Commit f42606d3 authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski

Merge #381 from toshok:iobench

parents e3d2c721 9ced0be3
......@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
#define HAVE_TIMES 1
#define PY_FORMAT_LONG_LONG "ll"
#define PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T "z"
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -1341,6 +1341,47 @@ extern "C" int PyNumber_CoerceEx(PyObject**, PyObject**) noexcept {
extern "C" PyObject* _PyNumber_ConvertIntegralToInt(PyObject* integral, const char* error_format) noexcept {
const char* type_name;
static PyObject* int_name = NULL;
if (int_name == NULL) {
int_name = PyString_InternFromString("__int__");
if (int_name == NULL)
return NULL;
if (integral && (!PyInt_Check(integral) && !PyLong_Check(integral))) {
/* Don't go through tp_as_number->nb_int to avoid
hitting the classic class fallback to __trunc__. */
PyObject* int_func = PyObject_GetAttr(integral, int_name);
if (int_func == NULL) {
PyErr_Clear(); /* Raise a different error. */
goto non_integral_error;
integral = PyEval_CallObject(int_func, NULL);
if (integral && (!PyInt_Check(integral) && !PyLong_Check(integral))) {
goto non_integral_error;
return integral;
if (PyInstance_Check(integral)) {
/* cpython has this:
type_name = PyString_AS_STRING(((PyInstanceObject *)integral)
} else {
type_name = integral->cls->tp_name;
PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, error_format, type_name);
return NULL;
extern "C" PyObject* PyNumber_Int(PyObject* o) noexcept {
PyNumberMethods* m;
const char* buffer;
......@@ -1370,21 +1411,20 @@ extern "C" PyObject* PyNumber_Int(PyObject* o) noexcept {
return PyInt_FromLong(io->n);
Py_FatalError("unimplemented __trunc__ and string -> int conversion");
// the remainder of PyNumber_Int deals with __trunc__ usage, and converting from unicode/string to int
#if 0
PyObject* trunc_func = getattr(o, "__trunc__");
if (trunc_func) {
PyObject *truncated = PyEval_CallObject(trunc_func, NULL);
PyObject* truncated = PyEval_CallObject(trunc_func, NULL);
/* __trunc__ is specified to return an Integral type, but
int() needs to return an int. */
return _PyNumber_ConvertIntegralToInt(
"__trunc__ returned non-Integral (type %.200s)");
return _PyNumber_ConvertIntegralToInt(truncated, "__trunc__ returned non-Integral (type %.200s)");
PyErr_Clear(); /* It's not an error if o.__trunc__ doesn't exist. */
// the remainder of PyNumber_Int deals with converting from unicode/string to int
Py_FatalError("unimplemented string -> int conversion");
#if 0
if (PyString_Check(o))
return int_from_string(PyString_AS_STRING(o),
......@@ -124,6 +124,9 @@ static PyObject* do_mkvalue(const char** p_format, va_list* p_va, int flags) noe
case 'l':
return PyInt_FromLong(va_arg(*p_va, long));
case 'd':
return PyFloat_FromDouble(va_arg(*p_va, double));
case 'N':
case 'S':
case 'O':
......@@ -380,7 +383,7 @@ extern "C" PyObject* Py_BuildValue(const char* fmt, ...) noexcept {
extern "C" PyObject* Py_InitModule4(const char* name, PyMethodDef* methods, const char* doc, PyObject* self,
int apiver) noexcept {
BoxedModule* module = createModule(name, "__builtin__");
BoxedModule* module = createModule(name, "__builtin__", doc);
// Pass self as is, even if NULL we are not allowed to change it to None
Box* passthrough = static_cast<Box*>(self);
......@@ -394,10 +397,6 @@ extern "C" PyObject* Py_InitModule4(const char* name, PyMethodDef* methods, cons
if (doc) {
module->setattr("__doc__", boxStrConstant(doc), NULL);
return module;
......@@ -675,7 +675,6 @@ Box* ASTInterpreter::createFunction(AST* node, AST_arguments* args, const std::v
return boxCLFunction(cl, closure, is_generator,;
