diff --git a/README b/README
index fc156037de7127bbfdde3e4295be5a00dcc22d52..924140fa3331494aca1fed6cf4404ad8ca32925f 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -16,3 +16,5 @@ TODO
     - Stopping packet processing by returning a boolean value from
       a handler, otherwise too tricky to exchange a handler with another
+    - Replication.
diff --git a/neo/storage/app.py b/neo/storage/app.py
index 45afa704e9724362a54ad215bf0d3f1827d7b122..3db9539f383c010c4b5f45f542d64f95a59c24d7 100644
--- a/neo/storage/app.py
+++ b/neo/storage/app.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import MySQLdb
 import os
 from time import time
 from struct import pack, unpack
+from collections import deque
 from neo.config import ConfigurationManager
 from neo.protocol import Packet, ProtocolError, \
@@ -240,8 +241,21 @@ class Application(object):
         # for locking objects against load operations.
         self.load_lock_dict = {}
+        # This is a queue of events used to delay operations due to locks.
+        self.event_queue = deque()
         while 1:
+    def queueEvent(self, callable, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.event_queue.append((callable, args, kwargs))
+    def executeQueuedEvents(self):
+        l = len(self.event_queue)
+        p = self.event_queue.popleft
+        for i in xrange(l):
+            callable, args, kwargs = p()
+            callable(*args, **kwargs)
     def getPartition(self, oid_or_tid):
         return unpack('!Q', oid_or_tid)[0] % self.num_partitions
diff --git a/neo/storage/database.py b/neo/storage/database.py
index 1cdf8702cf355b093b4d89a34eb15e101a78c555..19993695e7e13cdcf7a1d316652c12596098c7a5 100644
--- a/neo/storage/database.py
+++ b/neo/storage/database.py
@@ -74,13 +74,14 @@ class DatabaseManager(object):
         raise NotImplementedError('this method must be overridden')
     def getObject(self, oid, tid = None, before_tid = None):
-        """Return a tuple of a serial, a compression
+        """Return a tuple of a serial, next serial, a compression
         specification, a checksum, and object data, if a given object
         ID is present. Otherwise, return None. If tid is None and
         before_tid is None, the latest revision is taken. If tid is
         specified, the given revision is taken. If tid is not specified,
         but before_tid is specified, the latest revision before the
-        given revision is taken."""
+        given revision is taken. The next serial is a serial right after
+        before_tid, if specified. Otherwise, it is None."""
         raise NotImplementedError('this method must be overridden')
     def changePartitionTable(self, ptid, cell_list):
@@ -125,8 +126,14 @@ class DatabaseManager(object):
         raise NotImplementedError('this method must be overridden')
     def getObjectHistory(self, oid, length = 1):
-        """Return a list of serials for a given object ID. The length
-        specifies the maximum size of such a list. The first serial
+        """Return a list of serials and sizes for a given object ID.
+        The length specifies the maximum size of such a list. The first serial
         must be the last serial, and the list must be sorted in descending
         order. If there is no such object ID in a database, return None."""
         raise NotImplementedError('this method must be overridden')
+    def getTIDList(self, offset, length, num_partitions, partition_list):
+        """Return a list of TIDs in descending order from an offset,
+        at most the specified length. The list of partitions are passed
+        to filter out non-applicable TIDs."""
