Commit fe544224 authored by Barry Warsaw's avatar Barry Warsaw

Updates to do some simple pack() testing first.

dumps(), makeloader(): Take these out of the PackableStorage class,
and keep them even though they aren't currently used.

checkOldRevisionPacked(): Removed -- it's too complicated as a first

checkSimplePack(): New pack() checker; it creates three revisions of
the same object, then attempts to pack to `now'.  Then it makes sure
that revisions 1 and 2 of the object are gone, but that revision 3
(the current revision) still exists.  Full passes this test, but
FileStorage fails. :(
parent d97b64ff
......@@ -27,25 +27,7 @@ class Object:
return self._oid
class PackableStorage:
def _newobj(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_cache'):
self._cache = {}
obj = Object(self._storage.new_oid())
self._cache[obj.getoid()] = obj
return obj
def checkOldRevisionPacked(self):
# The initial revision has an object graph like so:
# o1 -> o2 -> o3
o1 = self._newobj()
o2 = self._newobj()
o3 = self._newobj()
o1.object = o2
o2.object = o3
# Pickle these objects
def dumps(obj):
def dumps(obj):
def getpersid(obj):
return obj.getoid()
s = StringIO()
......@@ -53,37 +35,60 @@ class PackableStorage:
p.persistent_id = getpersid
return s.getvalue()
p1, p2, p3 = map(dumps, (o1, o2, o3))
# Now commit these objects
revid1 = self._dostoreNP(oid=o1.getoid(), data=p1)
revid2 = self._dostoreNP(oid=o2.getoid(), data=p2)
revid3 = self._dostoreNP(oid=o3.getoid(), data=p3)
# Record this moment in history so we can pack everything before it
t0 = time.time()
# Now change the object graph to look like so:
# o1 -> o3
# and note that o2 is no longer referenced
o1.object = o3
p11 = dumps(o1)
revid11 = self._dostoreNP(oid=o1.getoid(), revid=revid1, data=p11)
# Pack away transaction 2
self._storage.pack(t0, referencesf)
# Now, objects 1 and 3 should exist, but object 2 should have been
# reference counted away. First, we need a custom unpickler.
def loads(str, persfunc=self._cache.get):
def makeloader(persfunc):
def loads(str, persfunc=persfunc):
fp = StringIO(str)
u = pickle.Unpickler(fp)
u.persistent_load = persfunc
return u.load()
# Get object 1
data, revid = self._storage.load(o1.getoid(), '')
assert revid == revid11
from ZODB import utils
assert loads(data).getoid() == o1.getoid()
# Get object 3
data, revid = self._storage.load(o3.getoid(), '')
assert revid == revid2
assert loads(data).getoid() == o3.getoid()
# Object 2 should fail
return loads
class PackableStorage:
def _newobj(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_cache'):
self._cache = {}
obj = Object(self._storage.new_oid())
self._cache[obj.getoid()] = obj
return obj
def checkSimplePack(self):
# Create the object
obj = self._newobj()
oid = obj.getoid()
obj.value = 1
# Commit three different revisions
revid1 = self._dostoreNP(oid, data=pickle.dumps(obj))
obj.value = 2
revid2 = self._dostoreNP(oid, revid=revid1, data=pickle.dumps(obj))
obj.value = 3
revid3 = self._dostoreNP(oid, revid=revid2, data=pickle.dumps(obj))
# Now make sure all three revisions can be extracted
#loads = makeloader(self._cache.get)
data = self._storage.loadSerial(oid, revid1)
pobj = pickle.loads(data)
assert pobj.getoid() == oid and pobj.value == 1
data = self._storage.loadSerial(oid, revid2)
pobj = pickle.loads(data)
assert pobj.getoid() == oid and pobj.value == 2
data = self._storage.loadSerial(oid, revid3)
pobj = pickle.loads(data)
assert pobj.getoid() == oid and pobj.value == 3
# Now pack away all but the most current revision
self._storage.pack(time.time(), referencesf)
# Make sure the first two revisions are gone but the third (current)
# still exists.
self._storage.loadSerial, oid, revid1)
self._storage.load, o2.getoid(), '')
self._storage.loadSerial, oid, revid2)
data = self._storage.loadSerial(oid, revid3)
pobj = pickle.loads(data)
assert pobj.getoid() == oid and pobj.value == 3
data, revid = self._storage.load(oid, '')
assert revid == revid3
pobj = pickle.loads(data)
assert pobj.getoid() == oid and pobj.value == 3
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