############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2002 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <jp@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## """\ ERP portal_categories tool. """ from OFS.Folder import Folder from Products.CMFCore.utils import UniqueObject from Globals import InitializeClass, DTMLFile from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from Acquisition import aq_base from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions from Products.ERP5Type.Base import Base from Products.ERP5Type.Cache import getReadOnlyTransactionCache from Products.CMFCategory import _dtmldir from Products.CMFCore.PortalFolder import ContentFilter from Products.CMFCategory.Renderer import Renderer from OFS.Traversable import NotFound import re from zLOG import LOG, PROBLEM _marker = object() class CategoryError( Exception ): pass class CategoryTool( UniqueObject, Folder, Base ): """ The CategoryTool object is the placeholder for all methods and algorithms related to categories and relations in CMF. The default category tool (this one) implements methods such as getCategoryMembershipList and setCategoryMembershipList which store categorymembership as a list of relative url in a property called categories. Category membership lists are ordered. For each base_category the first category membership in the category membership list is called the default category membership. For example, if a resource can be counted in meters, kilograms and cubic meters and if the default unit is meters, the category membership list for this resource from the quantity_unit point of view is:: quantity_unit/length/meter quantity_unit/weight/kilogram quantity_unit/volume/m3 Membership is ordered and multiple. For example, if a swim suit uses three colors (eg : color1, color2, color3 which are used in the top, belt and in the bottom) and if a particular variation of that swim suit has two of the three colors the same (eg black, blue, black) then the category membership list from the color point of view is:: color/black color/blue color/black TODO: Add sort methods everywhere NB: All values are by default acquired Future accessors should provide non acquired values XX: Why is portal_categoires a subclass of Base ? Because of uid ? If yes, then it should be migrated into ERP5Category and __init__ indefined here """ id = 'portal_categories' meta_type = 'CMF Categories' portal_type = 'Category Tool' allowed_types = ( 'CMF Base Category', ) # Declarative Security security = ClassSecurityInfo() # # ZMI methods # manage_options = ( ( { 'label' : 'Overview' , 'action' : 'manage_overview' } , ) + Folder.manage_options ) security.declareProtected( Permissions.ManagePortal , 'manage_overview' ) manage_overview = DTMLFile( 'explainCategoryTool', _dtmldir ) # Multiple inheritance inconsistency caused by Base must be circumvented def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ): Base.__init__(self, self.id, **kwargs) # Filter content (ZMI)) def filtered_meta_types(self, user=None): # Filters the list of available meta types. all = CategoryTool.inheritedAttribute('filtered_meta_types')(self) meta_types = [] for meta_type in self.all_meta_types(): if meta_type['name'] in self.allowed_types: meta_types.append(meta_type) return meta_types # Filter Utilities def _buildFilter(self, spec, filter, kw): if filter is None: filt = {} else: # Work on a copy since we are going to modify it filt = filter.copy() if spec is not None: filt['meta_type'] = spec filt.update(kw) return filt def _buildQuery(self, spec, filter, kw): return apply( ContentFilter, (), self._buildFilter(spec, filter, kw) ) # Category accessors security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getBaseCategoryList') def getBaseCategoryList(self, context=None): """ Returns the ids of base categories of the portal_categories tool if no context is provided, otherwise, returns the base categories defined for the class Two alias are provided : getBaseCategoryIds -- backward compatibility with early ERP5 versions baseCategoryIds -- for zope users conveniance """ if context is None: return self.objectIds() else: return context._categories # XXX Incompatible with ERP5Type per portal type categories security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getBaseCategoryIds') getBaseCategoryIds = getBaseCategoryList security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'baseCategoryIds') baseCategoryIds = getBaseCategoryIds security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getBaseCategoryValueList') def getBaseCategoryValueList(self, context=None): """ Returns the base categories of the portal_categories tool if no context is provided, otherwise returns the base categories for the class Two alias are provided : getBaseCategoryValues -- backward compatibility with early ERP5 versions baseCategoryValues -- for zope users conveniance """ if context is None: return self.objectValues() else: return [self[x] for x in context._categories] # XXX Incompatible with ERP5Type per portal type categories security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getBaseCategoryValues') getBaseCategoryValues = getBaseCategoryValueList security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'baseCategoryValues') baseCategoryValues = getBaseCategoryValues security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCategoryValue') def getCategoryValue(self, relative_url, base_category = None): """ Returns a Category object from a given category url and optionnal base category id """ cache = getReadOnlyTransactionCache(self) if cache is not None: key = ('getCategoryValue', relative_url, base_category) try: return cache[key] except KeyError: pass try: relative_url = str(relative_url) if base_category is not None: relative_url = '%s/%s' % (base_category, relative_url) node = self.unrestrictedTraverse(relative_url) value = node except (TypeError, KeyError, NotFound): value = None if cache is not None: cache[key] = value return value # security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCategoryValue') # def getCategoryValue(self, relative_url, base_category = None): # """ # Returns a Category object from a given category url # and optionnal base category id # """ # try: # relative_url = str(relative_url) # context = aq_base(self) # if base_category is not None: # context = context.unrestrictedTraverse(base_category) # context = aq_base(context) # node = context.unrestrictedTraverse(relative_url) # return node.