+        raise NotImplementedError('this method must be overridden')
diff --git a/neo/storage/handler.py b/neo/storage/handler.py
index e7a833cde3fe727f5e12bcd1cdf3ef9d56c45c48..e995c6f589c4e4ffd6b447005911e717047dd4bc 100644
--- a/neo/storage/handler.py
+++ b/neo/storage/handler.py
@@ -181,9 +181,20 @@ class StorageEventHandler(EventHandler):
     def handleUnlockInformation(self, conn, packet, tid):
         raise NotImplementedError('this method must be overridden')
+    def handleAskObject(self, conn, packet, oid, serial, tid):
+        self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+    def handleAskTIDs(self, conn, packet, first, last):
+        self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+    def handleAskObjectHistory(self, conn, packet, oid, length):
+        self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+    def handleAskStoreTransaction(self, conn, packet, tid, user, desc,
+                                  ext, oid_list):
+        self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
     def handleAskStoreObject(self, conn, packet, msg_id, oid, serial,
                              compression, data, checksum, tid):
         self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
-    def handleAskObject(self, conn, packet, oid, serial, tid):
-        self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
diff --git a/neo/storage/mysqldb.py b/neo/storage/mysqldb.py
index bd408df20c2a16b1d3bc4b6de5484b94a8b4cf0d..1517c93cccd6053f2b010234aba10ac621a4cfee 100644
--- a/neo/storage/mysqldb.py
+++ b/neo/storage/mysqldb.py
@@ -267,22 +267,42 @@ class MySQLDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
             r = q("""SELECT serial, compression, checksum, data FROM obj
                         WHERE oid = '%s' AND serial = '%s'""" \
                     % (oid, tid))
+            try:
+                serial, compression, checksum, data = r[0]
+                next_serial = None
+            except IndexError:
+                return None
         elif before_tid is not None:
             before_tid = e(before_tid)
             r = q("""SELECT serial, compression, checksum, data FROM obj
                         WHERE oid = '%s' AND serial < '%s'
                         ORDER BY serial DESC LIMIT 1""" \
                     % (oid, before_tid))
+            try:
+                serial, compression, checksum, data = r[0]
+                r = q("""SELECT serial FROM obj
+                            WHERE oid = '%s' AND serial > '%s'
+                            ORDER BY serial LIMIT 1""" \
+                        % (oid, before_tid))
+                try:
+                    next_serial = r[0][0]
+                except IndexError:
+                    next_serial = None
+            except IndexError:
+                return None
             # XXX I want to express "HAVING serial = MAX(serial)", but
             # MySQL does not use an index for a HAVING clause!
             r = q("""SELECT serial, compression, checksum, data FROM obj
                         WHERE oid = '%s' ORDER BY serial DESC LIMIT 1""" \
                     % oid)
-        try:
-            return r[0]
-        except IndexError:
-            return None
+            try:
+                serial, compression, checksum, data = r[0]
+                next_serial = None
+            except IndexError:
+                return None
+        return serial, next_serial, compression, checksum, data
     def doSetPartitionTable(self, ptid, cell_list, reset):
         q = self.query
@@ -403,9 +423,17 @@ class MySQLDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
         q = self.query
         e = self.escape
         oid = e(oid)
-        r = q("""SELECT serial FROM obj WHERE oid = '%s'
+        r = q("""SELECT serial, LENGTH(data) FROM obj WHERE oid = '%s'
                     ORDER BY serial DESC LIMIT %d""" \
                 % (oid, length))
         if r:
-            return [t[0] for t in r]
+            return r
         return None
+    def getTIDList(self, offset, length, num_partitions, partition_list):
+        q = self.query
+        e = self.escape
+        r = q("""SELECT tid FROM trans WHERE MOD(tid,%d) in (%s)
+                    ORDER BY tid DESC LIMIT %d""" \
+                % (offset, num_partitions, ','.join(partition_list), length))
+        return [t[0] for t in r]
diff --git a/neo/storage/operation.py b/neo/storage/operation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5a63f090161d095f6ea7269df570992a36cf11c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neo/storage/operation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+import logging
+from neo.storage.handler import StorageEventHandler
+from neo.protocol import INVALID_UUID, RUNNING_STATE, BROKEN_STATE, \
+from neo.utils import dump
+from neo.node import MasterNode, StorageNode, ClientNode
+from neo.connetion import ClientConnection
+from neo.protocol import Packet
+class TransactionInformation(object):
+    """This class represents information on a transaction."""
+    def __init__(self, uuid):
+        self._uuid = uuid
+        self._object_dict = {}
+        self._transaction = None
+    def getUUID(self):
+        return self._uuid
+    def addObject(self, oid, compression, checksum, data):
+        self._object_dict[oid] = (oid, compression, checksum, data)
+    def addTransaction(self, oid_list, user, desc, ext):
+        self._transaction = (oid_list, user, desc, ext)
+    def getObjectList(self):
+        return self._object_dict.values()
+    def getTransaction(self):
+        return self._transaction
+class OperationEventHandler(StorageEventHandler):
+    """This class deals with events for a operation phase."""
