diff --git a/slapos/grid/SlapObject.py b/slapos/grid/SlapObject.py
index c48d65fdb2d069041607823d6b30a987e90557d1..81e83f58ee52ed1425a0abc76e97136ebca6f0f9 100644
--- a/slapos/grid/SlapObject.py
+++ b/slapos/grid/SlapObject.py
@@ -453,6 +453,17 @@ class Partition(object):
               'USER': pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name,
+  def addServiceToCustomGroup(self, group_id, runner_list, path):
+    """Add new services to supervisord that belong to specific group"""
+    group_partition_template = pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__,
+      'templates/group_partition_supervisord.conf.in').read()
+    self.supervisor_configuration_groups += group_partition_template % {
+        'instance_id': group_id,
+        'program_list': ','.join(['_'.join([group_id, runner])
+                                  for runner in runner_list])
+    }
+    return self.addServiceToGroup(group_id, runner_list, path)
   def updateSymlink(self, sr_symlink, software_path):
     if os.path.lexists(sr_symlink):
       if not os.path.islink(sr_symlink):
@@ -589,7 +600,7 @@ class Partition(object):
-  def generateSupervisorConfigurationFile(self):
+  def generateSupervisorConfiguration(self):
     Generates supervisord configuration file from template.
@@ -600,6 +611,8 @@ class Partition(object):
     runner_list = []
     service_list = []
+    self.partition_supervisor_configuration = ""
+    self.supervisor_configuration_groups = ""
     if os.path.exists(self.run_path):
       if os.path.isdir(self.run_path):
         runner_list = os.listdir(self.run_path)
@@ -615,7 +628,7 @@ class Partition(object):
       partition_id = self.computer_partition.getId()
       group_partition_template = pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__,
-      self.partition_supervisor_configuration = group_partition_template % {
+      self.supervisor_configuration_groups = group_partition_template % {
           'instance_id': partition_id,
           'program_list': ','.join(['_'.join([partition_id, runner])
                                     for runner in runner_list + service_list])
@@ -624,10 +637,25 @@ class Partition(object):
       self.addServiceToGroup(partition_id, runner_list, self.run_path)
       self.addServiceToGroup(partition_id, service_list, self.service_path,
+  def writeSupervisorConfigurationFile(self):
+    """
+      Write supervisord configuration file and update supervisord
+    """
+    if self.supervisor_configuration_groups and \
+        self.partition_supervisor_configuration:
+                 self.supervisor_configuration_groups +
+  def generateSupervisorConfigurationFile(self):
+    """
+      update supervisord with new processes
+    """
+    self.generateSupervisorConfiguration()
+    self.writeSupervisorConfigurationFile()
   def start(self):
     """Asks supervisord to start the instance. If this instance is not
     installed, we install it.
@@ -720,6 +748,19 @@ class Partition(object):
     return True
+  def checkProcessesFromStateList(self, process_list, state_list):
+    """Asks supervisord to check if one of the processes are in the state_list."""
+    supervisor = self.getSupervisorRPC()
+    for process in process_list:
+      try:
+        info = supervisor.getProcessInfo(process)
+        if info['statename'] in state_list:
+          return True
+      except xmlrpclib.Fault as exc:
+        self.logger.debug("BAD process name: %r" % process)
+        continue
+    return False
   def cleanupFolder(self, folder_path):
     """Delete all files and folders in a specified directory
diff --git a/slapos/grid/slapgrid.py b/slapos/grid/slapgrid.py
index fc8d3d86cc599a5eb179b02251a3ad6c4735a107..eac8dd7e42ee497e8a0af200a2436e4cbdc7fa14 100644
--- a/slapos/grid/slapgrid.py
+++ b/slapos/grid/slapgrid.py
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ PROMISE_TIMEOUT = 3
 # XXX hardcoded watchdog_path
 WATCHDOG_PATH = '/opt/slapos/bin/slapos-watchdog'
@@ -1266,6 +1267,18 @@ stderr_logfile_backups=1
+  def _checkWaitProcessList(self, partition, state_list):
+    wait_file = os.path.join(partition.instance_path,
+                             COMPUTER_PARTITION_WAIT_LIST_FILENAME)
+    if os.path.exists(wait_file) and os.path.isfile(wait_file):
+      with open(wait_file) as wait_f:
+        processes_list = [name.strip() for name in wait_f.readlines() if name]
+        # return True if one of process in the list is running
+        return partition.checkProcessesFromStateList(processes_list,
+                                                     state_list)
+    return False
   def validateXML(self, to_be_validated, xsd_model):
     """Validates a given xml file"""
     #We retrieve the xsd model
@@ -1572,10 +1585,19 @@ stderr_logfile_backups=1
           except Exception:
+          # let managers update current partition
+          for manager in self._manager_list:
+            manager.report(local_partition)
           if computer_partition.getId() in report_usage_issue_cp_list:
             self.logger.info('Ignoring destruction of %r, as no report usage was sent' %
+          if self._checkWaitProcessList(local_partition,
+              state_list=['RUNNING', 'STARTING']):
+            self.logger.info('There are running processes into the partition,' \
+              ' wait until they finish...')
