diff --git a/product/ERP5Legacy/Document/BusinessPath.py b/product/ERP5Legacy/Document/BusinessPath.py
index 11e523f11d41127440eabca14682a9615d7dbc28..35e46a6a4b31c2932bcf3661dde75cf0137e6018 100644
--- a/product/ERP5Legacy/Document/BusinessPath.py
+++ b/product/ERP5Legacy/Document/BusinessPath.py
@@ -1,4 +1,885 @@
-from Products.ERP5.Document.BusinessLink import BusinessLink
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+#                    Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <jp@nexedi.com>
+#                    Yusuke Muraoka <yusuke@nexedi.com>
+#                    艁ukasz Nowak <luke@nexedi.com>
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# guarantees and support are strongly advised to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
-BusinessPath = BusinessLink
+from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
+from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet, interfaces
+from Products.ERP5.Document.Path import Path
+from Products.ERP5.Document.Predicate import Predicate
+import zope.interface
+class BusinessPath(Path, Predicate):
+  """
+    The BusinessPath class embeds all information related to
+    lead times and parties involved at a given phase of a business
+    process.
+    BusinessPath are also used as helper to build deliveries from
+    buildable movements.
+    The idea is to invoke isBuildable() on the collected simulation
+    movements (which are orphan) during build "after select" process
+    Here is the typical code of an alarm in charge of the building process::
+      builder = portal_deliveries.a_delivery_builder
+      for business_path in builder.getDeliveryBuilderRelatedValueList():
+        builder.build(causality_uid=business_path.getUid(),) # Select movements
+      Pros: global select is possible by not providing a causality_uid
+      Cons: global select retrieves long lists of orphan movements which
+              are not yet buildable
+            the build process could be rather slow or require activities
+    TODO:
+      - merge build implementation from erp5_bpm business template to ERP5
+        product code with backward compatibility
+  """
+  meta_type = 'ERP5 Business Path'
+  portal_type = 'Business Path'
+  # Declarative security
+  security = ClassSecurityInfo()
+  security.declareObjectProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation)
+  # Declarative properties
+  property_sheets = ( PropertySheet.Base
+                    , PropertySheet.XMLObject
+                    , PropertySheet.CategoryCore
+                    , PropertySheet.DublinCore
+                    , PropertySheet.Folder
+                    , PropertySheet.Comment
+                    , PropertySheet.Arrow
+                    , PropertySheet.Chain
+                    , PropertySheet.SortIndex
+                    , PropertySheet.BusinessPath
+                    , PropertySheet.Reference
+                    )
+  # IArrowBase implementation
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
+                            'getSourceArrowBaseCategoryList')
+  def getSourceArrowBaseCategoryList(self):
+    """
+      Returns all categories which are used to define the source
+      of this Arrow
+    """
+    # Naive implementation - we must use category groups instead - XXX
+    return ('source',
+            'source_account',
+            'source_administration',
+            #'source_advice',
+            #'source_carrier',
+            #'source_decision',
+            'source_function',
+            'source_payment',
+            'source_project',
+            #'source_referral',
+            'source_section',
+            #'source_trade',
+            #'source_transport'
+            )
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
+                            'getDestinationArrowBaseCategoryList')
+  def getDestinationArrowBaseCategoryList(self):
+    """
+      Returns all categories which are used to define the destination
+      of this Arrow
+    """
+    # Naive implementation - we must use category groups instead - XXX
+    return ('destination',
+            'destination_account',
+            'destination_administration',
+            #'destination_advice',
+            #'destination_carrier',
+            #'destination_decision',
+            'destination_function',
+            'destination_payment',
+            'destination_project',
+            #'destination_referral',
+            'destination_section',
+            #'destination_trade',
+            #'destination_transport'
+            )
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
+                            'getArrowCategoryDict')
+  def getArrowCategoryDict(self, context=None, **kw):
+    result = {}
+    dynamic_category_list = self._getDynamicCategoryList(context)