__of__(self) # except: # return None security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCategoryUid') def getCategoryUid(self, relative_url, base_category = None): """ Returns the uid of a Category from a given base category and the relative_url of a category """ node = self.getCategoryValue(relative_url, base_category = base_category) if node is not None: return node.uid else: return None security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCategoryValueFromUid') def getCategoryValueFromUid(self, uid): """ Returns the a Category object from its uid by looking up in a a portal_catalog which must be ZSQLCataglog """ return self.portal_catalog.getobject(uid) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getBaseCategoryId') def getBaseCategoryId(self, relative_url, base_category = None): """ Returns the id of the base category from a given relative url and optional base category """ if base_category is not None: return base_category try: return relative_url.split('/', 1)[0] except KeyError : return None security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getBaseCategoryUid') def getBaseCategoryUid(self, relative_url, base_category = None): """ Returns the uid of the base category from a given relative_url and optional base category """ try: return self.getCategoryValue(self.getBaseCategoryId(relative_url, base_category = base_category)).uid except (AttributeError, KeyError): return None security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCategoryParentUidList') def getCategoryParentUidList(self, relative_url, base_category = None, strict=0): """ Returns the uids of all categories provided in categorie. This method can support relative_url such as site/group/a/b/c which base category is site yet use categories defined in group. It is also able to use acquisition to create complex categories such as site/group/a/b/c/b1/c1 where b and b1 are both children categories of a. relative_url -- a single relative url of a list of relative urls strict -- if set to 1, only return uids of parents, not relative_url """ uid_dict = {} if isinstance(relative_url, str): relative_url = (relative_url,) for path in relative_url: try: o = self.getCategoryValue(path, base_category=base_category) if o is not None: my_base_category = self.getBaseCategoryId(path) bo = self.get(my_base_category, None) if bo is not None: bo_uid = int(bo.getUid()) uid_dict[(int(o.uid), bo_uid, 1)] = 1 # Strict Membership if o.meta_type == 'CMF Category' or o.meta_type == 'CMF Base Category': # This goes up in the category tree # XXX we should also go up in some other cases.... # ie. when some documents act as categories if not strict: while o.meta_type == 'CMF Category': o = o.aq_parent # We want acquisition here without aq_inner uid_dict[(int(o.uid), bo_uid, 0)] = 1 # Non Strict Membership except (KeyError, AttributeError): LOG('WARNING: CategoriesTool',0, 'Unable to find uid for %s' % path) return uid_dict.keys() security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getUids') getUids = getCategoryParentUidList security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCategoryChildUidList') def getCategoryChildUidList(self, relative_url, base_category = None, strict=0): """ Returns the uids of all categories provided in categories relative_url -- a single relative url of a list of relative urls strict -- if set to 1, only return uids of parents, not relative_url """ ## TBD # Recursive listing API security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCategoryChildRelativeUrlList') def getCategoryChildRelativeUrlList(self, base_category=None, base=0, recursive=1): """ Returns a list of relative urls by parsing recursively all categories in a given list of base categories base_category -- A single base category id or a list of base category ids if not provided, base category will be set with the list of all current category ids base -- if set to 1, relative_url will start with the base category id if set to 0 and if base_category is a single id, relative_url are relative to the base_category (and thus doesn't start with the base category id) recursive -- if set to 0 do not apply recursively """ if base_category is None: base_category_list = self.getBaseCategoryList() elif isinstance(base_category, str): base_category_list = [base_category] else: base_category_list = base_category result = [] for base_category in base_category_list: category = self[base_category] if category is not None: result.extend(category.getCategoryChildRelativeUrlList(base=base,recursive=recursive)) return result security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getPathList') getPathList = getCategoryChildRelativeUrlList # Exists for backward compatibility security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCategoryChildList') getCategoryChildList = getCategoryChildRelativeUrlList # This is more consistent security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCategoryChildTitleItemList') def getCategoryChildTitleItemList(self, base_category=None, recursive=1, base=0, display_none_category=0, sort_id=None): """ Returns a list of tuples by parsing recursively all categories in a given list of base categories. Uses getTitle as default method """ return self.getCategoryChildItemList(base_category=base_category, recursive = recursive,base=base, display_none_category=display_none_category,display_id='getTitle', sort_id=sort_id) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCategoryChildIdItemList') def getCategoryChildIdItemList(self, base_category=None, recursive=1, base=0, display_none_category=0, sort_id=None): """ Returns a list of tuples by parsing recursively all categories in a given list of base categories. Uses getId as default method """ return self.getCategoryChildItemList( base_category=base_category, recursive = recursive, base=base, display_none_category=display_none_category, display_id='getId', sort_id=sort_id ) security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCategoryChildItemList') def getCategoryChildItemList(self, base_category=None, display_id = None, recursive=1, base=0, display_none_category=1, sort_id=None, **kw): """ Returns a list of tuples by parsing recursively all categories in a given list of base categories. Each tuple contains:: (c.relative_url,c.display_id()) base_category -- A single base category id or a list