(function () { var thisfun = function(loader) { var JIO = loader.JIO, sjcl = loader.sjcl, Base64 = loader.Base64, $ = loader.jQuery; //// Tools var empty_fun = function (){}, contains = function (array,content) { var i; if (typeof array !== 'object') { return undefined; } for (i = 0; i < array.length || 0; i+= 1) { if (array[i] === content) { return true; } } return false; }, clone = function (obj) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); }, // generates a revision hash from document metadata, revision history // and the deleted_flag generateRevisionHash = function (doc, revisions, deleted_flag) { var string = JSON.stringify(doc) + JSON.stringify(revisions) + JSON.stringify(deleted_flag? true: false); return hex_sha256(string); }, // localStorage wrapper localstorage = { clear: function () { return localStorage.clear(); }, getItem: function (item) { var value = localStorage.getItem(item); return value === null? null: JSON.parse(value); }, setItem: function (item,value) { return localStorage.setItem(item,JSON.stringify (value)); }, removeItem: function (item) { return localStorage.removeItem(item); } }, cleanUpLocalStorage = function(){ var k, storageObject = localstorage.getAll(); for (k in storageObject) { var splitk = k.split('/'); if ( splitk[0] === 'jio' ) { localstorage.removeItem(k); } } var d = document.createElement ('div'); d.setAttribute('id','log'); document.querySelector ('body').appendChild(d); // remove everything localStorage.clear(); }, base_tick = 30000, basicTestFunctionGenerator = function(o,res,value,message) { return function(err,val) { var jobstatus = (err?'fail':'done'); switch (res) { case 'status': err = err || {}; val = err.status; break; case 'jobstatus': val = jobstatus; break; case 'value': val = err || val; break; default: return; } deepEqual (val,value,message); }; }, /** * Prepare a specific test for jio and create a spy. * It creates a function [function_name] in [obj] which can be use as a * jio callback. To prepare the test, we need to know what kind of return * value you want -> [result_type]: * - "status": [value] is compared with err.status, the error code * - "jobstatus": [value] check if the request is "fail" or "done" * - "value": [value] is compared to the response * @method basicSpyFunction * @param {object} obj The object to work with * @param {string} result_type The result type * @param {object} value The value to be compared * @param {string} message The test message * @param {string} function_name The callback name */ basicSpyFunction = function(obj, result_type, value, message, function_name) { function_name = function_name || 'f'; obj[function_name] = basicTestFunctionGenerator(obj, result_type, value, message); obj.t.spy(obj, function_name); }, /** * Advances in time and execute the test previously prepared. * The default function to test is "f" in [obj]. * @method basicTickFunction * @param {object} obj The object to work with * @param {number} tick The time to advance in ms (optional) * @param {function_name} function_name The callback to test (optional) */ basicTickFunction = function (obj) { var tick, fun, i = 1; tick = 10000; fun = "f"; if (typeof arguments[i] === 'number') { tick = arguments[i]; i++; } if (typeof arguments[i] === 'string') { fun = arguments[i]; i++; } obj.clock.tick(tick); if (!obj[fun].calledOnce) { if (obj[fun].called) { ok(false, 'too much results (obj.' + fun +')'); } else { ok(false, 'no response (obj.' + fun +')'); } } }, // debug function to show custumized log at the bottom of the page myLog = function (html_string) { document.querySelector ('div#log').innerHTML += html_string + '<hr/>'; }, getXML = function (url) { var tmp = ''; $.ajax({'url':url,async:false, dataType:'text',success:function(xml){tmp=xml;}}); return tmp; }, objectifyDocumentArray = function (array) { var obj = {}, k; for (k = 0; k < array.length; k += 1) { obj[array[k]._id] = array[k]; } return obj; }, getLastJob = function (id) { return (localstorage.getItem("jio/job_array/"+id) || [undefined]).pop(); }, generateTools = function (sinon) { var o = {}; o.t = sinon; o.clock = o.t.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.clock.tick(base_tick); o.spy = basicSpyFunction; o.tick = basicTickFunction; // test methods o.testLastJobLabel = function (label, mess) { var lastjob = getLastJob(o.jio.getId()); if (lastjob) { deepEqual(lastjob.command.label, label, mess); } else { deepEqual("No job on the queue", "Job with label: "+label, mess); } }; o.testLastJobId = function (id, mess) { var lastjob = getLastJob(o.jio.getId()); if (lastjob) { deepEqual(lastjob.id, id, mess); } else { deepEqual("No job on the queue", "Job with id: "+id, mess); } }; o.testLastJobWaitForTime = function (mess) { var lastjob = getLastJob(o.jio.getId()); if (lastjob) { ok(lastjob.status.waitfortime > 0, mess); } else { deepEqual("No job on the queue", "Job waiting for time", mess); } }; o.testLastJobWaitForJob = function (job_id_array, mess) { var lastjob = getLastJob(o.jio.getId()); if (lastjob) { deepEqual(lastjob.status.waitforjob, job_id_array, mess); } else { deepEqual( "No job on the queue", "Job waiting for: " + JSON.stringify (job_id_array), mess ); } }; // wait method o.waitUntilAJobExists = function (timeout) { var cpt = 0 while (true) { if (getLastJob(o.jio.getId()) !== undefined) { break; } if (timeout >= cpt) { ok(false, "No job were added to the queue"); break; } o.clock.tick(25); cpt += 25; } }; o.waitUntilLastJobIs = function (state) { while (true) { if (getLastJob(o.jio.getId()) === undefined) { ok(false, "No job have state: " + state); break; } if (getLastJob(o.jio.getId()).status.label === state) { break; } o.clock.tick(25); } }; return o; }, //// end tools //// test function isUuid = function (uuid) { var x = "[0-9a-fA-F]{4}"; if (typeof uuid !== "string" ) { return false; } return uuid.match("^"+x+x+"-"+x+"-"+x+"-"+x+"-"+x+x+x+"$") === null? false: true; }; //// QUnit Tests //// module ('Jio Global tests'); test ( "Jio simple methods", function () { // Test Jio simple methods // It checks if we can create several instance of jio at the same // time. Checks if they don't overlap informations, if they are // started and stopped correctly and if they are ready when they // have to be ready. var o = generateTools(this); o.jio = JIO.newJio(); ok ( o.jio, 'a new jio -> 1'); o.jio2 = JIO.newJio(); ok ( o.jio2, 'another new jio -> 2'); JIO.addStorageType('qunit', empty_fun); ok ( o.jio2.getId() !== o.jio.getId(), '1 and 2 must be different'); o.jio.stop(); o.jio2.stop(); }); // test ( 'Jio Publish/Sububscribe/Unsubscribe methods', function () { // // Test the Publisher, Subscriber of a single jio. // // It is just testing if these function are working correctly. // // The test publishes an event, waits a little, and check if the // // event has been received by the callback of the previous // // subscribe. Then, the test unsubscribe the callback function from // // the event, and publish the same event. If it receives the event, // // the unsubscribe method is not working correctly. // var o = {}; // o.jio = JIO.newJio(); // var spy1 = this.spy(); // // Subscribe the pubsub_test event. // o.callback = o.jio.subscribe('pubsub_test',spy1); // // And publish the event. // o.jio.publish('pubsub_test'); // ok (spy1.calledOnce, 'subscribing & publishing, event called once'); // o.jio.unsubscribe('pubsub_test',spy1); // o.jio.publish('pubsub_test'); // ok (spy1.calledOnce, 'unsubscribing, same event not called twice'); // o.jio.stop(); // }); module ( "Jio Dummy Storages" ); test ("All requests ok", function () { // Tests the request methods and the response with dummy storages var o = generateTools(this); // All Ok Dummy Storage o.jio = JIO.newJio({"type": "dummyallok"}); // post empty document, some storage can create there own id (like couchdb // generates uuid). In this case, the dummy storage write an undefined id. o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": undefined}, "Post document with empty id"); o.jio.post({}, o.f); o.tick(o); // post non empty document o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file"}, "Post non empty document"); o.jio.post({"_id": "file", "title": "myFile"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // put without id // error 20 -> document id required o.spy(o, "status", 20, "Put document with empty id"); o.jio.put({}, o.f); o.tick(o); // put non empty document o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file"}, "Put non empty document"); o.jio.put({"_id": "file", "title": "myFile"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // put an attachment without attachment id // error 22 -> attachment id required o.spy(o, "status", 22, "Put attachment without id"); o.jio.putAttachment({ "id": "file", "data": "0123456789", "mimetype": "text/plain" }, o.f); o.tick(o); // put an attachment o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file/attmt"}, "Put attachment"); o.jio.putAttachment({ "id": "file/attmt", "data": "0123456789", "mimetype": "text/plain" }, o.f); o.tick(o); // get document o.spy(o, "value", {"_id": "file", "title": "get_title"}, "Get document"); o.jio.get("file", o.f); o.tick(o); // get attachment o.spy(o, "value", "0123456789", "Get attachment"); o.jio.get("file/attmt", o.f); o.tick(o); // remove document o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file"}, "Remove document"); o.jio.remove({"_id": "file"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // remove attachment o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file/attmt"}, "Remove attachment"); o.jio.remove({"_id": "file/attmt"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // alldocs // error 405 -> Method not allowed o.spy(o, "status", 405, "AllDocs fail"); o.jio.allDocs(o.f); o.tick(o); o.jio.stop(); }); test ("All requests fail", function () { // Tests the request methods and the err object with dummy storages var o = generateTools(this); // All Ok Dummy Storage o.jio = JIO.newJio({"type": "dummyallfail"}); // post empty document // error 0 -> unknown o.spy(o, "status", 0, "Post document with empty id"); o.jio.post({}, o.f); o.tick(o); // test if the job still exists if (getLastJob(o.jio.getId()) !