feature_highlight_helper.js 1.68 KB
import axios from '../lib/utils/axios_utils';
import { __ } from '../locale';
import Flash from '../flash';
import LazyLoader from '../lazy_loader';

export const getSelector = highlightId => `.js-feature-highlight[data-highlight=${highlightId}]`;

export function togglePopover(show) {
  const isAlreadyShown = this.hasClass('js-popover-show');
  if ((show && isAlreadyShown) || (!show && !isAlreadyShown)) {
    return false;
  this.popover(show ? 'show' : 'hide');
  this.toggleClass('disable-animation js-popover-show', show);

  return true;

export function dismiss(highlightId) {
  axios.post(this.attr('data-dismiss-endpoint'), {
    feature_name: highlightId,
    .catch(() => Flash(__('An error occurred while dismissing the feature highlight. Refresh the page and try dismissing again.')));

  togglePopover.call(this, false);

export function mouseleave() {
  if (!$('.popover:hover').length > 0) {
    const $featureHighlight = $(this);
    togglePopover.call($featureHighlight, false);

export function mouseenter() {
  const $featureHighlight = $(this);

  const showedPopover = togglePopover.call($featureHighlight, true);
  if (showedPopover) {
      .on('mouseleave', mouseleave.bind($featureHighlight));

export function inserted() {
  const popoverId = this.getAttribute('aria-describedby');
  const highlightId = this.dataset.highlight;
  const $popover = $(this);
  const dismissWrapper = dismiss.bind($popover, highlightId);

  $(`#${popoverId} .dismiss-feature-highlight`)
    .on('click', dismissWrapper);

  const lazyImg = $(`#${popoverId} .feature-highlight-illustration`)[0];
  if (lazyImg) {