of base category ids if not provided, base category will be set with the list of all current category ids base -- if set to 1, relative_url will start with the base category id if set to 0 and if base_category is a single id, relative_url are relative to the base_category (and thus doesn't start with the base category id) display_id -- method called to build the couple recursive -- if set to 0 do not apply recursively See Category.getCategoryChildItemList for extra accepted arguments """ if isinstance(base_category, str): base_category_list = [base_category] elif base_category is None: base_category_list = self.getBaseCategoryList() else: base_category_list = base_category if display_none_category: result = [('', '')] else: result = [] for base_category in base_category_list: category = self[base_category] if category is not None: result.extend(category.getCategoryChildItemList( base=base, recursive=recursive, display_id=display_id, **kw )) return result security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getBaseItemList') getBaseItemList = getCategoryChildItemList # Category to Tuple Conversion security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'asItemList') def asItemList(self, relative_url, base_category=None,**kw): """ Returns a list of tuples, each tuple is calculated by applying display_id on each category provided in relative_url base_category -- A single base category id or a list of base category ids if not provided, base category will be set with the list of all current category ids base -- if set to 1, relative_url will start with the base category id if set to 0 and if base_category is a single id, relative_url are relative to the base_category (and thus doesn't start with the base category id) display_id -- method called to build the couple recursive -- if set to 0 do not apply recursively """ #if display_id is None: # for c in relative_url: # result += [(c, c)] #else: # LOG('CMFCategoryTool.asItemList, relative_url',0,relative_url) value_list = [] for c in relative_url: o = self.getCategoryValue(c, base_category=base_category) # LOG('CMFCategoryTool.asItemList, (o,c)',0,(o,c)) if o is not None: value_list.append(o) else: LOG('WARNING: CategoriesTool',0, 'Unable to find category %s' % c) #if sort_id is not None: # result.sort() # LOG('CMFCategoryTool.asItemList, value_list',0,value_list) return Renderer(base_category=base_category,**kw).render(value_list) security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getItemList') getItemList = asItemList # Convert a list of membership to path security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'asPathList') def asPathList(self, base_category, category_list): if isinstance(category_list, str): category_list = [category_list] if category_list is None: category_list = [] new_list = [] for v in category_list: new_list.append('%s/%s' % (base_category, v)) return new_list # Alias for compatibility security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'formSelectionToPathList') formSelectionToPathList = asPathList # Category implementation security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCategoryMembershipList' ) def getCategoryMembershipList(self, context, base_category, base=0, spec=(), filter=None, **kw ): """ Returns a list of category membership represented as a list of relative URLs context -- the context on which we are looking for categories base_category -- a single base category (string) or a list of base categories spec -- a list or a tuple of portal types base -- if set to 1, returns relative URLs to portal_categories if set to 0, returns relative URLs to the base category """ # XXX We must use filters in the future # where_expression = self._buildQuery(spec, filter, kw) portal_type = kw.get('portal_type', ()) if spec is (): spec = portal_type # LOG('getCategoryMembershipList',0,str(spec)) # LOG('getCategoryMembershipList',0,str(base_category)) membership = [] if not isinstance(base_category, (tuple, list)): category_list = [base_category] else: category_list = base_category if not isinstance(spec, (tuple, list)): spec = [spec] for path in self._getCategoryList(context): # LOG('getCategoryMembershipList',0,str(path)) my_base_category = path.split('/', 1)[0] for my_category in category_list: if isinstance(my_category, str): category = my_category else: category = my_category.getRelativeUrl() if my_base_category == category: if spec is (): if base: membership.append(path) else: membership.append(path[len(category)+1:]) else: try: o = self.unrestrictedTraverse(path) # LOG('getCategoryMembershipList',0,str(o.portal_type)) if o.portal_type in spec: if base: membership.append(path) else: membership.append(path[len(category)+1:]) except KeyError: LOG('WARNING: CategoriesTool',0, 'Unable to find object for path %s' % path) # We must include parent if specified explicitely if 'parent' in category_list: parent = context.aq_parent if parent.portal_type in spec: if base: membership.append('parent/' + parent.getRelativeUrl()) else: membership.append(parent.getRelativeUrl()) return membership security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'setCategoryMembership' ) def setCategoryMembership(self, context, base_category_list, category_list, base=0, keep_default=1, spec=(), filter=None, **kw ): """ Sets the membership of the context on the specified base_category list and for the specified portal_type spec context -- the context on which we are looking for categories base_category_list -- a single base category (string) or a list of base categories or a single base category object or a list of base category objects category_list -- a single category (string) or a list of categories spec -- a list or a tuple of portal types """ #LOG("set Category 1",0,str(category_list)) # XXX We must use filters in the future # where_expression = self._buildQuery(spec, filter, kw) portal_type = kw.get('portal_type', ()) if isinstance(portal_type, str): portal_type = (portal_type,) if spec is (): spec = portal_type default_dict = {} self._cleanupCategories(context) if isinstance(category_list, str): category_list = (category_list,) elif category_list is None: category_list = () elif isinstance(category_list, (list, tuple)): pass else: raise TypeError, 'Category must be of string, tuple of string or list of string type.' if isinstance(base_category_list, str): base_category_list = [base_category_list] new_category_list = [] for path in