== undefined) { ok(false, "The job is not removed from the job queue"); } // post non empty document o.spy(o, "status", 0, "Post non empty document"); o.jio.post({"_id": "file", "title": "myFile"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // put without id // error 20 -> document id required o.spy(o, "status", 20, "Put document with empty id"); o.jio.put({}, o.f); o.tick(o); // put non empty document o.spy(o, "status", 0, "Put non empty document"); o.jio.put({"_id": "file", "title": "myFile"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // put an attachment without attachment id // error 22 -> attachment id required o.spy(o, "status", 22, "Put attachment without id"); o.jio.putAttachment({ "id": "file", "data": "0123456789", "mimetype": "text/plain" }, o.f); o.tick(o); // put an attachment o.spy(o, "status", 0, "Put attachment"); o.jio.putAttachment({ "id": "file/attmt", "data": "0123456789", "mimetype": "text/plain" }, o.f); o.tick(o); // get document o.spy(o, "status", 0, "Get document"); o.jio.get("file", o.f); o.tick(o); // get attachment o.spy(o, "status", 0, "Get attachment"); o.jio.get("file/attmt", o.f); o.tick(o); // remove document o.spy(o, "status", 0, "Remove document"); o.jio.remove({"_id": "file"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // remove attachment o.spy(o, "status", 0, "Remove attachment"); o.jio.remove({"_id": "file/attmt"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // alldocs // error 405 -> Method not allowed o.spy(o, "status", 405, "AllDocs fail"); o.jio.allDocs(o.f); o.tick(o); o.jio.stop(); }); test ("All document not found", function () { // Tests the request methods without document var o = generateTools(this); // All Ok Dummy Storage o.jio = JIO.newJio({"type": "dummyallnotfound"}); // post document o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file"}, "Post document"); o.jio.post({"_id": "file", "title": "myFile"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // put document o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file"}, "Put document"); o.jio.put({"_id": "file", "title": "myFile"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // put an attachment without attachment id // error 22 -> attachment id required o.spy(o, "status", 22, "Put attachment without id"); o.jio.putAttachment({ "id": "file", "data": "0123456789", "mimetype": "text/plain" }, o.f); o.tick(o); // put an attachment o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file/attmt"}, "Put attachment"); o.jio.putAttachment({ "id": "file/attmt", "data": "0123456789", "mimetype": "text/plain" }, o.f); o.tick(o); // get document o.spy(o, "status", 404, "Get document"); o.jio.get("file", o.f); o.tick(o); // get attachment o.spy(o, "status", 404, "Get attachment"); o.jio.get("file/attmt", o.f); o.tick(o); // remove document o.spy(o, "status", 404, "Remove document"); o.jio.remove({"_id": "file"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // remove attachment o.spy(o, "status", 404, "Remove attachment"); o.jio.remove({"_id": "file/attmt"}, o.f); o.tick(o); o.jio.stop(); }); test ("All document found", function () { // Tests the request methods with document var o = generateTools(this); // All Ok Dummy Storage o.jio = JIO.newJio({"type": "dummyallfound"}); // post non empty document o.spy(o, "status", 409, "Post document"); o.jio.post({"_id": "file", "title": "myFile"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // put non empty document o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file"}, "Put non empty document"); o.jio.put({"_id": "file", "title": "myFile"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // put an attachment without attachment id // error 22 -> attachment id required o.spy(o, "status", 22, "Put attachment without id"); o.jio.putAttachment({ "id": "file", "data": "0123456789", "mimetype": "text/plain" }, o.f); o.tick(o); // put an attachment o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file/attmt"}, "Put attachment"); o.jio.putAttachment({ "id": "file/attmt", "data": "0123456789", "mimetype": "text/plain" }, o.f); o.tick(o); // get document o.spy(o, "value", {"_id": "file", "title": "get_title"}, "Get document"); o.jio.get("file", o.f); o.tick(o); // get attachment o.spy(o, "value", "0123456789", "Get attachment"); o.jio.get("file/attmt", o.f); o.tick(o); // remove document o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file"}, "Remove document"); o.jio.remove({"_id": "file"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // remove attachment o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file/attmt"}, "Remove attachment"); o.jio.remove({"_id": "file/attmt"}, o.f); o.tick(o); o.jio.stop(); }); module ( "Jio Job Managing" ); test ("Several Jobs at the same time", function () { var o = generateTools(this); o.jio = JIO.newJio({"type":"dummyallok"}); o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file"}, "job1", "f"); o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file2"}, "job2", "f2"); o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file3"}, "job3", "f3"); o.jio.put({"_id": "file", "content": "content"}, o.f); o.jio.put({"_id": "file2", "content": "content2"}, o.f2); o.jio.put({"_id": "file3", "content": "content3"}, o.f3); o.tick(o, 1000, "f"); o.tick(o, "f2"); o.tick(o, "f3"); o.jio.stop(); }); test ("Similar Jobs at the same time (Replace)", function () { var o = generateTools(this); o.jio = JIO.newJio({"type":"dummyallok"}); o.spy(o, "status", 12, "job1 replaced", "f"); o.spy(o, "status", 12, "job2 replaced", "f2"); o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file"}, "job3 ok", "f3"); o.jio.put({"_id": "file", "content": "content"}, o.f); o.jio.put({"_id": "file", "content": "content"}, o.f2); o.jio.put({"_id": "file", "content": "content"}, o.f3); o.tick(o, 1000, "f"); o.tick(o, "f2"); o.tick(o, "f3"); o.jio.stop(); }); test ("One document aim jobs at the same time (Wait for job(s))" , function () { var o = generateTools(this); o.jio = JIO.newJio({"type":"dummyallok"}); o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file"}, "job1", "f"); o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file"}, "job2", "f2"); o.spy(o, "value", {"_id": "file", "title": "get_title"}, "job3", "f3"); o.jio.post({"_id": "file", "content": "content"}, o.f); o.testLastJobWaitForJob(undefined, "job1 is not waiting for someone"); o.jio.put({"_id": "file", "content": "content"}, o.f2); o.testLastJobWaitForJob([1], "job2 is waiting"); o.jio.get("file", o.f3); o.testLastJobWaitForJob([1, 2], "job3 is waiting"); o.tick(o, 1000, "f"); o.tick(o, "f2"); o.tick(o, "f3"); o.jio.stop(); }); test ("One document aim jobs at the same time (Elimination)" , function () { var o = generateTools(this); o.jio = JIO.newJio({"type":"dummyallok"}); o.spy(o, "status", 10, "job1 stopped", "f"); o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file"}, "job2", "f2"); o.jio.post({"_id": "file", "content": "content"}, o.f); o.testLastJobLabel("post", "job1 exists"); o.jio.remove({"_id": "file"}, o.f2); o.testLastJobLabel("remove", "job1 does not exist anymore"); o.tick(o, 1000, "f"); o.tick(o, "f2"); o.jio.stop(); }); test ("One document aim jobs at the same time (Not Acceptable)" , function () { var o = generateTools(this); o.jio = JIO.newJio({"type":"dummyallok"}); o.spy(o, "value", {"_id": "file", "title": "get_title"}, "job1", "f"); o.spy(o, "status", 11, "job2 is not acceptable", "f2"); o.jio.get("file", o.f); o.testLastJobId(1, "job1 added to queue"); o.waitUntilLastJobIs("on going"); o.jio.get("file", o.f2); o.testLastJobId(1, "job2 not added"); o.tick(o, 1000, "f"); o.tick(o, "f2"); o.jio.stop(); }); test ("Server will be available soon (Wait for time)" , function () { var o = generateTools(this); o.max_retry = 3; o.jio = JIO.newJio({"type":"dummyall3tries"}); o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "file"}, "job1", "f"); o.jio.put({"_id": "file", "content": "content"}, {"max_retry": o.max_retry}, o.f); for (o.i = 0; o.i < o.max_retry - 1; o.i += 1) { o.waitUntilLastJobIs("on going"); o.waitUntilLastJobIs("wait"); o.testLastJobWaitForTime("job1 is waiting for time"); } o.tick(o, 1000, "f"); o.jio.stop(); }); module ( "Jio Restore"); test ("Restore old Jio", function() { var o = generateTools(this); o.jio = JIO.newJio({ "type": "dummyall3tries", "applicationname": "jiotests" }); o.jio_id = o.jio.getId(); o.jio.put({"_id": "file", "title": "myFile"}, {"max_retry":3}, o.f); o.waitUntilLastJobIs("initial"); // "on going" or "wait" should work // xxx also test with o.waitUntilLastJobIs("on going") ? o.jio.close(); o.jio = JIO.newJio({ "type": "dummyallok", "applicationname": "jiotests" }); o.waitUntilAJobExists(30000); // timeout 30 sec o.testLastJobLabel("put", "Job restored"); o.clock.tick(1000); ok(getLastJob(o.jio.getId()) === undefined, "Job executed"); o.jio.stop(); }); module ( "Jio LocalStorage" ); test ("Post", function(){ var o = generateTools(this); o.jio = JIO.newJio({ "type": "local", "username": "upost", "applicationname": "apost" }); // post without id o.spy (o, "status", 405, "Post without id"); o.jio.post({}, o.f); o.tick(o); // post non empty document o.spy (o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "post1"}, "Post"); o.jio.post({"_id": "post1", "title": "myPost1"}, o.f); o.tick(o); deepEqual( localstorage.getItem("jio/localstorage/upost/apost/post1"), { "_id": "post1", "title": "myPost1" }, "Check document" ); // post but document already exists o.spy (o, "status", 409, "Post but document already exists"); o.jio.post({"_id": "post1", "title": "myPost2"}, o.f); o.tick(o); o.jio.stop(); }); test ("Put", function(){ var o = generateTools(this); o.jio = JIO.newJio({ "type": "local", "username": "uput", "applicationname": "aput" }); // put without id // error 20 -> document id required o.spy (o, "status", 20, "Put without id"); o.jio.put({}, o.f); o.tick(o); // put non empty document o.spy (o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "put1"}, "Creates a document"); o.jio.put({"_id": "put1", "title": "myPut1"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // check document deepEqual( localstorage.getItem("jio/localstorage/uput/aput/put1"), { "_id": "put1", "title": "myPut1" }, "Check document" ); // put but document already exists o.spy (o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "put1"}, "Update the document"); o.jio.put({"_id": "put1", "title": "myPut2"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // check document deepEqual( localstorage.getItem("jio/localstorage/uput/aput/put1"), { "_id": "put1", "title": "myPut2" }, "Check document" ); o.jio.stop(); }); test ("PutAttachment", function(){ var o = generateTools(this); o.jio = JIO.newJio({ "type": "local", "username": "uputattmt", "applicationname": "aputattmt" }); // putAttachment without doc id // error 20 -> document id required o.spy(o, "status", 20, "PutAttachment without doc