diff --git a/product/ERP5Type/tests/testCacheTool.py b/product/ERP5Type/tests/testCacheTool.py
index e473a8f8a4ce598b8b7efb5f23a56b8e1c83ce05..861bda56311c3d85151391655dfcb51ebfc3a3ba 100644
--- a/product/ERP5Type/tests/testCacheTool.py
+++ b/product/ERP5Type/tests/testCacheTool.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # Copyright (c) 2005 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
@@ -34,18 +35,14 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestCase import ERP5TypeTestCase
 from Products.ERP5Type.CachePlugins.DummyCache import DummyCache
 from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager
 from zLOG import LOG
-  from transaction import get as get_transaction
-except ImportError:
-  pass
+import transaction
 class TestingCache(DummyCache):
   """A dummy cache that mark cache miss, so that you can later count access
   using getCacheMisses() """
   def __init__(self, params):
     DummyCache.__init__(self, params)
   def __call__(self, callable_object, cache_id, scope, cache_duration=None,
                 *args, **kwd):
@@ -53,131 +50,102 @@ class TestingCache(DummyCache):
 class TestCacheTool(ERP5TypeTestCase):
-  run_all_test = 1
   def getTitle(self):
     return "Cache Tool"
   def afterSetUp(self):
-  def login(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
+  def login(self):
     uf = self.getPortal().acl_users
-    uf._doAddUser('seb', '', ['Manager'], [])
+    uf._doAddUser('admin', '', ['Manager'], [])
     uf._doAddUser('ERP5TypeTestCase', '', ['Manager'], [])
-    user = uf.getUserById('seb').__of__(uf)
+    user = uf.getUserById('admin').__of__(uf)
     newSecurityManager(None, user)
-  def test_01_CheckCacheTool(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
-    if not run:
-      return
-    if not quiet:
-      message = '\nCheck CacheTool '
-      ZopeTestCase._print(message)
-      LOG('Testing... ',0,message)
-      portal = self.getPortal()
-      self.assertNotEqual(None,getattr(portal,'portal_caches',None))
-      get_transaction().commit()
-  def test_02_CheckPortalTypes(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
-    if not run:
-      return
-    if not quiet:
-      message = '\nCheck Portal Types'
-      ZopeTestCase._print(message)
-      LOG('Testing... ',0,message)
-      portal = self.getPortal()
-      portal_types = portal.portal_types
-      typeinfo_names = ("Cache Factory",
+  def test_01_CheckCacheTool(self):
+    portal = self.getPortal()
+    self.assertNotEqual(None,getattr(portal,'portal_caches',None))
+    transaction.commit()
+  def test_02_CheckPortalTypes(self):
+    portal = self.getPortal()
+    portal_types = portal.portal_types
+    typeinfo_names = ("Cache Factory",
                       "Ram Cache",
                       "Distributed Ram Cache",
                       "SQL Cache",
-      for typeinfo_name in typeinfo_names:
-        portal_type = getattr(portal_types,typeinfo_name,None)
-        self.assertNotEqual(None,portal_type)
-      get_transaction().commit()
-  def test_03_CreateCacheFactories(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
-    if not run:
-      return
-    if not quiet:
-      message = '\nCreate Cache Tool Factories'
-      ZopeTestCase._print(message)
-      LOG('Testing... ',0,message)
-      portal = self.getPortal()
-      portal_caches = portal.portal_caches
-      # Cache plugins are organised into 'Cache factories' so we create
-      # factories first ram_cache_factory (to test Ram Cache Plugin) 
-      ram_cache_factory = portal_caches.newContent(portal_type="Cache Factory",
-                                                  id = 'ram_cache_factory',
-                                                  container=portal_caches)
-      ram_cache_plugin = ram_cache_factory.newContent(portal_type="Ram Cache",
-                                                    container=ram_cache_factory)
-      ram_cache_plugin.setIntIndex(0)
-      ## distributed_ram_cache_factory (to test Distributed Ram Cache Plugin) 
-      dram_cache_factory = portal_caches.newContent(portal_type="Cache Factory",
-                                          id = 'distributed_ram_cache_factory',
-                                          container=portal_caches)
-      dram_cache_plugin = dram_cache_factory.newContent(
-              portal_type="Distributed Ram Cache", container=dram_cache_factory)
-      dram_cache_plugin.setIntIndex(0)
-      ## sql_cache_factory (to test SQL Cache Plugin) 
-      sql_cache_factory = portal_caches.newContent(portal_type="Cache Factory",
-                                                   id = 'sql_cache_factory',
-                                                   container=portal_caches)