self._getCategoryList(context): my_base_id = self.getBaseCategoryId(path) if my_base_id not in base_category_list: # Keep each membership which is not in the # specified list of base_category ids new_category_list.append(path) else: if spec is (): # If spec is (), then we should keep nothing # Everything will be replaced keep_it = 0 else: # Only keep this if not in our spec try: my_type = self.unrestrictedTraverse(path).portal_type keep_it = (my_type not in spec) except (KeyError, AttributeError): keep_it = 0 if keep_it: new_category_list.append(path) elif keep_default: # We must remember the default value # for each replaced category if not default_dict.has_key(my_base_id): default_dict[my_base_id] = path # We now create a list of default category values default_new_category_list = [] for path in default_dict.values(): if base or len(base_category_list) > 1: if path in category_list: default_new_category_list.append(path) else: if path[len(base_category_list[0])+1:] in category_list: default_new_category_list.append(path) # Before we append new category values (except default values) # We must make sure however that multiple links are possible default_path_found = {} for path in category_list: if path != '': if base or len(base_category_list) > 1: # Only keep path which are member of base_category_list if self.getBaseCategoryId(path) in base_category_list: if path not in default_new_category_list or default_path_found.has_key(path): default_path_found[path] = 1 new_category_list.append(path) else: new_path = base_category_list[0] + '/' + path if new_path not in default_new_category_list: new_category_list.append(new_path) #LOG("set Category",0,str(new_category_list)) #LOG("set Category",0,str(default_new_category_list)) self._setCategoryList(context, tuple(default_new_category_list + new_category_list)) security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'setDefaultCategoryMembership' ) def setDefaultCategoryMembership(self, context, base_category, default_category, spec=(), filter=None, portal_type=(), base=0 ): """ Sets the membership of the context on the specified base_category list and for the specified portal_type spec context -- the context on which we are looking for categories base_category_list -- a single base category (string) or a list of base categories or a single base category object or a list of base category objects category_list -- a single category (string) or a list of categories spec -- a list or a tuple of portal types """ self._cleanupCategories(context) if isinstance(default_category, (tuple, list)): default_category = default_category[0] category_list = self.getCategoryMembershipList(context, base_category, spec=spec, filter=filter, portal_type=portal_type, base=base) new_category_list = [default_category] found_one = 0 # We will keep from the current category_list # everything except the first occurence of category # this allows to have multiple occurences of the same category for category in category_list: if category == default_category: found_one = 1 elif category != default_category or found_one: new_category_list.append(category) self.setCategoryMembership(context, base_category, new_category_list, spec=spec, filter=filter, portal_type=portal_type, base=base, keep_default = 0) security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getSingleCategoryMembershipList' ) def getSingleCategoryMembershipList(self, context, base_category, base=0, spec=(), filter=None, **kw): """ Returns the local membership of the context for a single base category represented as a list of relative URLs context -- the context on which we are looking for categories base_category -- a single base category (string) spec -- a list or a tuple of portal types base -- if set to 1, returns relative URLs to portal_categories if set to 0, returns relative URLs to the base category """ # XXX We must use filters in the future # where_expression = self._buildQuery(spec, filter, kw) portal_type = kw.get('portal_type', ()) if spec is (): spec = portal_type # We must treat parent in a different way #LOG('getSingleCategoryMembershipList', 0, 'base_category = %s, spec = %s, base = %s, context = %s, context.aq_inner.aq_parent = %s' % (repr(base_category), repr(spec), repr(base), repr(context), repr(context.aq_inner.aq_parent))) if base_category == 'parent': parent = context.aq_inner.aq_parent # aq_inner is required to make sure we use containment if parent.portal_type in spec: if base: return ['parent/' + parent.getRelativeUrl()] else: return [parent.getRelativeUrl()] #LOG('getSingleCategoryMembershipList', 0, 'not in spec: parent.portal_type = %s, spec = %s' % (repr(parent.portal_type), repr(spec))) return [] result = [] append = result.append # XXX We must use filters in the future # where_expression = self._buildQuery(spec, filter, kw) spec = kw.get('portal_type', ()) # Make sure spec is a list or tuple if isinstance(spec, str): spec = [spec] # Filter categories if getattr(aq_base(context), 'categories', _marker) is not _marker: for category_url in self._getCategoryList(context): try: index = category_url.index('/') my_base_category = category_url[:index] except ValueError: my_base_category = category_url if my_base_category == base_category: #LOG("getSingleCategoryMembershipList",0,"%s %s %s %s" % (context.getRelativeUrl(), # my_base_category, base_category, category_url)) if spec is (): if base: append(category_url) else: append(category_url[len(my_base_category)+1:]) else: my_reference = self.unrestrictedTraverse(category_url, None) if my_reference is not None: if my_reference.portal_type in spec: if base: append(category_url) else: append(category_url[len(my_base_category)+1:]) return result security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getSingleCategoryAcquiredMembershipList' ) def getSingleCategoryAcquiredMembershipList(self, context, base_category, base=0, spec=(), filter=None, acquired_object_dict = None, **kw ): cache = getReadOnlyTransactionCache(self) if cache is not None: key = ('getSingleCategoryAcquiredMembershipList', context._p_oid, base_category, base, spec, filter, str(kw)) try: return cache[key] except KeyError: pass result = self._getSingleCategoryAcquiredMembershipList(context, base_category, base=base, spec=spec, filter=filter, acquired_object_dict = acquired_object_dict, **kw) if cache is not None: cache[key] = result return result def _getSingleCategoryAcquiredMembershipList(self, context, base_category, base = 0, spec = (), filter = None, acquired_portal_type = (), acquired_object_dict = None, **kw ): """ Returns the acquired membership of the context for a single base category represented as a list of relative URLs context -- the context on which we are looking for categories base_category -- a single base category (string) spec -- a list or a tuple of portal types base -- if set to 1, returns relative URLs to portal_categories if set to 0, returns relative URLs to the base category acquired_object_dict -- this is the list of object used by acquisition, so we can check if we already have used this object alt_base_category -- an alternative base category if the first one fails acquisition_copy_value -- if set to 1, the looked up value will be copied as an attribute of self acquisition_mask_value -- if set to 1, the value of the category of self has priority on the looked up value acquisition_sync_value -- if set to 1, keep self and looked up value in sync """ #LOG("Get Acquired Category ",0,str((base_category, context,))) #LOG("Get Acquired Category acquired_object_dict: ",0,str(acquired_object_dict)) # XXX We must use filters in the future # where_expression = self._buildQuery(spec, filter, kw) portal_type = kw.get('portal_type', ()) if spec is (): spec = portal_type # This is bad XXX - JPS - spec is for meta_type, not for portal_type - be consistent ! if isinstance(spec, str): spec = [spec] if isinstance(acquired_portal_type, str): acquired_portal_type = [acquired_portal_type] if acquired_object_dict is None: acquired_object_dict = {} # Initial call may include filter, etc. - do not keep else: context_base_key = (tuple(context.getPhysicalPath()), base_category) if context_base_key in acquired_object_dict: acquired_object_dict = acquired_object_dict.copy() type_dict = acquired_object_dict[context_base_key].copy() if spec is (): if () in type_dict: return [] else: type_dict[()] = 1 else: for pt in spec: if pt in type_dict: return [] else: type_dict[pt] = 1 acquired_object_dict[context_base_key] = type_dict else: type_dict = {} if spec is (): type_dict[()] = 1 else: for pt in spec: type_dict[pt] = 1 acquired_object_dict = acquired_object_dict.copy() acquired_object_dict[context_base_key] = type_dict result = self.getSingleCategoryMembershipList( context, base_category, base=base, spec=spec, filter=filter, **kw ) # Not acquired because this is the first try # to get a local defined category base_category_value = self.getCategoryValue(base_category) #LOG("result", 0, str(result)) if base_category_value is not None: # If we do not mask or append, return now if not empty if base_category_value.getAcquisitionMaskValue() and \ not base_category_value.getAcquisitionAppendValue() and \ len(result) > 0: # If acquisition masks and we do not append values, then we must return now return result # First we look at local ids for object_id in base_category_value.getAcquisitionObjectIdList(): my_acquisition_object = None if object_id in context.objectIds(): my_acquisition_object = getattr(context, object_id) if my_acquisition_object is not None: #my_acquisition_object_path = my_acquisition_object.getPhysicalPath() #if my_acquisition_object_path in acquired_object_dict: # continue #acquired_object_dict[my_acquisition_object_path] = 1 if my_acquisition_object.portal_type in base_category_value.getAcquisitionPortalTypeList(): new_result = self.getSingleCategoryAcquiredMembershipList(my_acquisition_object, base_category, spec=spec, filter=filter, portal_type=portal_type, base=base, acquired_object_dict=acquired_object_dict) else: new_result = [] #if base_category_value.acquisition_mask_value: # # If acquisition masks, then we must return now # return new_result if getattr(base_category_value, 'acquisition_append_value', False): # If acquisition appends, then we must append to the result result.extend(new_result) elif len(new_result) > 0: return new_result # Found enough information to return # Next we look at references #LOG("Get Acquired BC", 0, base_category_value.getAcquisitionBaseCategoryList()) acquisition_base_category_list = base_category_value.getAcquisitionBaseCategoryList() alt_base_category_list = base_category_value.getFallbackBaseCategoryList() all_acquisition_base_category_list = acquisition_base_category_list + alt_base_category_list acquisition_pt = base_category_value.getAcquisitionPortalTypeList(()) for my_base_category in base_category_value.getAcquisitionBaseCategoryList(): # We implement here special keywords if my_base_category == 'parent': parent = context.aq_inner.aq_parent # aq_inner is required to make sure we use containment if getattr(aq_base(parent), 'portal_type', _marker) is _marker: my_acquisition_object_list = [] else: #LOG("Parent Object List ",0,str(parent.getRelativeUrl())) #LOG("Parent Object List ",0,str(parent.portal_type)) #LOG("Parent Object List ",0,str(acquisition_pt)) #my_acquisition_object_path = parent.getPhysicalPath() #if my_acquisition_object_path in acquired_object_dict: if acquisition_pt is () or parent.portal_type in acquisition_pt: my_acquisition_object_list = [parent] else: my_acquisition_object_list = [] else: #LOG('getAcquiredCategoryMembershipList', 0, 'my_acquisition_object = %s, acquired_object_dict = %s' % (str(context), str(acquired_object_dict))) my_acquisition_list = self.getSingleCategoryAcquiredMembershipList(context, my_base_category, portal_type=tuple(base_category_value.getAcquisitionPortalTypeList(())), acquired_object_dict=acquired_object_dict) my_acquisition_object_list = [] for c in my_acquisition_list: o = self.resolveCategory(c) if o is not None: my_acquisition_object_list.append(o) #my_acquisition_object_list = context.getValueList(my_base_category, # portal_type=tuple(base_category_value.getAcquisitionPortalTypeList(()))) #LOG("Get Acquired PT",0,str(base_category_value.getAcquisitionPortalTypeList(()))) #LOG("Object List ",0,str(my_acquisition_object_list)) original_result = result result = list(result) # make a copy for my_acquisition_object in my_acquisition_object_list: #LOG('getSingleCategoryAcquiredMembershipList', 0, 'my_acquisition_object = %s, acquired_object_dict = %s' % (str(my_acquisition_object), str(acquired_object_dict))) #LOG('getSingleCategoryAcquiredMembershipList', 0, 'my_acquisition_object.__dict__ = %s' % str(my_acquisition_object.__dict__)) #LOG('getSingleCategoryAcquiredMembershipList', 0, 'my_acquisition_object.