Feature: Project Active Tab
    Given I sign in as a user
    And I own a project

  # Main Tabs

  Scenario: On Project Home
    Given I visit my project's home page
    Then the active main tab should be Home
    And no other main tabs should be active

  Scenario: On Project Files
    Given I visit my project's files page
    Then the active main tab should be Files
    And no other main tabs should be active

  Scenario: On Project Commits
    Given I visit my project's commits page
    Then the active main tab should be Commits
    And no other main tabs should be active

  Scenario: On Project Network
    Given I visit my project's network page
    Then the active main tab should be Network
    And no other main tabs should be active

  Scenario: On Project Issues
    Given I visit my project's issues page
    Then the active main tab should be Issues
    And no other main tabs should be active

  Scenario: On Project Merge Requests
    Given I visit my project's merge requests page
    Then the active main tab should be Merge Requests
    And no other main tabs should be active

  Scenario: On Project Wiki
    Given I visit my project's wiki page
    Then the active main tab should be Wiki
    And no other main tabs should be active

  # Sub Tabs: Home

  Scenario: On Project Home/Show
    Given I visit my project's home page
    Then the active main tab should be Home
    And no other main tabs should be active

  # Sub Tabs: Settings

  Scenario: On Project Settings/Team
    Given I visit my project's settings page
    And I click the "Team" tab
    Then the active sub nav should be Team
    And no other sub navs should be active
    And the active main tab should be Settings

  Scenario: On Project Settings/Edit
    Given I visit my project's settings page
    And I click the "Edit" tab
    Then the active sub nav should be Edit
    And no other sub navs should be active
    And the active main tab should be Settings

  Scenario: On Project Settings/Hooks
    Given I visit my project's settings page
    And I click the "Hooks" tab
    Then the active sub nav should be Hooks
    And no other sub navs should be active
    And the active main tab should be Settings

  Scenario: On Project Settings/Deploy Keys
    Given I visit my project's settings page
    And I click the "Deploy Keys" tab
    Then the active sub nav should be Deploy Keys
    And no other sub navs should be active
    And the active main tab should be Settings

  # Sub Tabs: Commits

  Scenario: On Project Commits/Commits
    Given I visit my project's commits page
    Then the active sub tab should be Commits
    And no other sub tabs should be active
    And the active main tab should be Commits

  Scenario: On Project Commits/Compare
    Given I visit my project's commits page
    And I click the "Compare" tab
    Then the active sub tab should be Compare
    And no other sub tabs should be active
    And the active main tab should be Commits

  Scenario: On Project Commits/Branches
    Given I visit my project's commits page
    And I click the "Branches" tab
    Then the active sub tab should be Branches
    And no other sub tabs should be active
    And the active main tab should be Commits

  Scenario: On Project Commits/Tags
    Given I visit my project's commits page
    And I click the "Tags" tab
    Then the active sub tab should be Tags
    And no other sub tabs should be active
    And the active main tab should be Commits

  # Sub Tabs: Issues

  Scenario: On Project Issues/Browse
    Given I visit my project's issues page
    Then the active sub tab should be Issues
    And no other sub tabs should be active
    And the active main tab should be Issues

  Scenario: On Project Issues/Milestones
    Given I visit my project's issues page
    And I click the "Milestones" tab
    Then the active sub tab should be Milestones
    And no other sub tabs should be active
    And the active main tab should be Issues

  Scenario: On Project Issues/Labels
    Given I visit my project's issues page
    And I click the "Labels" tab
    Then the active sub tab should be Labels
    And no other sub tabs should be active
    And the active main tab should be Issues