id"); o.jio.putAttachment({}, o.f); o.tick(o); // putAttachment without attmt id // error 22 -> attachment id required o.spy(o, "status", 22, "PutAttachment without attmt id"); o.jio.putAttachment({"id": "putattmt1"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // putAttachment without document // error 404 -> not found o.spy(o, "status", 404, "PutAttachment without document"); o.jio.putAttachment({"id": "putattmt1/putattmt2"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // adding a document localstorage.setItem("jio/localstorage/uputattmt/aputattmt/putattmt1", { "_id": "putattmt1", "title": "myPutAttmt1" }); // putAttachment with document o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "putattmt1/putattmt2"}, "PutAttachment with document, without data"); o.jio.putAttachment({"id": "putattmt1/putattmt2"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // check document deepEqual( localstorage.getItem("jio/localstorage/uputattmt/aputattmt/putattmt1"), { "_id": "putattmt1", "title": "myPutAttmt1", "_attachments": { "putattmt2": { "length": 0, // md5("") "digest": "md5-d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" } } }, "Check document" ); // check attachment deepEqual( localstorage.getItem( "jio/localstorage/uputattmt/aputattmt/putattmt1/putattmt2"), "", "Check attachment" ); // update attachment o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "putattmt1/putattmt2"}, "Update Attachment, with data"); o.jio.putAttachment({"id": "putattmt1/putattmt2", "data": "abc"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // check document deepEqual( localstorage.getItem("jio/localstorage/uputattmt/aputattmt/putattmt1"), { "_id": "putattmt1", "title": "myPutAttmt1", "_attachments": { "putattmt2": { "length": 3, // md5("abc") "digest": "md5-900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72" } } }, "Check document" ); // check attachment deepEqual( localstorage.getItem( "jio/localstorage/uputattmt/aputattmt/putattmt1/putattmt2"), "abc", "Check attachment" ); o.jio.stop(); }); test ("Get", function(){ var o = generateTools(this); o.jio = JIO.newJio({ "type": "local", "username": "uget", "applicationname": "aget" }); // get inexistent document o.spy(o, "status", 404, "Get inexistent document"); o.jio.get("get1", o.f); o.tick(o); // get inexistent attachment o.spy(o, "status", 404, "Get inexistent attachment"); o.jio.get("get1/get2", o.f); o.tick(o); // adding a document o.doc_get1 = { "_id": "get1", "title": "myGet1" }; localstorage.setItem("jio/localstorage/uget/aget/get1", o.doc_get1); // get document o.spy(o, "value", o.doc_get1, "Get document"); o.jio.get("get1", o.f); o.tick(o); // get inexistent attachment (document exists) o.spy(o, "status", 404, "Get inexistent attachment (document exists)"); o.jio.get("get1/get2", o.f); o.tick(o); // adding an attachment o.doc_get1["_attachments"] = { "get2": { "length": 2, // md5("de") "digest": "md5-5f02f0889301fd7be1ac972c11bf3e7d" } }; localstorage.setItem("jio/localstorage/uget/aget/get1", o.doc_get1); localstorage.setItem("jio/localstorage/uget/aget/get1/get2", "de"); // get attachment o.spy(o, "value", "de", "Get attachment"); o.jio.get("get1/get2", o.f); o.tick(o); o.jio.stop(); }); test ("Remove", function(){ var o = generateTools(this); o.jio = JIO.newJio({ "type": "local", "username": "uremove", "applicationname": "aremove" }); // remove inexistent document o.spy(o, "status", 404, "Remove inexistent document"); o.jio.remove({"_id": "remove1"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // remove inexistent document/attachment o.spy(o, "status", 404, "Remove inexistent document/attachment"); o.jio.remove({"_id": "remove1/remove2"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // adding a document localstorage.setItem("jio/localstorage/uremove/aremove/remove1", { "_id": "remove1", "title": "myRemove1" }); // remove document o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "remove1"}, "Remove document"); o.jio.remove({"_id": "remove1"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // check document ok(localstorage.getItem("jio/localstorage/uremove/aremove/remove1")===null, "Check documuent"); // adding a document + attmt localstorage.setItem("jio/localstorage/uremove/aremove/remove1", { "_id": "remove1", "title": "myRemove1", "_attachments": { "remove2": { "length": 4, "digest": "md5-blahblah" } } }); localstorage.setItem( "jio/localstorage/uremove/aremove/remove1/remove2", "fghi"); // remove attachment o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "remove1"}, "Remove attachment"); o.jio.remove({"_id": "remove1"}, o.f); o.tick(o); o.jio.stop(); }); test ("AllDocs", function(){ var o = generateTools(this); o.jio = JIO.newJio({ "type": "local", "username": "ualldocs", "applicationname": "aalldocs" }); // alldocs // error 405 -> method not allowed o.spy(o, "status", 405, "Method not allowed"); o.jio.allDocs(o.f); o.tick(o); o.jio.stop(); }); module ( "Jio Revision Storage + Local Storage" ); test ("Post", function(){ var o = generateTools(this); o.jio = JIO.newJio({ "type": "revision", "secondstorage": { "type": "local", "username": "urevpost", "applicationname": "arevpost" } }); // post without id o.spy (o, "status", undefined, "Post without id"); o.jio.post({}, function (err, response) { o.f.apply(arguments); if (isUuid((err || response).id)) { ok(true, "Uuid format"); } else { deepEqual((err || response).id, "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "Uuid format"); } }); o.tick(o); // post non empty document o.doc = {"_id": "post1", "title": "myPost1"}; o.revisions = {"start": 0, "ids": []}; o.rev = "1-"+generateRevisionHash(o.doc, o.revisions); o.spy (o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "post1", "rev": o.rev}, "Post"); o.jio.post(o.doc, o.f); o.tick(o); // check document o.doc["_id"] = "post1."+o.rev; deepEqual( localstorage.getItem("jio/localstorage/urevpost/arevpost/post1."+o.rev), o.doc, "Check document" ); // post and document already exists o.doc = {"_id": "post1", "title": "myPost2"}; o.rev = "1-"+generateRevisionHash(o.doc, o.revisions); o.spy (o, "value", { "ok": true, "id": "post1", "rev": o.rev }, "Post and document already exists"); o.jio.post(o.doc, o.f); o.tick(o); // post + revision o.doc = {"_id": "post1", "_rev": o.rev, "title": "myPost2"}; o.revisions = {"start": 1, "ids": [o.rev.split('-')[1]]}; o.rev = "2-"+generateRevisionHash(o.doc, o.revisions); o.spy (o, "status", undefined, "Post + revision"); o.jio.post(o.doc, o.f); o.tick(o); // // keep_revision_history // ok (false, "keep_revision_history Option Not Implemented"); // check document o.doc["_id"] = "post1."+o.rev; deepEqual( localstorage.getItem("jio/localstorage/urevpost/arevpost/post1."+o.rev), o.doc, "Check document" ); o.jio.stop(); }); test ("Put", function(){ var o = generateTools(this); o.jio = JIO.newJio({ "type": "revision", "secondstorage": { "type": "local", "username": "urevput", "applicationname": "arevput" } }); // put without id // error 20 -> document id required o.spy (o, "status", 20, "Put without id"); o.jio.put({}, o.f); o.tick(o); // put non empty document o.doc = {"_id": "put1", "title": "myPut1"}; o.revisions = {"start": 0, "ids": []}; o.rev = "1-"+generateRevisionHash(o.doc, o.revisions); o.spy (o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "put1", "rev": o.rev}, "Creates a document"); o.jio.put(o.doc, o.f); o.tick(o); // check document o.doc["_id"] = "put1."+o.rev; deepEqual( localstorage.getItem("jio/localstorage/urevput/arevput/put1."+o.rev), o.doc, "Check document" ); // put and document already exists o.spy (o, "status", 409, "Update the document"); o.jio.put({"_id": "put1", "title": "myPut2"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // post + revision o.doc = {"_id": "put1", "_rev": o.rev, "title": "myPut2"}; o.revisions = {"start": 1, "ids": [o.rev.split('-')[1]]}; o.rev = "2-"+generateRevisionHash(o.doc, o.revisions); o.spy (o, "status", undefined, "Put + revision"); o.jio.put(o.doc, o.f); o.tick(o); // check document o.doc["_id"] = "put1."+o.rev; deepEqual( localstorage.getItem("jio/localstorage/urevput/arevput/put1."+o.rev), o.doc, "Check document" ); o.jio.stop(); }); test ("Get", function(){ var o = generateTools(this); o.jio = JIO.newJio({ "type": "revision", "secondstorage": { "type": "local", "username": "urevget", "applicationname": "arevget" } }); o.localpath = "jio/localstorage/urevget/arevget"; // get inexistent document o.spy(o, "status", 404, "Get inexistent document (winner)"); o.jio.get("get1", o.f); o.tick(o); // get inexistent attachment o.spy(o, "status", 404, "Get inexistent attachment (winner)"); o.jio.get("get1/get2", o.f); o.tick(o); // adding a document o.doctree = {"children":[{ "rev": "1-rev1", "status": "available", "children": [] }]}; o.doc_myget1 = {"_id": "get1", "title": "myGet1"}; localstorage.setItem(o.localpath+"/get1.revision_tree.json", o.doctree); localstorage.setItem(o.localpath+"/get1.1-rev1", o.doc_myget1); // get document o.doc_myget1_cloned = clone(o.doc_myget1); o.doc_myget1_cloned["_rev"] = "1-rev1"; o.doc_myget1_cloned["_revisions"] = {"start": 1, "ids": ["rev1"]}; o.doc_myget1_cloned["_revs_info"] = [{ "rev": "1-rev1", "status": "available" }]; o.spy(o, "value", o.doc_myget1_cloned, "Get document (winner)"); o.jio.get("get1", {"revs_info": true, "revs": true, "conflicts": true}, o.f); o.tick(o); // adding two documents o.doctree = {"children":[{ "rev": "1-rev1", "status": "available", "children": [] },{ "rev": "1-rev2", "status": "available", "children": [{ "rev": "2-rev3", "status": "available", "children": [] }] }]}; o.doc_myget2 = {"_id": "get1", "title": "myGet2"}; o.doc_myget3 = {"_id": "get1", "title": "myGet3"}; localstorage.setItem(o.localpath+"/get1.revision_tree.json", o.doctree); localstorage.setItem(o.localpath+"/get1.1-rev2", o.doc_myget2); localstorage.setItem(o.localpath+"/get1.2-rev3", o.doc_myget3); // get document o.doc_myget3_cloned = clone(o.doc_myget3); o.doc_myget3_cloned["_rev"] = "2-rev3"; o.doc_myget3_cloned["_revisions"] = {"start": 2, "ids": ["rev3","rev2"]}; o.doc_myget3_cloned["_revs_info"] = [{ "rev": "2-rev3", "status": "available" },{ "rev": "1-rev2", "status": "available" }]; o.doc_myget3_cloned["_conflicts"] = ["1-rev1"]; o.spy(o, "value", o.doc_myget3_cloned, "Get document (winner, after posting another one)"); o.jio.get("get1", {"revs_info": true, "revs": true, "conflicts": true}, o.f); o.tick(o); // get inexistent specific document o.spy(o, "status", 404, "Get document (inexistent specific