diff --git a/erp5/util/benchmark/scalability_launcher.py b/erp5/util/benchmark/scalability_launcher.py
index 0a0abbf7dd8ce285bf11b98f5db95ec73173330c..71ec659ab60f3e9cd822d8e413b5484e982f1791 100644
--- a/erp5/util/benchmark/scalability_launcher.py
+++ b/erp5/util/benchmark/scalability_launcher.py
@@ -113,18 +113,19 @@ class ScalabilityLauncher(object):
   def run(self):
     self.log("Scalability Launcher started")
-    max_time = 10 
+    max_time = 10
     start_time = time.time()
     error_message_set, exit_status = set(), 0
-    self.log("%s", self.test_result.isAlive())
+    #self.log("%s", self.test_result.isAlive())
     while time.time()-start_time < max_time:
       current_test = self._getNextTest()
+      # Here call a runScalabilityTest ( placed on product/ERP5Type/tests ) ?
     return error_message_set, exit_status
 def main():
diff --git a/erp5/util/taskdistribution/__init__.py b/erp5/util/taskdistribution/__init__.py
index 792cbaeb840fa65dcdacb2f449e2d4de7878f60a..14417e9460e68264bca51e4fe63ab6042d3bf475 100644
--- a/erp5/util/taskdistribution/__init__.py
+++ b/erp5/util/taskdistribution/__init__.py
@@ -201,6 +201,10 @@ class TestResultProxy(RPCRetry):
         return '<%s(%r, %r, %r) at %x>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
             self._test_result_path, self._node_title, self._revision, id(self))
+    @property
+    def test_result_path(self):
+        return self._test_result_path
     def revision(self):
         return self._revision
@@ -360,7 +364,7 @@ class TestResultProxyProxy(TestResultProxy):
         proxy = ServerProxy(
-            ).test_result_module
+            )
         raise ValueError("Cannot instanciate ServerProxy")
       TestResultProxy.__init__(self, proxy, retry_time, logger, test_result_path,
diff --git a/erp5/util/testnode/ScalabilityTestRunner.py b/erp5/util/testnode/ScalabilityTestRunner.py
index bf48efe3682e435800a95e8e2332b0677ddace30..eeb67df8437494e157d0d6467cdfe3add759be8e 100644
--- a/erp5/util/testnode/ScalabilityTestRunner.py
+++ b/erp5/util/testnode/ScalabilityTestRunner.py
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ class ScalabilityTestRunner():
     Create scalability instance
     if self.authorize_request:
-      config = _generateInstanceXML(software_path, software_configuration,
-                                    instance_title, test_result)
+      config = self._generateInstanceXML(software_path, software_configuration,
+                                    test_result)
       self.log("testnode, request : %s", instance_title)
       self.slapos_controler.request(instance_title, software_path,
                              "scalability", {"_" : config})
@@ -207,7 +207,6 @@ late a SlapOS (positive) answer." %(str(os.getpid()),str(os.getpid()),))
       self.launchable = test_configuration['launchable']
       self.error_message = test_configuration['error_message']
       self.randomized_path = test_configuration['randomized_path']
       # Avoid the test if it is not launchable
       if not self.launchable:
         self.log("Test suite %s is not actually launchable with \
@@ -215,21 +214,13 @@ late a SlapOS (positive) answer." %(str(os.getpid()),str(os.getpid()),))
         self.log("ERP5 Master indicates : %s" %(self.error_message,))
         # error : wich code to return ?
         return {'status_code' : 1}
       # create an obfuscated link to the testsuite directory
-      self.log("self.testnode.config['software_directory']\
- : %s" %(self.testnode.config['software_directory']))
-      self.log("self.randomized_path\
- : %s" %(self.randomized_path))
       path_to_suite = os.path.join(
-      self.log("path_to_suite\
- : %s" %(path_to_suite))
       self.ofuscated_link_path = os.path.join(
       if ( not os.path.lexists(self.ofuscated_link_path) and
            not os.path.exists(self.ofuscated_link_path) ) :
         try :
@@ -239,12 +230,10 @@ late a SlapOS (positive) answer." %(str(os.getpid()),str(os.getpid()),))
         except :
           self.log("testnode, Unable to create symbolic link to the testsuite.")
           raise ValueError("testnode, Unable to create symbolic link to the testsuite.")
       self.log("Sym link : %s %s" %(path_to_suite, self.ofuscated_link_path))
       involved_nodes_computer_guid = test_configuration['involved_nodes_computer_guid']
       configuration_list = test_configuration['configuration_list']
+      node_test_suite.edit(configuration_list=configuration_list)
       self.launcher_nodes_computer_guid = test_configuration['launcher_nodes_computer_guid']
       software_path_list = []
       # Construct the ipv6 obfuscated url of the software profile reachable from outside
@@ -276,30 +265,42 @@ late a SlapOS (positive) answer." %(str(os.getpid()),str(os.getpid()),))
         return {'status_code' : 1}
       self.authorize_request = True
       self.log("Softwares installed")
-      try:
+      """      try:
+      """
         # Launch instance
-        instance_title = self._generateInstancetitle(node_test_suite.test_suite_title)
-        self._createInstance(self.reachable_profile, configuration_list[0],
-                              instance_title, node_test_suite.test_result)
-        self.log("Scalability instance requested")
-        time.sleep(15)
-        self.log("Trying to update instance XML...")
-        time.sleep(2)
-        try:
-          self._updateInstanceXML(self.reachable_profile, "COMP-1564", configuration_list[1])
-          self.log("Instance XML updated...")
