#! /bin/bash # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, 2012 Vifib SARL and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # guarantees and support are strongly advised to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Simulate the linux command "ip" in the Windows. Most of functions # are mapped to windows command "netsh". Refer to ip man in the linux # to know how to use this command. # # Synopsis (not all of options are implemented here), # # ip [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND | help } # # OBJECT := { link | addr | addrlabel | route | rule | neigh | tunnel # | maddr | mroute | monitor } # # OPTIONS := { -V[ersion] | -s[tatistics] | -r[esolve] | -f[amily] { # inet | inet6 | ipx | dnet | link } | -o[neline] } # # ip link set DEVICE { up | down | arp { on | off } | # promisc { on | off } | # allmulticast { on | off } | # dynamic { on | off } | # multicast { on | off } | # txqueuelen PACKETS | # name NEWNAME | # address LLADDR | broadcast LLADDR | # mtu MTU | # netns PID | # alias NAME | # vf NUM [ mac LLADDR ] [ vlan VLANID [ qos VLAN-QOS ] ] [ rate TXRATE ] } # # ip link show [ DEVICE ] # # ip addr { add | del } IFADDR dev STRING # # ip addr { show | flush } [ dev STRING ] [ scope SCOPE-ID ] [ to # PREFIX ] [ FLAG-LIST ] [ label PATTERN ] # # IFADDR := PREFIX | ADDR peer PREFIX [ broadcast ADDR ] [ anycast # ADDR ] [ label STRING ] [ scope SCOPE-ID ] # # SCOPE-ID := [ host | link | global | NUMBER ] # # FLAG-LIST := [ FLAG-LIST ] FLAG # # FLAG := [ permanent | dynamic | secondary | primary | tentative | deprecated ] # # ip addrlabel { add | del } prefix PREFIX [ dev DEV ] [ label NUMBER ] # # ip addrlabel { list | flush } # # ip route { list | flush } SELECTOR # # ip route get ADDRESS [ from ADDRESS iif STRING ] [ oif STRING ] [ tos TOS ] # # ip route { add | del | change | append | replace | monitor } ROUTE # # SELECTOR := [ root PREFIX ] [ match PREFIX ] [ exact PREFIX ] [ # table TABLE_ID ] [ proto RTPROTO ] [ type TYPE ] [ scope SCOPE ] # # ROUTE := NODE_SPEC [ INFO_SPEC ] # # NODE_SPEC := [ TYPE ] PREFIX [ tos TOS ] [ table TABLE_ID ] [ proto # RTPROTO ] [ scope SCOPE ] [ metric METRIC ] # # INFO_SPEC := NH OPTIONS FLAGS [ nexthop NH ] ... # # NH := [ via ADDRESS ] [ dev STRING ] [ weight NUMBER ] NHFLAGS # # OPTIONS := FLAGS [ mtu NUMBER ] [ advmss NUMBER ] [ rtt TIME ] [ # rttvar TIME ] [ window NUMBER ] [ cwnd NUMBER ] [ initcwnd NUMBER ] # [ ssthresh REALM ] [ realms REALM ] [ rto_min TIME ] # # TYPE := [ unicast | local | broadcast | multicast | throw | # unreachable | prohibit | blackhole | nat ] # # TABLE_ID := [ local| main | default | all | NUMBER ] # # SCOPE := [ host | link | global | NUMBER ] # # FLAGS := [ equalize ] # # NHFLAGS := [ onlink | pervasive ] # # RTPROTO := [ kernel | boot | static | NUMBER ] # # ip rule [ list | add | del | flush ] SELECTOR ACTION # # SELECTOR := [ from PREFIX ] [ to PREFIX ] [ tos TOS ] [ fwmark # FWMARK[/MASK] ] [ dev STRING ] [ pref NUMBER ] # # ACTION := [ table TABLE_ID ] [ nat ADDRESS ] [ prohibit | reject | # unreachable ] [ realms [SRCREALM/]DSTREALM ] # # TABLE_ID := [ local | main | default | NUMBER ] # # ip neigh { add | del | change | replace } { ADDR [ lladdr LLADDR ] [ # nud { permanent | noarp | stale | reachable } ] | proxy ADDR } [ dev # DEV ] # # ip neigh { show | flush } [ to PREFIX ] [ dev DEV ] [ nud STATE ] # # ip tunnel { add | change | del | show | prl } [ NAME ] # [ mode MODE ] [ remote ADDR ] [ local ADDR ] # [ [i|o]seq ] [ [i|o]key KEY ] [ [i|o]csum ] ] # [ encaplimit ELIM ] [ ttl TTL ] # [ tos TOS ] [ flowlabel FLOWLABEL ] # [ prl-default ADDR ] [ prl-nodefault ADDR ] [ prl-delete ADDR ] # [ [no]pmtudisc ] [ dev PHYS_DEV ] [ dscp inherit ] # # MODE := { ipip | gre | sit | isatap | ip6ip6 | ipip6 | any } # # ADDR := { IP_ADDRESS | any } # # TOS := { NUMBER | inherit } # # ELIM := { none | 0..255 } # # TTL := { 1..255 | inherit } # # KEY := { DOTTED_QUAD | NUMBER } # # TIME := NUMBER[s|ms|us|ns|j] # # ip maddr [ add | del ] MULTIADDR dev STRING # # ip maddr show [ dev STRING ] # # ip mroute show [ PREFIX ] [ from PREFIX ] [ iif DEVICE ] # # ip monitor [ all | LISTofOBJECTS ] # # ip xfrm XFRM_OBJECT { COMMAND } # # XFRM_OBJECT := { state | policy | monitor } # # ip xfrm state { add | update } ID [ XFRM_OPT ] [ mode MODE ] # [ reqid REQID ] [ seq SEQ ] [ replay-window SIZE ] # [ flag FLAG-LIST ] [ encap ENCAP ] [ sel SELECTOR ] # [ LIMIT-LIST ] # # ip xfrm state allocspi ID [ mode MODE ] [ reqid REQID ] [ seq SEQ ] # [ min SPI max SPI ] # # ip xfrm state { delete | get } ID # # ip xfrm state { deleteall | list } [ ID ] [ mode MODE ] # [ reqid REQID ] [ flag FLAG_LIST ] # # ip xfrm state flush [ proto XFRM_PROTO ] # # ip xfrm state count # # ID := [ src ADDR ] [ dst ADDR ] [ proto XFRM_PROTO ] [ spi SPI ] # # XFRM_PROTO := [ esp | ah | comp | route2 | hao ] # # MODE := [ transport | tunnel | ro | beet ] (default=transport) # # FLAG-LIST := [ FLAG-LIST ] FLAG # # FLAG := [ noecn | decap-dscp | wildrecv ] # # ENCAP := ENCAP-TYPE SPORT DPORT OADDR # # ENCAP-TYPE := espinudp | espinudp-nonike # # ALGO-LIST := [ ALGO-LIST ] | [ ALGO ] # # ALGO := ALGO_TYPE ALGO_NAME ALGO_KEY # # ALGO_TYPE := [ enc | auth | comp ] # # SELECTOR := src ADDR[/PLEN] dst ADDR[/PLEN] [ UPSPEC ] [ dev DEV ] # # UPSPEC := proto PROTO [[ sport PORT ] [ dport PORT ] | # [ type NUMBER ] [ code NUMBER ]] # # LIMIT-LIST := [ LIMIT-LIST ] | [ limit LIMIT ] # # LIMIT := [ [time-soft|time-hard|time-use-soft|time-use-hard] SECONDS # ] | [ [byte-soft|byte-hard] SIZE ] | [ [packet-soft|packet-hard] # COUNT ] # # ip xfrm policy { add | update } dir DIR SELECTOR [ index INDEX ] # [ ptype PTYPE ] [ action ACTION ] [ priority PRIORITY ] # [ LIMIT-LIST ] [ TMPL-LIST ] # # ip xfrm policy { delete | get } dir DIR [ SELECTOR | index INDEX ] # [ ptype PTYPE ] # # ip xfrm policy { deleteall | list } [ dir DIR ] [ SELECTOR ] # [ index INDEX ] [ action ACTION ] [ priority PRIORITY ] # # ip xfrm policy flush [ ptype PTYPE ] # # ip xfrm count # # PTYPE := [ main | sub ] (default=main) # # DIR := [ in | out | fwd ] # # SELECTOR := src ADDR[/PLEN] dst ADDR[/PLEN] [ UPSPEC ] [ dev DEV ] # # UPSPEC := proto PROTO [ [ sport PORT ] [ dport PORT ] | # [ type NUMBER ] [ code NUMBER ] ] # # ACTION := [ allow | block ] (default=allow) # # LIMIT-LIST := [ LIMIT-LIST ] | [ limit LIMIT ] # # LIMIT := [ [time-soft|time-hard|time-use-soft|time-use-hard] SECONDS # ] | [ [byte-soft|byte-hard] SIZE ] | [packet-soft|packet-hard] # NUMBER ] # # TMPL-LIST := [ TMPL-LIST ] | [ tmpl TMPL ] # # TMPL := ID [ mode MODE ] [ reqid REQID ] [ level LEVEL ] # # ID := [ src ADDR ] [ dst ADDR ] [ proto XFRM_PROTO ] [ spi SPI ] # # XFRM_PROTO := [ esp | ah | comp | route2 | hao ] # # MODE := [ transport | tunnel | beet ] (default=transport) # # LEVEL := [ required | use ] (default=required) # # ip xfrm monitor [ all | LISTofOBJECTS ] # transfer ipv4 prefix to netmask string function prefix_to_netmask() { local -i prefix=$1 local -i n=4 local result= local dot= if (( prefix < 0 || prefix > 32 )) ; then return 1 fi while (( prefix > 0 || n > 0)) ; do if (( prefix == 0 )) ; then result=${result}${dot}0 