+    for base_category in self.getSourceArrowBaseCategoryList() +\
+            self.getDestinationArrowBaseCategoryList():
+      category_url_list = Path._getAcquiredCategoryMembershipList(
+        self, base_category, **kw)
+      if len(category_url_list) == 0 and context is not None:
+        category_url_list = self._filterCategoryList(dynamic_category_list,
+                                                     base_category, **kw)
+      if len(category_url_list) > 0:
+        result[base_category] = category_url_list
+    return result
+  # ICategoryAccessProvider overridden methods
+  def _getCategoryMembershipList(self, category, **kw):
+    """
+      Overridden in order to take into account dynamic arrow categories in case if no static
+      categories are set on Business Path
+    """
+    context = kw.pop('context', None)
+    result = Path._getCategoryMembershipList(self, category, **kw)
+    if len(result) > 0:
+      return result
+    if context is not None:
+      dynamic_category_list = self._getDynamicCategoryList(context)
+      dynamic_category_list = self._filterCategoryList(dynamic_category_list, category, **kw)
+      result = dynamic_category_list
+    return result
+  def _getAcquiredCategoryMembershipList(self, category, **kw):
+    """
+      Overridden in order to take into account dynamic arrow categories in case if no static
+      categories are set on Business Path
+    """
+    context = kw.pop('context', None)
+    result = Path._getAcquiredCategoryMembershipList(self, category, **kw)
+    if len(result) > 0:
+      return result
+    if context is not None:
+      dynamic_category_list = self._getDynamicCategoryList(context)
+      dynamic_category_list = self._filterCategoryList(dynamic_category_list, category, **kw)
+      result = dynamic_category_list
+    return result
+  def _filterCategoryList(self, category_list, category, spec=(),
+                          filter=None, portal_type=(), base=0,
+                          keep_default=1, checked_permission=None):
+    """
+      XXX - implementation missing
+      TBD - look at CategoryTool._buildFilter for inspiration
+    """
+    # basic filtering:
+    #  * remove categories which base name is not category
+    #  * respect base parameter
+    prefix = category + '/'
+    start_index = not base and len(prefix) or 0
+    return [category[start_index:]
+            for category in category_list
+            if category.startswith(prefix)]
+  # Dynamic context based categories
+  def _getDynamicCategoryList(self, context):
+    return self._getDynamicSourceCategoryList(context) \
+         + self._getDynamicDestinationCategoryList(context)
+  def _getDynamicSourceCategoryList(self, context):
+    method_id = self.getSourceMethodId()
+    if method_id:
+      method = getattr(self, method_id)
+      return method(context)
+    return []
+  def _getDynamicDestinationCategoryList(self, context):
+    method_id = self.getDestinationMethodId()
+    if method_id:
+      method = getattr(self, method_id)
+      return method(context)
+    return []
+  # IBusinessBuildable implementation
+  def isBuildable(self, explanation):
+    """
+    """
+    if self.isCompleted(explanation) or self.isFrozen(explanation):
+      return False # No need to build what was already built or frozen
+    # check if there is at least one simulation movement which is not
+    # delivered
+    for simulation_movement in self.getRelatedSimulationMovementValueList(
+        explanation):
+      if simulation_movement.getDeliveryValue() is None:
+        break
+    else:
+      # if all simulation movements are delivered, we can bail out
+      return False
+    predecessor = self.getPredecessorValue()
+    if predecessor is None:
+      return True
+    # For now isPartiallyCompleted is used, as it was
+    # assumed to not implement isPartiallyBuildable, so in reality
+    # isBuildable is implemented like isPartiallyBuildable
+    #
+    # But in some cases it might be needed to implement
+    # isPartiallyBuildable, than isCompleted have to be used here
+    #
+    # Such cases are Business Processes using sequence not related
+    # to simulation tree with much of compensations
+    return predecessor.isPartiallyCompleted(explanation)
+  def isPartiallyBuildable(self, explanation):
+    """
+      Not sure if this will exist some day XXX
+    """
+  def _getExplanationUidList(self, explanation):
+    """Helper method to fetch really explanation related movements"""
+    explanation_uid_list = [explanation.getUid()]
+    # XXX: getCausalityRelatedValueList is oversimplification, assumes
+    #      that documents are sequenced like simulation movements, which
+    #      is wrong
+    for found_explanation in explanation.getCausalityRelatedValueList(