-      sql_cache_plugin = sql_cache_factory.newContent(
-                      portal_type="SQL Cache", container=sql_cache_factory)
-      sql_cache_plugin.setIntIndex(0)
-      ## erp5_user_factory (to test a combination of all cache plugins)
-      erp5_user_factory = portal_caches.newContent(portal_type="Cache Factory",
-                                                   id = "erp5_user_factory",
-                                                   container=portal_caches)
-      ram_cache_plugin = erp5_user_factory.newContent(
-              portal_type="Ram Cache", container=erp5_user_factory)
-      ram_cache_plugin.setIntIndex(0)
-      dram_cache_plugin = erp5_user_factory.newContent(
-              portal_type="Distributed Ram Cache", container=erp5_user_factory)
-      dram_cache_plugin.setIntIndex(1)
-      sql_cache_plugin = erp5_user_factory.newContent(
-              portal_type="SQL Cache", container=erp5_user_factory)
-      sql_cache_plugin.setIntIndex(2)
-      ##
-      get_transaction().commit()
-      ## update Ram Cache structure
-      portal_caches.updateCache()
-      from Products.ERP5Type.Cache import CachingMethod
-      ## do we have the same structure we created above?
-      self.assert_('ram_cache_factory' in CachingMethod.factories)
-      self.assert_('distributed_ram_cache_factory' in CachingMethod.factories)
-      self.assert_('sql_cache_factory' in CachingMethod.factories)
-      self.assert_('erp5_user_factory' in CachingMethod.factories)
-  def test_04_CreateCachedMethod(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
-    if not run:
-      return
-    if not quiet:
-      message = '\nCreate Cache Method (Python Script)'
-      ZopeTestCase._print(message)
-      LOG('Testing... ',0,message)
-      portal = self.getPortal()
-      ## add test cached method
-      py_script_id = "testCachedMethod"
-      py_script_params = "value=10000, portal_path=('','erp5')"
-      py_script_body = """
+    for typeinfo_name in typeinfo_names:
+      portal_type = getattr(portal_types,typeinfo_name,None)
+      self.assertNotEqual(None,portal_type)
+    transaction.commit()
+  def test_03_CreateCacheFactories(self):
+    portal = self.getPortal()
+    portal_caches = portal.portal_caches
+    # Cache plugins are organised into 'Cache factories' so we create
+    # factories first ram_cache_factory (to test Ram Cache Plugin) 
+    ram_cache_factory = portal_caches.newContent(portal_type="Cache Factory",
+                                                id = 'ram_cache_factory',
+                                                container=portal_caches)
+    ram_cache_plugin = ram_cache_factory.newContent(portal_type="Ram Cache",
+                                                  container=ram_cache_factory)
+    ram_cache_plugin.setIntIndex(0)
+    ## distributed_ram_cache_factory (to test Distributed Ram Cache Plugin) 
+    dram_cache_factory = portal_caches.newContent(portal_type="Cache Factory",
+                                        id = 'distributed_ram_cache_factory',
+                                        container=portal_caches)
+    dram_cache_plugin = dram_cache_factory.newContent(
+            portal_type="Distributed Ram Cache", container=dram_cache_factory)
+    dram_cache_plugin.setIntIndex(0)
+    ## sql_cache_factory (to test SQL Cache Plugin) 
+    sql_cache_factory = portal_caches.newContent(portal_type="Cache Factory",
+                                                 id = 'sql_cache_factory',
+                                                 container=portal_caches)
+    sql_cache_plugin = sql_cache_factory.newContent(
+                    portal_type="SQL Cache", container=sql_cache_factory)
+    sql_cache_plugin.setIntIndex(0)
+    ## erp5_user_factory (to test a combination of all cache plugins)
+    erp5_user_factory = portal_caches.newContent(portal_type="Cache Factory",
+                                                 id = "erp5_user_factory",
+                                                 container=portal_caches)
+    ram_cache_plugin = erp5_user_factory.newContent(
+            portal_type="Ram Cache", container=erp5_user_factory)
+    ram_cache_plugin.setIntIndex(0)
+    dram_cache_plugin = erp5_user_factory.newContent(
+            portal_type="Distributed Ram Cache", container=erp5_user_factory)
+    dram_cache_plugin.setIntIndex(1)
+    sql_cache_plugin = erp5_user_factory.newContent(
+            portal_type="SQL Cache", container=erp5_user_factory)
+    sql_cache_plugin.setIntIndex(2)
+    ##
+    transaction.commit()
+    ## update Ram Cache structure
+    portal_caches.updateCache()
+    from Products.ERP5Type.Cache import CachingMethod
+    ## do we have the same structure we created above?
