec;
......@@ -3461,8 +3458,7 @@ Box* callFunc(BoxedFunctionBase* func, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, ArgPassSpe
for (auto v : arg_vec)
assert(S == CXX); // _callFuncHelper currently is CXX-only
RewriterVar* r_rtn = rewriter->call(true, (void*)_callFuncHelper, arg_vec);
RewriterVar* r_rtn = rewriter->call(true, (void*)_callFuncHelper<S>, arg_vec);
rewrite_args->out_success = true;
rewrite_args->out_rtn = r_rtn;
......@@ -3490,6 +3486,8 @@ template <ExceptionStyle S>
static Box* callChosenCF(CompiledFunction* chosen_cf, BoxedClosure* closure, BoxedGenerator* generator, Box* oarg1,
Box* oarg2, Box* oarg3, Box** oargs) noexcept(S == CAPI) {
if (S != chosen_cf->exception_style) {
static StatCounter sc("num_runtimecall_exc_mismatches");
if (S == CAPI) {
try {
return callChosenCF<CXX>(chosen_cf, closure, generator, oarg1, oarg2, oarg3, oargs);
......@@ -3532,15 +3530,10 @@ template <ExceptionStyle S>
Box* callCLFunc(CLFunction* f, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, int num_output_args, BoxedClosure* closure,
BoxedGenerator* generator, Box* globals, Box* oarg1, Box* oarg2, Box* oarg3,
Box** oargs) noexcept(S == CAPI) {
if (S == CAPI) {
assert(!rewrite_args && "implement me");
rewrite_args = NULL;
CompiledFunction* chosen_cf = pickVersion(f, S, num_output_args, oarg1, oarg2, oarg3, oargs);
if (!chosen_cf) {
if (rewrite_args) {
if (rewrite_args && S == CXX) {
RewriterVar::SmallVector arg_vec;
......@@ -3587,9 +3580,11 @@ Box* callCLFunc(CLFunction* f, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, int num_output_arg
ASSERT(!globals, "need to update the calling conventions if we want to pass globals");
if (rewrite_args) {
if (rewrite_args && chosen_cf->exception_style == S) {
RewriterVar::SmallVector arg_vec;
// TODO this kind of embedded reference needs to be tracked by the GC somehow?
// Or maybe it's ok, since we've guarded on the function object?
......@@ -3604,7 +3599,7 @@ Box* callCLFunc(CLFunction* f, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, int num_output_arg
if (num_output_args >= 4)
assert(S == CXX && chosen_cf->exception_style == CXX);
assert(S == chosen_cf->exception_style);
rewrite_args->out_rtn = rewrite_args->rewriter->call(true, (void*)chosen_cf->call, arg_vec);
rewrite_args->out_success = true;
......@@ -3645,15 +3640,13 @@ Box* runtimeCallInternal(Box* obj, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, ArgPassSpec ar
Box** args, const std::vector<BoxedString*>* keyword_names) noexcept(S == CAPI) {
int npassed_args = argspec.totalPassed();
if (S == CAPI) {
assert(!rewrite_args && "implement me");
rewrite_args = NULL;
if (obj->cls != function_cls && obj->cls != builtin_function_or_method_cls && obj->cls != instancemethod_cls) {
// TODO: maybe eventually runtimeCallInternal should just be the default tpp_call?