+        portal_type=self.getPortalDeliveryTypeList()) + \
+        explanation.getCausalityValueList():
+      explanation_uid_list.extend(self._getExplanationUidList(
+        found_explanation))
+    return explanation_uid_list
+  def build(self, explanation):
+    """
+      Build
+    """
+    builder_list = self.getDeliveryBuilderValueList() # Missing method
+    for builder in builder_list:
+      # chosen a way that builder is good enough to decide to select movements
+      # which shall be really build (movement selection for build is builder
+      # job, not business path job)
+      builder.build(select_method_dict={
+        'causality_uid': self.getUid(),
+        'explanation_uid': self._getExplanationUidList(explanation)
+      })
+  # IBusinessCompletable implementation
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
+      'isCompleted')
+  def isCompleted(self, explanation):
+    """
+      Looks at all simulation related movements
+      and checks the simulation_state of the delivery
+    """
+    acceptable_state_list = self.getCompletedStateList()
+    for movement in self.getRelatedSimulationMovementValueList(explanation):
+      if movement.getSimulationState() not in acceptable_state_list:
+        return False
+    return True
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
+      'isPartiallyCompleted')
+  def isPartiallyCompleted(self, explanation):
+    """
+      Looks at all simulation related movements
+      and checks the simulation_state of the delivery
+    """
+    acceptable_state_list = self.getCompletedStateList()
+    for movement in self.getRelatedSimulationMovementValueList(explanation):
+      if movement.getSimulationState() in acceptable_state_list:
+        return True
+    return False
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
+      'isFrozen')
+  def isFrozen(self, explanation):
+    """
+      Looks at all simulation related movements
+      and checks if frozen
+    """
+    movement_list = self.getRelatedSimulationMovementValueList(explanation)
+    if len(movement_list) == 0:
+      return False # Nothing to be considered as Frozen
+    for movement in movement_list:
+      if not movement.isFrozen():
+        return False
+    return True
+  def _recurseGetValueList(self, document, portal_type):
+    """Helper method to recurse documents as deep as possible and returns
+       list of document values matching portal_type"""
+    return_list = []
+    for subdocument in document.contentValues():
+      if subdocument.getPortalType() == portal_type:
+        return_list.append(subdocument)
+      return_list.extend(self._recurseGetValueList(subdocument, portal_type))
+    return return_list
+  def isMovementRelatedWithMovement(self, movement_value_a, movement_value_b):
+    """Checks if self is parent or children to movement_value
+    This logic is Business Process specific for Simulation Movements, as
+    sequence of Business Process is not related appearance of Simulation Tree
+    movement_value_a, movement_value_b - movements to check relation between
+    """
+    movement_a_path = '%s/' % movement_value_a.getRelativeUrl()
+    movement_b_path = '%s/' % movement_value_b.getRelativeUrl()
+    if movement_a_path == movement_b_path or \
+       movement_a_path.startswith(movement_b_path) or \
+       movement_b_path.startswith(movement_a_path):
+      return True
+    return False
+  def _isDeliverySimulationMovementRelated(self, simulation_movement,
+                                           delivery_simulation_movement_list):
+    """Helper method, which checks if simulation_movement is BPM like related
+       with delivery"""
+    for delivery_simulation_movement in delivery_simulation_movement_list:
+      if self.isMovementRelatedWithMovement(delivery_simulation_movement,
+          simulation_movement):
+        return True
+    return False
+  # IBusinessPath implementation
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
+      'getRelatedSimulationMovementValueList')
+  def getRelatedSimulationMovementValueList(self, explanation):
+    """
+      Returns recursively all Simulation Movements indirectly related to explanation and self
+      As business sequence is not related to simulation tree need to built
+      full simulation trees per applied rule
+    """
+    portal_catalog = self.getPortalObject().portal_catalog
+    delivery_simulation_movement_list = portal_catalog(
+      delivery_uid=[x.getUid() for x in explanation.getMovementList()])
+    related_list = self.getBusinessPathClosure(delivery_simulation_movement_list)
+    self_url = self.getRelativeUrl()
+    return [m for m in related_list if m.getCausality() == self_url]
+  def getBusinessPathClosure(self, movement_list):
+    """
+    Returns a list of Simulation Movement that are related to
+    movement_list.
