Commit defc3153 authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #1388 from kmod/instancemethods

Fix attrwrapper comparisons
parents 38ab9381 f92c095a
......@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ Box* dictFromkeys(Box* cls, Box* iterable, Box* default_value) {
return rtn;
Box* dictEq(BoxedDict* self, Box* _rhs) {
static Box* dictEq(BoxedDict* self, Box* _rhs) {
if (!PyDict_Check(self))
raiseExcHelper(TypeError, "descriptor '__eq__' requires a 'dict' object but received a '%s'",
......@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ Box* dictEq(BoxedDict* self, Box* _rhs) {
Box* dictNe(BoxedDict* self, Box* _rhs) {
static Box* dictNe(BoxedDict* self, Box* _rhs) {
Box* eq = dictEq(self, _rhs);
if (eq == NotImplemented)
return eq;
......@@ -993,6 +993,11 @@ static int dict_compare(BoxedDict* a, BoxedDict* b) noexcept {
int res = 0;
Box* adiff, *bdiff, *aval, *bval;
if (a->cls == attrwrapper_cls)
return dict_compare(autoDecref(attrwrapperToDict(a)), b);
if (b->cls == attrwrapper_cls)
return dict_compare(a, autoDecref(attrwrapperToDict(b)));
/* Compare lengths first */
if (a->d.size() < b->d.size())
return -1; /* a is shorter */
......@@ -1038,12 +1043,27 @@ Finished:
static PyObject* dict_richcompare(PyObject* v, PyObject* w, int op) noexcept {
Box* res;
if (v->cls == attrwrapper_cls)
return dict_richcompare(autoDecref(attrwrapperToDict(v)), w, op);
if (w->cls == attrwrapper_cls)
return dict_richcompare(v, autoDecref(attrwrapperToDict(w)), op);
if (!PyDict_Check(v) || !PyDict_Check(w)) {
res = incref(Py_NotImplemented);
} else if (op == Py_EQ) {
res = dictEq((BoxedDict*)v, (BoxedDict*)w);
try {
res = dictEq((BoxedDict*)v, (BoxedDict*)w);
} catch (ExcInfo e) {
return NULL;
} else if (op == Py_NE) {
res = dictNe((BoxedDict*)v, (BoxedDict*)w);
try {
res = dictNe((BoxedDict*)v, (BoxedDict*)w);
} catch (ExcInfo e) {
return NULL;
} else {
/* Py3K warning if comparison isn't == or != */
if (PyErr_WarnPy3k("dict inequality comparisons not supported "
......@@ -1051,7 +1071,15 @@ static PyObject* dict_richcompare(PyObject* v, PyObject* w, int op) noexcept {
1) < 0) {
return NULL;
res = incref(Py_NotImplemented);
// Pyston change: directly defer to tp_compare here, rather than letting
// PyObject_RichCompare do it.
// This is so that we can just embed a call to tp_richcompare rather than
// having to embed the full richcompare logic.