elif (( prefix == 1 )) ; then result=${result}${dot}128 elif (( prefix == 2 )) ; then result=${result}${dot}192 elif (( prefix == 3 )) ; then result=${result}${dot}224 elif (( prefix == 4 )) ; then result=${result}${dot}240 elif (( prefix == 5 )) ; then result=${result}${dot}248 elif (( prefix == 6 )) ; then result=${result}${dot}252 elif (( prefix == 7 )) ; then result=${result}${dot}254 else result=${result}${dot}255 fi if (( prefix < 8 )) ; then prefix=0 else prefix=$((prefix - 8)) fi n=$((n - 1)) dot='.' done echo $result } # # Parameter: # ifname: interface name or guid name # # If ifname is guid name, return the corresponding connection name, # otherwise return the original ifname. # function format_interface_name() { if [[ "$1" == "" ]]; then return 1 fi local guid="$1" if ! [[ "${guid:0:1}" == "{" ]] ; then echo $1 else which ipv6 > /dev/null 2>&1 if (( $? )) ; then getmac /fo list /v | grep -B3 "^Transport Name:.*$guid" | grep "^Connection Name:" | sed -e "s/^Connection Name: *//g" else ipv6 if | grep -B1 "${guid}" | \ sed -e "2d" -e "s/^Interface[0-9: ]\+\(Ethernet: \)\?//g" fi fi } # # Parameter: # ifname: connection name # # Add a TAP-WINDOWS driver of Openvpn, then rename the connection name # as ifname. # function install_tap_driver() { local FILENAME="/etc/slapos/driver/OemWin2k.inf" local DEVFILE=$(cygpath -w $FILENAME) local HWID=tap0901 local CHECKSCRIPT=$(cygpath -m /etc/slapos/scripts/check_driver_signing_dialog.vbs) local GETSCRIPT=$(cygpath -m /etc/slapos/scripts/get_last_connection.vbs) # check if ifname has been installed if [[ ! "$1" == "" ]] ; then netsh interface ipv6 show interface | grep -q "\\b$1\\b" if (( $? == 0 )) ; then echo "Nothing need to do, \"$1\" has been installed." return 0 fi fi if [[ ! -f $FILENAME ]] ; then echo "Error: no TAP-WINDOWS driver inf file found" return 1 fi local DEVCON=$(which devcon.exe) if [[ ! -x $DEVCON ]] ; then echo "Error: no devcon.exe found" return 1 fi local CSCRIPT=$(which cscript.exe) if [[ ! -x $CSCRIPT ]] ; then echo "Error: no cscript.exe found" return 1 fi if ! [[ -f $CHECKSCRIPT ]] ; then cat <<EOF > $CHECKSCRIPT Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Do If oShell.AppActivate("Hardware Installation") Then WScript.Sleep 1000 oShell.SendKeys "%C" WScript.Sleep 2000 End If WScript.Sleep 1000 Loop While True EOF fi # install driver $CSCRIPT $CHECKSCRIPT > /dev/null & local sid=$! $DEVCON install $DEVFILE $HWID kill $sid # rename the connection name if [[ ! "$1" == "" ]] ; then if [[ ! -f $GETSCRIPT ]] ; then cat <<EOF > $GETSCRIPT strComputer = "." strPrefix = "Local Area Connection" Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery( _ "SELECT NetConnectionID FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE " & _ "NetConnectionID Like '" & strPrefix & "%'", _ "WQL", 48) strLastConnectionName = "" i = -1 k = Len(strPrefix) For Each objItem In colItems s = Right(objItem.NetConnectionID, Len(objItem.NetConnectionID) - k) If s = "" Then j = 0 Else j = Int(s) End If If j > i Then strLastConnectionName = objItem.NetConnectionID i = j End If Next WScript.StdOut.Write(strLastConnectionName) WScript.Quit(0) EOF fi # nodosfilewarning local OLDNAME=$($CSCRIPT //Nologo $GETSCRIPT) if (( $? == 0 )) ; then netsh interface set interface name="$OLDNAME" newname="$1" fi fi } # # Parameter: # ifname: connection name # # Remove a TAP-WINDOWS driver of Openvpn which connection name equals # ifname. # function uninstall_tap_driver() { local DEVCON=$(which devcon.exe) local CSCRIPT=$(which cscript.exe) local GETSCRIPT=$(cygpath -m /etc/slapos/scripts/get_pnpid_connection.vbs) if [[ "$1" == "" ]] ; then echo "Error: missing connection name" return 1 fi local IFNAME=$1 if [[ ! -x $DEVCON ]] ; then echo "Error: no devcon.exe found" return 1 fi if [[ ! -x $CSCRIPT ]] ; then echo "Error: no cscript.exe found" return 1 fi if [[ ! -f $GETSCRIPT ]] ; then cat <<EOF > $GETSCRIPT If WScript.Arguments.Count < 1 Then WScript.Echo "Error: missing paramter connection name" WScript.Quit(1) End If strComputer = "." strDriverName = "TAP-Windows Adapter V9" strConnectionName = WScript.Arguments(0) Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(_ "SELECT PNPDeviceID FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE Name='" _ & strDriverName & "' AND NetConnectionID='" & strConnectionName & "'", _ "WQL", 48) strDeviceID = "" For Each objItem In colItems strDeviceID = objItem.PNPDeviceID Next WScript.StdOut.Write(strDeviceId) WScript.Quit(0) EOF fi local PNPDEVICEID=$($CSCRIPT //Nologo "$GETSCRIPT" "$IFNAME") if (( $? == 0 )) ; then $DEVCON remove =Net "@$PNPDEVICEID" return $? fi } orig_cmd="$0 $*" opt_family= opt_statistics=0 opt_version= opt_resolve= object= # set options and object while [[ "$1" != "" ]] && [[ "$object" == "" ]] ; do case $1 in -V | -Version) opt_version=1 ;; -4) opt_family=ipv4 ;; -6) opt_family=ipv6 ;; -0) opt_family=link ;; -f | -family) shift opt_family=$1 ;; -r | -resolve) opt_resolve=1 ;; -s | -stats | -statistics) let opt_statistics+=1 ;; link | addr | addrlabel | route | rule | neigh | tunnel | \ maddr | mroute | monitor | tuntap | vpntap) object=$1 ;; *) echo Warning: unsupport options "$1" esac shift done if [[ "$opt_version" == "1" ]] ; then echo "Cygwin ip command, simulate linux ip(8)" exit 0 fi if [[ "$object" == "" ]] ; then echo $orig_cmd echo "Error: missing object in the ip command." exit 1 fi command=$1; shift if [[ "$command" == "" ]] ; then echo $orig_cmd echo "Error: missing command paramter." exit 1 fi if [[ $object == "link" ]] ; then echo $orig_cmd exit 0 elif [[ $object == "addr" ]] ; then if [[ $command == "add" ]] || [[ $command == "del" ]] ; then mask=$(basename $1) address=$(dirname $1) if [[ "$opt_family" == "" ]] ; then if [[ "$address" == *:* ]] ; then opt_family="ipv6" else opt_family="ipv4" fi fi [[ "$opt_family" == "ipv4" ]] && [[ ! "$mask" == *.* ]] && \ mask=$(prefix_to_netmask $mask) shift elif [[ $command == "list" ]] ; then command="show" dev=$(format_interface_name "$1") shift else echo "Error: unsupported command \"$command\"" exit 1 fi if [[ "$opt_family" == "ipv4" || "$opt_family" == "" ]] ; then ipcmd="netsh interface ip $command address" address="$address $mask" elif [[ "$opt_family" == "ipv6" ]] ; then ipcmd="netsh interface ipv6 $command address" else echo $orig_cmd echo "Error: unsupported family \"$opt_family\"" exit 1 fi while [[ "$1" != "" ]] ; do case $1 in dev) dev=$(format_interface_name "$2") shift ;; *) echo Warning: unsupport parameter "$1" esac shift done ipcmd="$ipcmd \"$dev\" $address" elif [[ $object == "addrlabel" ]] ; then ipcmd="netsh interface ipv6" if [[ $command == "add" ]] || [[ $command == "del" ]] ; then if [[ "$1" != "prefix" ]] ; then echo $orig_cmd echo "Error: no preifx" exit 1 fi prefix="prefix=$2"; shift; shift if [[ "$1" == "dev" ]] ; then shift; shift fi precedence="precedence=100" if [[ "$1" == 'label' ]] ; then label="label=$2"; shift; shift else label="label=0" fi if [[ $command == "add" ]] ; then ipcmd="$ipcmd $command prefixpolicy $prefix $precedence $label" else ipcmd="$ipcmd $command prefixpolicy $prefix" fi elif [[ $command == "list" ]] ; then if [[ "$1" == "" ]] ; then $ipcmd="$ipcmd show prefixpolicy" else echo $orig_cmd echo "Error: extra parameters \"$1\'" exit 1 fi else echo $orig_cmd echo "Error: unsupported command \"$command\"" exit 1 fi elif [[ $object == "route" ]] ; then # Route type case "$1" in unicast) shift ;; local) shift ;; broadcast) shift ;; multicast) shift ;; throw) shift ;; prohibit) shift ;; # Windows XP/Vista/7 does not support reject or blackhole # arguments via route, thus an unused IP address must be used # as the target gateway. unreachable | blackhole) unreachable=1 shift ;; nat) shift ;; esac if [[ $command != "show" ]] ; then prefix=$1 shift fi while [[ "$1" != "" ]] ; do case $1 in dev) interface=$(format_interface_name "$2") shift ;; proto) proto="$2" shift ;; via) nexthop="$2" shift ;; table) table="$2" shift ;; *) echo "Warning: unsupport parameter \"$1\" in the Cygwin" esac shift; done if [[ "$unreachable" == "1" ]] ; then if [[ "$opt_family" == "ipv4" || "$opt_family" == "" ]] ; then echo $orig_cmd echo "Error: unreachable ipv4 route entry is unimplemented" exit 1 else if [[ "$command" == "del" ]] ; then interface=1 nexthop="" elif [[ "$command" == "add" ]] ; then interface=1 # nexthop=`netsh interface ipv6 show address blackhole \ # | grep "Unicast Address" \ # | sed -e "s/Unicast Address\\s*:\\s*//g")` nexthop="" else echo $orig_cmd echo "Error: unsupported command \"$command\" "\ "for unreachable route entry" exit 1 fi fi fi if [[ "$opt_family" == "ipv4" || "$opt_family" == "" ]] ; then # rtmroute need that the Routing and Remote Access Service is running # ipcmd="netsh routing ip $command rtmroute" # ipcmd="netsh routing ip $command persistentroute" if [[ $command == "list" ]] ; then route print exit $? elif [[ $command == "del" ]] ; then command="delete" fi address=$(dirname $prefix) mask=$(prefix_to_netmask $(basename $prefix)) ipcmd="route $command $address MASK $mask $nexthop" elif [[ "$opt_family" == "ipv6" ]] ; then if [[ $command == "add" ]] ; then publish="publish=yes" elif [[ $command == "list" ]] ; then command="show" elif [[ $command == "change" ]] ; then command="set" fi ipcmd="netsh interface ipv6 $command route $prefix \"$interface\" $nexthop $publish" else echo $orig_cmd echo "Error: unsupported family \"$opt_family\"" exit 1 fi elif [[ $object == "tuntap" ]] ; then echo $orig_cmd exit 0 elif [[ $object == "vpntap" ]] ; then while [[ "$1" != "" ]] ; do case $1 in dev) dev=$(format_interface_name "$2") shift ;; mode) mode=$2 shift ;; *) echo Warning: unsupport parameter "$1" esac shift done if [[ "$command" == "add" ]] ; then install_tap_driver "$dev" exit $? elif [[ "$command" == "del" ]] ; then uninstall_tap_driver "$dev" exit $? else echo $orig_cmd echo "Error: unsupported command \"$command\" for tuntap" exit 1 fi # elif [[ $object == "rule" ]] ; then # echo "Error: unsupported ip object \"$object\" in the Cygwin" # exit 1 # elif [[ $object == "neigh" ]] ; then # echo "Error: unsupported ip object \"$object\" in the Cygwin" # exit 1 # elif [[ $object == "tunnel" ]] ; then # echo "Error: unsupported ip object \"$object\" in the Cygwin" # exit 1 # elif [[ $object == "maddr" ]] ; then # echo "Error: unsupported ip object \"$object\" in the Cygwin" # exit 1 # elif [[ $object == "mroute" ]] ; then # echo "Error: unsupported ip object \"$object\" in the Cygwin" # exit 1 # elif [[ $object == "monitor" ]] ; then # echo "Error: unsupported ip object \"$object\" in the Cygwin" # exit 1 else echo $orig_cmd echo "Error: unsupported ip object \"$object\" in the Cygwin" exit 1 fi echo "Mapped to: $ipcmd" $ipcmd