+    "related" means that each of the returned Movement
+    will be an ancestor or a descendant of a movement in movement_list
+    Formally, this method returns all Simulation Movements in:
+       ancestors(movement_list) U descendants(movement_list)
+    """
+    # We need to find all ancestors of movement_list, as well as all
+    # of its descendants.
+    # When A is an ancestor of B we have:
+    #   ancestors(B) > ancestors(A) and
+    # and
+    #   descendants(A) > descendants(B)
+    # In this sense it only makes sense to compute descendants of A
+    # and ancestors of B.
+    #
+    # To do this we construct a tree of all (physical) paths leading
+    # to each movement in movement_list. This tree can be seen
+    # as a subtree of the whole Simulation Tree, or as a coloration
+    # of the Simulation Tree.
+    # Then, for each tree leaf, if that leaf has an non-root ancestor,
+    # we remove the leaf and only keep the ancestor:
+    # Because of the above properties,
+    #   closure({leaf, ancestor}) == closure({ancestor})
+    # which ensures that at the end of the coloration,
+    #   closure(colored_tree) == closure(movement_list)
+    colored_tree_dict = dict()
+    leaf_marker = object()
+    for simulation_movement in movement_list:
+      # remove portal_simulation from the path
+      component_list = simulation_movement.getRelativeUrl().split("/")[1:]
+      cur = colored_tree_dict
+      for component in component_list[:-1]:
+        cur = cur.setdefault(component, {})
+        if cur == leaf_marker:
+          # an ancestor of simulation_movement was colored before
+          break
+      else:
+        # note that we remove possibly-colored-before descendants
+        cur[component_list[-1]] = leaf_marker
+    related_list = []
+    def closure(root, path_item_tree):
+      """
+      recursive helper filling related_list with:
+        nodes(tree) U descendants(leafs(tree))
+      root is a zodb object where the path_item_tree should be rooted.
+      """
+      for k, v in path_item_tree.iteritems():
+        cur = root[k]
+        # XXX maybe using parity Applied Rule / Simulation Movement is enough?
+        if cur.getPortalType() == 'Simulation Movement':
+          related_list.append(cur)
+        if v == leaf_marker:
+          related_list.extend(self._recurseGetValueList(cur, 'Simulation Movement'))
+        else:
+          closure(cur, v)
+    closure(self.getPortalObject().portal_simulation, colored_tree_dict)
+    return related_list
+  def getExpectedQuantity(self, explanation, *args, **kwargs):
+    """
+      Returns the expected stop date for this
+      path based on the explanation.
+      XXX predecessor_quantity argument is required?
+    """
+    if self.getQuantity():
+      return self.getQuantity()
+    elif self.getEfficiency():
+      return explanation.getQuantity() * self.getEfficiency()
+    else:
+      return explanation.getQuantity()
+  def getExpectedStartDate(self, explanation, predecessor_date=None, *args, **kwargs):
+    """
+      Returns the expected start date for this
+      path based on the explanation.
+      predecessor_date -- if provided, computes the date base on the
+                          date value provided
+    """
+    return self._getExpectedDate(explanation,
+                                 self._getRootExplanationExpectedStartDate,
+                                 self._getPredecessorExpectedStartDate,
+                                 self._getSuccessorExpectedStartDate,
+                                 predecessor_date=predecessor_date,
+                                 *args, **kwargs)
+  def _getRootExplanationExpectedStartDate(self, explanation, *args, **kwargs):
+    if self.getParentValue().isStartDateReferential():
+      return explanation.getStartDate()
+    else:
+      expected_date = self.getExpectedStopDate(explanation, *args, **kwargs)
+      if expected_date is not None:
+        return expected_date - self.getLeadTime()
+  def _getPredecessorExpectedStartDate(self, explanation, predecessor_date=None, *args, **kwargs):
+    if predecessor_date is None:
+      node = self.getPredecessorValue()
+      if node is not None:
+        predecessor_date = node.getExpectedCompletionDate(explanation, *args, **kwargs)
+    if predecessor_date is not None:
+      return predecessor_date + self.getWaitTime()
+  def _getSuccessorExpectedStartDate(self, explanation, *args, **kwargs):
+    node = self.getSuccessorValue()
+    if node is not None:
+      expected_date =  node.getExpectedBeginningDate(explanation, *args, **kwargs)
+      if expected_date is not None:
+        return expected_date - self.getLeadTime()
+  def getExpectedStopDate(self, explanation, predecessor_date=None, *args, **kwargs):
+    """
+      Returns the expected stop date for this
+      path based on the explanation.
