diff --git a/docs/complex_queries.rst b/docs/complex_queries.rst
index 7050967852b1e46adec7825003b4980024b55f03..7e0cf96bb66c70b0c97a4f8d40eb4e7d56d7ff26 100644
--- a/docs/complex_queries.rst
+++ b/docs/complex_queries.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 jIO Complex Queries
@@ -7,7 +8,7 @@ What are Complex Queries?
 In jIO, a complex query can ask a storage server to select, filter, sort, or
 limit a document list before sending it back. If the server is not able to do
 so, the complex query tool can do the filtering by itself on the client. Only the
-``allDocs()`` method can use complex queries.
+``.allDocs()`` method can use complex queries.
 A query can either be a string (using a specific language useful for writing
 queries), or it can be a tree of objects (useful to browse queries). To handle
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ to run the query on the index before querying documents itself.
 How to use Complex Queries with jIO?
-Complex queries can be triggered by including the option named **query** in the ``allDocs()`` method call.
+Complex queries can be triggered by including the option named **query** in the ``.allDocs()`` method call.
diff --git a/docs/getting_started.rst b/docs/getting_started.rst
index df9e31d09ab5fe2e768fb891ce8fa310ba85288c..4313e551e25b4c872677d272c5fdcb3c9579acde 100644
--- a/docs/getting_started.rst
+++ b/docs/getting_started.rst
@@ -45,15 +45,23 @@ Getting started
     You can use both handlers and available storages to build a storage
     tree across which all documents will be maintained and managed by jIO.
-    See :ref:`List of Available Storages <list-of-available-storages>`.
     .. code-block:: javascript
         // create your jio instance
         var my_jio = jIO.createJIO(storage_description);
+    You have to provide a ``storage_description`` object, providing location
+    and credentials.
+    Its format depends on the type of storage,
+    see :ref:`List of Available Storages <list-of-available-storages>`.
 #.  The jIO API provides ten main methods to manage documents across the storage(s) specified in your jIO storage tree.
+    For details on the ``document`` and ``attachment`` objects, see :ref:`What is a document? <what-is-a-document>`
     =======================  ======================================================
     Method                   Example
     =======================  ======================================================
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index e1d77de9d69a568cfbcf28d658b0f5a08e835d80..6ce1d9aa9ba8f409f7a1046af77448cf41f2531a 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
-.. jIO documentation master file, created by
-   sphinx-quickstart on Fri Nov 15 11:55:08 2013.
-   You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
-   contain the root `toctree` directive.
 Welcome to jIO
diff --git a/docs/manage_documents.rst b/docs/manage_documents.rst
index 4f333cb0f29e2a07c0fedc7f9d173ba840645566..320b1da0c01343bc5333c2d608d467794d2b7351 100644
--- a/docs/manage_documents.rst
+++ b/docs/manage_documents.rst
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ CouchDB provides a RESTful HTTP/JSON API accessible by many programming
 libraries and tools (like `curl <http://curl.haxx.se/>`_ or `Pouchdb <http://pouchdb.com/>`_)
 and has its own conflict management system.
+.. _what-is-a-document:
 What is a document?
@@ -63,7 +66,7 @@ see how method calls should be made with either of these storages.
 .. code-block:: javascript
     // Create a new jIO instance
-    var jio_instance = jIO.createJIO(storage tree description);
+    var jio_instance = jIO.createJIO(storage_description);
     // create and store new document
     jio_instance.post({title: 'some title'}).
@@ -256,8 +259,8 @@ In case of error, the ``errorCallback`` first parameter will look like:
-How to store a video on localStorage
+How to store binary data
 The following example creates a new jIO in localStorage and then posts a document with two attachments.
diff --git a/docs/metadata.rst b/docs/metadata.rst
index edab2ab7d58c03d51a983b261c5d70bc9e0b3405..6747237a7c9e535c8944eedfb85b5673a3beb84f 100644
--- a/docs/metadata.rst
+++ b/docs/metadata.rst
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ The word "metadata" means "data about data". Metadata articulates a context for
 objects of interest -- "resources" such as MP3 files, library books, or
 satellite images -- in the form of "resource descriptions". As a tradition,
 resource description dates back to the earliest archives and library catalogs.
-During the Web revolution of the mid-1990s, `Dublic Core <http://dublincore.org/metadata-basics/>`_
+During the Web revolution of the mid-1990s, `Dublin Core <http://dublincore.org/metadata-basics/>`_
 has emerged as one of the prominent metadata standards.
 Why use metadata?