+    self.assert_('ram_cache_factory' in CachingMethod.factories)
+    self.assert_('distributed_ram_cache_factory' in CachingMethod.factories)
+    self.assert_('sql_cache_factory' in CachingMethod.factories)
+    self.assert_('erp5_user_factory' in CachingMethod.factories)
+  def test_04_CreateCachedMethod(self):
+    portal = self.getPortal()
+    ## add test cached method
+    py_script_id = "testCachedMethod"
+    py_script_params = "value=10000, portal_path=('','erp5')"
+    py_script_body = """
 def veryExpensiveMethod(value):
  ## do something expensive for some time
  ## no 'time.sleep()' available in Zope
@@ -190,96 +158,83 @@ def veryExpensiveMethod(value):
 result = veryExpensiveMethod(value)
 return result
-      portal.manage_addProduct['PythonScripts'].manage_addPythonScript(
-                                                  id=py_script_id)
-      py_script_obj = getattr(portal, py_script_id)
-      py_script_obj.ZPythonScript_edit(py_script_params, py_script_body)
-      get_transaction().commit()
+    portal.manage_addProduct['PythonScripts'].manage_addPythonScript(
+                                                id=py_script_id)
+    py_script_obj = getattr(portal, py_script_id)
+    py_script_obj.ZPythonScript_edit(py_script_params, py_script_body)
+    transaction.commit()
-  def test_05_CacheFactoryOnePlugin(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
+  def test_05_CacheFactoryOnePlugin(self):
     """ Test cache factory containing only one cache plugin. """
-    if not run:
-      return
-    if not quiet:
-      message = '\nTest each type of cache plugin individually.'
-      ZopeTestCase._print(message)
-      LOG('Testing... ',0,message)
-      portal = self.getPortal()
-      from Products.ERP5Type.Cache import CachingMethod
-      py_script_id = "testCachedMethod"
-      py_script_obj = getattr(portal, py_script_id)
-      for cf_name in ('ram_cache_factory',
-                      'distributed_ram_cache_factory',
-                      'sql_cache_factory'):
-        my_cache = CachingMethod(py_script_obj,
-                                 'py_script_obj',
-                                 cache_factory=cf_name)
-        self._cacheFactoryInstanceTest(my_cache, cf_name)
-  def test_06_CacheFactoryMultiPlugins(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
-    """ Test a cache factory containing multiple cache plugins. """
-    if not run:
-      return
-    if not quiet:
-      message = '\nTest combination of available cache plugins under a cache'\
-                ' factory'
-      ZopeTestCase._print(message)
-      LOG('Testing... ',0,message)
-      portal = self.getPortal()
-      from Products.ERP5Type.Cache import CachingMethod
-      py_script_id = "testCachedMethod"
-      py_script_obj = getattr(portal, py_script_id)
-      cf_name = 'erp5_user_factory'
+    portal = self.getPortal()
+    from Products.ERP5Type.Cache import CachingMethod
+    py_script_id = "testCachedMethod"
+    py_script_obj = getattr(portal, py_script_id)
+    for cf_name in ('ram_cache_factory',
+                    'distributed_ram_cache_factory',
+                    'sql_cache_factory'):
       my_cache = CachingMethod(py_script_obj,
       self._cacheFactoryInstanceTest(my_cache, cf_name)
+  def test_06_CacheFactoryMultiPlugins(self):
+    """ Test a cache factory containing multiple cache plugins. """
+    portal = self.getPortal()
+    from Products.ERP5Type.Cache import CachingMethod
+    py_script_id = "testCachedMethod"
+    py_script_obj = getattr(portal, py_script_id)
+    cf_name = 'erp5_user_factory'
+    my_cache = CachingMethod(py_script_obj,
+                             'py_script_obj',
+                             cache_factory=cf_name)
+    self._cacheFactoryInstanceTest(my_cache, cf_name)
   def _cacheFactoryInstanceTest(self, my_cache, cf_name):
-      portal = self.getPortal()
-      print 
-      print "="*40
-      print "TESTING:", cf_name
-      # if the test fails because your machine is too fast, increase this value.