+      predecessor_date -- if provided, computes the date base on the
+                          date value provided
+    """
+    return self._getExpectedDate(explanation,
+                                 self._getRootExplanationExpectedStopDate,
+                                 self._getPredecessorExpectedStopDate,
+                                 self._getSuccessorExpectedStopDate,
+                                 predecessor_date=predecessor_date,
+                                 *args, **kwargs)
+  def _getRootExplanationExpectedStopDate(self, explanation, *args, **kwargs):
+    if self.getParentValue().isStopDateReferential():
+      return explanation.getStopDate()
+    else:
+      expected_date = self.getExpectedStartDate(explanation, *args, **kwargs)
+      if expected_date is not None:
+        return expected_date + self.getLeadTime()
+  def _getPredecessorExpectedStopDate(self, explanation, *args, **kwargs):
+    node = self.getPredecessorValue()
+    if node is not None:
+      expected_date = node.getExpectedCompletionDate(explanation, *args, **kwargs)
+      if expected_date is not None:
+        return expected_date + self.getWaitTime() + self.getLeadTime()
+  def _getSuccessorExpectedStopDate(self, explanation, *args, **kwargs):
+    node = self.getSuccessorValue()
+    if node is not None:
+      return node.getExpectedBeginningDate(explanation, *args, **kwargs)
+  def _getExpectedDate(self, explanation, root_explanation_method,
+                       predecessor_method, successor_method,
+                       visited=None, *args, **kwargs):
+    """
+      Returns the expected stop date for this
+      path based on the explanation.
+      root_explanation_method -- used when the path is root explanation
+      predecessor_method --- used to get expected date of side of predecessor
+      successor_method --- used to get expected date of side of successor
+      visited -- only used to prevent infinite recursion internally
+    """
+    if visited is None:
+      visited = []
+    # mark the path as visited
+    if self not in visited:
+      visited.append(self)
+    if self.isDeliverable():
+      return root_explanation_method(
+        explanation, visited=visited, *args, **kwargs)
+    predecessor_expected_date = predecessor_method(
+      explanation, visited=visited, *args, **kwargs)
+    successor_expected_date = successor_method(
+      explanation, visited=visited, *args, **kwargs)
+    if successor_expected_date is not None or \
+       predecessor_expected_date is not None:
+      # return minimum expected date but it is not None
+      if successor_expected_date is None:
+        return predecessor_expected_date
+      elif predecessor_expected_date is None:
+        return successor_expected_date
+      else:
+        if predecessor_expected_date < successor_expected_date:
+          return predecessor_expected_date
+        else:
+          return successor_expected_date
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
+      'getBuildableMovementList')
+  def getBuildableMovementList(self, **sql_kw):
+    """
+    Query catalog to find a list of movements related to this Business Path.
+    Filter the results to return only Buildable Movements
+    To specialize your builder, you can pass along SQL keywords
+    in sql_kw, for instance:
+      search_kw = {}
+      search_kw['movement.quantity'] = {'query':0, 'range':'neq'}
+      search_kw['movement.price'] = {'query':0, 'range':'neq'}
+      sql_kw = portal_catalog.buildSQLQuery(**search_kw)
+    """
+    predecessor_state = self.getPredecessorValue()
+    if predecessor_state is None:
+      predecessor_uid_list = []
+    else:
+      predecessor_list = predecessor_state.getSuccessorRelatedValueList()
+      predecessor_uid_list = [x.getUid() for x in predecessor_list]
+    all_movement_list = self.BusinessPath_zSelectBuildableMovementList(
+                          business_path_uid=self.getUid(),
+                          predecessor_uid_list=predecessor_uid_list,
+                          **sql_kw)
+    # select method should return only non-delivered movements, but
+    # maybe movements have been built in the meantime & catalog wasnt updated?
