Commit a70ab87e authored by Marco Mariani's avatar Marco Mariani

use prettytable

parent 472421c4
......@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
import collections
import logging
from slapos.cli.config import ConfigCommand
from slapos.proxy import ProxyConfig
import lxml.etree
import prettytable
import sqlite3
from slapos.cli.config import ConfigCommand
from slapos.proxy import ProxyConfig
from slapos.proxy.db_version import DB_VERSION
......@@ -53,33 +53,31 @@ tbl_partition = 'partition' + DB_VERSION
tbl_partition_network = 'partition_network' + DB_VERSION
tbl_slave = 'slave' + DB_VERSION
null_str = u"-"
def coalesce(*seq):
el = None
for el in seq:
if el is not None:
return el
return el
def print_table(qry, tablename, skip=None):
if skip is None:
skip = set()
columns = [c[0] for c in qry.description if c[0] not in skip]
rows = []
for row in qry.fetchall():
line = {}
for col in columns:
val = row[col]
if val is None:
val = null_str
line[col] = val.strip()
max_width = {col: len(col) for col in columns}
for row in rows:
for col in columns:
val = row[col]
max_width[col] = max(max_width[col], len(val) if val else 0)
rows.append([coalesce(row[col], '-') for col in columns])
hdr = [[col]) for col in columns]
pt = prettytable.PrettyTable(columns)
for row in rows:
if rows:
print 'table %s:' % tablename,
......@@ -92,12 +90,8 @@ def print_table(qry, tablename, skip=None):
print ' | '.join(hdr)
print '-+-'.join('-' * len(h) for h in hdr)
for row in rows:
cells = [row[col].ljust(max_width[col]) for col in columns]
print ' | '.join(cells)
print pt.get_string(border=True, padding_width=0, vrules=prettytable.NONE)
def print_params(conn):
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