+            continue
           destroyed = local_partition.destroy()
         except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
           computer_partition.error(traceback.format_exc(), logger=self.logger)
diff --git a/slapos/manager/interface.py b/slapos/manager/interface.py
index 96e54695a5b5b1a21ceb38b607ba1263e4326322..933e08a6c1290d5a0ec930e4dc7c962e2d5c3063 100644
--- a/slapos/manager/interface.py
+++ b/slapos/manager/interface.py
@@ -29,3 +29,8 @@ class IManager(Interface):
     :param partition: slapos.grid.SlapObject.Partition, currently processed partition
+  def report(partition):
+    """Method called at `slapos node report` phase.
+    :param partition: slapos.grid.SlapObject.Partition, currently processed partition
+    """
diff --git a/slapos/manager/predestroy.py b/slapos/manager/predestroy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..606b3e6bba9427f3bac1fd58906e9451036bfb5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/manager/predestroy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+import subprocess
+from zope import interface as zope_interface
+from slapos.manager import interface
+from slapos.grid.slapgrid import COMPUTER_PARTITION_WAIT_LIST_FILENAME
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+WIPE_WRAPPER_BASE_PATH = "var/run/slapos/pre-destroy/"
+class Manager(object):
+  """Manager is called in every step of preparation of the computer."""
+  zope_interface.implements(interface.IManager)
+  def __init__(self, config):
+    """Manager needs to know config for its functioning.
+    """
+    pass
+  def format(self, computer):
+    """Method called at `slapos node format` phase.
+    """
+    pass
+  def software(self, software):
+    """Method called at `slapos node software` phase.
+    """
+    pass
+  def instance(self, partition):
+    """Method called at `slapos node instance` phase.
+    """
+    pass
+  def report(self, partition):
+    """Method called at `slapos node report` phase."""
+    partition.createRetentionLockDate()
+    if not partition.checkRetentionIsAuthorized():
+      return
+    wait_filepath = os.path.join(partition.instance_path,
+                                 COMPUTER_PARTITION_WAIT_LIST_FILENAME)
+    wipe_base_folder = os.path.join(partition.instance_path,
+                                    WIPE_WRAPPER_BASE_PATH)
+    if not os.path.exists(wipe_base_folder):
+      return
+    wipe_wrapper_list = [f for f in os.listdir(wipe_base_folder)
+                         if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(wipe_base_folder, f))]
+    if len(wipe_wrapper_list) > 0:
+      group_name = partition.partition_id + '-' + "destroy"
+      logger.info("Adding pre-destroy scripts to supervisord...")
