diff --git a/bt5/erp5_payroll/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_payroll/PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation_l10n_fr_2006.xml b/bt5/erp5_payroll/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_payroll/PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation_l10n_fr_2006.xml
index d15846ce060d611a6338cb44aed7f203d76b08d6..8b70905b50be4437be51bb664395d86f98c8172d 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_payroll/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_payroll/PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation_l10n_fr_2006.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_payroll/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_payroll/PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation_l10n_fr_2006.xml
@@ -70,67 +70,56 @@
             <key> <string>_body</string> </key>
             <value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
+  This script define all rates to apply in 2006 to calculate an entire paysheet\n
+    according french fiscal & social rules for a SME.\n
 global paysheet\n
 paysheet      = context.getObject()\n
 paysheet_type = paysheet.getPortalType()\n
-employee        = paysheet.getDestinationSection()\n
-employee_object = paysheet.getDestinationSectionValue()\n
-employer        = paysheet.getSourceSection()\n
-employer_object = paysheet.getSourceSectionValue()\n
+employee = paysheet.getDestinationSectionValue()\n
+company  = paysheet.getSourceSectionValue()\n
+# Get Paysheet datas\n
 gross_salary = abs(paysheet.getGrossSalary())\n
+start_date   = paysheet.getStartDate()\n
+stop_date    = paysheet.getStopDate()\n
-# This script define all rates to apply in 2006 to calculate an entire paysheet\n
-#   according french fiscal & social rules for a SME.\n
 ### This part of the script define usefull variables to help us calculate dynamic rates\n
-# each year, look at http://www.urssaf.fr to complete the table\n
-ceiling_salary_list = { 2003 : 2432.0\n
-                      , 2004 : 2476.0\n
-                      , 2005 : 2516.0\n
-                      , 2006 : 2589.0\n
+# Each year, look at http://www.urssaf.fr to complete the table\n
+ceiling_salary_list = { 2003: 2432.0\n
+                      , 2004: 2476.0\n
+                      , 2005: 2516.0\n
+                      , 2006: 2589.0\n
-# the default ceiling salary is the last one\n
-paysheet_year = paysheet.getStartDate().year()\n
+# The default ceiling salary is the last one\n
+paysheet_year = start_date.year()\n
 ceiling_salary_available_years = ceiling_salary_list.keys()\n
 if paysheet_year not in ceiling_salary_available_years:\n
   paysheet_year = ceiling_salary_available_years[-1]\n
 ceiling_salary = ceiling_salary_list[paysheet_year]\n
-# limited salary = salaire plafonnee\n
+# Limited salary = salaire plafonnee\n
 if gross_salary < ceiling_salary:\n
   limited_salary = gross_salary\n
   limited_salary = ceiling_salary\n
-# check if the employee is executive or not\n
-if employee_object.getCareerGrade().split(\'/\')[-1:][0] in (\'engineer\'):\n
+# Check if the employee is executive or not\n
+if employee.getCareerGrade().endswith(\'engineer\'):\n
   executive = True\n
   executive = False\n
-company_birth = employer_object.getCreationDate()\n
-employer_region = employer_object.getDefaultAddress().getZipCode()[:2]\n
-# get the number of person which are employed by the company ,\n
-# sub_list = employer_object.getSubordinationRelatedValueList()\n
-# company_size = 0\n
-# for person in sub_list:\n
-#   if person.getPortalType() == \'Person\': # add condition: if current role == internal and defaultCareerEnd and defaultCareerStart fit in the current year\n
-#     #print repr(person) + repr(person.getTitle())\n
-#     company_size += 1\n
-# print repr(company_size)\n
-# return printed\n
-company_size = 3\n
+# Get company related data\n
+company_birth = company.getCreationDate()\n
+employee_list = company.Organisation_getEmployeeList( start_date = start_date\n
+                                                    , stop_date  = stop_date\n
+                                                    )\n
+company_size  = len(employee_list)\n
 # Get the list of all slice the employee fall in\n
 salary_slices = {}\n
@@ -164,7 +153,7 @@ else:\n
