Commit c9a2adde authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier Committed by Eteri

Folder_generateWorkflowReport: Use select_dict to alias select function

parent e6cee7f4
......@@ -27,15 +27,14 @@ for portal_type in context.allowedContentTypes():
state_count_dict[state_id] = 0
column_list = ['portal_type'] + list(state_variable_set)
COUNT = 'count(*)'
search_folder_kw = {}
if use_selection:
selection_kw = portal.portal_selections.getSelectionParamsFor(selection_name).copy()
selection_kw.pop('limit', None)
search_folder_kw['query'] = portal.portal_catalog.getSQLCatalog().buildQuery(selection_kw)
for line in context.searchFolder(group_by=column_list, select_list=[COUNT] + column_list, **search_folder_kw):
for line in context.searchFolder(group_by=column_list, select_dict={'count': 'count(*)'} + column_list, **search_folder_kw):
portal_type = line.portal_type
count = getattr(line, COUNT)
count = line.count
for state_variable in state_variable_set:
workflow = type_state_variable_workflow_dict.get((line.portal_type, state_variable))
state = getattr(line, state_variable)
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