+      partition.generateSupervisorConfiguration()
+      partition.addServiceToCustomGroup(group_name,
+                                        wipe_wrapper_list,
+                                        wipe_base_folder)
+      partition.writeSupervisorConfigurationFile()
+      # check the state of all process, if the process is not started yes, start it
+      supervisord = partition.getSupervisorRPC()
+      process_list_string = ""
+      for name in wipe_wrapper_list:
+        process_name = group_name + ':' + name
+        process_list_string += process_name + '\n'
+        status = supervisord.getProcessInfo(process_name)
+        if status['start'] == 0:
+          # process is not started yet
+          logger.info("Starting pre-destroy process %r..." % name)
+          supervisord.startProcess(process_name, False)
+      # ask to slapgrid to check theses scripts before destroy partition
+      with open(wait_filepath, 'w') as f:
+        f.write(process_list_string)
diff --git a/slapos/tests/slapgrid.py b/slapos/tests/slapgrid.py
index d2fec5385ea1a52878bf82522a3527153f962e21..68b398ea466c59f48564744944ee596f3f7dd164 100644
--- a/slapos/tests/slapgrid.py
+++ b/slapos/tests/slapgrid.py
@@ -2414,3 +2414,70 @@ class TestSlapgridCPWithTransaction(MasterMixin, unittest.TestCase):
+class TestSlapgridCPWithPreDeleteScript(MasterMixin, unittest.TestCase):
+  def test_one_partition_pre_destroy_service(self):
+    from slapos import manager as slapmanager
+    from slapos.manager.predestroy import WIPE_WRAPPER_BASE_PATH
+    computer = ComputerForTest(self.software_root, self.instance_root)
+    with httmock.HTTMock(computer.request_handler):
+      partition = computer.instance_list[0]
+      pre_delete_dir = os.path.join(partition.partition_path, WIPE_WRAPPER_BASE_PATH)
+      pre_delete_script = os.path.join(pre_delete_dir, 'slapos_pre_delete')
+      partition.requested_state = 'started'
+      partition.software.setBuildout(WRAPPER_CONTENT)
+      self.assertEqual(self.grid.processComputerPartitionList(), slapgrid.SLAPGRID_SUCCESS)
+      os.makedirs(pre_delete_dir, 0o700)
+      with open(pre_delete_script, 'w') as f:
+        f.write("""#!/bin/sh
+echo "Running script to wipe this partition..."
+for i in {1..3}
+  echo "sleeping for 1s..."
+  sleep 1
+echo "finished wipe disk."
+exit 0
+      os.chmod(pre_delete_script, 0754)
+      self.assertInstanceDirectoryListEqual(['0'])
+      self.assertItemsEqual(os.listdir(partition.partition_path),
+                            ['.slapgrid', '.0_wrapper.log', 'buildout.cfg', 'var',
+                             'etc', 'software_release', 'worked', '.slapos-retention-lock-delay'])
+      wrapper_log = os.path.join(partition.partition_path, '.0_wrapper.log')
+      self.assertLogContent(wrapper_log, 'Working')
+      self.assertItemsEqual(os.listdir(self.software_root), [partition.software.software_hash])
+      self.assertEqual(computer.sequence,
+                       ['/getFullComputerInformation', '/availableComputerPartition',
+                        '/startedComputerPartition'])
+      self.assertEqual(partition.state, 'started')
+      partition.requested_state = 'stopped'
+      self.assertEqual(self.launchSlapgrid(), slapgrid.SLAPGRID_SUCCESS)
+      self.assertEqual(partition.state, 'stopped')
+      manager_list = slapmanager.from_config({'manager_list': 'predestroy'})
+      self.grid._manager_list = manager_list
+      partition.requested_state = 'destroyed'
+      self.assertEqual(self.grid.agregateAndSendUsage(), slapgrid.SLAPGRID_SUCCESS)
+      # Assert partition directory is not destroyed (pre-destroy is running)
+      self.assertInstanceDirectoryListEqual(['0'])
+      self.assertItemsEqual(os.listdir(partition.partition_path),
+                            ['.slapgrid', '.0_wrapper.log', 'buildout.cfg', 'var',
+                             'etc', 'software_release', 'worked', '.slapos-retention-lock-delay',
+                             '.0-destroy_slapos_pre_delete.log', '.slapos-wait-services',
+                             '.slapos-request-transaction-0'])
+      self.assertItemsEqual(os.listdir(self.software_root),
+                            [partition.software.software_hash])
+      # wait until the pre-destroy script is finished
+      time.sleep(5)
+      self.assertEqual(self.grid.agregateAndSendUsage(), slapgrid.SLAPGRID_SUCCESS)
+      # Assert partition directory is empty
+      self.assertInstanceDirectoryListEqual(['0'])
+      self.assertItemsEqual(os.listdir(partition.partition_path), [])