int c = dict_compare(static_cast<BoxedDict*>(v), static_cast<BoxedDict*>(w));
if (PyErr_Occurred())
return NULL;
return convert_3way_to_object(op, c);
return res;
......@@ -1156,8 +1184,6 @@ void setupDict() {
new BoxedFunction(BoxedCode::create((void*)dictInit, NONE, 1, true, true, "dict.__init__")));
dict_cls->giveAttr("__repr__", new BoxedFunction(BoxedCode::create((void*)dictRepr, STR, 1, "dict.__repr__")));
dict_cls->giveAttr("__eq__", new BoxedFunction(BoxedCode::create((void*)dictEq, UNKNOWN, 2, "dict.__eq__")));
dict_cls->giveAttr("__ne__", new BoxedFunction(BoxedCode::create((void*)dictNe, UNKNOWN, 2, "dict.__ne__")));
dict_cls->giveAttr("__hash__", incref(Py_None));
dict_cls->giveAttr("__iter__", new BoxedFunction(BoxedCode::create(
(void*)dictIterKeys, typeFromClass(dictiterkey_cls), 1, "dict.__iter__")));
......@@ -636,6 +636,26 @@ void BoxedClass::freeze() {
assert(tp_name); // otherwise debugging will be very hard
// Check Python's "rule of three" for our builtin classes:
#ifndef NDEBUG
auto eq_str = getStaticString("__eq__");
auto ne_str = getStaticString("__ne__");
auto le_str = getStaticString("__le__");
auto lt_str = getStaticString("__lt__");
auto ge_str = getStaticString("__ge__");
auto gt_str = getStaticString("__gt__");
auto hash_str = getStaticString("__hash__");
if (this->hasattr(eq_str)) {
auto doc_str = getStaticString("__doc__");
if (!hasattr(doc_str))
giveAttr(incref(doc_str), boxString(tp_name));
......@@ -2819,21 +2819,16 @@ public:
return new AttrWrapperIter(self);
static Box* eq(Box* _self, Box* _other) {
RELEASE_ASSERT(_self->cls == attrwrapper_cls, "");
AttrWrapper* self = static_cast<AttrWrapper*>(_self);
static PyObject* richcompare(PyObject* v, PyObject* w, int op) noexcept {
RELEASE_ASSERT(v->cls == attrwrapper_cls, "");
AttrWrapper* self = static_cast<AttrWrapper*>(v);
// In order to not have to reimplement dict cmp: just create a real dict for now and us it.
BoxedDict* dict = (BoxedDict*)AttrWrapper::copy(_self);
BoxedDict* dict = (BoxedDict*)AttrWrapper::copy(v);
assert(dict->cls == dict_cls);
static BoxedString* eq_str = getStaticString("__eq__");
return callattrInternal<CXX, NOT_REWRITABLE>(dict, eq_str, LookupScope::CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(1),
_other, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
return dict_cls->tp_richcompare(dict, w, op);
static Box* ne(Box* _self, Box* _other) { return incref(eq(_self, _other) == Py_True ? Py_False : Py_True); }
friend class AttrWrapperIter;
......@@ -4605,10 +4600,6 @@ void setupRuntime() {
attrwrapper_cls->giveAttr("has_key", new BoxedFunction(BoxedCode::create((void*)AttrWrapper::hasKey, BOXED_BOOL, 2,
"__eq__", new BoxedFunction(BoxedCode::create((void*)AttrWrapper::eq, UNKNOWN, 2, "attrwrapper.__eq__")));
"__ne__", new BoxedFunction(BoxedCode::create((void*)AttrWrapper::ne, UNKNOWN, 2, "attrwrapper.__ne__")));
"keys", new BoxedFunction(BoxedCode::create((void*)AttrWrapper::keys, LIST, 1, "attrwrapper.keys")));
......@@ -4631,7 +4622,14 @@ void setupRuntime() {
"__iter__", new BoxedFunction(BoxedCode::create((void*)AttrWrapper::iter, UNKNOWN, 1, "attrwrapper.__iter__")));
attrwrapper_cls->giveAttr("update", new BoxedFunction(BoxedCode::create((void*)AttrWrapper::update, NONE, 1, true,
true, "attrwrapper.update")));
attrwrapper_cls->tp_richcompare = dict_cls->tp_richcompare;
attrwrapper_cls->tp_compare = dict_cls->tp_compare;
assert(attrwrapper_cls->tp_richcompare == dict_cls->tp_richcompare);
attrwrapper_cls->tp_iter = AttrWrapper::iter;
attrwrapper_cls->tp_as_mapping->mp_subscript = (binaryfunc)AttrWrapper::getitem<CAPI>;
attrwrapper_cls->tp_as_mapping->mp_ass_subscript = (objobjargproc)AttrWrapper::ass_sub;
......@@ -8,3 +8,23 @@ api_test.test_attrwrapper_parse(globals())
def f():
f.a = 1
d = {'a': 1}
d2 = f.__dict__
assert d2 == d2
assert d == d2
assert d2 == d
assert not (d < d2)
assert not (d2 < d)
assert not (d > d2)
assert not (d2 > d)
assert d <= d2
assert d2 <= d
assert d >= d2
assert d2 >= d
assert not (d2 != d2)
assert not (d2 != d)
assert not (d != d2)
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