revision)"); o.jio.get("get1", { "revs_info": true, "revs": true, "conflicts": true, "rev": "1-rev0" }, o.f); o.tick(o); // get specific document o.doc_myget2_cloned = clone(o.doc_myget2); o.doc_myget2_cloned["_rev"] = "1-rev2"; o.doc_myget2_cloned["_revisions"] = {"start": 1, "ids": ["rev2"]}; o.doc_myget2_cloned["_revs_info"] = [{ "rev": "1-rev2", "status": "available" }]; o.doc_myget2_cloned["_conflicts"] = ["1-rev1"]; o.spy(o, "value", o.doc_myget2_cloned, "Get document (specific revision)"); o.jio.get("get1", { "revs_info": true, "revs": true, "conflicts": true, "rev": "1-rev2" }, o.f); o.tick(o); // adding an attachment o.attmt_myget2 = { "get2": { "length": 3, "digest": "md5-dontcare", "revpos": 1 } }; o.doc_myget2["_attachments"] = o.attmt_myget2; o.doc_myget3["_attachments"] = o.attmt_myget2; localstorage.setItem(o.localpath+"/get1.1-rev2", o.doc_myget2); localstorage.setItem(o.localpath+"/get1.2-rev3", o.doc_myget3); localstorage.setItem(o.localpath+"/get1.1-rev2/get2", "abc"); // get attachment winner o.spy(o, "value", "abc", "Get attachment (winner)"); o.jio.get("get1/get2", o.f); o.tick(o); // get inexistent attachment specific rev o.spy(o, "status", 404, "Get inexistent attachment (specific revision)"); o.jio.get("get1/get2", { "revs_info": true, "revs": true, "conflicts": true, "rev": "1-rev1" }, o.f); o.tick(o); // get attachment specific rev o.spy(o, "value", "abc", "Get attachment (specific revision)"); o.jio.get("get1/get2", { "revs_info": true, "revs": true, "conflicts": true, "rev": "1-rev2" }, o.f); o.tick(o); // get document with attachment (specific revision) o.doc_myget2_cloned["_attachments"] = o.attmt_myget2; o.spy(o, "value", o.doc_myget2_cloned, "Get document which have an attachment (specific revision)"); o.jio.get("get1", { "revs_info": true, "revs": true, "conflicts": true, "rev": "1-rev2" }, o.f); o.tick(o); // get document with attachment (winner) o.doc_myget3_cloned["_attachments"] = o.attmt_myget2; o.spy(o, "value", o.doc_myget3_cloned, "Get document which have an attachment (winner)"); o.jio.get("get1", {"revs_info": true, "revs": true, "conflicts": true}, o.f); o.tick(o); o.jio.stop(); }); test ("Remove", function(){ var o = generateTools(this); o.jio = JIO.newJio({ "type": "revision", "secondstorage": { "type": "local", "username": "urevrem", "applicationname": "arevrem" } }); o.localpath = "jio/localstorage/urevrem/arevrem"; // 1. remove document without revision o.spy (o, "status", 404, "Remove document (no doctree, no revision)"); o.jio.remove({"_id":"remove1"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // 2. remove attachment without revision o.spy (o, "status", 404, "Remove attachment (no doctree, no revision)"); o.jio.remove({"_id":"remove1/remove2"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // adding two documents o.doc_myremove1 = {"_id": "remove1", "title": "myRemove1"}; o.doc_myremove2 = {"_id": "remove1", "title": "myRemove2"}; o.very_old_rev = "1-veryoldrev"; localstorage.setItem(o.localpath+"/remove1."+o.very_old_rev, o.doc_myremove1); localstorage.setItem(o.localpath+"/remove1.1-rev2", o.doc_myremove1); // add attachment o.attmt_myremove1 = { "remove2": { "length": 3, "digest": "md5-dontcare", "revpos":1 }, }; o.doc_myremove1 = {"_id": "remove1", "title": "myRemove1", "_attachments":o.attmt_myremove1}; o.revisions = {"start":1,"ids":[o.very_old_rev.split('-'),[1]]} o.old_rev = "2-"+generateRevisionHash(o.doc_myremove1, o.revisions); localstorage.setItem(o.localpath+"/remove1."+o.old_rev, o.doc_myremove1); localstorage.setItem(o.localpath+"/remove1."+o.old_rev+"/remove2", "xyz"); o.doctree = {"children":[{ "rev": o.very_old_rev, "status": "available", "children": [{ "rev": o.old_rev, "status": "available", "children": [] }] },{ "rev": "1-rev2", "status": "available", "children": [] }]}; localstorage.setItem(o.localpath+"/remove1.revision_tree.json", o.doctree); // 3. remove non existing attachment with revision o.spy(o, "status", 404, "Remove NON-existing attachment (revision)"); o.jio.remove({"_id":"remove1.1-rev2/remove0","_rev":o.old_rev}, o.f); o.tick(o); o.revisions = {"start": 2, "ids":[ o.old_rev.split('-')[1], o.very_old_rev.split('-')[1] ]}; o.doc_myremove1 = {"_id":"remove1/remove2","_rev":o.old_rev}; o.rev = "3-"+generateRevisionHash(o.doc_myremove1, o.revisions); // 4. remove existing attachment with revision o.spy (o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "remove1", "rev": o.rev}, "Remove existing attachment (revision)"); o.jio.remove({"_id":"remove1/remove2","_rev":o.old_rev}, o.f); o.tick(o); o.testtree = {"children":[{ "rev": o.very_old_rev, "status": "available", "children": [{ "rev": o.old_rev, "status": "available", "children": [{ "rev": o.rev, "status": "available", "children": [] }] }] },{ "rev": "1-rev2", "status": "available", "children": [] }]}; // 5. check if document tree has been updated correctly deepEqual(localstorage.getItem( "jio/localstorage/urevrem/arevrem/remove1.revision_tree.json" ),o.testtree, "Check document tree"); // 6. check if attachment has been removed deepEqual(localstorage.getItem( "jio/localstorage/urevrem/arevrem/remove1."+o.rev+"/remove2" ), null, "Check attachment"); // 7. check if document is updated deepEqual(localstorage.getItem( "jio/localstorage/urevrem/arevrem/remove1."+o.rev ), {"_id": "remove1."+o.rev}, "Check document"); // add another attachment o.attmt_myremove2 = { "remove3": { "length": 3, "digest": "md5-hello123" }, "revpos":1 }; o.doc_myremove2 = {"_id": "remove1", "title": "myRemove2", "_attachments":o.attmt_myremove2}; o.revisions = {"start":1,"ids":["rev2"] }; o.second_old_rev = "2-"+generateRevisionHash(o.doc_myremove2, o.revisions); localstorage.setItem(o.localpath+"/remove1."+o.second_old_rev, o.doc_myremove2); localstorage.setItem(o.localpath+"/remove1."+o.second_old_rev+"/remove3", "stu"); o.doctree = {"children":[{ "rev": o.very_old_rev, "status": "available", "children": [{ "rev": o.old_rev, "status": "available", "children": [{ "rev": o.rev, "status": "available", "children":[] }] }] },{ "rev": "1-rev2", "status": "available", "children": [{ "rev": o.second_old_rev, "status": "available", "children":[] }] }]}; localstorage.setItem(o.localpath+"/remove1.revision_tree.json", o.doctree); // 8. remove non existing attachment without revision o.spy (o,"status", 409, "409 - Removing non-existing-attachment (no revision)"); o.jio.remove({"_id":"remove1/remove0"}, o.f); o.tick(o); o.revisions = {"start":2,"ids":[o.second_old_rev.split('-')[1],"rev2"]}; o.doc_myremove3 = {"_id":"remove1/remove3","_rev":o.second_old_rev}; o.second_rev = "3-"+generateRevisionHash(o.doc_myremove3, o.revisions); // 9. remove existing attachment without revision o.spy (o,"status", 409, "409 - Removing existing attachment (no revision)"); o.jio.remove({"_id":"remove1/remove3"}, o.f); o.tick(o); // 10. remove wrong revision o.spy (o,"status", 409, "409 - Removing document (false revision)"); o.jio.remove({"_id":"remove1","_rev":o.second_old_rev}, o.f); o.tick(o); o.revisions = {"start": 3, "ids":[ o.rev.split('-')[1], o.old_rev.split('-')[1],o.very_old_rev.split('-')[1] ]}; o.doc_myremove4 = {"_id":"remove1","_rev":o.rev}; o.second_new_rev = "4-"+ generateRevisionHash(o.doc_myremove4, o.revisions, true); // 11. remove document version with revision o.spy (o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "remove1", "rev": o.second_new_rev}, "Remove document (with revision)"); o.jio.remove({"_id":"remove1", "_rev":o.rev}, o.f); o.tick(o); o.testtree["children"][0]["children"][0]["children"][0]["children"].push({ "rev": o.second_new_rev, "status": "deleted", "children": [] }); deepEqual(localstorage.getItem( "jio/localstorage/urevrem/arevrem/remove1.revision_tree.json" ), o.testtree, "Check document tree"); deepEqual(localstorage.getItem( "jio/localstorage/urevrem/arevrem/remove1."+o.second_new_rev+"/remove2" ), null, "Check attachment"); deepEqual(localstorage.getItem( "jio/localstorage/urevrem/arevrem/remove1."+o.second_new_rev ), null, "Check document"); // remove document without revision o.spy (o,"status", 409, "409 - Removing document (no revision)"); o.jio.remove({"_id":"remove1"}, o.f); o.tick(o); o.jio.stop(); }); module ( "Jio Revision Storage + Local Storage" ); test ("Scenario", function(){ var o = generateTools(this); o.jio = JIO.newJio({ "type": "revision", "secondstorage": { "type": "local", "username": "usam1", "applicationname": "asam1" } }); o.localpath = "jio/localstorage/usam1/asam1"; // 1. put non empty document A-1 o.doc = {"_id": "sample1", "title": "mySample1"}; o.revisions = {"start": 0, "ids": []}; o.hex = generateRevisionHash(o.doc, o.revisions); o.rev = "1-"+o.hex; o.spy (o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "sample1", "rev": o.rev}, "Open Application with Revision and Local Storage, create document"); o.jio.put(o.doc, o.f); o.tick(o); // 2. put non empty document A-2 o.doc_b = {"_id": "sample1", "title": "mySample2"}; o.revisions_b = {"start": 0, "ids": []}; o.hex_b = generateRevisionHash(o.doc_b, o.revisions_b); o.rev_b = "1-"+o.hex_b; o.spy (o,"status", 409, "409 - Try to create 2nd version (in first tab)"); o.jio.put(o.doc_b, o.f); o.tick(o); // FAKE IT o.doc_f = {"_id": "sample1", "title": "mySample2"}; o.revisions_f = {"start": 0, "ids": []}; o.hex_f = generateRevisionHash(o.doc_f, o.revisions_f); o.rev_f = "1-"+o.hex_f; o.doc_f2 = {"_id": "sample1", "title": "mySample2"}; localstorage.setItem(o.localpath+"/sample1."+o.rev_f, o.doc_f2); o.doctree = {"children":[ { "rev": o.rev, "status": "available", "children": []}, { "rev": o.rev_f, "status": "available", "children": []} ]}; localstorage.setItem(o.localpath+"/sample1.revision_tree.json", o.doctree); // 3. Check that 2nd version has been created (manually) deepEqual( localstorage.getItem(o.localpath+"/sample1."