     salary_slices[\'2\'] = slice_2_value\n
-# age-slice of the company\n
+# Age-slice of the company\n
 old_limit = DateTime(1997, 1, 1)\n
 if company_birth < old_limit:\n
   comp_type = \'old\'\n
@@ -176,12 +165,11 @@ else:\n
 default = {}\n
-# initialize all variables to None\n
+# Initialize all variables to None\n
 paysheet_services = []\n
 erp5site = context.portal_url.getPortalObject()\n
-# during 06/2005 service module has been renamed service_module\n
-# both names are supported\n
+# During 06/2005 service module has been renamed service_module: both names are supported.\n
 if hasattr(erp5site, \'service_module\'):\n
   service_module = erp5site.service_module\n
 else :\n
@@ -202,10 +190,13 @@ for serv in paysheet_services:\n
   for base in range_cat:\n
     mycategory = context.portal_categories.resolveCategory(base)\n
     if mycategory is None:\n
-      context.log("PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation","WARNING! Category not found : %s" % base)\n
+      context.log("PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation", "WARNING! Category not found: %s" % base)\n
       new_name = serv.getId() + \'/\' + mycategory.getId()\n
-      default[new_name] = {\'employer_rate\':None,\'employee_rate\':None,\'base\':None}\n
+      default[new_name] = { \'employer_rate\': None\n
+                          , \'employee_rate\': None\n
+                          , \'base\'         : None\n
+                          }\n
 # Sickness insurance = Assurance maladie\n
 if executive:\n
@@ -269,16 +260,14 @@ if not executive:\n
 #   , \'base\'          : limited_salary\n
 #   }\n
-# transport payment\n
+# Transport payment\n
 # TODO: rate depending of the town, 1.80 is the \'default\' value (when the town isn\'t referenced by laws)\n
-# if transport_payment_rate in (\'\', 0, None):\n
-#   transport_payment_rate = 1.80\n
-# if company_size > 9:\n
-#   default[\'transport_payment/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
-#   { \'employer_rate\' : transport_payment_rate\n
-#   , \'employee_rate\' : None\n
-#   , \'base\'          : gross_salary\n
-#   }\n
+if company_size > 9:\n
+  default[\'transport_payment/salaire_brut\'] = \\\n
+  { \'employer_rate\' : 1.80\n
+  , \'employee_rate\' : None\n
+  , \'base\'          : gross_salary\n
+  }\n
 # CSG\n
 default[\'csg_deductible/salaire_brut_csg\'] = \\\n
@@ -467,11 +456,11 @@ if executive:\n
 # TOD0: We can\'t take the decision based on the CollectiveAgreementTitle since each\n
 #       employee has the right to choose if they want benefit from the insurance or not.\n
 #       We can use instead the social_contract property of the (near-)future HR-related stuff.\n
-col_agr = employee_object.getCareerCollectiveAgreementTitle()\n
+col_agr = employee.getCareerCollectiveAgreementTitle()\n
 if col_agr not in (None, \'\') and \'syntec\' in col_agr.lower():\n
   # set the syntec rate according to the employee marital status\n
   syntec_rate = 0.96\n
-  if employee_object.getMaritalStatusId() == \'married\':\n
+  if employee.getMaritalStatusId() == \'married\':\n
     syntec_rate *= 2\n
   default[\'syntec_insurance/salaire_plafonne_syntec\'] = \\\n
   { \'employer_rate\' : syntec_rate\n
@@ -508,12 +497,6 @@ return default\n
             <key> <string>_filepath</string> </key>
             <value> <string>Script (Python):/nexedi/portal_skins/erp5_payroll/PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation_l10n_fr_2006</string> </value>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <none/>
-            </value>
-        </item>
             <key> <string>_params</string> </key>
             <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -547,11 +530,11 @@ return default\n
-                            <string>employee_object</string>
-                            <string>employer</string>
-                            <string>employer_object</string>
+                            <string>company</string>
+                            <string>start_date</string>
+                            <string>stop_date</string>
@@ -562,7 +545,8 @@ return default\n
-                            <string>employer_region</string>
+                            <string>employee_list</string>
+                            <string>len</string>