if (obj->cls->tpp_call) {
if (S == CAPI) {
// TODO rewrite this
rewrite_args = NULL;
try {
return obj->cls->tpp_call(obj, rewrite_args, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args, keyword_names);
} catch (ExcInfo e) {
......@@ -3685,10 +3678,11 @@ Box* runtimeCallInternal(Box* obj, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, ArgPassSpec ar
try {
if (rewrite_args) {
rtn = callattrInternal(obj, call_str, CLASS_ONLY, rewrite_args, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args,
rtn = callattrInternal<S>(obj, call_str, CLASS_ONLY, rewrite_args, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args,
} else {
rtn = callattrInternal(obj, call_str, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args, keyword_names);
rtn = callattrInternal<S>(obj, call_str, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args,
} catch (ExcInfo e) {
if (S == CAPI) {
......@@ -3810,29 +3804,26 @@ template Box* runtimeCallInternal<CAPI>(Box*, CallRewriteArgs*, ArgPassSpec, Box
template Box* runtimeCallInternal<CXX>(Box*, CallRewriteArgs*, ArgPassSpec, Box*, Box*, Box*, Box**,
const std::vector<BoxedString*>*);
extern "C" Box* runtimeCall(Box* obj, ArgPassSpec argspec, Box* arg1, Box* arg2, Box* arg3, Box** args,
const std::vector<BoxedString*>* keyword_names) {
template <ExceptionStyle S>
static Box* runtimeCallEntry(Box* obj, ArgPassSpec argspec, Box* arg1, Box* arg2, Box* arg3, Box** args,
const std::vector<BoxedString*>* keyword_names, void* return_addr) noexcept(S == CAPI) {
STAT_TIMER(t0, "us_timer_slowpath_runtimecall", 10);
int npassed_args = argspec.totalPassed();
static StatCounter slowpath_runtimecall("slowpath_runtimecall");
int num_orig_args = 2 + std::min(4, npassed_args);
if (argspec.num_keywords > 0) {
assert(argspec.num_keywords == keyword_names->size());
std::unique_ptr<Rewriter> rewriter(Rewriter::createRewriter(
__builtin_extract_return_addr(__builtin_return_address(0)), num_orig_args, "runtimeCall"));
std::unique_ptr<Rewriter> rewriter(Rewriter::createRewriter(return_addr, num_orig_args, "runtimeCall"));
Box* rtn;
#if 0 && STAT_TIMERS
static uint64_t* st_id = Stats::getStatCounter("us_timer_slowpath_runtimecall_patchable");
static uint64_t* st_id_nopatch = Stats::getStatCounter("us_timer_slowpath_runtimecall_nopatch");
static uint64_t* st_id_megamorphic = Stats::getStatCounter("us_timer_slowpath_runtimecall_megamorphic");
ICInfo* icinfo = getICInfo(__builtin_extract_return_addr(__builtin_return_address(0)));
ICInfo* icinfo = getICInfo(return_addr);
uint64_t* counter;
if (!icinfo)
counter = st_id_nopatch;
......@@ -3864,7 +3855,7 @@ extern "C" Box* runtimeCall(Box* obj, ArgPassSpec argspec, Box* arg1, Box* arg2,
rewrite_args.arg3 = rewriter->getArg(4);
if (npassed_args >= 4)
rewrite_args.args = rewriter->getArg(5);
rtn = runtimeCallInternal<CXX>(obj, &rewrite_args, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args, keyword_names);
rtn = runtimeCallInternal<S>(obj, &rewrite_args, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args, keyword_names);
if (!rewrite_args.out_success) {
......@@ -3872,17 +3863,28 @@ extern "C" Box* runtimeCall(Box* obj, ArgPassSpec argspec, Box* arg1, Box* arg2,
} else {
rtn = runtimeCallInternal<CXX>(obj, NULL, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args, keyword_names);
rtn = runtimeCallInternal<S>(obj, NULL, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args, keyword_names);
assert(rtn || (S == CAPI && PyErr_Occurred()));
return rtn;
extern "C" Box* runtimeCall(Box* obj, ArgPassSpec argspec, Box* arg1, Box* arg2, Box* arg3, Box** args,
const std::vector<BoxedString*>* keyword_names) {
static StatCounter slowpath_runtimecall("slowpath_runtimecall");
return runtimeCallEntry<CXX>(obj, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args, keyword_names,
extern "C" Box* runtimeCallCapi(Box* obj, ArgPassSpec argspec, Box* arg1, Box* arg2, Box* arg3, Box** args,
const std::vector<BoxedString*>* keyword_names) noexcept {