+o.rev_f), o.doc_f, "Create 2nd version in new tab (manually in local storage)" ); // 4. GET first version o.mydocSample1 = {"_id": "sample1", "title": "mySample1", "_rev": o.rev}; o.mydocSample1._revisions = {"ids":[o.hex], "start":1 }; o.mydocSample1._revs_info = [{"rev": o.rev, "status": "available"}]; o.mydocSample1._conflicts = [o.rev_f]; o.spy(o, "value", o.mydocSample1, "Get first version"); o.jio.get("sample1", { "revs_info": true, "revs": true, "conflicts": true, "rev": o.rev }, o.f); o.tick(o); // 5. MODFIY first version o.doc_2 = {"_id": "sample1", "_rev": o.rev, "title": "mySample1_modified"}; o.revisions_2 = {"start": 1, "ids":[o.rev.split('-')[1] ]}; o.hex_2 = generateRevisionHash(o.doc_2, o.revisions_2); o.rev_2 = "2-"+o.hex_2; o.spy (o, "value", {"id":"sample1", "ok":true, "rev": o.rev_2}, "Modify first version"); o.jio.put(o.doc_2, o.f); o.tick(o); // 6. GET second version o.mydocSample2 = {"_id": "sample1", "title": "mySample2", "_rev": o.rev_f}; o.mydocSample2._revisions = {"start":1 , "ids":[o.hex_f]}; o.mydocSample2._revs_info = [{"rev": o.rev_f, "status": "available"}]; o.mydocSample2._conflicts = [o.rev_2]; o.spy(o, "value", o.mydocSample2, "Get second version"); o.jio.get("sample1", { "revs_info": true, "revs": true, "conflicts": true, "rev": o.rev_f }, o.f); o.tick(o); // 7. MODFIY second version o.doc_f2 = {"_id": "sample1", "_rev": o.rev_f, "title":"mySample2_modified"}; o.revisions_f2 = {"start":1 , "ids":[o.hex_f]}; o.hex_f2 = generateRevisionHash(o.doc_f2, o.revisions_f2) o.rev_f2 = "2-"+o.hex_f2; o.spy (o, "value", {"id":"sample1", "ok":true, "rev": o.rev_f2}, "Modify second document"); o.jio.put(o.doc_f2, o.f); o.tick(o); // 8. GET document without revision = winner & conflict! o.mydocSample3 = {"_id": "sample1", "title": "mySample1_modified", "_rev": o.rev_2,"_conflicts":[o.rev_f2]}; o.mydocSample3._revs_info = [{"rev": o.rev_2, "status": "available"},{ "rev":o.rev,"status":"available" }]; o.mydocSample3._revisions = {"ids":[o.hex_2, o.hex], "start":2 }; o.spy(o, "value", o.mydocSample3, "Get Document = Two conflicting versions = conflict"); o.jio.get("sample1", {"revs_info": true, "revs": true, "conflicts": true, }, o.f); o.tick(o); o.jio.stop(); }); /* module ('Jio DAVStorage'); test ('Document load', function () { // Test if DavStorage can load documents. var o = {}; o.davload = getXML('responsexml/davload'), o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.clock.tick(base_tick); o.t = this; o.mytest = function (message,doc,errprop,errget) { var server = o.t.sandbox.useFakeServer(); server.respondWith ( "PROPFIND", /https:\/\/ca-davstorage:8080\/davload\/jiotests\/file(\?.*|$)/, [errprop,{'Content-Type':'text/xml; charset="utf-8"'}, o.davload]); server.respondWith ( "GET", /https:\/\/ca-davstorage:8080\/davload\/jiotests\/file(\?.*|$)/, [errget,{},'content']); o.f = function (err,val) { if (err) { err = err.status; } deepEqual (err || val,doc,message); }; o.t.spy(o,'f'); o.jio.get('file',{max_retry:1},o.f); o.clock.tick(1000); server.respond(); if (!o.f.calledOnce) { if (o.f.called) { ok(false, 'too much results'); } else { ok(false, 'no response'); } } }; o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'dav',username:'davload', password:'checkpwd', url:'https://ca-davstorage:8080', applicationname:'jiotests'}); // note: http errno: // 200 OK // 201 Created // 204 No Content // 207 Multi Status // 403 Forbidden // 404 Not Found // load an inexistant document. o.mytest ('load inexistant document',404,404,404); // load a document. o.mytest ('load document',{_id:'file',content:'content', _last_modified:1335953199000, _creation_date:1335953202000},207,200); o.jio.stop(); }); test ('Document save', function () { // Test if DavStorage can save documents. var o = {}; o.davsave = getXML('responsexml/davsave'); o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.clock.tick(base_tick); o.t = this; o.mytest = function (message,value,errnoput,errnoprop) { var server = o.t.sandbox.useFakeServer(); server.respondWith ( // lastmodified = 7000, creationdate = 5000 "PROPFIND", /https:\/\/ca-davstorage:8080\/davsave\/jiotests\/file(\?.*|$)/, [errnoprop,{'Content-Type':'text/xml; charset="utf-8"'}, o.davsave]); server.respondWith ( "PUT", /https:\/\/ca-davstorage:8080\/davsave\/jiotests\/file(\?.*|$)/, [errnoput, {'Content-Type':'x-www-form-urlencoded'}, 'content']); server.respondWith ( "GET", /https:\/\/ca-davstorage:8080\/davsave\/jiotests\/file(\?.*|$)/, [errnoprop===207?200:errnoprop,{},'content']); // server.respondWith ("MKCOL","https://ca-davstorage:8080/dav", // [200,{},'']); // server.respondWith ("MKCOL","https://ca-davstorage:8080/dav/davsave", // [200,{},'']); // server.respondWith ("MKCOL", // "https://ca-davstorage:8080/dav/davsave/jiotests", // [200,{},'']); o.f = basic_test_function_generator(o,'value',value,message); o.t.spy(o,'f'); o.jio.put({_id:'file',content:'content'},o.f); o.clock.tick(1000); server.respond(); if (!o.f.calledOnce) { if (o.f.called) { ok(false, 'too much results'); } else { ok(false, 'no response'); } } }; o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'dav',username:'davsave', password:'checkpwd', url:'https://ca-davstorage:8080', applicationname:'jiotests'}); // note: http errno: // 200 OK // 201 Created // 204 No Content // 207 Multi Status // 403 Forbidden // 404 Not Found // // the path does not exist, we want to create it, and save the file. // mytest('create path if not exists, and create document', // true,201,404); // the document does not exist, we want to create it o.mytest('create document',{ok:true,id:'file'},201,404); o.clock.tick(8000); // the document already exists, we want to overwrite it o.mytest('overwrite document',{ok:true,id:'file'},204,207); o.jio.stop(); }); test ('Get Document List', function () { // Test if DavStorage can get a list a document. var o = {}; o.davlist = getXML('responsexml/davlist'); o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.clock.tick(base_tick); o.t = this; o.mytest = function (message,metadata_only,value,errnoprop) { var server = o.t.sandbox.useFakeServer(); server.respondWith ( "PROPFIND", /https:\/\/ca-davstorage:8080\/davlist\/jiotests\/(\?.*|$)/, [errnoprop,{'Content-Type':'text/xml; charset="utf-8"'}, o.davlist]); server.respondWith ( "GET", /https:\/\/ca-davstorage:8080\/davlist\/jiotests\/file(\?.*|$)/, [200,{},'content']); server.respondWith ( "GET", /https:\/\/ca-davstorage:8080\/davlist\/jiotests\/memo(\?.*|$)/, [200,{},'content2']); o.f = function (err,val) { if (err) { result = undefined; } else { deepEqual (objectifyDocumentArray(val.rows), objectifyDocumentArray(value),message); return; } deepEqual (result, value, message); }; o.t.spy(o,'f'); o.jio.allDocs({metadata_only:metadata_only},o.f); o.clock.tick(1000); server.respond(); if (!o.f.calledOnce) { if (o.f.called) { ok(false, 'too much results'); } else { ok(false, 'no response'); } } }; o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'dav',username:'davlist', password:'checkpwd', url:'https://ca-davstorage:8080', applicationname:'jiotests'}); o.mytest('fail to get list',true,undefined,404); o.mytest('getting list',true,[{ id:'file',key:'file', value:{ _creation_date:1335962911000, _last_modified:1335962907000 } },{ id:'memo',key:'memo', value:{ _creation_date:1335894073000, _last_modified:1335955713000 } }],207); o.mytest('getting list',false,[{ id:'file',key:'file', value:{ content:'content', _creation_date:1335962911000, _last_modified:1335962907000 } },{ id:'memo',key:'memo', value:{ content:'content2', _creation_date:1335894073000, _last_modified:1335955713000 } }],207); o.jio.stop(); }); test ('Remove document', function () { // Test if DavStorage can remove documents. var o = {}; o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.t = this; o.clock.tick(base_tick); o.mytest = function (message,value,errnodel) { var server = o.t.sandbox.useFakeServer(); server.respondWith ( "DELETE", /https:\/\/ca-davstorage:8080\/davremove\/jiotests\/file(\?.*|$)/, [errnodel,{},'']); o.f = function (err,val) { if (err) { err = err.status; } deepEqual (err || val,value,message); }; o.t.spy(o,'f'); o.jio.remove({_id:'file'},o.f); o.clock.tick(1000); server.respond(); if (!o.f.calledOnce) { if (o.f.called) { ok(false, 'too much results'); } else { ok(false, 'no response'); } } }; o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'dav',username:'davremove', password:'checkpwd', url:'https://ca-davstorage:8080', applicationname:'jiotests'}); o.mytest('remove document',{ok:true,id:'file'},204); o.mytest('remove an already removed document',404,404); o.jio.stop(); }); module ('Jio ReplicateStorage'); test ('Document load', function () { // Test if ReplicateStorage can load several documents. var o = {}; o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.t = this; o.clock.tick(base_tick); o.mytest = function (message,doc,doc2) { o.f = function (err,val) { var gooddoc = doc; if (val) { if (doc2 && val.content === doc2.content) { gooddoc = doc2; } } deepEqual (err || val,gooddoc,message); }; o.t.spy(o,'f'); o.jio.get('file',{max_retry:3},o.f); o.clock.tick(10000); if (!o.f.calledOnce) { if (o.f.called) { ok(false, 'too much results'); } else { ok(false, 'no response'); } } }; o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'replicate',storagelist:[ {type:'dummyallok',username:'1'}, {type:'dummyallok',username:'2'}]}); o.mytest('DummyStorageAllOK,OK: load same file',{ _id:'file',content:'content', _last_modified:15000, _creation_date:10000 }); o.jio.stop(); o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'replicate',storagelist:[ {type:'dummyall3tries'}, {type:'dummyallok'}]}); o.mytest('DummyStorageAllOK,3tries: load 2 different files', { _id:'file',content:'content', _last_modified:15000,_creation_date:10000 },{ _id:'file',content:'content file', _last_modified:17000,_creation_date:11000 }); o.jio.stop(); }); test ('Document save', function () { // Test if ReplicateStorage can save several documents. var o = {}; o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.t = this; o.clock.tick(base_tick); o.mytest = function (message,value) { o.f = function (err,val) { if (err) { err = err.status; } deepEqual (err || val,value,message); }; o.t.spy(o,'f'); o.jio.put({_id:'file',content:'content'},{max_retry:3},o.f); o.clock.tick(500); if (!o.f.calledOnce) { if (o.f.called) { ok(false, 'too much results'); } else { ok(false, 'no response'); } } }; o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'replicate',storagelist:[ {type:'dummyallok',username:'1'}, {type:'dummyallok',username:'2'}]}); o.mytest('DummyStorageAllOK,OK: save a file.',{ok:true,id:'file'}); o.jio.stop(); o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'replicate',storagelist:[ {type:'dummyall3tries',username:'1'}, {type:'dummyallok',username:'2'}]}); o.mytest('DummyStorageAll3Tries,OK: save a file.',{ok:true,id:'file'}); o.jio.stop(); }); test ('Get Document List', function () { // Test if ReplicateStorage can get several list. var o = {}; o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.t = this; o.clock.tick(base_tick); o.mytest = function (message,value) { o.f = function (err,val) { deepEqual (err || objectifyDocumentArray(val.rows), objectifyDocumentArray(value),message); }; o.t.spy(o,'f'); o.jio.allDocs({max_retry:3},o.f); o.clock.tick(10000); if (!o.f.calledOnce) { if (o.f.called) { ok(false, 'too much results'); } else { ok(false, 'no response'); } } }; o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'replicate',storagelist:[ {type:'dummyall3tries',username:'1'}, {type:'dummyallok',username:'2'}]}); o.doc1 = {id:'file',key:'file',value:{ _last_modified:15000,_creation_date:10000}}; o.doc2 = {id:'memo',key:'memo',value:{ _last_modified:25000,_creation_date:20000}}; o.mytest('DummyStorageAllOK,3tries: get document list.', [o.doc1,o.doc2]); o.jio.stop(); o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'replicate',storagelist:[ {type:'dummyall3tries',username:'3'}, {type:'dummyall3tries',username:'4'}]}); o.mytest('DummyStorageAll3tries,3tries: get document list.', [o.doc1,o.doc2]); o.jio.stop(); }); test ('Remove document', function () { // Test if ReplicateStorage can remove several documents. var o = {}; o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.t = this; o.clock.tick(base_tick); o.mytest = function (message,value) { o.f = function (err,val) { if (err) { err = err.status; } deepEqual (err || val,value,message); }; o.t.spy(o,'f'); o.jio.remove({_id:'file'},{max_retry:3},o.f); o.clock.tick(10000); if (!o.f.calledOnce) { if (o.f.called) { ok(false, 'too much results'); } else { ok(false, 'no response'); } } }; o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'replicate',storagelist:[ {type:'dummyallok',username:'1'}, {type:'dummyall3tries',username:'2'}]}); o.mytest('DummyStorageAllOK,3tries: remove document.',{ok:true,id:'file'}); o.jio.stop(); }); module ('Jio IndexedStorage'); test ('Document load', function () { var o = {}; o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.clock.tick(base_tick); o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'indexed',storage:{type:'dummyall3tries'}}); // loading must take long time with dummyall3tries o.f = this.spy(); o.jio.get('memo',{max_retry:3,metadata_only:true},o.f); o.clock.tick(1000); ok(!o.f.called,'Callback must not be called'); // wait long time too retreive list o.clock.tick(1000); // now we can test if the document metadata are loaded faster. o.doc = {_id:'memo',_last_modified:25000,_creation_date:20000}; o.f2 = function (err,val) { deepEqual (err||val,o.doc,'Document metadata retrieved'); }; this.spy(o,'f2'); o.jio.get('memo',{max_retry:3,metadata_only:true},o.f2); o.clock.tick(1000); if (!o.f2.calledOnce) { if (o.f2.called) { ok (false, 'too much results'); } else { ok (false, 'no response'); } } // test a simple document loading o.doc2 = {_id:'file',_last_modified:17000, _creation_date:11000,content:'content file'}; o.f3 = function (err,val) { deepEqual (err||val,o.doc2,'Simple document loading'); }; this.spy(o,'f3'); o.jio.get('file',{max_retry:3},o.f3); o.clock.tick(2000); if (!o.f3.calledOnce) { ok (false, 'no response / too much results'); } o.jio.stop(); }); test ('Document save', function () { var o = {}; o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.clock.tick(base_tick); o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'indexed', storage:{type:'dummyall3tries', username:'indexsave'}}); o.f = function (err,val) { if (err) { err = err.status; } deepEqual (err || val,{ok:true,id:'file'},'document save'); }; this.spy(o,'f'); o.jio.put({_id:'file',content:'content'},{max_retry:3},o.f); o.clock.tick(2000); if (!o.f.calledOnce){ ok (false, 'no response / too much results'); } o.jio.stop(); }); test ('Get document list', function () { var o = {}; o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.clock.tick(base_tick); o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'indexed', storage:{type:'dummyall3tries', username:'indexgetlist'}}); o.doc1 = {id:'file',key:'file',value:{ _last_modified:15000,_creation_date:10000}}; o.doc2 = {id:'memo',key:'memo',value:{ _last_modified:25000,_creation_date:20000}}; // getting list must take long time with dummyall3tries o.f = this.spy(); o.jio.allDocs({max_retry:3},o.f); o.clock.tick(1000); ok(!o.f.called,'Callback must not be called'); // wail long time too retreive list o.clock.tick(1000); // now we can test if the document list is loaded faster o.f2 = function (err,val) { deepEqual (err || objectifyDocumentArray(val.rows), objectifyDocumentArray([o.doc1,o.doc2]),'get document list'); }; this.spy(o,'f2'); o.jio.allDocs({max_retry:3},o.f2); o.clock.tick(1000) if (!o.f2.calledOnce) { ok (false, 'no response / too much results'); } }); test ('Remove document', function () { var o = {}; o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.clock.tick(base_tick); o.secondstorage = {type:'dummyall3tries',username:'indexremove'} o.storage_file_object_name = 'jio/indexed_file_object/'+ JSON.stringify (o.secondstorage); o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'indexed',storage:o.secondstorage}); o.f = function (err,val) { if (err) { err = err.status; } deepEqual (err || val,{ok:true,id:'file'},'document remove'); }; this.spy(o,'f'); o.jio.remove({_id:'file'},{max_retry:3},o.f); o.clock.tick(2000); if (!o.f.calledOnce){ ok (false, 'no response / too much results'); } o.tmp = LocalOrCookieStorage.getItem(o.storage_file_object_name) || {}; ok (!o.tmp.file,'File does not exists anymore'); o.jio.stop(); }); module ('Jio CryptedStorage'); test ('Document save' , function () { var o = {}, clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); clock.tick(base_tick); o.jio=JIO.newJio({type:'crypt', username:'cryptsave', password:'mypwd', storage:{type:'local', username:'cryptsavelocal', applicationname:'jiotests'}}); o.f = function (err,val) { if (err) { err = err.status; } deepEqual (err || val,{ok:true,id:'testsave'},'save ok'); }; this.spy(o,'f'); o.jio.put({_id:'testsave',content:'contentoftest'},o.f); clock.tick(1000); if (!o.f.calledOnce) { ok (false, 'no response / too much results'); } // encrypt 'testsave' with 'cryptsave:mypwd' password o.tmp = LocalOrCookieStorage.getItem( // '/' = '%2F' 'jio/local/cryptsavelocal/jiotests/rZx5PJxttlf9QpZER%2F5x354bfX54QFa1'); if (o.tmp) { delete o.tmp._last_modified; delete o.tmp._creation_date; } deepEqual (o.tmp, {_id:'rZx5PJxttlf9QpZER/5x354bfX54QFa1', content:'upZkPIpitF3QMT/DU5jM3gP0SEbwo1n81rMOfLE'}, 'Check if the document is realy encrypted'); o.jio.stop(); }); test ('Document load' , function () { var o = {}, clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); clock.tick(base_tick); o.jio=JIO.newJio({type:'crypt', username:'cryptload', password:'mypwd', storage:{type:'local', username:'cryptloadlocal', applicationname:'jiotests'}}); o.f = function (err,val) { deepEqual (err || val,{ _id:'testload',content:'contentoftest', _last_modified:500,_creation_date:500},'load ok'); }; this.spy(o,'f'); // encrypt 'testload' with 'cryptload:mypwd' password // and 'contentoftest' with 'cryptload:mypwd' o.doc = { _id:'hiG4H80pwkXCCrlLl1X0BD0BfWLZwDUX', content:'kSulH8Qo105dSKHcY2hEBXWXC9b+3PCEFSm1k7k', _last_modified:500,_creation_date:500}; addFileToLocalStorage('cryptloadlocal','jiotests',o.doc); o.jio.get('testload',o.f); clock.tick(1000); if (!o.f.calledOnce) { ok (false, 'no response / too much results'); } o.jio.stop(); }); test ('Get Document List', function () { var o = {}, clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); clock.tick(base_tick); o.jio=JIO.newJio({type:'crypt', username:'cryptgetlist', password:'mypwd', storage:{type:'local', username:'cryptgetlistlocal', applicationname:'jiotests'}}); o.f = function (err,val) { deepEqual (err || objectifyDocumentArray(val.rows), objectifyDocumentArray(o.doc_list),'Getting list'); }; o.tick = function (tick) { clock.tick (tick || 1000); if (!o.f.calledOnce) { if (o.f.called) { ok (false, 'too much results'); } else { ok (false, 'no response'); } } }; this.spy(o,'f'); o.doc_list = [{ id:'testgetlist1',key:'testgetlist1',value:{ _last_modified:500,_creation_date:200} },{ id:'testgetlist2',key:'testgetlist2',value:{ _last_modified:300,_creation_date:300} }]; o.doc_encrypt_list = [ {_id:'541eX0WTMDw7rqIP7Ofxd1nXlPOtejxGnwOzMw', content:'/4dBPUdmLolLfUaDxPPrhjRPdA', _last_modified:500,_creation_date:200}, {_id:'541eX0WTMDw7rqIMyJ5tx4YHWSyxJ5UjYvmtqw', content:'/4FBALhweuyjxxD53eFQDSm4VA', _last_modified:300,_creation_date:300} ]; // encrypt with 'cryptgetlist:mypwd' as password LocalOrCookieStorage.setItem( 'jio/local_file_name_array/cryptgetlistlocal/jiotests', [o.doc_encrypt_list[0]._id,o.doc_encrypt_list[1]._id]); LocalOrCookieStorage.setItem( 'jio/local/cryptgetlistlocal/jiotests/'+o.doc_encrypt_list[0]._id, o.doc_encrypt_list[0]); LocalOrCookieStorage.setItem( 'jio/local/cryptgetlistlocal/jiotests/'+o.doc_encrypt_list[1]._id, o.doc_encrypt_list[1]); o.jio.allDocs(o.f); o.tick(10000); o.jio.stop(); }); test ('Remove document', function () { var o = {}, clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); clock.tick(base_tick); o.jio=JIO.newJio({type:'crypt', username:'cryptremove', password:'mypwd', storage:{type:'local', username:'cryptremovelocal', applicationname:'jiotests'}}); o.f = function (err,val) { deepEqual (err || val,{ok:true,id:'file'},'Document remove'); }; this.spy(o,'f'); // encrypt with 'cryptremove:mypwd' as password o.doc = {_id:'JqCLTjyxQqO9jwfxD/lyfGIX+qA', content:'LKaLZopWgML6IxERqoJ2mUyyO', _last_modified:500,_creation_date:500}; o.jio.remove({_id:'file'},o.f); clock.tick(1000); if (!o.f.calledOnce){ ok (false, 'no response / too much results'); } o.jio.stop(); }); module ('Jio ConflictManagerStorage'); test ('Simple methods', function () { // Try all the simple methods like saving, loading, removing a document and // getting a list of document without testing conflicts var o = {}; o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.t = this; o.clock.tick(base_tick); o.spy = function(value,message) { o.f = function(err,val) { deepEqual (err || val,value,message); }; o.t.spy(o,'f'); }; o.tick = function (tick) { o.clock.tick(tick || 1000); if (!o.f.calledOnce) { if (o.f.called) { ok(false, 'too much results'); } else { ok(false, 'no response'); } } }; o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'conflictmanager', username:'methods', storage:{type:'local', username:'conflictmethods', applicationname:'jiotests'}}); // PUT o.spy({ok:true,id:'file.doc',rev:'1'},'saving "file.doc".'); o.jio.put({_id:'file.doc',content:'content1'},function (err,val) { if (val) { o.rev1 = val.rev; val.rev = val.rev.split('-')[0]; } o.f (err,val); }); o.tick(); // PUT with options o.spy({ok:true,id:'file2.doc',rev:'1', conflicts:{total_rows:0,rows:[]}, revisions:{start:1,ids:['1']}, revs_info:[{rev:'1',status:'available'}]}, 'saving "file2.doc".'); o.jio.put({_id:'file2.doc',content:'yes'}, {revs:true,revs_info:true,conflicts:true}, function (err,val) { if (val) { o.rev2 = val.rev; val.rev = val.rev.split('-')[0]; if (val.revs_info) { if (val.revisions) { makeRevsAccordingToRevsInfo( val.revisions,val.revs_info); } val.revs_info[0].rev = val.revs_info[0].rev.split('-')[0]; } } o.f (err,val); }); o.tick(); // GET o.get_callback = function (err,val) { if (val) { val._rev = (val._rev?val._rev.split('-')[0]:'/'); val._creation_date = (val._creation_date?true:undefined); val._last_modified = (val._last_modified?true:undefined); } o.f(err,val); }; o.spy({_id:'file.doc',content:'content1',_rev:'1', _creation_date:true,_last_modified:true},'loading "file.doc".'); o.jio.get('file.doc',o.get_callback); o.tick(); // GET with options o.get_callback = function (err,val) { if (val) { val._rev = (val._rev?val._rev.split('-')[0]:'/'); val._creation_date = (val._creation_date?true:undefined); val._last_modified = (val._last_modified?true:undefined); if (val._revs_info) { if (val._revisions) { makeRevsAccordingToRevsInfo( val._revisions,val._revs_info); } val._revs_info[0].rev = val._revs_info[0].rev.split('-')[0]; } } o.f(err,val); }; o.spy({_id:'file2.doc',content:'yes',_rev:'1', _creation_date:true,_last_modified:true, _conflicts:{total_rows:0,rows:[]}, _revisions:{start:1,ids:['1']}, _revs_info:[{rev:'1',status:'available'}]}, 'loading "file2.doc".'); o.jio.get('file2.doc',{revs:true,revs_info:true,conflicts:true}, o.get_callback); o.tick(); // allDocs o.spy({total_rows:2,rows:[{ id:'file.doc',key:'file.doc', value:{_rev:'1',_creation_date:true,_last_modified:true} },{ id:'file2.doc',key:'file2.doc', value:{_rev:'1',_creation_date:true,_last_modified:true} }]},'getting list.'); o.jio.allDocs(function (err,val) { if (val) { var i; for (i = 0; i < val.total_rows; i+= 1) { val.rows[i].value._creation_date = val.rows[i].value._creation_date? true:undefined; val.rows[i].value._last_modified = val.rows[i].value._last_modified? true:undefined; val.rows[i].value._rev = val.rows[i].value._rev.split('-')[0]; } // because the result can be disordered if (val.total_rows === 2 && val.rows[0].id === 'file2.doc') { var tmp = val.rows[0]; val.rows[0] = val.rows[1]; val.rows[1] = tmp; } } o.f(err,val); }); o.tick(); // remove o.spy({ok:true,id:'file.doc',rev:'2'}, 'removing "file.doc"'); o.jio.remove({_id:'file.doc'},{rev:o.rev1},function (err,val) { if (val) { val.rev = val.rev?val.rev.split('-')[0]:undefined; } o.f(err,val); }); o.tick(); // remove with options o.spy({ ok:true,id:'file2.doc',rev:'2', conflicts:{total_rows:0,rows:[]}, revisions:{start:2,ids:['2',getHashFromRev(o.rev2)]}, revs_info:[{rev:'2',status:'deleted'}] },'removing "file2.doc"'); o.jio.remove( {_id:'file2.doc'}, {rev:o.rev2,conflicts:true,revs:true,revs_info:true}, function (err,val) { if (val) { val.rev = val.rev?val.rev.split('-')[0]:undefined; if (val.revs_info) { if (val.revisions) { makeRevsAccordingToRevsInfo( val.revisions,val.revs_info); } val.revs_info[0].rev = val.revs_info[0].rev.split('-')[0]; } } o.f(err,val); }); o.tick(); o.spy(404,'loading document fail.'); o.jio.get('file.doc',function (err,val) { if (err) { err = err.status; } o.f(err,val); }); o.tick(); o.jio.stop(); }); test ('Revision Conflict', function() { // Try to tests all revision conflict possibility var o = {}; o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.t = this; o.clock.tick (base_tick); o.spy = basic_spy_function; o.tick = basic_tick_function; o.localNamespace = 'jio/local/revisionconflict/jiotests/'; o.rev={}; o.checkContent = function (string,message) { ok (LocalOrCookieStorage.getItem(o.localNamespace + string), message || '"' + string + '" is saved.'); }; o.checkNoContent = function (string,message) { ok (!LocalOrCookieStorage.getItem(o.localNamespace + string), message || '"' + string + '" does not exists.'); }; o.secondstorage_spec = {type:'local', username:'revisionconflict', applicationname:'jiotests'} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'conflictmanager', storage:o.secondstorage_spec}); // create a new file o.spy(o,'value', {ok:true,id:'file.doc',rev:'1',conflicts:{total_rows:0,rows:[]}, revs_info:[{rev:'1',status:'available'}], revisions:{start:1,ids:['1']}}, 'new file "file.doc".'); o.jio.put( {_id:'file.doc',content:'content1'}, {revs:true,revs_info:true,conflicts:true}, function (err,val) { if (val) { o.rev.first = val.rev; val.rev = val.rev?val.rev.split('-')[0]:undefined; if (val.revs_info) { if (val.revisions) { makeRevsAccordingToRevsInfo( val.revisions,val.revs_info); } val.revs_info[0].rev = val.revs_info[0].rev.split('-')[0]; } } o.f(err,val); } ); o.tick(o); o.checkContent('file.doc.'+o.rev.first); // modify the file o.spy(o,'value', {ok:true,id:'file.doc',rev:'2', conflicts:{total_rows:0,rows:[]}, revisions:{start:2,ids:['2',getHashFromRev(o.rev.first)]}, revs_info:[{rev:'2',status:'available'}]}, 'modify "file.doc", revision: "'+ o.rev.first+'".'); o.jio.put( {_id:'file.doc',content:'content2',_rev:o.rev.first}, {revs:true,revs_info:true,conflicts:true}, function (err,val) { if (val) { o.rev.second = val.rev; val.rev = val.rev?val.rev.split('-')[0]:undefined; if (val.revs_info) { if (val.revisions) { makeRevsAccordingToRevsInfo( val.revisions,val.revs_info); } val.revs_info[0].rev = val.revs_info[0].rev.split('-')[0]; } } o.f(err,val); } ); o.tick(o); o.checkContent('file.doc.'+o.rev.second); o.checkNoContent('file.doc.'+o.rev.first); // modify the file from the second revision instead of the third o.test_message = 'modify "file.doc", revision: "'+ o.rev.first+'" -> conflict!'; o.f = o.t.spy(); o.jio.put( {_id:'file.doc',content:'content3',_rev:o.rev.first}, {revs:true,revs_info:true,conflicts:true},function (err,val) { o.f(); var k; if (err) { o.rev.third = err.rev; err.rev = checkRev(err.rev); if (err.conflicts && err.conflicts.rows) { o.tmp = err.conflicts; o.solveConflict = checkConflictRow (err.conflicts.rows[0]); } for (k in {'error':0,'message':0,'reason':0,'statusText':0}) { if (err[k]) { delete err[k]; } else { err[k] = 'ERROR: ' + k + ' is missing !'; } } } deepEqual(err||val,{ rev:o.rev.third, conflicts:{total_rows:1,rows:[ {id:'file.doc',key:[o.rev.second,o.rev.third], value:{_solveConflict:'function'}}]}, status:409, // just one revision in the history, it does not keep older // revisions because it is not a revision manager storage. revisions:{start:1,ids:[getHashFromRev(o.rev.third)]}, revs_info:[{rev:o.rev.second,status:'available'}, {rev:o.rev.third,status:'available'}] },o.test_message); ok (!revs_infoContains(err.revs_info,o.rev.first), 'check if the first revision is not include to '+ 'the conflict list.'); ok (revs_infoContains(err.revs_info,err.rev), 'check if the new revision is include to '+ 'the conflict list.'); }); o.tick(o); o.checkContent ('file.doc.'+o.rev.third); // loading test o.spy(o,'value',{_id:'file.doc',_rev:o.rev.third,content:'content3', _conflicts:o.tmp}, 'loading "file.doc" -> conflict!'); o.jio.get('file.doc',{conflicts:true},function (err,val) { var k; if (val) { if (val._conflicts && val._conflicts.rows) { checkConflictRow (val._conflicts.rows[0]); } for (k in {'_creation_date':0,'_last_modified':0}) { if (val[k]) { delete val[k]; } else { val[k] = 'ERROR: ' + k + ' is missing !'; } } } o.f(err,val); }); o.tick(o); if (!o.solveConflict) { return ok(false,'Cannot to continue the tests'); } // solving conflict o.spy(o,'value',{ok:true,id:'file.doc',rev:'3'}, 'solve conflict "file.doc".'); o.solveConflict( 'content4',function (err,val) { if (val) { o.rev.forth = val.rev; val.rev = val.rev?val.rev.split('-')[0]:undefined; } o.f(err,val); }); o.tick(o); o.checkContent('file.doc.'+o.rev.forth); o.checkNoContent('file.doc.'+o.rev.second); o.checkNoContent('file.doc.'+o.rev.third); o.jio.stop(); }); test ('Conflict in a conflict solving', function () { var o = {}; o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.t = this; o.clock.tick (base_tick); o.spy = basic_spy_function; o.tick = basic_tick_function; o.localNamespace = 'jio/local/conflictconflict/jiotests/'; o.rev={}; o.checkContent = function (string,message) { ok (LocalOrCookieStorage.getItem(o.localNamespace + string), message || '"' + string + '" is saved.'); }; o.checkNoContent = function (string,message) { ok (!LocalOrCookieStorage.getItem(o.localNamespace + string), message || '"' + string + '" does not exists.'); }; o.secondstorage_spec = {type:'local', username:'conflictconflict', applicationname:'jiotests'} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'conflictmanager', storage:o.secondstorage_spec}); // create a new file o.test_message = 'new file "file.doc", revision: "0".' o.f = o.t.spy(); o.jio.put( {_id:'file.doc',content:'content1'}, {conflicts:true,revs:true,revs_info:true}, function(err,val) { o.f(); if (val) { o.rev.first = val.rev; val.rev = checkRev(val.rev); } deepEqual(err||val,{ ok:true,id:'file.doc',rev:o.rev.first, conflicts:{total_rows:0,rows:[]}, revisions:{start:1,ids:[getHashFromRev(o.rev.first)]}, revs_info:[{rev:o.rev.first,status:'available'}] },o.test_message); }); o.tick(o); o.checkContent ('file.doc.'+o.rev.first); // modify the file from the second revision instead of the third o.test_message = 'modify "file.doc", revision: "0" -> conflict!'; o.f = o.t.spy(); o.jio.put( {_id:'file.doc',content:'content2'}, {conflicts:true,revs:true,revs_info:true}, function (err,val) { o.f(); var k; if (err) { o.rev.second = err.rev; err.rev = checkRev(err.rev); if (err.conflicts && err.conflicts.rows) { o.solveConflict = checkConflictRow (err.conflicts.rows[0]); } for (k in {'error':0,'message':0,'reason':0,'statusText':0}) { if (err[k]) { delete err[k]; } else { err[k] = 'ERROR: ' + k + ' is missing !'; } } } deepEqual(err||val,{ rev:o.rev.second, conflicts:{total_rows:1,rows:[ {id:'file.doc',key:[o.rev.first,o.rev.second], value:{_solveConflict:'function'}}]}, status:409, // just one revision in the history, it does not keep older // revisions because it is not a revision manager storage. revisions:{start:1,ids:[getHashFromRev(o.rev.second)]}, revs_info:[{rev:o.rev.first,status:'available'}, {rev:o.rev.second,status:'available'}] },o.test_message); }); o.tick(o); o.checkContent ('file.doc.'