+    def connectionCompleted(self, conn):
+        # FIXME this must be implemented for replications.
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def connectionFailed(self, conn):
+        # FIXME this must be implemented for replications.
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def connectionAccepted(self, conn, s, addr):
+        """Called when a connection is accepted."""
+        # Client nodes and other storage nodes may connect. Also,
+        # master nodes may connect, only if they misunderstand that
+        # I am a master node.
+        StorageEventHandler.connectionAccepted(self, conn, s, addr)
+    def dealWithClientFailure(self, conn):
+        uuid = conn.getUUID()
+        if uuid is not None:
+            app = self.app
+            node = app.nm.getNodeByUUID(uuid)
+            if isinstance(node, ClientNode):
+                for tid, t in app.transaction_dict.items():
+                    if t.getUUID() == uuid:
+                        for o in t.getObjectList():
+                            oid = o[0]
+                            try:
+                                del app.store_lock_dict[oid]
+                                del app.load_lock_dict[oid]
+                            except KeyError:
+                                pass
+                        del app.transaction_dict[tid]
+                # Now it may be possible to execute some events.
+                app.executeQueuedEvents()
+    def timeoutExpired(self, conn):
+        if isinstance(conn, ClientConnection):
+            if conn.getUUID() == self.app.primary_master_node.getUUID():
+                # If a primary master node timeouts, I cannot continue.
+                logging.critical('the primary master node times out')
+                raise PrimaryFailure('the primary master node times out')
+            else:
+                # Otherwise, this connection is to another storage node.
+                raise NotImplemented
+        else:
+            self.dealWithClientFailure(conn)
+        StorageEventHandler.timeoutExpired(self, conn)
+    def connectionClosed(self, conn):
+        if isinstance(conn, ClientConnection):
+            if conn.getUUID() == self.app.primary_master_node.getUUID():
+                # If a primary master node closes, I cannot continue.
+                logging.critical('the primary master node is dead')
+                raise PrimaryFailure('the primary master node is dead')
+            else:
+                # Otherwise, this connection is to another storage node.
+                raise NotImplemented
+        else:
+            self.dealWithClientFailure(conn)
+        StorageEventHandler.connectionClosed(self, conn)
+    def peerBroken(self, conn):
+        if isinstance(conn, ClientConnection):
+            if conn.getUUID() == self.app.primary_master_node.getUUID():
+                # If a primary master node gets broken, I cannot continue.
+                logging.critical('the primary master node is broken')
+                raise PrimaryFailure('the primary master node is broken')
+            else:
+                # Otherwise, this connection is to another storage node.
+                raise NotImplemented
+        else:
+            self.dealWithClientFailure(conn)
+        StorageEventHandler.peerBroken(self, conn)
+    def handleRequestNodeIdentification(self, conn, packet, node_type,
+                                        uuid, ip_address, port, name):
+        if isinstance(conn, ClientConnection):
+            self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+        else:
+            if name != app.name:
+                logging.error('reject an alien cluster')
+                conn.addPacket(Packet().protocolError(packet.getId(),
+                                                      'invalid cluster name'))
+                conn.abort()
+                return
+            addr = (ip_address, port)
+            node = app.nm.getNodeByUUID(uuid)
+            if node is None:
+                if node_type == MASTER_NODE_TYPE:
+                    node = app.nm.getNodeByServer(addr)
+                    if node is None:
+                        node = MasterNode(server = addr, uuid = uuid)
+                        app.nm.add(node)
+                else:
+                    # If I do not know such a node, and it is not even a master
+                    # node, simply reject it.
+                    logging.error('reject an unknown node')
+                    conn.addPacket(Packet().notReady(packet.getId(), 
+                                                     'unknown node'))
+                    conn.abort()
+                    return
+            else:
+                # If this node is broken, reject it.
