Commit 068ebe41 authored by Ophélie Gagnard's avatar Ophélie Gagnard Committed by Ophélie Gagnard

slapos_metadata_transform_agent: Add the mixin.

The mixin is an interface with two mappings.
A mapping maps a unique identifier with the file path and some of its attributes.
The other is a reverse mapping.
parent a5f48ba1
from BTrees.LOBTree import LOBTree
from BTrees.OLBTree import OLBTree
class PathMappingMixin:
def _init_mapping(self):
self.last_uid_path = "" # no path is empty (nor starts with a space)
path_uid, uid_path, path_hash64, hash64_path = self._get_mappings()
if path_uid is None or uid_path is None or path_hash64 is None or hash64_path is None:
path_uid = OLBTree()
uid_path = LOBTree()
path_hash64 = OLBTree()
hash64_path = LOBTree()
path_uid[self.last_uid_path] = 0
uid_path[0] = self.last_uid_path
path_hash64[self.last_uid_path] = self.hash64(self.last_uid_path)
hash64_path[self.hash64(self.last_uid_path)] = self.last_uid_path
self._set_mappings(path_uid, uid_path, path_hash64, hash64_path)
return path_uid, uid_path, path_hash64, hash64_path
def reset_mappings(self):
self._set_mappings(None, None, None, None)
def _get_mappings(self):
portal = self.getPortalObject()
module = portal.data_array_module
return getattr(module, "__path_uid_mapping", None), getattr(module, "__uid_path_mapping", None), getattr(module, "__path_hash64_mapping", None), getattr(module, "__hash64_path_mapping", None)
def _set_mappings(self, path_uid, uid_path, path_hash64, hash64_path):
portal = self.getPortalObject()
module = portal.data_array_module
setattr(module, "__path_uid_mapping", path_uid)
setattr(module, "__uid_path_mapping", uid_path)
setattr(module, "__path_hash64_mapping", path_hash64)
setattr(module, "__hash64_path_mapping", hash64_path)
def add_path(self, path):
path_uid, uid_path, path_hash64, hash64_path = self._init_mapping()
if path in path_uid:
last_uid = path_uid[self.last_uid_path]
path_uid[path] = last_uid
uid_path[last_uid] = path
path_hash64[path] = self.hash64(path)
hash64_path[self.hash64(path)] = path
last_uid = last_uid + 1
path_uid[self.last_uid_path] = last_uid
uid_path[last_uid] = self.last_uid_path
path_hash64[self.last_uid_path] = self.hash64(self.last_uid_path)
hash64_path[self.hash64(self.last_uid_path)] = self.last_uid_path
def get_uid_from_path(self, path):
path_uid, _, _, _ = self._init_mapping()
if path in path_uid:
return path_uid[path]
return None
def get_path_from_uid(self, uid):
_, uid_path, _, _ = self._init_mapping()
if uid in uid_path:
return uid_path[uid]
return None
def get_hash64_from_path(self, path):
_, _, path_hash64, _ = self.init_mapping()
if path in path_hash64:
return path_hash64[path]
return None
def get_path_from_hash64(self, hash64):
_, _, _, hash64_path = self._init_mapping()
if hash64 in hash64_path:
return hash64_path[hash64]
return None
def hash64(self, path): # NOT IMPLEMENTED
# computing crc64 would require the use of "libscrc.iso()" but "import libscrc" produces an error
# so this is used as a temporary replacement, and collision resistance is unknown
# If this function is modified, call update_hash() to update the two mapping dictionaries using hashes.
# IndexError: string index out of range # TODO
#return zlib.adler32(path[0])*2**32 + zlib.crc32(path[0]) # requires "import zlib"
return -2
def update_hash(self):
Recompute hashes of module.__path_hash64_mapping and module.__hash64_path_mapping
so that they correspond to the current hash64 function.
portal = self.getPortalObject()
module = portal.data_array_module
_, _, path_hash64, hash64_path = self._init_mapping()
new_path_hash64 = OLBTree()
for path in path_hash64:
new_path_hash64[path] = self.hash64[path]
new_hash64_path = LOBTree()
for _, path in hash64_path.iteritems():
new_hash64_path[self.hash64(path)] = path
setattr(module, '__path_hash64_mapping', new_path_hash64)
setattr(module, '__hash64_path_mapping', new_hash64_path)
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<key> <string>validation_state</string> </key>
<value> <string>validated</string> </value>
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