static StatCounter slowpath_runtimecall("slowpath_runtimecall_capi");
// TODO add rewriting
return runtimeCallInternal<CAPI>(obj, NULL, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args, keyword_names);
return runtimeCallEntry<CAPI>(obj, argspec, arg1, arg2, arg3, args, keyword_names,
extern "C" Box* binopInternal(Box* lhs, Box* rhs, int op_type, bool inplace, BinopRewriteArgs* rewrite_args) {
......@@ -3910,7 +3912,7 @@ extern "C" Box* binopInternal(Box* lhs, Box* rhs, int op_type, bool inplace, Bin
CallRewriteArgs srewrite_args(rewrite_args->rewriter, rewrite_args->lhs, rewrite_args->destination);
srewrite_args.arg1 = rewrite_args->rhs;
srewrite_args.args_guarded = true;
irtn = callattrInternal1(lhs, iop_name, CLASS_ONLY, &srewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(1), rhs);
irtn = callattrInternal1<CXX>(lhs, iop_name, CLASS_ONLY, &srewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(1), rhs);
if (!srewrite_args.out_success) {
rewrite_args = NULL;
......@@ -3919,7 +3921,7 @@ extern "C" Box* binopInternal(Box* lhs, Box* rhs, int op_type, bool inplace, Bin
rewrite_args->out_rtn = srewrite_args.out_rtn;
} else {
irtn = callattrInternal1(lhs, iop_name, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), rhs);
irtn = callattrInternal1<CXX>(lhs, iop_name, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), rhs);
if (irtn) {
......@@ -3937,7 +3939,7 @@ extern "C" Box* binopInternal(Box* lhs, Box* rhs, int op_type, bool inplace, Bin
if (rewrite_args) {
CallRewriteArgs srewrite_args(rewrite_args->rewriter, rewrite_args->lhs, rewrite_args->destination);
srewrite_args.arg1 = rewrite_args->rhs;
lrtn = callattrInternal1(lhs, op_name, CLASS_ONLY, &srewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(1), rhs);
lrtn = callattrInternal1<CXX>(lhs, op_name, CLASS_ONLY, &srewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(1), rhs);
if (!srewrite_args.out_success)
rewrite_args = NULL;
......@@ -3946,7 +3948,7 @@ extern "C" Box* binopInternal(Box* lhs, Box* rhs, int op_type, bool inplace, Bin
rewrite_args->out_rtn = srewrite_args.out_rtn;
} else {
lrtn = callattrInternal1(lhs, op_name, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), rhs);
lrtn = callattrInternal1<CXX>(lhs, op_name, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), rhs);
......@@ -3967,7 +3969,7 @@ extern "C" Box* binopInternal(Box* lhs, Box* rhs, int op_type, bool inplace, Bin
BoxedString* rop_name = getReverseOpName(op_type);
Box* rrtn = callattrInternal1(rhs, rop_name, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), lhs);
Box* rrtn = callattrInternal1<CXX>(rhs, rop_name, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), lhs);
if (rrtn != NULL && rrtn != NotImplemented)
return rrtn;
......@@ -4181,14 +4183,14 @@ Box* compareInternal(Box* lhs, Box* rhs, int op_type, CompareRewriteArgs* rewrit
if (rewrite_args) {
CallRewriteArgs crewrite_args(rewrite_args->rewriter, rewrite_args->rhs, rewrite_args->destination);
crewrite_args.arg1 = rewrite_args->lhs;
contained = callattrInternal1(rhs, contains_str, CLASS_ONLY, &crewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(1), lhs);
contained = callattrInternal1<CXX>(rhs, contains_str, CLASS_ONLY, &crewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(1), lhs);
if (!crewrite_args.out_success)
rewrite_args = NULL;
else if (contained)
r_contained = crewrite_args.out_rtn;
} else {
contained = callattrInternal1(rhs, contains_str, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), lhs);
contained = callattrInternal1<CXX>(rhs, contains_str, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), lhs);
if (contained == NULL) {
......@@ -4287,14 +4289,14 @@ Box* compareInternal(Box* lhs, Box* rhs, int op_type, CompareRewriteArgs* rewrit
if (rewrite_args) {
CallRewriteArgs crewrite_args(rewrite_args->rewriter, rewrite_args->lhs, rewrite_args->destination);
crewrite_args.arg1 = rewrite_args->rhs;
lrtn = callattrInternal1(lhs, op_name, CLASS_ONLY, &crewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(1), rhs);