-        except:
-          raise ValueError("Unable to update instance XML")
-          return {'status_code' : 1}
-      except:
+      instance_title = self._generateInstancetitle(node_test_suite.test_suite_title)
+      self._createInstance(self.reachable_profile, configuration_list[0],
+                            instance_title, node_test_suite.test_result)
+      self.log("Scalability instance requested")
+      """      except:
         self.log("Unable to launch instance")
         raise ValueError("Unable to launch instance")
-        return {'status_code' : 1}
+        return {'status_code' : 1} # Unbale to launch instance
+      """
+      return {'status_code' : 1} # Unable to continue due to not realizable configuration
     return {'status_code' : 0}
+  def runTestSuite(self, node_test_suite, portal_url):
+    configuration_list = node_test_suite.configuration_list
+    test_list = [ configuration_list.index(configuration)
+                  for configuration in configuration_list ]
+    # create test_result
+    test_result_proxy = self.testnode.portal.createTestResult(
+      node_test_suite.revision, test_list,
+      self.testnode.config['test_node_title'],
+      True, node_test_suite.test_suite_title,
+      node_test_suite.project_title)
+    count = 0
+    for configuration in configuration_list:
+      # Start only the current test
+      exclude_list=[x for x in test_list if x!=test_list[count]]
+      count += 1
+      test_result_line_proxy = test_result_proxy.start(exclude_list)
+      self.log("Test for count : %d is in a running state." %count)
+      # create result line
+    return {'status_code' : 0}
   def _cleanUpNodesInformation(self):
     self.involved_nodes_computer_guid = []
     self.launcher_nodes_computer_guid = []
@@ -307,13 +308,6 @@ late a SlapOS (positive) answer." %(str(os.getpid()),str(os.getpid()),))
     self.authorize_supply = True
     self.authorize_request = False
-  def runTestSuite(self, node_test_suite, portal_url, log=None):
-    # TODO : write code
-    SlapOSControler.createFolder(node_test_suite.test_suite_directory,
-                                 clean=True)
-    # create ResultLine for each loop    
-    pass
   def getRelativePathUsage(self):
     Used by the method testnode.constructProfile() to know
diff --git a/erp5/util/testnode/UnitTestRunner.py b/erp5/util/testnode/UnitTestRunner.py
index 2353e5a142392e53f437f4dbc53512fcbb9d8108..b785437bd0db80e480975c9c364a681188b9ae7d 100644
--- a/erp5/util/testnode/UnitTestRunner.py
+++ b/erp5/util/testnode/UnitTestRunner.py
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ class UnitTestRunner():
       invocation_list.extend(["--firefox_bin", firefox_bin_list[0]])
     if '--xvfb_bin' in supported_paramater_set:
       invocation_list.extend(["--xvfb_bin", xvfb_bin_list[0]])
+    # TODO : include testnode correction ( b111682f14890bf )
     bt5_path_list = config.get("bt5_path")
     if bt5_path_list not in ('', None,):
       invocation_list.extend(["--bt5_path", bt5_path_list])
diff --git a/erp5/util/testnode/testnode.py b/erp5/util/testnode/testnode.py
index 18ec0f0e137631cec907e48650c2fade1bd7551e..4f35568cc49acea9b4361a50f8243691f96d6c23 100644
--- a/erp5/util/testnode/testnode.py
+++ b/erp5/util/testnode/testnode.py
@@ -290,8 +290,6 @@ branch = %(branch)s
   def run(self):
-    ## BLOCK OK
     log = self.log
     config = self.config
     slapgrid = None
@@ -300,7 +298,6 @@ branch = %(branch)s
     test_result = None
     test_node_slapos = SlapOSInstance()
-    ## /BLOCK OK
       while True:
@@ -311,15 +308,13 @@ branch = %(branch)s
           begin = time.time()
           portal_url = config['test_suite_master_url']
           portal = taskdistribution.TaskDistributionTool(portal_url, logger=DummyLogger(log))
+          self.portal = portal
           self.test_suite_portal = taskdistribution.TaskDistributor(portal_url, logger=DummyLogger(log))
           self.test_suite_portal.subscribeNode(config['test_node_title'], config['computer_id'])                  
           test_suite_json =  self.test_suite_portal.startTestSuite(config['test_node_title'])
           test_suite_data = testnodeUtils.deunicodeData(json.loads(test_suite_json))
           log("Got following test suite data from master : %r" % \
           # TODO : implement this method for each distributor
           # into nexedi/master-erp5..
@@ -340,11 +335,7 @@ from the distributor.")
           # master testnode gets test_suites, slaves get nothing
           # Clean-up test suites
           for test_suite in test_suite_data:
             remote_test_result_needs_cleanup = False
             node_test_suite = self.getNodeTestSuite(
@@ -366,20 +357,16 @@ from the distributor.")
             remote_test_result_needs_cleanup = True
             log("testnode, test_result : %r" % (test_result, ))
             if test_result is not None:
               self.registerSuiteLog(test_result, node_test_suite)
+              node_test_suite.edit(test_result=test_result)
               # Now prepare the installation of SlapOS and create instance
               status_dict = runner.prepareSlapOSForTestSuite(node_test_suite)
               # Give some time so computer partitions may start
               # as partitions can be of any kind we have and likely will never have
               # a reliable way to check if they are up or not ...
-              time.sleep(20)
-              node_test_suite.test_result = test_result
+              #time.sleep(20)
               runner.runTestSuite(node_test_suite, portal_url)
               # break the loop to get latest priorities from master