+    non_delivered_movement_list = filter(lambda x:x.getDeliveryValue() is None,
+                                         all_movement_list)
+    return self.filterBuildableMovementList(non_delivered_movement_list)
+  security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
+      'filterBuildableMovementList')
+  def filterBuildableMovementList(self, non_delivered_movement_list):
+    """
+    Given a list of non delivered movements that all have "self" as
+    a causality value, return the ones that are buildables
+    This is computed efficiently: movements are first separated into
+    distinct closures, and then filtering is made on each closure.
+    """
+    predecessor_state = self.getPredecessorValue()
+    if predecessor_state is None:
+      # first Path in Process, all movements can be built
+      return non_delivered_movement_list
+    predecessor_to_state_dict = {}
+    for pred in predecessor_state.getSuccessorRelatedValueList():
+      predecessor_to_state_dict[pred] = frozenset(pred.getCompletedStateList())
+    root_dict = {}
+    # classify movements according to Root Applied Rules so we can look at
+    # them closure per closure
+    for movement in non_delivered_movement_list:
+      root_dict.setdefault(movement.getRootAppliedRule(), []).append(movement)
+    result = []
+    # for each root applied rule, get buildable Movements
+    for root_rule, movement_list in root_dict.iteritems():
+      result.extend(self._filterBuildableInSameClosure(movement_list,
+                                          predecessor_to_state_dict))
+    return result
+  def _filterBuildableInSameClosure(self, movement_list, predecessor_to_state_dict):
+    """
+    Return the buildable movements in movement_list.
+    It is about finding in the tree the movements that have causalities in
+    predecessor_to_state_dict keys.
+    Three main steps to find those movements, executed in least expensive
+    to most expensive order, hoping that step n allows us to return early
+    without having to execute n+1:
+      - look at ancestors of movement_list
+      - query catalog for descendants of movement_list, hoping that
+        it would be recent enough to list them all
+      - manually walk descendants of movement_list in ZODB
+    """
+    buildable_list = []
+    # track relations within movement_list if any
+    # movement->(set of descendants in movement_list)
+    descendant_dict = {}
+    # contains a movement -> (dict of predecessors that we still havent met)
+    # only contains the movements that have not proved to be unbuildable until
+    # now.
+    movement_looking_for_dict = {}
+    def isBuiltAndCompleted(simulation, path):
+      return simulation.getDeliveryValue() is not None and \
+          simulation.getSimulationState() in predecessor_to_state_dict[path]
+    ### Step 1:
+    ## Explore ancestors
+    #
+    for movement in movement_list:
+      # set of predecessors
+      looking_for = set(predecessor_to_state_dict)
+      current = movement.getParentValue()
+      maybeBuildable = True
+      # visit all parents until Root Applied Rule
+      while looking_for and maybeBuildable:
+        portal_type = current.getPortalType()
+        if portal_type == "Simulation Movement":
+          # exploring ancestors is a great way to initialize
+          # descendant_dict, while we're at it.
+          if current in movement_looking_for_dict:
+            descendant_dict.setdefault(current, set()).add(movement)
+          path = current.getCausalityValue()
+          if path in looking_for:
+            looking_for.remove(path)
+            if not isBuiltAndCompleted(current, path):
+              maybeBuildable = False
+        elif portal_type != "Applied Rule":
+          break
+        # XXX or maybe directly go up by two levels?
+        current = current.getParentValue()
+      if maybeBuildable:
+        if not looking_for:
+          buildable_list.append(movement)
+        else:
+          movement_looking_for_dict[movement] = looking_for
+    # Maybe we're lucky, and we've found all predecessors of all
+    # movements.
+    # We can thus return the buildable ones and we're done.
+    if not movement_looking_for_dict:
+      return buildable_list
+    def updateDescendantDictAndReturnSmallestAncestorSet():
+      """
+      Remove from descendant_dict the movements that are not
+      buildable.