lrtn = callattrInternal1<CXX>(lhs, op_name, CLASS_ONLY, &crewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(1), rhs);
if (!crewrite_args.out_success)
rewrite_args = NULL;
else if (lrtn)
rewrite_args->out_rtn = crewrite_args.out_rtn;
} else {
lrtn = callattrInternal1(lhs, op_name, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), rhs);
lrtn = callattrInternal1<CXX>(lhs, op_name, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), rhs);
if (lrtn) {
......@@ -4314,16 +4316,16 @@ Box* compareInternal(Box* lhs, Box* rhs, int op_type, CompareRewriteArgs* rewrit
BoxedString* rop_name = getReverseOpName(op_type);
Box* rrtn = callattrInternal1(rhs, rop_name, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), lhs);
Box* rrtn = callattrInternal1<CXX>(rhs, rop_name, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), lhs);
if (rrtn != NULL && rrtn != NotImplemented)
return rrtn;
static BoxedString* cmp_str = internStringImmortal("__cmp__");
lrtn = callattrInternal1(lhs, cmp_str, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), rhs);
lrtn = callattrInternal1<CXX>(lhs, cmp_str, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), rhs);
if (lrtn && lrtn != NotImplemented) {
return boxBool(convert3wayCompareResultToBool(lrtn, op_type));
rrtn = callattrInternal1(rhs, cmp_str, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), lhs);
rrtn = callattrInternal1<CXX>(rhs, cmp_str, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), lhs);
if (rrtn && rrtn != NotImplemented) {
bool success = false;
int reversed_op = getReverseCmpOp(op_type, success);
......@@ -4423,18 +4425,21 @@ extern "C" Box* unaryop(Box* operand, int op_type) {
return rtn;
Box* callItemAttr(Box* target, BoxedString* item_str, Box* item, Box* value, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args) {
template <ExceptionStyle S>
static Box* callItemAttr(Box* target, BoxedString* item_str, Box* item, Box* value,
CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args) noexcept(S == CAPI) {
if (value) {
return callattrInternal2(target, item_str, CLASS_ONLY, rewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(2), item, value);
return callattrInternal2<S>(target, item_str, CLASS_ONLY, rewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(2), item, value);
} else {
return callattrInternal1(target, item_str, CLASS_ONLY, rewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(1), item);
return callattrInternal1<S>(target, item_str, CLASS_ONLY, rewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(1), item);
// This function decides whether to call the slice operator (e.g. __getslice__)
// or the item operator (__getitem__).
Box* callItemOrSliceAttr(Box* target, BoxedString* item_str, BoxedString* slice_str, Box* slice, Box* value,
CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args) {
template <ExceptionStyle S>
static Box* callItemOrSliceAttr(Box* target, BoxedString* item_str, BoxedString* slice_str, Box* slice, Box* value,
CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args) noexcept(S == CAPI) {
// This function contains a lot of logic for deciding between whether to call
// the slice operator or the item operator, so we can match CPython's behavior
......@@ -4449,7 +4454,7 @@ Box* callItemOrSliceAttr(Box* target, BoxedString* item_str, BoxedString* slice_
if (rewrite_args) {
rewrite_args->obj->addAttrGuard(offsetof(Box, cls), (uint64_t)target->cls);
return callItemAttr(target, item_str, slice, value, rewrite_args);
return callItemAttr<S>(target, item_str, slice, value, rewrite_args);
// Guard on the type of the object (need to have the slice operator attribute to call it).
......@@ -4466,7 +4471,7 @@ Box* callItemOrSliceAttr(Box* target, BoxedString* item_str, BoxedString* slice_
if (!slice_attr) {
return callItemAttr(target, item_str, slice, value, rewrite_args);
return callItemAttr<S>(target, item_str, slice, value, rewrite_args);
// Need a slice object to use the slice operators.