+                if node.getUUID() == uuid:
+                    if node.getState() == BROKEN_STATE:
+                        p = Packet()
+                        p.brokenNodeDisallowedError(packet.getId(), 'go away')
+                        conn.addPacket(p)
+                        conn.abort()
+                        return
+            # Trust the UUID sent by the peer.
+            node.setUUID(uuid)
+            conn.setUUID(uuid)
+            p = Packet()
+            p.acceptNodeIdentification(packet.getId(), STORAGE_NODE_TYPE,
+                                       app.uuid, app.server[0], app.server[1])
+            conn.addPacket(p)
+            if node_type == MASTER_NODE_TYPE:
+                conn.abort()
+    def handleAcceptNodeIdentification(self, conn, packet, node_type,
+                                       uuid, ip_address, port):
+        if isinstance(conn, ClientConnection):
+            raise NotImplementedError
+        else:
+            self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+    def handleAnswerPrimaryMaster(self, conn, packet, primary_uuid,
+                                  known_master_list):
+        self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+    def handleAskLastIDs(self, conn, packet):
+        self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+    def handleAskPartitionTable(self, conn, packet, offset_list):
+        self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+    def handleSendPartitionTable(self, conn, packet, ptid, row_list):
+        self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+    def handleNotifyPartitionChanges(self, conn, packet, ptid, cell_list):
+        """This is very similar to Send Partition Table, except that
+        the information is only about changes from the previous."""
+        if isinstance(conn, ClientConnection):
+            app = self.app
+            nm = app.nm
+            pt = app.pt
+            if app.ptid >= ptid:
+                # Ignore this packet.
+                return
+            # First, change the table on memory.
+            app.ptid = ptid
+            for offset, uuid, state in cell_list:
+                node = nm.getNodeByUUID(uuid)
+                if node is None:
+                    node = StorageNode(uuid = uuid)
+                    if uuid != self.uuid:
+                        node.setState(TEMPORARILY_DOWN_STATE)
+                    nm.add(node)
+                pt.setCell(offset, node, state)
+            # Then, the database.
+            app.dm.changePartitionTable(ptid, cell_list)
+        else:
+            self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+    def handleStartOperation(self, conn, packet):
+        self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+    def handleStopOperation(self, conn, packet):
+        if isinstance(conn, ClientConnection):
+            raise OperationFailure('operation stopped')
+        else:
+            self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+    def handleAskUnfinishedTransactions(self, conn, packet):
+        self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+    def handleAskTransactionInformation(self, conn, packet, tid):
+        if isinstance(conn, ClientConnection):
+            self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+        else:
+            app = self.app
+            t = app.dm.getTransaction(tid)
+            p = Packet()
+            if t is None:
+                p.tidNotFound(packet.getId(), '%s does not exist' % dump(tid))
+            else:
+                p.answerTransactionInformation(packet.getId(), tid, 
+                                               t[1], t[2], t[0])
+            conn.addPacket(p)
+    def handleAskObjectPresent(self, conn, packet, oid, tid):
+        self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+    def handleDeleteTransaction(self, conn, packet, tid):
+        self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+    def handleCommitTransaction(self, conn, packet, tid):
+        self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+    def handleLockInformation(self, conn, packet, tid):
+        if isinstance(conn, ClientConnection):
+            app = self.app
+            try:
+                t = app.transaction_dict[tid]
+                object_list = t.getObjectList()
+                for o in object_list:
+                    app.load_lock_dict[o[0]] = tid
+                app.dm.storeTransaction(tid, object_list, t.getTransaction())
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+            conn.addPacket(Packet().notifyInformationLocked(conn.getId(), tid))
+        else:
+            self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+    def handleUnlockInformation(self, conn, packet, tid):
+        if isinstance(conn, ClientConnection):
+            app = self.app
+            try:
+                t = app.transaction_dict[tid]
+                object_list = t.getObjectList()
+                for o in object_list:
+                    oid = o[0]
+                    del app.load_lock_dict[oid]
+                    del app.store_lock_dict[oid]
+                app.dm.finishTransaction(tid)
+                del app.transaction_dict[tid]
+                # Now it may be possible to execute some events.
