Commit 93cc175f authored by Yusuke Muraoka's avatar Yusuke Muraoka

fixed a bug #1790

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 228d62da
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.PsycoWrapper import psyco
from Acquisition import aq_base
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.ERP5Type.Accessor.Base import func_code, ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX, evaluateTales, Getter as BaseGetter
from Products.ERP5Type.Accessor.Base import func_code, ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX, evaluateTales, Getter as BaseGetter, Method
from Products.ERP5Type.Accessor import Accessor, AcquiredProperty
from Products.ERP5Type.Accessor.TypeDefinition import type_definition
......@@ -217,3 +217,41 @@ class AcquiredPropertyGetter(AcquiredProperty.Getter):
return value.getProperty(self._acquired_property, default, **kw)
return default
class TranslatedPropertyTester(Method):
Tests if an attribute value exists
# This is required to call the method form the Web
func_code = func_code()
func_code.co_varnames = ('self',)
func_code.co_argcount = 1
func_defaults = ()
def __init__(self, id, key, property_id, property_type, language, warning=0):
self._id = id
self.__name__ = id
self._property_id = property_id
self._property_type = property_type
self._null = type_definition[property_type]['null']
self._language = language
self._warning = warning
def __call__(self, instance, *args, **kw):
if self._warning:
LOG("ERP5Type Deprecated Tester Id:",0, self._id)
domain = instance.getProperty('%s_translation_domain' % self._property_id)
if self._language is None:
language = kw.get('language') or getToolByName(instance, 'Localizer').get_selected_language()
language = self._language
return instance.getPropertyTranslation(self._property_id, language) is not None
except KeyError:
return False
return instance.getProperty(self._property_id) is not None
......@@ -2853,6 +2853,7 @@ def createTranslationLanguageAccessors(property_holder, property,
composed_id = '%s_translated_%s' % (language_key, property['id'])
capitalised_compose_id = UpperCase(composed_id)
# get
getter_accessor_args = (property['id'], property['type'], language, default)
accessor_dict_list.append({'name': 'get' + capitalised_compose_id,
'class': Translation.TranslatedPropertyGetter,
......@@ -2863,7 +2864,14 @@ def createTranslationLanguageAccessors(property_holder, property,
'argument': getter_accessor_args,
'permission': read_permission})
setter_accessor_args = (property['id'], property['type'], language)
# has
has_accessor_args = (property['id'], property['type'], language)
accessor_dict_list.append({'name': 'has' + capitalised_compose_id,
'class': Translation.TranslatedPropertyTester,
'argument': has_accessor_args,
'permission': read_permission})
# set
accessor_dict_list.append({'name':'set' + capitalised_compose_id,
'key': '_set' + capitalised_compose_id,
'class': Alias.Reindex,
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