+      Returns the smallest set of ancestors A that satisfies:
+        - A <= movement_looking_for_dict.keys()
+        - descendants(A) = descendants(movement_looking_for_dict.keys())
+      (a.k.a. for any ai, aj in A, ai is not a descendant or an ancestor
+       of aj)
+      """
+      movement_to_query = set(movement_looking_for_dict)
+      if descendant_dict:
+        # remove movements that have been eliminated
+        for k, v in descendant_dict.items():
+          if k not in movement_looking_for_dict:
+            del descendant_dict[k]
+          else:
+            v.intersection_update(movement_looking_for_dict)
+            movement_to_query.difference_update(v)
+      return movement_to_query
+    movement_to_query = updateDescendantDictAndReturnSmallestAncestorSet()
+    ### Step 2:
+    ## Try catalog to find descendant movements, knowing
+    # that it can be incomplete
+    class treeNode(dict):
+      """
+      Used to cache accesses to ZODB objects.
+      The idea is to put in visited_movement_dict the objects we've already
+      loaded from ZODB to avoid loading them again.
+      - self represents a single ZODB container c
+      - self.visited_movement_dict contains an id->(ZODB obj) cache for
+        subobjects of c
+      - self[id] contains the treeNode representing c[id]
+      """
+      def __init__(self):
+        dict.__init__(self)
+        self.visited_movement_dict = dict()
+    path_tree = treeNode()
+    def updateTree(simulation_movement, path):
+      """
+      Mark simulation_movement as visited in the Tree
+      Returns the list of movements in movement_looking_for_dict that
+      are ancestors of simulation_movement
+      """
+      traversed = []
+      tree_node = path_tree
+      movement_path = simulation_movement.getPhysicalPath()
+      simulation_movement_id = movement_path[-1]
+      # find container
+      for path_id in movement_path[:-1]:
+        # mark traversed movements that are in movement_looking_for_dict
+        mvmt, ignored = tree_node.visited_movement_dict.get(path_id, (None, None))
+        if mvmt is not None and mvmt in movement_looking_for_dict:
+          traversed.append(mvmt)
+        tree_node = tree_node.setdefault(path_id, treeNode())
+      # and mark the object as visited
+      tree_node.visited_movement_dict[simulation_movement_id] = (simulation_movement, path)
+      return traversed
+    # initialization
+    for movement in movement_looking_for_dict:
+      updateTree(movement, None)
+    portal_catalog = self.getPortalObject().portal_catalog
+    catalog_simulation_movement_list = portal_catalog(
+      portal_type='Simulation Movement',
+      causality_uid=[p.getUid() for p in predecessor_to_state_dict],
+      path=['%s/%%' % m.getPath() for m in movement_to_query])
+    unbuildable = set()
+    for movement in catalog_simulation_movement_list:
+      path = movement.getCausalityValue()
+      traversed = updateTree(movement, path)
+      if not isBuiltAndCompleted(movement, path):
+        unbuildable.update(traversed)
+    if len(unbuildable) == len(movement_looking_for_dict):
+      # the sets are equals
+      return buildable_list
+    for m in unbuildable:
+      del movement_looking_for_dict[m]
+    ### Step 3:
+    ## We had no luck, we have to explore descendant movements in ZODB
+    #
+    def findInTree(movement):
+      # descend in the tree to find self:
+      tree_node = path_tree
+      for path_id in movement.getPhysicalPath():
+        tree_node = tree_node.get(path_id, treeNode())
+      return tree_node
+    def descendantGenerator(document, tree_node, path_set_to_check):
+      """
+      generator yielding Simulation Movement descendants of document.
+      It does _not_ explore the whole subtree if iteration is stopped.
+      It uses the tree we built previously to avoid loading again ZODB
+      objects that we already loaded during catalog querying
+      path_set_to_check contains a set of Business Paths that we are
+      interested in. A branch is only explored if this set is not
+      empty; a movement is only yielded if its causality value is in this set
+      """
+      object_id_list = document.objectIds()
+      for id in object_id_list:
+        if id not in tree_node.visited_movement_dict:
+          # we had not visited it in step #2
+          subdocument = document._getOb(id)
+          if subdocument.getPortalType() == "Simulation Movement":
+            path = subdocument.getCausalityValue()
+            t = (subdocument, path)
+            tree_node.visited_movement_dict[id] = t
+            if path in path_set_to_check:
+              yield t
+          else:
+            # it must be an Applied Rule
+            subtree = tree_node.get(id, treeNode())
+            for d in descendantGenerator(subdocument,
+                                         subtree,
+                                         path_set_to_check):
+              yield d
+      for id, t in tree_node.visited_movement_dict.iteritems():
+        subdocument, path = t
+        if path is None:
+          # happens for movement in movement_list
+          continue
+        to_check = path_set_to_check
+        # do we need to change/copy the set?