__hash__ = %s' % str(my_acquisition_object.__hash__())) #if my_acquisition_object is not None: if my_acquisition_object is not None: #my_acquisition_object_path = my_acquisition_object.getPhysicalPath() #if my_acquisition_object_path in acquired_object_dict: # continue #acquired_object_dict[my_acquisition_object_path] = 1 #if hasattr(my_acquisition_object, '_categories'): # This would be a bug since we have category acquisition # We should only consider objects which define that category #LOG('my_acquisition_object',0, str(getattr(my_acquisition_object, '_categories', ()))) #LOG('my_acquisition_object',0, str(base_category)) if base_category in getattr(my_acquisition_object, '_categories', ()): if (not acquired_portal_type) or my_acquisition_object.portal_type in acquired_portal_type: #LOG("Recursive call ",0,str((spec, my_acquisition_object.portal_type))) new_result = self.getSingleCategoryAcquiredMembershipList(my_acquisition_object, base_category, spec=spec, filter=filter, portal_type=portal_type, base=base, acquired_portal_type=acquired_portal_type, acquired_object_dict=acquired_object_dict) else: #LOG("No recursive call ",0,str((spec, my_acquisition_object.portal_type))) new_result = [] if getattr(base_category_value, 'acquisition_append_value', False): # If acquisition appends, then we must append to the result result.extend(new_result) elif len(new_result) > 0: #LOG("new_result ",0,str(new_result)) if (getattr(base_category_value, 'acquisition_copy_value', False) and len(original_result) == 0) \ or getattr(base_category_value, 'acquisition_sync_value', False): # If copy is set and result was empty, then copy it once # If sync is set, then copy it again self.setCategoryMembership( context, base_category, new_result, spec=spec, filter=filter, portal_type=portal_type, base=base ) # We found it, we can return return new_result if (getattr(base_category_value, 'acquisition_copy_value', False) or \ getattr(base_category_value, 'acquisition_sync_value', False))\ and len(result) > 0: # If copy is set and result was empty, then copy it once # If sync is set, then copy it again self.setCategoryMembership( context, base_category, result, spec=spec, filter=filter, portal_type=portal_type, base=base ) if len(result)==0 and len(base_category_value.getFallbackBaseCategoryList())>0: # We must then try to use the alt base category for base_category in base_category_value.getFallbackBaseCategoryList(): # First get the category list category_list = self.getSingleCategoryAcquiredMembershipList( context, base_category, base=1, spec=spec, filter=filter, acquired_object_dict=acquired_object_dict, **kw ) # Then convert it into value category_value_list = [self.resolveCategory(x) for x in category_list] # Then build the alternate category if base: base_category_id = base_category_value.getId() for category_value in category_value_list: if category_value is None : message = "category does not exists for %s (%s)"%( context.getPath(), category_list) LOG('CMFCategory', PROBLEM, message) raise CategoryError (message) else : result.append('%s/%s' % (base_category_id, category_value.getRelativeUrl())) else : for category_value in category_value_list: if category_value is None : message = "category does not exists for %s (%s)"%( context.getPath(), category_list) LOG('CMFCategory', PROBLEM, message) raise CategoryError (message) else : result.append(category_value.getRelativeUrl()) # WE MUST IMPLEMENT HERE THE REST OF THE SEMANTICS #LOG("Get Acquired Category Result ",0,str(result)) return result security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getAcquiredCategoryMembershipList' ) def getAcquiredCategoryMembershipList(self, context, base_category = None, base=1, spec=(), filter=None, acquired_object_dict=None, **kw): """ Returns all acquired category values """ #LOG("Get Acquired Category List", 0, "%s %s" % (base_category, context.getRelativeUrl())) result = [] extend = result.extend if base_category is None: base_category_list = context._categories # XXX incompatible with ERP5Type per portal categories elif isinstance(base_category, str): base_category_list = [base_category] else: base_category_list = base_category #LOG('CT.getAcquiredCategoryMembershipList base_category_list',0,base_category_list) getSingleCategoryAcquiredMembershipList = self.getSingleCategoryAcquiredMembershipList for base_category in base_category_list: extend(getSingleCategoryAcquiredMembershipList(context, base_category, base=base, spec=spec, filter=filter, acquired_object_dict=acquired_object_dict, **kw )) #LOG('CT.getAcquiredCategoryMembershipList new result',0,result) return result security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isMemberOf' ) def isMemberOf(self, context, category, **kw): """ Tests if an object if member of a given category Category is a string here. It could be more than a string (ex. an object) Keywords parameters : - strict_membership: if we want strict membership checking - strict : alias for strict_membership (deprecated but still here for skins backward compatibility. ) XXX - there should be 2 different methods, one which acuiqred and the other which does not. A complete review of the use of isMemberOf is required """ strict_membership = kw.get('strict_membership', kw.get('strict', 0)) if getattr(aq_base(context), 'isCategory', 0) : if context.isMemberOf(category, strict_membership = strict_membership) == 1 : return 1 base_category = category.split('/')[0] # Extract base_category for optimisation if strict_membership: for c in self.getAcquiredCategoryMembershipList(context, base_category = base_category): if c == category: return 1 else: for c in self.getAcquiredCategoryMembershipList(context, base_category = base_category): if c.find(category) == 0: # The names begin with the same string c_right_split = c.split(category)[1] if (len(c_right_split) > 0): # Be sure that we have a sub category, and not name like this: 'europe1' in 'europe10' if c_right_split[0] == '/': return 1 else: # Same category return 1 return 0 security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isAcquiredMemberOf' ) def isAcquiredMemberOf(self, context, category, strict=0): """ Tests if an object if member of a given category Category is a string here. It could be more than a string (ex. an object) """ if getattr(aq_base(context), 'isCategory', 0): return context.isAcquiredMemberOf(category) if strict: for c in self._getAcquiredCategoryList(context): if c == category: return 1 else: for c in self._getAcquiredCategoryList(context): if c.find(category) >= 0: return 1 return 0 security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isAcquiredMemberOf' ) def isAcquiredMemberOf(self, context, category): """ Tests if an object if member of a given category Category is a string here. It could be more than a string (ex. an object) XXX Should include acquisition ? """ if getattr(aq_base(context), 'isCategory', 0): return context.isAcquiredMemberOf(category) for c in self._getAcquiredCategoryList(context): if c.find(category) >= 0: return 1 return 0 security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isAcquiredMemberOf' ) def isAcquiredMemberOf(self, context, category): """ Tests if an object if member of a given category Category is a string here. It could be more than a string (ex. an object) XXX Should include acquisition ? """ if getattr(aq_base(context), 'isCategory', 0): return context.isAcquiredMemberOf(category) for c in self._getAcquiredCategoryList(context): if c.find(category) >= 0: return 1 return 0 security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCategoryList' ) def getCategoryList(self, context): self._cleanupCategories(context) return self._getCategoryList(context) security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, '_getCategoryList' ) def _getCategoryList(self, context): if getattr(aq_base(context), 'categories', _marker) is not _marker: if isinstance(context.categories, tuple): result = list(context.categories) elif isinstance(context.categories, list): result = context.categories else: result = [] elif isinstance(context, dict): result = list(context.get('categories', [])) else: result = [] if getattr(context, 'isCategory', 0): category_url = context.getRelativeUrl() if category_url not in result: result.append(context.getRelativeUrl()) # Pure category is member of itself return result security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, '_setCategoryList' ) def _setCategoryList(self, context, value): context.categories = tuple(value) security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getAcquiredCategoryList' ) def getAcquiredCategoryList(self, context): """ Returns the list of acquired categories """ self._cleanupCategories(context) return self._getAcquiredCategoryList(context) security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, '_getAcquiredCategoryList' ) def _getAcquiredCategoryList(self, context): result = self.getAcquiredCategoryMembershipList(context, base_category = self.getBaseCategoryList(context=context)) append = result.append non_acquired = self._getCategoryList(context) for c in non_acquired: # Make sure all local categories are considered if c not in result: append(c) if getattr(context, 'isCategory', 0): append(context.getRelativeUrl()) # Pure category is member of itself return result security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, '_cleanupCategories' ) def _cleanupCategories(self, context): # Make sure _cleanupCategories does not modify objects each time it is called # or we get many conflicts requires_update = 0 categories = [] append = categories.append if getattr(context, 'categories', _marker) is not _marker: for cat in self._getCategoryList(context): if isinstance(cat, str): append(cat) else: requires_update = 1 if requires_update: self._setCategoryList(context, tuple(categories)) # Catalog related methods def updateRelatedCategory(self, category, previous_category_url, new_category_url): new_category = re.sub('^%s$' % previous_category_url,'%s' % new_category_url,category) new_category = re.sub('^%s/(?P<stop>.*)' % previous_category_url,'%s/\g<stop>' % new_category_url,new_category) new_category = re.sub('(?P<start>.*)/%s/(?P<stop>.*)' % previous_category_url,'\g<start>/%s/\g<stop>' % new_category_url,new_category) new_category = re.sub('(?P<start>.*)/%s$' % previous_category_url,'\g<start>/%s' % new_category_url, new_category) return new_category def updateRelatedContent(self, context, previous_category_url, new_category_url): """Updates related object when an object have moved. o context: the moved object o previous_category_url: the related url of this object before the move o new_category_url: the related url of the object after the move TODO: make this method resist to very large updates (ie. long transaction) """ for brain in self.Base_zSearchRelatedObjectsByCategory( category_uid = context.getUid()): o = brain.getObject() if o is not None: category_list = [] for category in self.getCategoryList(o): new_category = self.updateRelatedCategory(category, previous_category_url, new_category_url) category_list.append(new_category) self._setCategoryList(o, category_list) if getattr(aq_base(o), 'notifyAfterUpdateRelatedContent', None) is not None: o.notifyAfterUpdateRelatedContent(previous_category_url, new_category_url) else: LOG('CMFCategory', PROBLEM, 'updateRelatedContent: %s does not exist' % brain.path) aq_context = aq_base(context) # Update related recursively if required if getattr(aq_context, 'listFolderContents', None) is not None: for o in context.listFolderContents(): new_o_category_url = o.getRelativeUrl() # Relative Url is based on parent new_category_url so we must # replace new_category_url with previous_category_url to find # the new category_url for the subobject previous_o_category_url = self.updateRelatedCategory( new_o_category_url, new_category_url, previous_category_url) self.updateRelatedContent(o, previous_o_category_url, new_o_category_url) security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getRelatedValueList' ) def getRelatedValueList(self, context, base_category_list=None, spec=(), filter=None, base=1, query=None, **kw): """ This methods returns the list of objects related to the context with the given base_category_list. """ strict_membership = kw.get('strict_membership', kw.get('strict', 0)) portal_type = kw.get('portal_type') if isinstance(portal_type, str): portal_type = [portal_type] if spec is (): # We do not want to care about spec spec = None # Base Category may not be related, besides sub categories if context.getPortalType() == 'Base Category': category_list = [context.getRelativeUrl()] else: if isinstance(base_category_list, str): base_category_list = [base_category_list] elif base_category_list is () or base_category_list is None: base_category_list = self.getBaseCategoryList() category_list = [] for base_category in