Commit a6526b88 authored by Barry Warsaw's avatar Barry Warsaw

Added a --Q / --quick option which does only md5 checksums the last

incremental instead of all the incrementals.  Less assured consistency
but much less disk i/o.
parent 22a7504b
......@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ Where:
-h / --help
Print this text and exit
Flags for --backup and --recover:
-r dir
Repository directory containing the backup files
......@@ -39,6 +38,11 @@ Flags for --backup:
-F / --full
Force a full backup
-Q / --quick
Verify via md5 checksum only the last incremental written. This
significantly reduces the disk i/o at the (theoretical) cost of
Flags for --recover:
-D str
......@@ -59,6 +63,7 @@ import os
import sys
import md5
import time
import errno
import getopt
from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
......@@ -102,10 +107,10 @@ def log(msg, *args):
def parseargs():
global VERBOSE
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'BRvhf:r:FD:o:',
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'BRvhf:r:FD:o:Q',
['backup', 'recover', 'verbose', 'help',
'file=', 'repository=', 'full', 'date=',
'output=', 'quick'])
except getopt.error, msg:
usage(1, msg)
......@@ -116,12 +121,15 @@ def parseargs():
full = False
date = None
output = None
quick = False
options = Options()
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
elif opt in ('-v', '--verbose'):
elif opt in ('-R', '--recover'):
if options.mode is not None:
usage(1, '-B and -R are mutually exclusive')
......@@ -130,8 +138,8 @@ def parseargs():
if options.mode is not None:
usage(1, '-B and -R are mutually exclusive')
options.mode = BACKUP
elif opt in ('-v', '--verbose'):
elif opt in ('-Q', '--quick'):
options.quick = True
elif opt in ('-f', '--file'):
options.file = arg
elif opt in ('-r', '--repository'):
......@@ -185,10 +193,9 @@ def dofile(func, fp, n):
return bytesread
def checksum(filename, n):
def checksum(fp, n):
# Checksum the first n bytes of the specified file
sum =
fp = open(filename, 'rb')
def func(data):
dofile(func, fp, n)
......@@ -198,14 +205,17 @@ def checksum(filename, n):
def copyfile(src, dst, start, n):
# Copy bytes from file src, to file dst, starting at offset start, for n
# length of bytes
sum =
ifp = open(src, 'rb')
ofp = open(dst, 'wb')
def func(data):
dofile(func, ifp, n)
return sum.hexdigest()
def concat(files, ofp=None):
......@@ -270,6 +280,33 @@ def find_files(options):
return needed
def scandat(repofiles):
# Scan the .dat file corresponding to the last full backup performed.
# Return the filename, startpos, endpos, and sum of the last incremental.
# If all is a list, then append file name and md5sums to the list.
fullfile = repofiles[0]
assert fullfile.endswith('.fs')
datfile = os.path.splitext(fullfile)[0] + '.dat'
# If the .dat file is missing, we have to do a full backup
fn = startpos = endpos = sum = None
fp = open(datfile)
except IOError, e:
if e.errno <> errno.ENOENT:
while True:
line = fp.readline()
if not line:
# We only care about the last one
fn, startpos, endpos, sum = line.split()
startpos = long(startpos)
endpos = long(endpos)
return fn, startpos, endpos, sum
def do_full_backup(options):
# Find the file position of the last completed transaction.
......@@ -286,10 +323,16 @@ def do_full_backup(options):
if os.path.exists(dest):
print >> sys.stderr, 'Cannot overwrite existing file:', dest
copyfile(options.file, dest, 0, pos)
log('writing full backup: %s bytes to %s', pos, dest)
sum = copyfile(options.file, dest, 0, pos)
# Write the data file for this full backup
datfile = os.path.splitext(dest)[0] + '.dat'
fp = open(datfile, 'w')
print >> fp, dest, 0, pos, sum
def do_incremental_backup(options, dstfile, reposz):
def do_incremental_backup(options, reposz, repofiles):
# Find the file position of the last completed transaction.
fs = FileStorage(options.file, read_only=True)
# Note that the FileStorage ctor calls read_index() which scans the file
......@@ -305,7 +348,17 @@ def do_incremental_backup(options, dstfile, reposz):
print >> sys.stderr, 'Cannot overwrite existing file:', dest
log('writing incremental: %s bytes to %s', pos-reposz, dest)
copyfile(options.file, dest, reposz, pos)
sum = copyfile(options.file, dest, reposz, pos)
# The first file in repofiles points to the last full backup. Use this to
# get the .dat file and append the information for this incrementatl to
# that file.
fullfile = repofiles[0]
assert fullfile.endswith('.fs')
datfile = os.path.splitext(fullfile)[0] + '.dat'
# This .dat file better exist. Let the exception percolate if not.
fp = open(datfile, 'a')
print >> fp, dest, reposz, pos, sum
def do_backup(options):
......@@ -315,39 +368,72 @@ def do_backup(options):
log('doing a full backup')