......@@ -4474,7 +4479,7 @@ Box* callItemOrSliceAttr(Box* target, BoxedString* item_str, BoxedString* slice_
rewrite_args->arg1->addAttrGuard(offsetof(Box, cls), (uint64_t)slice->cls);
if (slice->cls != slice_cls) {
return callItemAttr(target, item_str, slice, value, rewrite_args);
return callItemAttr<S>(target, item_str, slice, value, rewrite_args);
BoxedSlice* bslice = (BoxedSlice*)slice;
......@@ -4487,7 +4492,7 @@ Box* callItemOrSliceAttr(Box* target, BoxedString* item_str, BoxedString* slice_
->addAttrGuard(offsetof(Box, cls), (uint64_t)none_cls, /*negate=*/true);
return callItemAttr(target, item_str, slice, value, rewrite_args);
return callItemAttr<S>(target, item_str, slice, value, rewrite_args);
} else {
rewrite_args = NULL;
......@@ -4496,14 +4501,23 @@ Box* callItemOrSliceAttr(Box* target, BoxedString* item_str, BoxedString* slice_
// We could optimize further here by having a version of isSliceIndex that
// creates guards, but it would only affect some rare edge cases.
if (!isSliceIndex(bslice->start) || !isSliceIndex(bslice->stop)) {
return callItemAttr(target, item_str, slice, value, rewrite_args);
return callItemAttr<S>(target, item_str, slice, value, rewrite_args);
// If we don't specify the start/stop (e.g. o[:]), the slice operator functions
// CPython seems to use 0 and sys.maxint as the default values.
int64_t start = 0, stop = PyInt_GetMax();
sliceIndex(bslice->start, &start);
sliceIndex(bslice->stop, &stop);
if (S == CAPI) {
if (bslice->start != None)
if (!_PyEval_SliceIndex(bslice->start, &start))
return NULL;
if (bslice->stop != None)
if (!_PyEval_SliceIndex(bslice->stop, &stop))
return NULL;
} else {
sliceIndex(bslice->start, &start);
sliceIndex(bslice->stop, &stop);
adjustNegativeIndicesOnObject(target, &start, &stop);
if (PyErr_Occurred())
......@@ -4513,11 +4527,11 @@ Box* callItemOrSliceAttr(Box* target, BoxedString* item_str, BoxedString* slice_
Box* boxedStop = boxInt(stop);
if (value) {
return callattrInternal3(target, slice_str, CLASS_ONLY, rewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(3), boxedStart, boxedStop,
return callattrInternal3<S>(target, slice_str, CLASS_ONLY, rewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(3), boxedStart,
boxedStop, value);
} else {
return callattrInternal2(target, slice_str, CLASS_ONLY, rewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(2), boxedStart,
return callattrInternal2<S>(target, slice_str, CLASS_ONLY, rewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(2), boxedStart,
......@@ -4559,29 +4573,16 @@ Box* getitemInternal(Box* target, Box* slice, GetitemRewriteArgs* rewrite_args)
return r;
if (S == CAPI) {
// assert(!rewrite_args && "implement me");
rewrite_args = NULL;
static BoxedString* getitem_str = internStringImmortal("__getitem__");
static BoxedString* getslice_str = internStringImmortal("__getslice__");
Box* rtn;
if (S == CAPI) {
try {
rtn = callItemOrSliceAttr(target, getitem_str, getslice_str, slice, NULL, NULL);
} catch (ExcInfo e) {
return NULL;
} else {
try {
if (rewrite_args) {
CallRewriteArgs crewrite_args(rewrite_args->rewriter, rewrite_args->target, rewrite_args->destination);
crewrite_args.arg1 = rewrite_args->slice;
rtn = callItemOrSliceAttr(target, getitem_str, getslice_str, slice, NULL, &crewrite_args);
rtn = callItemOrSliceAttr<S>(target, getitem_str, getslice_str, slice, NULL, &crewrite_args);
if (!crewrite_args.out_success) {
rewrite_args = NULL;
......@@ -4589,11 +4590,19 @@ Box* getitemInternal(Box* target, Box* slice, GetitemRewriteArgs* rewrite_args)
rewrite_args->out_rtn = crewrite_args.out_rtn;
} else {
rtn = callItemOrSliceAttr(target, getitem_str, getslice_str, slice, NULL, NULL);
rtn = callItemOrSliceAttr<S>(target, getitem_str, getslice_str, slice, NULL, NULL);
} catch (ExcInfo e) {
if (S == CAPI) {
return NULL;
} else
throw e;
if (rtn == NULL) {
