ZEO Client Cache The Client cache provides a disk based cache for each ZEO client. The client cache allows reads to be done from local disk rather than by remote access to the storage server. The cache may be persistent or transient. If the cache is persistent, then the cache files are retained for use after process restarts. A non-persistent cache uses temporary files that are removed when the client storage is closed. The client cache is managed as two files. The cache manager endeavors to maintain the two files at sizes less than or equal to one half the cache size. One of the cache files is designated the "current" cache file. The other cache file is designated the "old" cache file, if it exists. All writes are done to the current cache files. When transactions are committed on the client, transactions are not split between cache files. Large transactions may cause cache files to be larger than one half the target cache size. The life of the cache is as follows: - When the cache is created, the first of the two cache files is created and designated the "current" cache file. - Cache records are written to the cache file, either as transactions commit locally, or as data are loaded from the server. - When the cache file size exceeds one half the cache size, the second cache file is created and designated the "current" cache file. The first cache file becomes the "old" cache file. - Cache records are written to the new current cache file, either as transactions commit locally, or as data are loaded from the server. - When the current cache file size exceeds one half the cache size, the first cache file is recreated and designated the "current" cache file. The second cache file becomes the "old" cache file. and so on. Persistent cache files are created in the directory named in the 'var' argument to the ClientStorage (see ClientStorage.txt) or in the 'var' subdirectory of the directory given by the INSTANCE_HOME builtin (created by Zope), or in the current working directory. Persistent cache files have names of the form:: cstorage-client-n.zec where: storage -- the storage name client -- the client name, as given by the 'ZEO_CLIENT' environment variable or the 'client' argument provided when creating a client storage. n -- '0' for the first cache file and '1' for the second. For example, the second cache file for storage 'spam' and client 8881 would be named 'cspam-8881-1.zec'.