......@@ -413,6 +413,8 @@ static void emitBBs(IRGenState* irstate, TypeAnalysis* types, const OSREntryDesc
ptr = entry_emitter->getBuilder()->CreateBitCast(ptr, g.double_->getPointerTo());
} else if (p.second == GENERATOR) {
ptr = entry_emitter->getBuilder()->CreateBitCast(ptr, g.llvm_generator_type_ptr->getPointerTo());
} else if (p.second == CLOSURE) {
ptr = entry_emitter->getBuilder()->CreateBitCast(ptr, g.llvm_closure_type_ptr->getPointerTo());
} else {
assert(p.second->llvmType() == g.llvm_value_type_ptr);
......@@ -101,6 +101,17 @@ const std::string SourceInfo::getName() {
Box* SourceInfo::getDocString() {
AST_Str* first_str = NULL;
if (body.size() > 0 && body[0]->type == AST_TYPE::Expr
&& static_cast<AST_Expr*>(body[0])->value->type == AST_TYPE::Str) {
return boxString(static_cast<AST_Str*>(static_cast<AST_Expr*>(body[0])->value)->str_data);
return None;
ScopeInfo* SourceInfo::getScopeInfo() {
return scoping->getScopeInfoForNode(ast);
......@@ -298,6 +309,8 @@ void compileAndRunModule(AST_Module* m, BoxedModule* bm) {
SourceInfo* si = new SourceInfo(bm, scoping, m, m->body);
CLFunction* cl_f = new CLFunction(0, 0, false, false, si);
bm->setattr("__doc__", si->getDocString(), NULL);
EffortLevel effort = initialEffort();
cf = compileFunction(cl_f, new FunctionSpecialization(VOID), effort, NULL);
......@@ -259,6 +259,8 @@ public:
const std::string getName();
InternedString mangleName(InternedString id);
Box* getDocString();
SourceInfo(BoxedModule* m, ScopingAnalysis* scoping, AST* ast, const std::vector<AST_stmt*>& body);
......@@ -514,7 +516,7 @@ class BoxedClass;
void setupRuntime();
void teardownRuntime();
BoxedModule* createAndRunModule(const std::string& name, const std::string& fn);
BoxedModule* createModule(const std::string& name, const std::string& fn);
BoxedModule* createModule(const std::string& name, const std::string& fn, const char* doc = NULL);
// TODO where to put this
void appendToSysPath(const std::string& path);
......@@ -1019,7 +1019,9 @@ Box* builtinCmp(Box* lhs, Box* rhs) {
void setupBuiltins() {
builtins_module = createModule("__builtin__", "__builtin__");
builtins_module = createModule("__builtin__", "__builtin__",
"Built-in functions, exceptions, and other objects.\n\nNoteworthy: None is "
"the `nil' object; Ellipsis represents `...' in slices.");
BoxedHeapClass* ellipsis_cls
= BoxedHeapClass::create(type_cls, object_cls, NULL, 0, 0, sizeof(Box), false, "ellipsis");
......@@ -652,6 +652,36 @@ Box* floatRepr(BoxedFloat* self) {
return boxString(floatFmt(self->d, 16, 'g'));
Box* floatTrunc(BoxedFloat* self) {
if (!isSubclass(self->cls, float_cls))
raiseExcHelper(TypeError, "descriptor '__trunc__' requires a 'float' object but received a '%s'",
double wholepart; /* integral portion of x, rounded toward 0 */
(void)modf(self->d, &wholepart);
/* Try to get out cheap if this fits in a Python int. The attempt
* to cast to long must be protected, as C doesn't define what
* happens if the double is too big to fit in a long. Some rare
* systems raise an exception then (RISCOS was mentioned as one,
* and someone using a non-default option on Sun also bumped into
* that). Note that checking for <= LONG_MAX is unsafe: if a long
* has more bits of precision than a double, casting LONG_MAX to
* double may yield an approximation, and if that's rounded up,
* then, e.g., wholepart=LONG_MAX+1 would yield true from the C
* expression wholepart<=LONG_MAX, despite that wholepart is
* actually greater than LONG_MAX. However, assuming a two's complement
* machine with no trap representation, LONG_MIN will be a power of 2 (and
* hence exactly representable as a double), and LONG_MAX = -1-LONG_MIN, so
* the comparisons with (double)LONG_MIN below should be safe.