+        if path in to_check:
+          if len(to_check) == 1:
+            # no more paths to check in this branch
+            continue
+          to_check = to_check.copy()
+          to_check.remove(path)
+        subtree = tree_node.get(id, treeNode())
+        for d in descendantGenerator(subdocument, subtree, to_check):
+          yield d
+    for movement in updateDescendantDictAndReturnSmallestAncestorSet():
+      tree_node = findInTree(movement)
+      remaining_path_set = movement_looking_for_dict[movement]
+      # find descendants
+      for descendant, path in descendantGenerator(self,
+                                                  tree_node,
+                                                  remaining_path_set):
+        if not isBuiltAndCompleted(descendant, path):
+          break
+      else:
+        buildable_list.append(movement)
+        buildable_list.extend(descendant_dict.get(movement, []))
+    return buildable_list
diff --git a/product/ERP5Legacy/PropertySheet/BusinessPath.py b/product/ERP5Legacy/PropertySheet/BusinessPath.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6df0058ed39a9aecbf113aabe476fe25be594d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/product/ERP5Legacy/PropertySheet/BusinessPath.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+#                    艁ukasz Nowak <luke@nexedi.com>
+#                    Yusuke Muraoka <yusuke@nexedi.com>
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+class BusinessPath:
+    """
+      Business Path properties
+    """
+    _properties = (
+        {   'id'          : 'deliverable', # XXX: same is in Simulation property sheet
+            'description' : 'If 1 it is related to root of simulation tree (root explanation)',
+            'type'        : 'boolean',
+            'mode'        : 'w' },
+        {   'id'          : 'source_method_id',
+            'description' : 'ID of method to get source list of categories',
+            'type'        : 'string',
+            'mode'        : 'w' },
+        {   'id'          : 'destination_method_id',
+            'description' : 'ID of method to get destination list of categories',
+            'type'        : 'string',
+            'mode'        : 'w' },
+        {   'id'          : 'lead_time',
+            'description' : 'How much time shall be spent on path',
+            'default'     : 0.0,
+            'type'        : 'float',
+            'mode'        : 'w' },
+        {   'id'          : 'wait_time',
+            'description' : 'How much time to wait before initiating path',
+            'default'     : 0.0,
+            'type'        : 'float',
+            'mode'        : 'w' },
+        {   'id'          : 'completed_state',
+            'description' : 'List of states for which related Simulation '
+                            'Movement is considered as completed',
+            'type'        : 'lines',
+            'default'     : [],
+            'multivalued' : 1,
+            'mode'        : 'w' },
+        {   'id'          : 'frozen_state',
+            'description' : 'List of states for which related Simulation '
+                            'Movement is considered as frozen',
+            'type'        : 'lines',
+            'default'     : [],
+            'multivalued' : 1,
+            'mode'        : 'w' },
+    )
+    _categories = ( 'delivery_builder', 'order_builder', 'end_of',
+        'trade_phase' , 'incoterm')
diff --git a/product/ERP5Legacy/tests/testLegacyBPMCore.py b/product/ERP5Legacy/tests/testLegacyBPMCore.py
index 371d3673cfdbad6edb9e32ff6cc30e136a930382..be27d823a18068fab260c2cbad32f9f6e0ae1ee7 100644
--- a/product/ERP5Legacy/tests/testLegacyBPMCore.py
+++ b/product/ERP5Legacy/tests/testLegacyBPMCore.py
@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ class TestBPMMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase):
   def getBusinessTemplateList(self):
     return ('erp5_base', 'erp5_pdm', 'erp5_trade', 'erp5_accounting',
-      'erp5_invoicing', 'erp5_simplified_invoicing', 'erp5_legacy')
+      'erp5_invoicing', 'erp5_simplified_invoicing', 'erp5_simulation',
+            'erp5_legacy')
   business_process_portal_type = 'Business Process'
   business_path_portal_type = 'Business Path'