if (rtn == NULL && !(S == CAPI && PyErr_Occurred())) {
rewrite_args = NULL;
// different versions of python give different error messages for this:
if (S == CAPI)
......@@ -4709,13 +4718,13 @@ extern "C" void setitem(Box* target, Box* slice, Box* value) {
rewrite_args.arg1 = rewriter->getArg(1);
rewrite_args.arg2 = rewriter->getArg(2);
rtn = callItemOrSliceAttr(target, setitem_str, setslice_str, slice, value, &rewrite_args);
rtn = callItemOrSliceAttr<CXX>(target, setitem_str, setslice_str, slice, value, &rewrite_args);
if (!rewrite_args.out_success) {
} else {
rtn = callItemOrSliceAttr(target, setitem_str, setslice_str, slice, value, NULL);
rtn = callItemOrSliceAttr<CXX>(target, setitem_str, setslice_str, slice, value, NULL);
if (rtn == NULL) {
......@@ -4744,13 +4753,13 @@ extern "C" void delitem(Box* target, Box* slice) {
CallRewriteArgs rewrite_args(rewriter.get(), rewriter->getArg(0), rewriter->getReturnDestination());
rewrite_args.arg1 = rewriter->getArg(1);
rtn = callItemOrSliceAttr(target, delitem_str, delslice_str, slice, NULL, &rewrite_args);
rtn = callItemOrSliceAttr<CXX>(target, delitem_str, delslice_str, slice, NULL, &rewrite_args);
if (!rewrite_args.out_success) {
} else {
rtn = callItemOrSliceAttr(target, delitem_str, delslice_str, slice, NULL, NULL);
rtn = callItemOrSliceAttr<CXX>(target, delitem_str, delslice_str, slice, NULL, NULL);
if (rtn == NULL) {
......@@ -4954,7 +4963,7 @@ Box* getiter(Box* o) {
r = type->tp_iter(o);
} else {
static BoxedString* iter_str = internStringImmortal("__iter__");
r = callattrInternal0(o, iter_str, LookupScope::CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(0));
r = callattrInternal0<CXX>(o, iter_str, LookupScope::CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(0));
if (r) {
if (!PyIter_Check(r)) {
......@@ -135,9 +135,10 @@ enum LookupScope {
extern "C" Box* callattrInternal(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, LookupScope, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args,
ArgPassSpec argspec, Box* arg1, Box* arg2, Box* arg3, Box** args,
const std::vector<BoxedString*>* keyword_names);
template <ExceptionStyle S>
Box* callattrInternal(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, LookupScope, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, ArgPassSpec argspec,
Box* arg1, Box* arg2, Box* arg3, Box** args,
const std::vector<BoxedString*>* keyword_names) noexcept(S == CAPI);
extern "C" void delattr_internal(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, bool allow_custom, DelattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args);
struct CompareRewriteArgs;
Box* compareInternal(Box* lhs, Box* rhs, int op_type, CompareRewriteArgs* rewrite_args);
......@@ -1063,8 +1063,8 @@ static Box* typeCallInner(CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, ArgPassSpec argspec, Bo
srewrite_args.args_guarded = rewrite_args->args_guarded;
srewrite_args.func_guarded = true;
// initrtn = callattrInternal(cls, _init_str, INST_ONLY, &srewrite_args, argspec, made, arg2, arg3, args,
// keyword_names);
// initrtn = callattrInternal<CXX>(cls, _init_str, INST_ONLY, &srewrite_args, argspec, made, arg2, arg3,
// args, keyword_names);
= runtimeCallInternal<CXX>(init_attr, &srewrite_args, argspec, made, arg2, arg3, args, keyword_names);
......@@ -2319,8 +2319,8 @@ public:
BoxedDict* dict = (BoxedDict*)AttrWrapper::copy(_self);
assert(dict->cls == dict_cls);
static BoxedString* eq_str = internStringImmortal("__eq__");
return callattrInternal(dict, eq_str, LookupScope::CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), _other, NULL, NULL, NULL,
return callattrInternal<CXX>(dict, eq_str, LookupScope::CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1), _other, NULL, NULL,
static Box* ne(Box* _self, Box* _other) { return eq(_self, _other) == True ? False : True; }
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