if ((double)LONG_MIN <= wholepart && wholepart < -(double)LONG_MIN) {
const long aslong = (long)wholepart;
return PyInt_FromLong(aslong);
return PyLong_FromDouble(wholepart);
extern "C" void printFloat(double d) {
std::string s = floatFmt(d, 12, 'g');
printf("%s", s.c_str());
......@@ -711,6 +741,9 @@ void setupFloat() {
// float_cls->giveAttr("__nonzero__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)floatNonzero, NULL, 1)));
float_cls->giveAttr("__str__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)floatStr, STR, 1)));
float_cls->giveAttr("__repr__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)floatRepr, STR, 1)));
float_cls->giveAttr("__trunc__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)floatTrunc, BOXED_INT, 1)));
......@@ -685,7 +685,9 @@ Box* impLoadModule(Box* _name, Box* _file, Box* _pathname, Box** args) {
void setupImport() {
BoxedModule* imp_module = createModule("imp", "__builtin__");
BoxedModule* imp_module
= createModule("imp", "__builtin__", "'This module provides the components needed to build your own\n"
"__import__ function. Undocumented functions are obsolete.'");
imp_module->giveAttr("PY_SOURCE", boxInt(SearchResult::PY_SOURCE));
imp_module->giveAttr("PY_COMPILED", boxInt(SearchResult::PY_COMPILED));
......@@ -916,6 +916,14 @@ extern "C" Box* intOct(BoxedInt* self) {
return new BoxedString(std::string(buf, len));
extern "C" Box* intTrunc(BoxedInt* self) {
if (!isSubclass(self->cls, int_cls))
raiseExcHelper(TypeError, "descriptor '__trunc__' requires a 'int' object but received a '%s'",
return self;
static Box* _intNew(Box* val, Box* base) {
if (isSubclass(val->cls, int_cls)) {
RELEASE_ASSERT(!base, "");
......@@ -1072,6 +1080,8 @@ void setupInt() {
int_cls->giveAttr("__hex__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)intHex, STR, 1)));
int_cls->giveAttr("__oct__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)intOct, STR, 1)));
int_cls->giveAttr("__trunc__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)intTrunc, BOXED_INT, 1)));
"__new__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)intNew, UNKNOWN, 3, 2, false, false), { boxInt(0), NULL }));
......@@ -1035,6 +1035,14 @@ Box* longHash(BoxedLong* self) {
return boxInt(n);
extern "C" Box* longTrunc(BoxedLong* self) {
if (!isSubclass(self->cls, long_cls))
raiseExcHelper(TypeError, "descriptor '__trunc__' requires a 'long' object but received a '%s'",
return self;
void* customised_allocation(size_t alloc_size) {
return gc::gc_alloc(alloc_size, gc::GCKind::CONSERVATIVE);
......@@ -1097,6 +1105,8 @@ void setupLong() {
long_cls->giveAttr("__nonzero__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)longNonzero, BOXED_BOOL, 1)));
long_cls->giveAttr("__hash__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)longHash, BOXED_INT, 1)));
long_cls->giveAttr("__trunc__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)longTrunc, UNKNOWN, 1)));
......@@ -263,22 +263,22 @@ std::string builtinStr("__builtin__");
extern "C" BoxedFunctionBase::BoxedFunctionBase(CLFunction* f)
: in_weakreflist(NULL), f(f), closure(NULL), isGenerator(false), ndefaults(0), defaults(NULL), modname(NULL),
name(NULL) {
name(NULL), doc(NULL) {
if (f->source) {
this->modname = f->source->parent_module->getattr("__name__", NULL);
this->doc = f->source->getDocString();
} else {
this->modname = boxStringPtr(&builtinStr);
this->doc = None;
this->giveAttr("__doc__", None);
assert(f->num_defaults == ndefaults);
extern "C" BoxedFunctionBase::BoxedFunctionBase(CLFunction* f, std::initializer_list<Box*> defaults,
BoxedClosure* closure, bool isGenerator)
: in_weakreflist(NULL), f(f), closure(closure), isGenerator(isGenerator), ndefaults(0), defaults(NULL),
modname(NULL), name(NULL) {
modname(NULL), name(NULL), doc(NULL) {
if (defaults.size()) {
// make sure to initialize defaults first, since the GC behavior is triggered by ndefaults,
// and a GC can happen within this constructor:
......@@ -289,8 +289,10 @@ extern "C" BoxedFunctionBase::BoxedFunctionBase(CLFunction* f, std::initializer_
if (f->source) {
this->modname = f->source->parent_module->getattr("__name__", NULL);
this->doc = f->source->getDocString();
} else {
this->modname = boxStringPtr(&builtinStr);
this->doc = None;
assert(f->num_defaults == ndefaults);
......@@ -309,21 +311,22 @@ BoxedFunction::BoxedFunction(CLFunction* f, std::initializer_list<Box*> defaults
if (f->source) {
this->name = static_cast<BoxedString*>(boxString(f->source->getName()));
this->giveAttr("__doc__", None);
BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod::BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod(CLFunction* f, const char* name)
BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod::BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod(CLFunction* f, const char* name, const char* doc)
: BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod(f, name, {}) {
this->doc = doc ? boxStrConstant(doc) : None;
BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod::BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod(CLFunction* f, const char* name,
std::initializer_list<Box*> defaults, BoxedClosure* closure,
bool isGenerator)
bool isGenerator, const char* doc)
: BoxedFunctionBase(f, defaults, closure, isGenerator) {
this->name = static_cast<BoxedString*>(boxString(name));
this->doc = doc ? boxStrConstant(doc) : None;
extern "C" void functionGCHandler(GCVisitor* v, Box* b) {
......@@ -338,6 +341,9 @@ extern "C" void functionGCHandler(GCVisitor* v, Box* b) {
if (f->modname)
if (f->doc)
if (f->closure)
......@@ -360,9 +366,10 @@ static void functionDtor(Box* b) {
BoxedModule::BoxedModule(const std::string& name, const std::string& fn) : fn(fn) {
BoxedModule::BoxedModule(const std::string& name, const std::string& fn, const char* doc) : fn(fn) {
this->giveAttr("__name__", boxString(name));
this->giveAttr("__file__", boxString(fn));
this->giveAttr("__doc__", doc ? boxStrConstant(doc) : None);
std::string BoxedModule::name() {
......@@ -929,6 +936,7 @@ static void typeSetModule(Box* _type, PyObject* value, void* context) {
type->setattr("__module__", value, NULL);
Box* typeHash(BoxedClass* self) {
assert(isSubclass(self->cls, type_cls));
......@@ -1893,6 +1901,8 @@ void setupRuntime() {
function_cls->giveAttr("__repr__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)functionRepr, STR, 1)));
function_cls->giveAttr("__module__", new BoxedMemberDescriptor(BoxedMemberDescriptor::OBJECT,
offsetof(BoxedFunction, modname), false));
"__doc__", new BoxedMemberDescriptor(BoxedMemberDescriptor::OBJECT, offsetof(BoxedFunction, doc), false));
function_cls->giveAttr("__get__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)functionGet, UNKNOWN, 3)));
new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)functionCall, UNKNOWN, 1, 0, true, true)));
......@@ -1906,6 +1916,9 @@ void setupRuntime() {
"__repr__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)builtinFunctionOrMethodRepr, STR, 1)));
"__name__", new (pyston_getset_cls) BoxedGetsetDescriptor(builtinFunctionOrMethodName, NULL, NULL));
new BoxedMemberDescriptor(BoxedMemberDescriptor::OBJECT, offsetof(BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod, doc), false));
......@@ -2036,16 +2049,15 @@ void setupRuntime() {
BoxedModule* createModule(const std::string& name, const std::string& fn) {
BoxedModule* createModule(const std::string& name, const std::string& fn, const char* doc) {
assert(fn.size() && "probably wanted to set the fn to <stdin>?");
BoxedModule* module = new BoxedModule(name, fn);
BoxedModule* module = new BoxedModule(name, fn, doc);
BoxedDict* d = getSysModulesDict();
Box* b_name = boxStringPtr(&name);
ASSERT(d->d.count(b_name) == 0, "%s", name.c_str());
d->d[b_name] = module;
module->giveAttr("__doc__", None);
return module;
......@@ -447,6 +447,7 @@ public:
// Accessed via member descriptor
Box* modname; // __module__
BoxedString* name; // __name__ (should be here or in one of the derived classes?)
Box* doc; // __doc__
BoxedFunctionBase(CLFunction* f);
BoxedFunctionBase(CLFunction* f, std::initializer_list<Box*> defaults, BoxedClosure* closure = NULL,
......@@ -466,9 +467,9 @@ public:
class BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod : public BoxedFunctionBase {
BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod(CLFunction* f, const char* name);
BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod(CLFunction* f, const char* name, const char* doc = NULL);
BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod(CLFunction* f, const char* name, std::initializer_list<Box*> defaults,
BoxedClosure* closure = NULL, bool isGenerator = false);
BoxedClosure* closure = NULL, bool isGenerator = false, const char* doc = NULL);
......@@ -481,7 +482,7 @@ public:
std::string fn;
FutureFlags future_flags;
BoxedModule(const std::string& name, const std::string& fn);
BoxedModule(const std::string& name, const std::string& fn, const char* doc = NULL);
std::string name();
......@@ -2,6 +2,19 @@ print __doc__
__doc__ = "module_doc"
print __doc__
import test_package
print test_package.__doc__
test_package.__doc__ = "changeable module docs"
print test_package.__doc__
def foo():
""" foo docs go here """
print foo.__doc__
foo.__doc__ = "no they don't"
print foo.__doc__
class C1(object):
print 1, __doc__
"hello world"
import math
def type_trunc(type, arg):
print type.__trunc__(arg)
except TypeError as e:
print e
type_trunc(float, 5.25)
type_trunc(float, 5)
type_trunc(float, 5L)
type_trunc(float, "5")
type_trunc(int, 5.25)
type_trunc(int, 5)
type_trunc(int, 5L)
type_trunc(int, "5")
type_trunc(long, 5.25)
type_trunc(long, 5)
type_trunc(long, 5L)
type_trunc(long, "5")
class Test:
def __trunc__(self):
print "made it"
return 5
t = Test()
print math.trunc(t)
class TruncReturnsNonInt:
def __trunc__(self):
print "made it"
return "hi"
t2 = TruncReturnsNonInt()
print math.trunc(t2)
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