diff --git a/product/ERP5/PropertySheet/Arrow.py b/product/ERP5/PropertySheet/Arrow.py
index 7aa9bf0718d5e0e7870054688954045567fd5c46..f35c4fb7fce8206d948615a69aa6f803c5184041 100755
--- a/product/ERP5/PropertySheet/Arrow.py
+++ b/product/ERP5/PropertySheet/Arrow.py
@@ -420,6 +420,68 @@ class Arrow:
             'acquisition_accessor_id'       : 'getTitle',
             'acquisition_depends'           : None,
             'mode'        : 'w' },
+        # Source trade reference
+        {   'id'          : 'source_trade_title',
+            'description' : 'The title of the source trade of this movement',
+            'type'        : 'string',
+            'acquisition_base_category'     : ('source_trade',),
+            'acquisition_portal_type'       : Expression('python: portal.getPortalNodeTypeList()'),
+            'acquisition_copy_value'        : 0,
+            'acquisition_accessor_id'       : 'getTitle',
+            'acquisition_depends'           : None,
+            'alt_accessor_id'               : ('_categoryGetSourceProjectTitle', ),
+            'mode'        : 'w' },
+        {   'id'          : 'source_trade_id',
+            'description' : 'The id of the source trade of this movement',
+            'type'        : 'string',
+            'acquisition_base_category'     : ('source_trade',),
+            'acquisition_portal_type'       : Expression('python: portal.getPortalNodeTypeList()'),
+            'acquisition_copy_value'        : 0,
+            'acquisition_accessor_id'       : 'getId',
+            'acquisition_depends'           : None,
+            'alt_accessor_id'               : ('_categoryGetSourceProjectId', ),
+            'mode'        : 'w' },
+        {   'id'          : 'source_trade_relative_url',
+            'description' : 'The titles of the source trade of this movement',
+            'type'        : 'string',
+            'acquisition_base_category'     : ('source_trade',),
+            'acquisition_portal_type'       : Expression('python: portal.getPortalNodeTypeList()'),
+            'acquisition_copy_value'        : 0,
+            'acquisition_accessor_id'       : 'getRelativeUrl',
+            'acquisition_depends'           : None,
+            'alt_accessor_id'               : ('_categoryGetSourceProjectRelativeUrl', ),
+            'mode'        : 'w' },
+        # Destination trade reference
+        {   'id'          : 'destination_trade_title',
+            'description' : 'The title of the destination trade of this movement',
+            'type'        : 'string',
+            'acquisition_base_category'     : ('destination_trade',),
+            'acquisition_portal_type'       : Expression('python: portal.getPortalNodeTypeList()'),
+            'acquisition_copy_value'        : 0,
+            'acquisition_accessor_id'       : 'getTitle',
+            'acquisition_depends'           : None,
+            'alt_accessor_id'               : ('_categoryGetDestinationProjectTitle', ),
+            'mode'        : 'w' },
+        {   'id'          : 'destination_trade_id',
+            'description' : 'The id of the destination trade of this movement',
+            'type'        : 'string',
+            'acquisition_base_category'     : ('destination_trade',),
+            'acquisition_portal_type'       : Expression('python: portal.getPortalNodeTypeList()'),
+            'acquisition_copy_value'        : 0,
+            'acquisition_accessor_id'       : 'getId',
+            'acquisition_depends'           : None,
+            'alt_accessor_id'               : ('_categoryGetDestinationProjectId', ),
+            'mode'        : 'w' },
+        {   'id'          : 'destination_trade_relative_url',
+            'description' : 'The titles of the destination trade of this movement',
+            'type'        : 'string',
+            'acquisition_base_category'     : ('destination_trade',),
+            'acquisition_portal_type'       : Expression('python: portal.getPortalNodeTypeList()'),
+            'acquisition_copy_value'        : 0,
+            'acquisition_accessor_id'       : 'getRelativeUrl',
+            'acquisition_depends'           : None,
+            'alt_accessor_id'               : ('_categoryGetDestinationProjectRelativeUrl', ),
+            'mode'        : 'w' },
         # Source function reference
         {   'id'          : 'source_function_title',
             'description' : 'The title of the source function of this movement',
@@ -675,6 +737,7 @@ class Arrow:
                     'source_decision', 'destination_decision',
                     'source_administration', 'destination_administration',
                     'source_payment', 'destination_payment',
+                    'source_trade', 'destination_trade',
                     'source_function', 'destination_function',
                     'source_project', 'destination_project',
                     'source_budget', 'destination_budget',