-      nb_iterations = 30000
-      portal.portal_caches.clearCacheFactory(cf_name)
-      ## 1st call
-      start = time.time()
-      original =  my_cache(nb_iterations, portal_path=('', portal.getId()))
-      end = time.time()
-      calculation_time = end-start
-      print "\n\tCalculation time (1st call)", calculation_time
-      ## 2nd call - should be cached now
-      start = time.time()
-      cached =  my_cache(nb_iterations, portal_path=('', portal.getId()))
-      end = time.time()
-      calculation_time = end-start
-      print "\n\tCalculation time (2nd call)", calculation_time
-      # check if cache works by getting calculation_time for last cache
-      # operation even remote cache must have access time less than a second.
-      # if it's greater than method wasn't previously cached and was calculated
-      # instead
-      self.assert_(1.0 > calculation_time)
-      ## check if equal.
-      self.assertEquals(original, cached)
-      ## OK so far let's clear cache
-      portal.portal_caches.clearCacheFactory(cf_name)
-      ## 1st call
-      start = time.time()
-      original =  my_cache(nb_iterations, portal_path=('', portal.getId()))
-      end = time.time()
-      calculation_time = end-start
-      print "\n\tCalculation time (after cache clear)", calculation_time
-      ## Cache  cleared shouldn't be previously cached
-      self.assert_(1.0 < calculation_time)
+    portal = self.getPortal()
+    print 
+    print "="*40
+    print "TESTING:", cf_name
+    # if the test fails because your machine is too fast, increase this value.
+    nb_iterations = 30000
+    portal.portal_caches.clearCacheFactory(cf_name)
+    ## 1st call
+    start = time.time()
+    original =  my_cache(nb_iterations, portal_path=('', portal.getId()))
+    end = time.time()
+    calculation_time = end-start
+    print "\n\tCalculation time (1st call)", calculation_time
+    ## 2nd call - should be cached now
+    start = time.time()
+    cached =  my_cache(nb_iterations, portal_path=('', portal.getId()))
+    end = time.time()
+    calculation_time = end-start
+    print "\n\tCalculation time (2nd call)", calculation_time
+    # check if cache works by getting calculation_time for last cache
+    # operation even remote cache must have access time less than a second.
+    # if it's greater than method wasn't previously cached and was calculated
+    # instead
+    self.assert_(1.0 > calculation_time)
+    ## check if equal.
+    self.assertEquals(original, cached)
+    ## OK so far let's clear cache
+    portal.portal_caches.clearCacheFactory(cf_name)
+    ## 1st call
+    start = time.time()
+    original =  my_cache(nb_iterations, portal_path=('', portal.getId()))
+    end = time.time()
+    calculation_time = end-start
+    print "\n\tCalculation time (after cache clear)", calculation_time
+    ## Cache  cleared shouldn't be previously cached
+    self.assert_(1.0 < calculation_time)
   def test_CachePersistentObjects(self):
     # storing persistent objects in cache is not allowed, but this check is
@@ -296,7 +251,6 @@ return result
       return self.portal.getTitle
     cached_func = CachingMethod(func, 'cache_bound_method')
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, cached_func)
 def test_suite():
   suite = unittest.TestSuite()