Commit 287a7d2c authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #118 from NextThought/fix-106

Add a section on the pitfalls of __eq__/__hash__. Fixes #106.
parents 3674c507 3e7259a7
Writing persistent objects
Writing persistent objects
In the :ref:`Tutorial <tutorial-label>`, we discussed the basics of
implementing persistent objects by subclassing
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ of writing persistent classes you should be aware of.
Access and modification
Two of the main jobs of the ``Persistent`` base class is to detect
Two of the main jobs of the ``Persistent`` base class are to detect
when an object has been accessed and when it has been modified. When
an object is accessed, its state may need to be loaded from the
database. When an object is modified, the modification needs to be
......@@ -215,6 +215,15 @@ Here's a version of the example that uses a ``TreeSet``::
>>> db.close()
If you're going to use custom classes as keys in a ``BTree`` or
entries in a ``TreeSet``, they must provide a `total ordering
The builtin python `str` class is always safe to use as BTree key. You
can use `zope.keyreference
<>`_ to treat arbitrary
persistent objects as totally orderable based on their persistent
object identity.
Scalable sequences are a bit more challenging. The `zc.blist
<>`_ package provides a scalable
list implementation that works well for some sequence use cases.
......@@ -503,14 +512,136 @@ ghost:
>>> book._p_changed, bool(book._p_oid)
(None, True)
Other things you can do, but shouldn't (advanced)
Things you can do, but need to carefully consider (advanced)
While you can do anything with a persistent subclass that you can with
a normal subclass, certain things have additional implications for
persistent objects. These often show up as performance issues, or the
result may become hard to maintain.
Implement ``__eq__`` and ``__hash__``
When you store an entry into a Python ``dict`` (or the persistent
variant ``PersistentMapping``, or a ``set`` or ``frozenset``), the
key's ``__eq__`` and ``__hash__`` methods are used to determine where
to store the value. Later they are used to look it up via ``in`` or
When that ``dict`` is later loaded from the database, the internal
storage is rebuild from scratch. This means that every key has its
``__hash__`` method called at least once, and may have its ``__eq__``
method called many times.
By default, every object, including persistent objects, inherits an
implementation of ``__eq__`` and ``__hash__`` from :class:`object`.
These default implementations are based on the object's *identity*,
that is, its unique identifier within the current Python process.
Calling, them, therefore is very fast, even on :ref:`ghosts
<ghost-label>`, and doesn't cause a ghost to load its state.
If you override ``__eq__`` and ``__hash__`` in a custom persistent
subclass, however, when you use instances of that class as a key
in a ``dict``, then the instance will have to be unghosted before it
can be put in the dictionary. If you're building a large dictionary
with many such keys that are ghosts, you may find that loading all the
object states takes a considerable amount of time. If you were to
store that dictionary in the database and load it later, *all* the
keys will have to be unghosted at the same time before the dictionary
can be accessed, again, possibly taking a long time.
For example, a class that defines ``__eq__`` and ``__hash__`` like this::
class BookEq(persistent.Persistent):
def __init__(self, title):
self.title = title
self.authors = ()
def add_author(self, author):
self.authors += (author, )
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.title == other.title and self.authors == other.authors
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.title, self.authors))
.. -> src
>>> exec(src)
is going to be much slower to use as a key in a persistent dictionary,
or in a new dictionary when the key is a ghost, than the class that
inherits identity-based ``__eq__`` and ``__hash__``.
.. Example of the above.
Here's what that class would look like::
>>> class Book(persistent.Persistent):
... def __init__(self, title):
... self.title = title
... self.authors = ()
... def add_author(self, author):
... self.authors += (author, )
The first rule here is don't be clever!!! It's very tempting to be
clever, but it's almost never worth it.
Lets see an example of how these classes behave when stored in a
dictionary. First, lets store some dictionaries::
Overriding ``__getstate__`` and ``__setstate__``
>>> import ZODB
>>> db = ZODB.DB(None)
>>> conn1 =
>>> conn1.root.with_hashes = {BookEq(str(i)) for i in range(5000)}
>>> conn1.root.with_ident = {Book(str(i)) for i in range(5000)}
>>> transaction.commit()
Now, in a new connection (so we don't have any objects cached), lets
load the dictionaries::
>>> conn2 =
>>> all((book._p_status == 'ghost' for book in conn2.root.with_ident))
>>> all((book._p_status == 'ghost' for book in conn2.root.with_hashes))
We can see that all the objects that did have a custom ``__eq__``
and ``__hash__`` were loaded into memory, while those that did weren't.
There are some alternatives:
- Avoiding the use of persistent objects as keys in dictionaries or
entries in sets sidesteps the issue.
- If your application can tolerate identity based comparisons, simply
don't implement the two methods. This means that objects will be
compared only by identity, but because persistent objects are
persistent, the same object will have the same identity in each
connection, so that often works out.
It is safe to remove ``__eq__`` and ``__hash__`` methods from a
class even if you already have dictionaries in a database using
instances of those classes as keys.
- Make your classes `orderable
and use them as keys in a BTree or entries in a TreeSet instead of a
dictionary or set. Even though your custom comparison methods will
have to unghost the objects, the nature of a BTree means that only a
small number of objects will have to be loaded in most cases.
- Any persistent object can be wrapped in a ``zope.keyreferenece`` to
make it orderable and hashable based on persistent identity. This
can be an alternative for some dictionaries if you can't alter the
class definition but can accept identity comparisons in some
dictionaries or sets. You must remember to wrap all keys, though.
Implement ``__getstate__`` and ``__setstate__``
When an object is saved in a database, its ``__getstate__`` method is
called without arguments to get the object's state. The default
......@@ -528,14 +659,15 @@ tasks like providing more efficient state representations or for
the result was to make object implementations brittle and/or complex
and the benefit usually wasn't worth it.
Overriding ``__getattr__``, ``__getattribute__``, or ``__setattribute__``
Implement ``__getattr__``, ``__getattribute__``, or ``__setattribute__``
This is something extremely clever people might attempt, but it's
probably never worth the bother. It's possible, but it requires such
deep understanding of persistence and internals that we're not even
going to document it. :)
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