+                app.executeQueuedEvents()
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+        else:
+            self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+    def handleAskObject(self, conn, packet, oid, serial, tid):
+        app = self.app
+        if oid in app.load_lock_dict:
+            # Delay the response.
+            app.queueEvent(self.handleAskObject, conn, packet, oid,
+                           serial, tid)
+            return
+        if serial == INVALID_SERIAL:
+            serial = None
+        if tid == INVALID_TID:
+            tid = None
+        o = app.dm.getObject(oid, serial, tid)
+        p = Packet()
+        if o is not None:
+            serial, next_serial, compression, checksum, data = o
+            if next_serial is None:
+                next_serial = INVALID_SERIAL
+            p.answerObject(packet.getId(), oid, serial, next_serial, 
+                           compression, checksum, data)
+        else:
+            p.oidNotFound(packet.getId(), '%s does not exist' % dump(oid))
+        conn.addPacket(p)
+    def handleAskTIDs(self, conn, packet, first, last):
+        # This method is complicated, because I must return TIDs only
+        # about usable partitions assigned to me.
+        if first >= last:
+            conn.addPacket(Packet().protocolError(packet.getId(), 
+                                                  'invalid offsets'))
+            return
+        app = self.app
+        # Collect all usable partitions for me.
+        getCellList = app.pt.getCellList
+        partition_list = []
+        for offset in xrange(app.num_partitions):
+            for cell in getCellList(offset, True):
+                if cell.getUUID() == app.uuid:
+                    partition_list.append(offset)
+                    break
+        tid_list = app.dm.getTIDList(first, last - first, 
+                                     app.num_partitions, partition_list)
+        conn.addPacket(Packet().answerTIDs(packet.getId(), tid_list))
+    def handleAskObjectHistory(self, conn, packet, oid, length):
+        app = self.app
+        history_list = app.dm.getObjectHistory(oid, length)
+        conn.addPacket(Packet().answerObjectHistory(packet.getId(), 
+                                                    history_list))
+    def handleAskStoreTransaction(self, conn, packet, tid, user, desc,
+                                  ext, oid_list):
+        app = self.app
+        try:
+            t = app.transaction_dict[tid]
+        except KeyError:
+            p = Packet()
+            p.protocolError(packet.getId(), 'unknown tid %s' % dump(tid))
+            conn.addPacket(p)
+            return
+        t.addTransaction(oid_list, user, desc, ext)
+        conn.addPacket(Packet().answerStoreTransaction(packet.getId(), tid))
+    def handleAskStoreObject(self, conn, packet, msg_id, oid, serial,
+                             compression, data, checksum, tid):
+        uuid = conn.getUUID()
+        if uuid is None:
+            self.handleUnexpectedPacket(conn, packet)
+            return
+        # First, check for the locking state.
+        app = self.app
+        locking_tid = app.store_lock_dict.get(oid)
+        if locking_tid is not None:
+            if locking_tid < tid:
+                # Delay the response.
+                app.queueEvent(self.handleAskStoreObject, conn, packet, 
+                               msg_id, oid, serial, compression, data,
+                               checksum, tid)
+            else:
+                # If a newer transaction already locks this object,
+                # do not try to resolve a conflict, so return immediately.
+                conn.addPacket(Packet().answerStoreObject(packet.getId(), 1,
+                                                          oid, locking_tid))
+            return
+        # Next, check if this is generated from the latest revision.
+        history_list = app.dm.getObjectHistory(oid)
+        if history_list:
+            last_serial = history_list[0][0]
+            if last_serial != serial:
+                conn.addPacket(Packet().answerStoreObject(packet.getId(), 1,
+                                                          oid, last_serial))
+                return
+        # Now store the object.
+        t = app.transaction_dict.setdefault(tid, Transaction(uuid))
+        t.addObject(oid, compression, checksum, data)
+        conn.addPacket(Packet().answerStoreObject(packet.getId(), 0, 
+                                                  oid, serial))
+        app.store_lock_dict[oid] = tid