# See if we can do an incremental, based on the files that already exist.
# This call of concat() will not write an output file.
reposz, reposum = concat(repofiles)
log('repository state: %s bytes, md5: %s', reposz, reposum)
srcsz = os.path.getsize(options.file)
# Get the md5 checksum of the source file, up to two file positions: the
# entire size of the file, and up to the file position of the last
# incremental backup.
srcsum = checksum(options.file, srcsz)
srcsum_backedup = checksum(options.file, reposz)
log('current state : %s bytes, md5: %s', srcsz, srcsum)
log('backed up state : %s bytes, md5: %s', reposz, srcsum_backedup)
# Has nothing changed?
if srcsz == reposz and srcsum == reposum:
log('No changes, nothing to do')
# Has the file shrunk (probably because of a pack)?
if srcsz < reposz:
log('file shrunk, possibly because of a pack (full backup)')
# The source file is larger than the repository. If the md5 checksums
# match, then we know we can do an incremental backup. If they don't,
# then perhaps the file was packed at some point (or a non-transactional
# undo was performed, but this is deprecated). Only do a full backup if
# forced to.
# XXX For ZODB4, this needs to take into account the storage metadata
# header that FileStorage has grown at the front of the file.
if reposum == srcsum_backedup:
incrdest = gen_filename(options)
do_incremental_backup(options, incrdest, reposz)
if options.quick:
fn, startpos, endpos, sum = scandat(repofiles)
# If the .dat file was missing, or was empty, do a full backup
if (fn, startpos, endpos, sum) == (None, None, None, None):
log('missing or empty .dat file (full backup)')
# Has the file shrunk, possibly because of a pack?
if srcsz < endpos:
log('file shrunk, possibly because of a pack (full backup)')
# Now check the md5 sum of the source file, from the last
# incremental's start and stop positions.
srcfp = open(options.file)
srcsum = checksum(srcfp, endpos-startpos)
log('last incremental file: %s', fn)
log('last incremental checksum: %s', sum)
log('source checksum range: [%s..%s], sum: %s',
startpos, endpos, srcsum)
if sum == srcsum:
log('doing incremental, starting at: %s', endpos)
do_incremental_backup(options, endpos, repofiles)
# This was is much slower, and more disk i/o intensive, but it's also
# more accurate since it checks the actual existing files instead of
# the information in the .dat file.
# See if we can do an incremental, based on the files that already
# exist. This call of concat() will not write an output file.
reposz, reposum = concat(repofiles)
log('repository state: %s bytes, md5: %s', reposz, reposum)
# Get the md5 checksum of the source file, up to two file positions:
# the entire size of the file, and up to the file position of the last
# incremental backup.
srcfp = open(options.file)
srcsum = checksum(srcfp, srcsz)
srcsum_backedup = checksum(srcfp, reposz)
log('current state : %s bytes, md5: %s', srcsz, srcsum)
log('backed up state : %s bytes, md5: %s', reposz, srcsum_backedup)
# Has nothing changed?
if srcsz == reposz and srcsum == reposum:
log('No changes, nothing to do')
# Has the file shrunk, probably because of a pack?
if srcsz < reposz:
log('file shrunk, possibly because of a pack (full backup)')
# The source file is larger than the repository. If the md5 checksums
# match, then we know we can do an incremental backup. If they don't,
# then perhaps the file was packed at some point (or a
# non-transactional undo was performed, but this is deprecated). Only
# do a full backup if forced to.
# XXX For ZODB4, this needs to take into account the storage metadata
# header that FileStorage has grown at the front of the file.
if reposum == srcsum_backedup:
log('doing incremental, starting at: %s', reposz)
do_incremental_backup(options, reposz, repofiles)
# The checksums don't match, meaning the front of the source file has
# changed. We'll need to do a full backup in that case.
log('file changed, possibly because of a pack (full backup)')
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