Commit c739d038 authored by Nicolas Wavrant's avatar Nicolas Wavrant

checkFeedAsPromise: new python script which can be used to create promises on RSS feeds

parent 0d5cd3ed
......@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ setup(name=name,
'console_scripts': [
'agent = slapos.agent.agent:main [agent]',
'check-web-page-http-cache-hit = slapos.promise.check_web_page_http_cache_hit:main',
'check-feed-as-promise = slapos.resilient.checkFeedAsPromise:main',
'clouddestroy = slapos.cloudmgr.destroy:main',
'cloudgetprivatekey = slapos.cloudmgr.getprivatekey:main',
'cloudgetpubliciplist = slapos.cloudmgr.getpubliciplist:main',
# Command line script to test a RSS feed in a promise
# Checks that a given pattern can be found (or not) in the title or the
# description of the latest feed item.
# A time buffer option can be given, so the promise really gets true, or false,
# only if the last item is older or younger than the allowed time buffer.
import argparse
import datetime
import feedparser
import sys
def parseArguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--feed-path', dest='feed_path',
help='Path or Url of the feed to search')
parser.add_argument('--title', dest='title', action='store_true',
help='Patterns should be looked for in feed item\'s title')
parser.add_argument('--description', dest='description', action='store_true',
help='Patterns should be looked for in feed item\'s description')
parser.add_argument('--ok-pattern', dest='ok_pattern_list', action='append',
help='If this pattern is found, then promise succeeds')
parser.add_argument('--ko-pattern', dest='ko_pattern_list', action='append',
help='If this pattern is found, then promise fails')
parser.add_argument('--time-buffer', dest='time_buffer', type=int,
help='Time delta in seconds before the promise really succeeds or fails')
return parser.parse_args()
def containsPattern(string, pattern_list):
for pattern in pattern_list:
if string.find(pattern) >= 0:
return True
return False
def main():
option = parseArguments()
feed = feedparser.parse(option.feed_path)
if feed.bozo:
sys.exit('Feed malformed')
last_item = feed.entries[-1]
if option.title:
candidate_string = last_item.title
elif option.description:
candidate_string = last_item.description
sys.exit('At least one in [--title|--description] should be provided')
publication_date = datetime.datetime(*last_item.published_parsed[:7])
publication_age = - publication_date
time_buffer = datetime.timedelta(seconds=option.time_buffer)
ok_pattern_found = containsPattern(candidate_string, option.ok_pattern_list)
ko_pattern_found = containsPattern(candidate_string, option.ko_pattern_list)
if ok_pattern_found and ko_pattern_found:
sys.exit('Both OK and KO patterns found: please check arguments')
# Expectations fulfilled
if ok_pattern_found:
if ko_pattern_found:
sys.exit('KO pattern found')
if not ok_pattern_found:
if publication_age < time_buffer:
# We have to wait for buffer to expire
# If time-buffer is out, we are in stalled state
sys.exit('Stalled situation')
# If not ok, and not stalled, what can have possibly happen ?
if __name__ == '__main__':
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