<script> import Vue from 'vue'; import Cookies from 'js-cookie'; import Translate from '../../vue_shared/translate'; import illustrationSvg from '../icons/intro_illustration.svg'; Vue.use(Translate); const cookieKey = 'pipeline_schedules_callout_dismissed'; export default { name: 'PipelineSchedulesCallout', data() { return { docsUrl: document.getElementById('pipeline-schedules-callout').dataset.docsUrl, calloutDismissed: Cookies.get(cookieKey) === 'true', }; }, created() { this.illustrationSvg = illustrationSvg; }, methods: { dismissCallout() { this.calloutDismissed = true; Cookies.set(cookieKey, this.calloutDismissed, { expires: 365 }); }, }, }; </script> <template> <div v-if="!calloutDismissed" class="pipeline-schedules-user-callout user-callout"> <div class="bordered-box landing content-block"> <button id="dismiss-callout-btn" class="btn btn-default close" @click="dismissCallout"> <i aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-times"> </i> </button> <div class="svg-container" v-html="illustrationSvg"> </div> <div class="user-callout-copy"> <h4>{{ __('Scheduling Pipelines') }}</h4> <p> {{ __(`The pipelines schedule runs pipelines in the future, repeatedly, for specific branches or tags. Those scheduled pipelines will inherit limited project access based on their associated user.`) }} </p> <p> {{ __('Learn more in the') }} <a :href="docsUrl" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" > {{ s__('Learn more in the|pipeline schedules documentation') }}</a>. <!-- oneline to prevent extra space before period --> </p> </div> </div> </div> </template>