base_category_list: category_list.append("%s/%s" % (base_category, context.getRelativeUrl())) if query is not None: query = self.portal_catalog.buildSQLQuery(query=query) # XXX Is Base_zSearchRelatedObjectsByCategoryList still usefull ? # It may possible to call portal catalog directly # Base_zSearchRelatedObjectsByCategoryList add a dependency to ERP5 brain_result = self.Base_zSearchRelatedObjectsByCategoryList( category_list=category_list, portal_type=portal_type, strict_membership=strict_membership, where_expression=query['where_expression'], order_by_expression=query['order_by_expression'],) else: brain_result = self.Base_zSearchRelatedObjectsByCategoryList( category_list=category_list, portal_type=portal_type, strict_membership=strict_membership) result = [] for b in brain_result: o = b.getObject() if o is not None: result.append(o) return result # XXX missing filter and **kw stuff #return self.search_category(category_list = category_list, portal_type = spec) # future implementation with brains, much more efficient security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getRelatedPropertyList' ) def getRelatedPropertyList(self, context, base_category_list=None, property_name=None, spec=(), filter=None, base=1, query=None, **kw): """ This methods returns the list of property_name on objects related to the context with the given base_category_list. """ result = [] for o in self.getRelatedValueList( context=context, base_category_list=base_category_list, spec=spec, filter=filter, base=base, query=query, **kw): result.append(o.getProperty(property_name, None)) return result # SQL Expression Building security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'buildSQLSelector') def buildSQLSelector(self, category_list, query_table='category'): """ Returns an SQL selector expression from a list of categories We make here a simple method wich simply checks membership This is like an OR. More complex selections (AND of OR) will require to generate a much more complex where_expression with table aliases List of lists """ if isinstance(category_list, str): category_list = [category_list] sql_expr = [] for category in category_list: if category is None: pass elif isinstance(category, str): if category: category_uid = self.getCategoryUid(category) base_category_uid = self.getBaseCategoryUid(category) expression = '' if category_uid is None: expression += '%s.category_uid is NULL' % query_table else: expression += '%s.category_uid = %s' % (query_table,category_uid) if base_category_uid is None: expression += ' AND %s.base_category_uid is NULL' % query_table else: expression += ' AND %s.base_category_uid = %s' % (query_table,base_category_uid) sql_expr += ["(%s)" % expression] else: single_sql_expr = [] for single_category in category: if single_sql_expr != '': category_uid = self.getCategoryUid(single_category) base_category_uid = self.getBaseCategoryUid(single_category) if category_uid is None: expression += '%s.category_uid is NULL' % query_table else: expression += '%s.category_uid = %s' % (query_table,category_uid) if base_category_uid is None: expression += ' AND %s.base_category_uid is NULL' % query_table else: expression += ' AND %s.base_category_uid = %s' % (query_table,base_category_uid) single_sql_expr += ["(%s)" % expression] if len(single_sql_expr) > 0: sql_expr += "( %s )" % ' OR '.join(single_sql_expr) if len(sql_expr) > 0: sql_expr = ' OR '.join(sql_expr) return sql_expr security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCategoryMemberValueList' ) def getCategoryMemberValueList(self, context, base_category = None, spec = (), filter=None, portal_type=(), **kw): """ This returns a catalog_search resource with can then be used by getCategoryMemberItemList """ if base_category is None: if context.getPortalType() in ( "Base Category", "Category") : base_category = context.getBaseCategoryId() else: raise CategoryError('getCategoryMemberValueList must know the base category') strict_membership = kw.get('strict_membership', kw.get('strict', 0)) domain_dict = {base_category: ('portal_categories', context.getRelativeUrl())} if strict_membership: catalog_search = self.portal_catalog(portal_type = portal_type, selection_report = domain_dict) else: catalog_search = self.portal_catalog(portal_type = portal_type, selection_domain = domain_dict) return catalog_search security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCategoryMemberItemList' ) def getCategoryMemberItemList(self, context, **kw): """ This returns a list of items belonging to a category. The following parameters are accepted : portal_type : returns only objects from the given portal_type strict_membership : returns only object belonging to this category, not objects belonging to child categories. strict : a deprecated alias for strict_membership """ k = {} for v in ('portal_type', 'spec', 'strict', 'strict_membership'): if v in kw: k[v] = kw[v] catalog_search = self.getCategoryMemberValueList(context, **k) return Renderer(**kw).render(catalog_search) security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCategoryMemberTitleItemList' ) def getCategoryMemberTitleItemList(self, context, base_category = None, spec = (), filter=None, portal_type=(), strict_membership = 0, strict="DEPRECATED"): """ This returns a title list of items belonging to a category """ return self.getCategoryMemberItemList(self, context, base_category = base_category, spec = spec, filter=filter, portal_type=portal_type, strict_membership = strict_membership, strict = strict, display_id = 'getTitle') security.declarePublic('resolveCategory') def resolveCategory(self, relative_url): """ Finds an object from a relative_url Method is public since we use restrictedTraverse """ cache = getReadOnlyTransactionCache(self) if cache is not None: key = ('resolveCategory', relative_url) try: return cache[key] except KeyError: pass try: obj = self.restrictedTraverse(relative_url) if obj is None: REQUEST = self.REQUEST url = '%s/%s' % ('/'.join(self.getPhysicalPath()), relative_url) #LOG("CMFCategory:",0,"Trying url %s" % url ) obj = self.portal_catalog.resolve_url(url, REQUEST) #LOG('Obj type', 0, str(obj.getUid())) value = obj except (KeyError, AttributeError) : LOG("CMFCategory WARNING",0,"Could not access object relative_url %s" % relative_url ) value = None if cache is not None: cache[key] = value return value InitializeClass( CategoryTool ) # Psyco import psyco psyco.bind(CategoryTool)