function jsUnitTestManager() { this._windowForAllProblemMessages = null; this.container = top.frames.testContainer this.documentLoader = top.frames.documentLoader; this.mainFrame = top.frames.mainFrame; this.containerController = this.container.frames.testContainerController; this.containerTestFrame = this.container.frames.testFrame; var mainData = this.mainFrame.frames.mainData; // form elements on mainData frame this.testFileName = mainData.document.testRunnerForm.testFileName; this.runButton = mainData.document.testRunnerForm.runButton; this.traceLevel = mainData.document.testRunnerForm.traceLevel; this.closeTraceWindowOnNewRun = mainData.document.testRunnerForm.closeTraceWindowOnNewRun; this.timeout = mainData.document.testRunnerForm.timeout; this.setUpPageTimeout = mainData.document.testRunnerForm.setUpPageTimeout; // image output this.progressBar = this.mainFrame.frames.mainProgress.document.progress; this.problemsListField = this.mainFrame.frames.mainErrors.document.testRunnerForm.problemsList; this.testCaseResultsField = this.mainFrame.frames.mainResults.document.resultsForm.testCases; this.resultsTimeField = this.mainFrame.frames.mainResults.document.resultsForm.time; // 'layer' output frames this.uiFrames = new Object(); this.uiFrames.mainStatus = this.mainFrame.frames.mainStatus; var mainCounts = this.mainFrame.frames.mainCounts; this.uiFrames.mainCountsErrors = mainCounts.frames.mainCountsErrors; this.uiFrames.mainCountsFailures = mainCounts.frames.mainCountsFailures; this.uiFrames.mainCountsRuns = mainCounts.frames.mainCountsRuns; this._baseURL = ""; this.setup(); } // seconds to wait for each test page to load jsUnitTestManager.TESTPAGE_WAIT_SEC = 120; jsUnitTestManager.TIMEOUT_LENGTH = 20; // seconds to wait for setUpPage to complete jsUnitTestManager.SETUPPAGE_TIMEOUT = 120; // milliseconds to wait between polls on setUpPages jsUnitTestManager.SETUPPAGE_INTERVAL = 100; jsUnitTestManager.RESTORED_HTML_DIV_ID = "jsUnitRestoredHTML"; jsUnitTestManager.prototype.setup = function () { this.totalCount = 0; this.errorCount = 0; this.failureCount = 0; this._suiteStack = Array(); var initialSuite = new top.jsUnitTestSuite(); push(this._suiteStack, initialSuite); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.start = function () { this._baseURL = this.resolveUserEnteredTestFileName(); var firstQuery = this._baseURL.indexOf("?"); if (firstQuery >= 0) { this._baseURL = this._baseURL.substring(0, firstQuery); } var lastSlash = this._baseURL.lastIndexOf("/"); var lastRevSlash = this._baseURL.lastIndexOf("\\"); if (lastRevSlash > lastSlash) { lastSlash = lastRevSlash; } if (lastSlash > 0) { this._baseURL = this._baseURL.substring(0, lastSlash + 1); } this._timeRunStarted = new Date(); this.initialize(); setTimeout('top.testManager._nextPage();', jsUnitTestManager.TIMEOUT_LENGTH); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.getBaseURL = function () { return this._baseURL; } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.doneLoadingPage = function (pageName) { //this.containerTestFrame.setTracer(top.tracer); this._testFileName = pageName; if (this.isTestPageSuite()) this._handleNewSuite(); else { this._testIndex = 0; this._testsInPage = this.getTestFunctionNames(); this._numberOfTestsInPage = this._testsInPage.length; this._runTest(); } } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._handleNewSuite = function () { var allegedSuite = this.containerTestFrame.suite(); if (allegedSuite.isjsUnitTestSuite) { var newSuite = allegedSuite.clone(); if (newSuite.containsTestPages()) push(this._suiteStack, newSuite); this._nextPage(); } else { this.fatalError('Invalid test suite in file ' + this._testFileName); this.abort(); } } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._runTest = function () { if (this._testIndex + 1 > this._numberOfTestsInPage) { // execute tearDownPage *synchronously* // (unlike setUpPage which is asynchronous) if (typeof this.containerTestFrame.tearDownPage == 'function') { this.containerTestFrame.tearDownPage(); } this._nextPage(); return; } if (this._testIndex == 0) { this.storeRestoredHTML(); if (typeof(this.containerTestFrame.setUpPage) == 'function') { // first test for this page and a setUpPage is defined if (typeof(this.containerTestFrame.setUpPageStatus) == 'undefined') { // setUpPage() not called yet, so call it this.containerTestFrame.setUpPageStatus = false; this.containerTestFrame.startTime = new Date(); this.containerTestFrame.setUpPage(); // try test again later setTimeout('top.testManager._runTest()', jsUnitTestManager.SETUPPAGE_INTERVAL); return; } if (this.containerTestFrame.setUpPageStatus != 'complete') { top.status = 'setUpPage not completed... ' + this.containerTestFrame.setUpPageStatus + ' ' + (new Date()); if ((new Date() - this.containerTestFrame.startTime) / 1000 > this.getsetUpPageTimeout()) { this.fatalError('setUpPage timed out without completing.'); if (!this.userConfirm('Retry Test Run?')) { this.abort(); return; } this.containerTestFrame.startTime = (new Date()); } // try test again later setTimeout('top.testManager._runTest()', jsUnitTestManager.SETUPPAGE_INTERVAL); return; } } } top.status = ''; // either not first test, or no setUpPage defined, or setUpPage completed this.executeTestFunction(this._testsInPage[this._testIndex]); this.totalCount++; this.updateProgressIndicators(); this._testIndex++; setTimeout('top.testManager._runTest()', jsUnitTestManager.TIMEOUT_LENGTH); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._done = function () { var secondsSinceRunBegan = (new Date() - this._timeRunStarted) / 1000; this.setStatus('Done (' + secondsSinceRunBegan + ' seconds)'); this._cleanUp(); if (top.shouldSubmitResults()) { this.resultsTimeField.value = secondsSinceRunBegan; top.submitResults(); } } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._nextPage = function () { this._restoredHTML = null; if (this._currentSuite().hasMorePages()) { this.loadPage(this._currentSuite().nextPage()); } else { pop(this._suiteStack); if (this._currentSuite() == null) this._done(); else this._nextPage(); } } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._currentSuite = function () { var suite = null; if (this._suiteStack && this._suiteStack.length > 0) suite = this._suiteStack[this._suiteStack.length - 1]; return suite; } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.calculateProgressBarProportion = function () { if (this.totalCount == 0) return 0; var currentDivisor = 1; var result = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this._suiteStack.length; i++) { var aSuite = this._suiteStack[i]; currentDivisor *= aSuite.testPages.length; result += (aSuite.pageIndex - 1) / currentDivisor; } result += (this._testIndex + 1) / (this._numberOfTestsInPage * currentDivisor); return result; } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._cleanUp = function () { this.containerController.setTestPage('./app/emptyPage.html'); this.finalize(); top.tracer.finalize(); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.abort = function () { this.setStatus('Aborted'); this._cleanUp(); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.getTimeout = function () { var result = jsUnitTestManager.TESTPAGE_WAIT_SEC; try { result = eval(this.timeout.value); } catch (e) { } return result; } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.getsetUpPageTimeout = function () { var result = jsUnitTestManager.SETUPPAGE_TIMEOUT; try { result = eval(this.setUpPageTimeout.value); } catch (e) { } return result; } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.isTestPageSuite = function () { var result = false; if (typeof(this.containerTestFrame.suite) == 'function') { result = true; } return result; } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.getTestFunctionNames = function () { var testFrame = this.containerTestFrame; var testFunctionNames = new Array(); var i; if (testFrame && typeof(testFrame.exposeTestFunctionNames) == 'function') return testFrame.exposeTestFunctionNames(); if (testFrame && testFrame.document && typeof(testFrame.document.scripts) != 'undefined' && testFrame.document.scripts.length > 0) { // IE5 and up var scriptsInTestFrame = testFrame.document.scripts; for (i = 0; i < scriptsInTestFrame.length; i++) { var someNames = this._extractTestFunctionNamesFromScript(scriptsInTestFrame[i]); if (someNames) testFunctionNames = testFunctionNames.concat(someNames); } } else { for (i in testFrame) { if (i.substring(0, 4) == 'test' && typeof(testFrame[i]) == 'function') push(testFunctionNames, i); } } return testFunctionNames; } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._extractTestFunctionNamesFromScript = function (aScript) { var result; var remainingScriptToInspect = aScript.text; var currentIndex = this._indexOfTestFunctionIn(remainingScriptToInspect); while (currentIndex != -1) { if (!result) result = new Array(); var fragment = remainingScriptToInspect.substring(currentIndex, remainingScriptToInspect.length); result = result.concat(fragment.substring('function '.length, fragment.indexOf('('))); remainingScriptToInspect = remainingScriptToInspect.substring(currentIndex + 12, remainingScriptToInspect.length); currentIndex = this._indexOfTestFunctionIn(remainingScriptToInspect); } return result; } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._indexOfTestFunctionIn = function (string) { return string.indexOf('function test'); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.loadPage = function (testFileName) { this._testFileName = testFileName; this._loadAttemptStartTime = new Date(); this.setStatus('Opening Test Page "' + this._testFileName + '"'); this.containerController.setTestPage(this._testFileName); this._callBackWhenPageIsLoaded(); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._callBackWhenPageIsLoaded = function () { if ((new Date() - this._loadAttemptStartTime) / 1000 > this.getTimeout()) { this.fatalError('Reading Test Page ' + this._testFileName + ' timed out.\nMake sure that the file exists and is a Test Page.'); if (this.userConfirm('Retry Test Run?')) { this.loadPage(this._testFileName); return; } else { this.abort(); return; } } if (!this._isTestFrameLoaded()) { setTimeout('top.testManager._callBackWhenPageIsLoaded();', jsUnitTestManager.TIMEOUT_LENGTH); return; } this.doneLoadingPage(this._testFileName); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._isTestFrameLoaded = function () { try { return this.containerController.isPageLoaded(); } catch (e) { } return false; } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.executeTestFunction = function (functionName) { this._testFunctionName = functionName; this.setStatus('Running test "' + this._testFunctionName + '"'); var excep = null; var timeBefore = new Date(); try { if (this._restoredHTML) top.testContainer.testFrame.document.getElementById(jsUnitTestManager.RESTORED_HTML_DIV_ID).innerHTML = this._restoredHTML; if (this.containerTestFrame.setUp !== JSUNIT_UNDEFINED_VALUE) this.containerTestFrame.setUp(); this.containerTestFrame[this._testFunctionName](); } catch (e1) { excep = e1; } finally { try { if (this.containerTestFrame.tearDown !== JSUNIT_UNDEFINED_VALUE) this.containerTestFrame.tearDown(); } catch (e2) { //Unlike JUnit, only assign a tearDown exception to excep if there is not already an exception from the test body if (excep == null) excep = e2; } } var timeTaken = (new Date() - timeBefore) / 1000; if (excep != null) this._handleTestException(excep); var serializedTestCaseString = this._currentTestFunctionNameWithTestPageName(true) + "|" + timeTaken + "|"; if (excep == null) serializedTestCaseString += "S||"; else { if (typeof(excep.isJsUnitException) != 'undefined' && excep.isJsUnitException) serializedTestCaseString += "F|"; else { serializedTestCaseString += "E|"; } serializedTestCaseString += this._problemDetailMessageFor(excep); } this._addOption(this.testCaseResultsField, serializedTestCaseString, serializedTestCaseString); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._currentTestFunctionNameWithTestPageName = function(useFullyQualifiedTestPageName) { var testURL = this.containerTestFrame.location.href; var testQuery = testURL.indexOf("?"); if (testQuery >= 0) { testURL = testURL.substring(0, testQuery); } if (!useFullyQualifiedTestPageName) { if (testURL.substring(0, this._baseURL.length) == this._baseURL) testURL = testURL.substring(this._baseURL.length); } return testURL + ':' + this._testFunctionName; } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._addOption = function(listField, problemValue, problemMessage) { if (typeof(listField.ownerDocument) != 'undefined' && typeof(listField.ownerDocument.createElement) != 'undefined') { // DOM Level 2 HTML method. // this is required for Opera 7 since appending to the end of the // options array does not work, and adding an Option created by new Option() // and appended by listField.options.add() fails due to WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR var problemDocument = listField.ownerDocument; var errOption = problemDocument.createElement('option'); errOption.setAttribute('value', problemValue); errOption.appendChild(problemDocument.createTextNode(problemMessage)); listField.appendChild(errOption); } else { // new Option() is DOM 0 errOption = new Option(problemMessage, problemValue); if (typeof(listField.add) != 'undefined') { // DOM 2 HTML listField.add(errOption, null); } else if (typeof(listField.options.add) != 'undefined') { // DOM 0 listField.options.add(errOption, null); } else { // DOM 0 listField.options[listField.length] = errOption; } } } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._handleTestException = function (excep) { var problemMessage = this._currentTestFunctionNameWithTestPageName(false) + ' '; var errOption; if (typeof(excep.isJsUnitException) == 'undefined' || !excep.isJsUnitException) { problemMessage += 'had an error'; this.errorCount++; } else { problemMessage += 'failed'; this.failureCount++; } var listField = this.problemsListField; this._addOption(listField, this._problemDetailMessageFor(excep), problemMessage); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._problemDetailMessageFor = function (excep) { var result = null; if (typeof(excep.isJsUnitException) != 'undefined' && excep.isJsUnitException) { result = ''; if (excep.comment != null) result += ('"' + excep.comment + '"\n'); result += excep.jsUnitMessage; if (excep.stackTrace) result += '\n\nStack trace follows:\n' + excep.stackTrace; } else { result = 'Error message is:\n"'; result += (typeof(excep.description) == 'undefined') ? excep : excep.description; result += '"'; if (typeof(excep.stack) != 'undefined') // Mozilla only result += '\n\nStack trace follows:\n' + excep.stack; } return result; } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._setTextOnLayer = function (layerName, str) { try { var content; if (content = this.uiFrames[layerName].document.getElementById('content')) content.innerHTML = str; else throw 'No content div found.'; } catch (e) { var html = ''; html += '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">'; html += '<html><head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/jsUnitStyle.css"><\/head>'; html += '<body><div id="content">'; html += str; html += '<\/div><\/body>'; html += '<\/html>'; this.uiFrames[layerName].document.write(html); this.uiFrames[layerName].document.close(); } } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.setStatus = function (str) { this._setTextOnLayer('mainStatus', '<b>Status:<\/b> ' + str); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._setErrors = function (n) { this._setTextOnLayer('mainCountsErrors', '<b>Errors: <\/b>' + n); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._setFailures = function (n) { this._setTextOnLayer('mainCountsFailures', '<b>Failures:<\/b> ' + n); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._setTotal = function (n) { this._setTextOnLayer('mainCountsRuns', '<b>Runs:<\/b> ' + n); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._setProgressBarImage = function (imgName) { this.progressBar.src = imgName; } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._setProgressBarWidth = function (w) { this.progressBar.width = w; } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.updateProgressIndicators = function () { this._setTotal(this.totalCount); this._setErrors(this.errorCount); this._setFailures(this.failureCount); this._setProgressBarWidth(300 * this.calculateProgressBarProportion()); if (this.errorCount > 0 || this.failureCount > 0) this._setProgressBarImage('../images/red.gif'); else this._setProgressBarImage('../images/green.gif'); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.showMessageForSelectedProblemTest = function () { var problemTestIndex = this.problemsListField.selectedIndex; if (problemTestIndex != -1) this.fatalError(this.problemsListField[problemTestIndex].value); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.showMessagesForAllProblemTests = function () { if (this.problemsListField.length == 0) return; try { if (this._windowForAllProblemMessages && !this._windowForAllProblemMessages.closed) this._windowForAllProblemMessages.close(); } catch(e) { } this._windowForAllProblemMessages ='', '', 'width=600, height=350,status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'); var resDoc = this._windowForAllProblemMessages.document; resDoc.write('<html><head><link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/jsUnitStyle.css"><title>Tests with problems - JsUnit<\/title><head><body>'); resDoc.write('<p class="jsUnitSubHeading">Tests with problems (' + this.problemsListField.length + ' total) - JsUnit<\/p>'); resDoc.write('<p class="jsUnitSubSubHeading"><i>Running on ' + navigator.userAgent + '</i></p>'); for (var i = 0; i < this.problemsListField.length; i++) { resDoc.write('<p class="jsUnitDefault">'); resDoc.write('<b>' + (i + 1) + '. '); resDoc.write(this.problemsListField[i].text); resDoc.write('<\/b><\/p><p><pre>'); resDoc.write(this._makeHTMLSafe(this.problemsListField[i].value)); resDoc.write('<\/pre><\/p>'); } resDoc.write('<\/body><\/html>'); resDoc.close(); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._makeHTMLSafe = function (string) { string = string.replace(/&/g, '&'); string = string.replace(/</g, '<'); string = string.replace(/>/g, '>'); return string; } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._clearProblemsList = function () { var listField = this.problemsListField; var initialLength = listField.options.length; for (var i = 0; i < initialLength; i++) listField.remove(0); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.initialize = function () { this.setStatus('Initializing...'); this._setRunButtonEnabled(false); this._clearProblemsList(); this.updateProgressIndicators(); this.setStatus('Done initializing'); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.finalize = function () { this._setRunButtonEnabled(true); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype._setRunButtonEnabled = function (b) { this.runButton.disabled = !b; } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.getTestFileName = function () { var rawEnteredFileName = this.testFileName.value; var result = rawEnteredFileName; while (result.indexOf('\\') != -1) result = result.replace('\\', '/'); return result; } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.getTestFunctionName = function () { return this._testFunctionName; } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.resolveUserEnteredTestFileName = function (rawText) { var userEnteredTestFileName = top.testManager.getTestFileName(); // only test for file:// since Opera uses a different format if (userEnteredTestFileName.indexOf('http://') == 0 || userEnteredTestFileName.indexOf('https://') == 0 || userEnteredTestFileName.indexOf('file://') == 0) return userEnteredTestFileName; return getTestFileProtocol() + this.getTestFileName(); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.storeRestoredHTML = function () { if (document.getElementById && top.testContainer.testFrame.document.getElementById(jsUnitTestManager.RESTORED_HTML_DIV_ID)) this._restoredHTML = top.testContainer.testFrame.document.getElementById(jsUnitTestManager.RESTORED_HTML_DIV_ID).innerHTML; } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.fatalError = function(aMessage) { if (top.shouldSubmitResults()) this.setStatus(aMessage); else alert(aMessage); } jsUnitTestManager.prototype.userConfirm = function(aMessage) { if (top.shouldSubmitResults()) return false; else return confirm(aMessage); } function getTestFileProtocol() { return getDocumentProtocol(); } function getDocumentProtocol() { var protocol = top.document.location.protocol; if (protocol == "file:") return "file:///"; if (protocol == "http:") return "http://"; if (protocol == 'https:') return 'https://'; if (protocol == "chrome:") return "chrome://"; return null; } function browserSupportsReadingFullPathFromFileField() { return !isOpera() && !isIE7(); } function isOpera() { return navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") != -1; } function isIE7() { return navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie 7") != -1; } function isBeingRunOverHTTP() { return getDocumentProtocol() == "http://"; } function getWebserver() { if (isBeingRunOverHTTP()) { var myUrl = location.href; var myUrlWithProtocolStripped = myUrl.substring(myUrl.indexOf("/") + 2); return myUrlWithProtocolStripped.substring(0, myUrlWithProtocolStripped.indexOf("/")); } return null; } // the functions push(anArray, anObject) and pop(anArray) // exist because the JavaScript Array.push(anObject) and Array.pop() // functions are not available in IE 5.0 function push(anArray, anObject) { anArray[anArray.length] = anObject; } function pop(anArray) { if (anArray.length >= 1) { delete anArray[anArray.length - 1]; anArray.length--; } } if (xbDEBUG.on) { xbDebugTraceObject('window', 'jsUnitTestManager'); xbDebugTraceFunction('window', 'getTestFileProtocol'); xbDebugTraceFunction('window', 'getDocumentProtocol'); }