+o.rev.second); if (!o.solveConflict) { return ok(false,'Cannot to continue the tests'); } // saving another time o.test_message = 'modify "file.doc" when solving, revision: "'+ o.rev.first+'" -> conflict!'; o.f = o.t.spy(); o.jio.put( {_id:'file.doc',content:'content3',_rev:o.rev.first}, {conflicts:true,revs:true,revs_info:true}, function(err,val){ o.f(); if (err) { o.rev.third = err.rev; err.rev = checkRev(err.rev); if (err.conflicts && err.conflicts.rows) { checkConflictRow (err.conflicts.rows[0]); } for (k in {'error':0,'message':0,'reason':0,'statusText':0}) { if (err[k]) { delete err[k]; } else { err[k] = 'ERROR: ' + k + ' is missing !'; } } } deepEqual(err||val,{ rev:o.rev.third, conflicts:{total_rows:1,rows:[ {id:'file.doc',key:[o.rev.second,o.rev.third], value:{_solveConflict:'function'}}]}, status:409, // just one revision in the history, it does not keep older // revisions because it is not a revision manager storage. revisions:{start:2,ids:[getHashFromRev(o.rev.third), getHashFromRev(o.rev.first)]}, revs_info:[{rev:o.rev.second,status:'available'}, {rev:o.rev.third,status:'available'}] },o.test_message); }); o.tick(o); o.checkContent ('file.doc.'+o.rev.third); o.checkNoContent ('file.doc.'+o.rev.first); // solving first conflict o.test_message = 'solving conflict "file.doc" -> conflict!'; o.f = o.t.spy(); o.solveConflict( 'content4',{conflicts:true,revs:true,revs_info:true}, function (err,val) { o.f(); if (err) { o.rev.forth = err.rev; err.rev = checkRev(err.rev); if (err.conflicts && err.conflicts.rows) { o.solveConflict = checkConflictRow (err.conflicts.rows[0]); } for (k in {'error':0,'message':0,'reason':0,'statusText':0}) { if (err[k]) { delete err[k]; } else { err[k] = 'ERROR: ' + k + ' is missing !'; } } } deepEqual(err||val,{ rev:o.rev.forth, conflicts:{total_rows:1,rows:[ {id:'file.doc',key:[o.rev.third,o.rev.forth], value:{_solveConflict:'function'}}]}, status:409, // just one revision in the history, it does not keep older // revisions because it is not a revision manager storage. revisions:{start:2,ids:[getHashFromRev(o.rev.forth), getHashFromRev(o.rev.second)]}, revs_info:[{rev:o.rev.third,status:'available'}, {rev:o.rev.forth,status:'available'}] },o.test_message); }); o.tick(o); o.checkContent ('file.doc.'+o.rev.forth); o.checkNoContent ('file.doc.'+o.rev.second); if (!o.solveConflict) { return ok(false,'Cannot to continue the tests'); } // solving last conflict o.test_message = 'solving last conflict "file.doc".'; o.f = o.t.spy(); o.solveConflict( 'content5',{conflicts:true,revs:true,revs_info:true}, function (err,val) { if (val) { o.rev.fifth = val.rev; val.rev = checkRev(val.rev); } deepEqual(err||val,{ ok:true,id:'file.doc',rev:o.rev.fifth, conflicts:{total_rows:0,rows:[]}, revisions:{start:3,ids:[getHashFromRev(o.rev.fifth), getHashFromRev(o.rev.forth), getHashFromRev(o.rev.second)]}, revs_info:[{rev:o.rev.fifth,status:'available'}] },o.test_message); o.f(); }); o.tick(o); o.checkContent ('file.doc.'+o.rev.fifth); o.jio.stop(); }); test ('Remove revision conflict', function () { var o = {}; o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.t = this; o.clock.tick (base_tick); o.spy = basic_spy_function; o.tick = basic_tick_function; o.localNamespace = 'jio/local/removeconflict/jiotests/'; o.rev={}; o.checkContent = function (string,message) { ok (LocalOrCookieStorage.getItem(o.localNamespace + string), message || '"' + string + '" is saved.'); }; o.checkNoContent = function (string,message) { ok (!LocalOrCookieStorage.getItem(o.localNamespace + string), message || '"' + string + '" does not exists.'); }; o.secondstorage_spec = {type:'local', username:'removeconflict', applicationname:'jiotests'} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'conflictmanager', storage:o.secondstorage_spec}); o.test_message = 'new file "file.doc", revision: "0".'; o.f = o.t.spy(); o.jio.put( {_id:'file.doc',content:'content1'}, {conflicts:true,revs:true,revs_info:true}, function(err,val) { o.f(); if (val) { o.rev.first = val.rev; val.rev = checkRev(val.rev); } deepEqual(err||val,{ ok:true,id:'file.doc',rev:o.rev.first, conflicts:{total_rows:0,rows:[]}, revisions:{start:1,ids:[getHashFromRev(o.rev.first)]}, revs_info:[{rev:o.rev.first,status:'available'}] },o.test_message); }); o.tick(o); o.checkContent ('file.doc.'+o.rev.first); o.test_message = 'remove "file.doc", revision: "wrong" -> conflict!'; o.f = o.t.spy(); o.jio.remove( {_id:'file.doc'}, {conflicts:true,revs:true,revs_info:true,rev:'wrong'}, function (err,val) { o.f(); if (err) { o.rev.second = err.rev; err.rev = checkRev(err.rev); if (err.conflicts && err.conflicts.rows) { o.solveConflict = checkConflictRow (err.conflicts.rows[0]); } for (k in {'error':0,'message':0,'reason':0,'statusText':0}) { if (err[k]) { delete err[k]; } else { err[k] = 'ERROR: ' + k + ' is missing !'; } } } deepEqual(err||val,{ rev:o.rev.second, conflicts:{total_rows:1,rows:[ {id:'file.doc',key:[o.rev.first,o.rev.second], value:{_solveConflict:'function'}}]}, status:409, // just one revision in the history, it does not keep older // revisions because it is not a revision manager storage. revisions:{start:1,ids:[getHashFromRev(o.rev.second)]}, revs_info:[{rev:o.rev.first,status:'available'}, {rev:o.rev.second,status:'deleted'}] },o.test_message); }); o.tick(o); o.test_message = 'new file again "file.doc".'; o.f = o.t.spy(); o.jio.put( {_id:'file.doc',content:'content2'}, {conflicts:true,revs:true,revs_info:true}, function (err,val) { o.f(); if (err) { o.rev.third = err.rev; err.rev = checkRev(err.rev); if (err.conflicts && err.conflicts.rows) { o.solveConflict = checkConflictRow (err.conflicts.rows[0]); } for (k in {'error':0,'message':0,'reason':0,'statusText':0}) { if (err[k]) { delete err[k]; } else { err[k] = 'ERROR: ' + k + ' is missing !'; } } } deepEqual(err||val,{ rev:o.rev.third, conflicts:{total_rows:1,rows:[ {id:'file.doc',key:[o.rev.first,o.rev.second,o.rev.third], value:{_solveConflict:'function'}}]}, status:409, // just one revision in the history, it does not keep older // revisions because it is not a revision manager storage. revisions:{start:1,ids:[getHashFromRev(o.rev.third)]}, revs_info:[{rev:o.rev.first,status:'available'}, {rev:o.rev.second,status:'deleted'}, {rev:o.rev.third,status:'available'}] },o.test_message); }); o.tick(o); o.checkContent ('file.doc.'+o.rev.third); o.test_message = 'remove "file.doc", revision: "'+o.rev.first+ '" -> conflict!' o.f = o.t.spy(); o.jio.remove( {_id:'file.doc'}, {conflicts:true,revs:true,revs_info:true,rev:o.rev.first}, function (err,val) { o.f(); if (err) { o.rev.forth = err.rev; err.rev = checkRev(err.rev); if (err.conflicts && err.conflicts.rows) { o.solveConflict = checkConflictRow (err.conflicts.rows[0]); } for (k in {'error':0,'message':0,'reason':0,'statusText':0}) { if (err[k]) { delete err[k]; } else { err[k] = 'ERROR: ' + k + ' is missing !'; } } } deepEqual(err||val,{ rev:o.rev.forth, conflicts:{total_rows:1,rows:[ {id:'file.doc',key:[o.rev.second,o.rev.third,o.rev.forth], value:{_solveConflict:'function'}}]}, status:409, // just one revision in the history, it does not keep older // revisions because it is not a revision manager storage. revisions:{start:2,ids:[getHashFromRev(o.rev.forth), getHashFromRev(o.rev.first)]}, revs_info:[{rev:o.rev.second,status:'deleted'}, {rev:o.rev.third,status:'available'}, {rev:o.rev.forth,status:'deleted'}] },o.test_message); }); o.tick(o); o.checkNoContent ('file.doc.'+o.rev.first); o.checkNoContent ('file.doc.'+o.rev.forth); if (!o.solveConflict) { return ok(false, 'Cannot continue the tests'); } o.test_message = 'solve "file.doc"'; o.f = o.t.spy(); o.solveConflict({conflicts:true,revs:true,revs_info:true},function(err,val){ o.f(); if (val) { o.rev.fifth = val.rev; val.rev = checkRev(val.rev); } deepEqual(err||val,{ ok:true,id:'file.doc',rev:o.rev.fifth, conflicts:{total_rows:0,rows:[]}, revisions:{start:3,ids:[getHashFromRev(o.rev.fifth), getHashFromRev(o.rev.forth), getHashFromRev(o.rev.first)]}, revs_info:[{rev:o.rev.fifth,status:'deleted'}] },o.test_message); }); o.tick(o); o.checkNoContent ('file.doc.'+o.rev.second); o.checkNoContent ('file.doc.'+o.rev.forth); o.checkNoContent ('file.doc.'+o.rev.fifth); o.test_message = 'save "file3.doc"'; o.f = o.t.spy(); o.jio.put( {_id:'file3.doc',content:'content3'}, function(err,val) { o.f(); if (val) { o.rev.sixth = val.rev; val.rev = checkRev(val.rev); } deepEqual(err||val,{ ok:true,id:'file3.doc',rev:o.rev.sixth },o.test_message); }); o.tick(o); o.test_message = 'save "file3.doc", rev "'+o.rev.sixth+'"'; o.f = o.t.spy(); o.jio.put( {_id:'file3.doc',content:'content3',_rev:o.rev.sixth}, function(err,val) { o.f(); if (val) { o.rev.seventh = val.rev; val.rev = checkRev(val.rev); } deepEqual(err||val,{ ok:true,id:'file3.doc',rev:o.rev.seventh },o.test_message); }); o.tick(o); o.test_message = 'remove last "file3.doc"'; o.f = o.t.spy(); o.jio.remove( {_id:'file3.doc'}, {conflicts:true,revs:true,revs_info:true,rev:'last'}, function (err,val) { o.f(); if (val) { o.rev.eighth = val.rev; val.rev = checkRev(val.rev); } deepEqual(err||val,{ ok:true,id:'file3.doc', rev:o.rev.eighth, conflicts:{total_rows:0,rows:[]}, // just one revision in the history, it does not keep older // revisions because it is not a revision manager storage. revisions:{start:3,ids:[getHashFromRev(o.rev.eighth), getHashFromRev(o.rev.seventh), getHashFromRev(o.rev.sixth)]}, revs_info:[{rev:o.rev.eighth,status:'deleted'}] },o.test_message); }); o.tick(o); o.jio.stop(); }); test ('Load Revisions', function () { var o = {}; o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.t = this; o.clock.tick (base_tick); o.spy = basic_spy_function; o.tick = basic_tick_function; o.secondstorage_spec = {type:'local', username:'loadrevisions', applicationname:'jiotests'} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'conflictmanager', storage:o.secondstorage_spec}); o.spy(o,'status',404,'load file rev:1,','f'); // 12 === Replaced o.spy(o,'status',404,'load file rev:2','g'); o.spy(o,'status',404,'and load file rev:3 at the same time','h'); o.jio.get('file',{rev:'1'},o.f); o.jio.get('file',{rev:'2'},o.g); o.jio.get('file',{rev:'3'},o.h); o.tick(o,1000,'f'); o.tick(o,0,'g'); o.tick(o,0,'h'); o.jio.stop(); }); test ('Get revision List', function () { var o = {}; o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.t = this; o.clock.tick (base_tick); o.spy = basic_spy_function; o.tick = basic_tick_function; o.secondstorage_spec = {type:'local', username:'getrevisionlist', applicationname:'jiotests'} o.rev = {}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// o.jio = JIO.newJio({type:'conflictmanager', storage:o.secondstorage_spec}); o.spy(o,'value',{total_rows:0,rows:[]},'Get revision list'); o.jio.allDocs(o.f); o.tick(o); o.spy(o,'value',{total_rows:0,rows:[],conflicts:{total_rows:0,rows:[]}}, 'Get revision list with informations'); o.jio.allDocs({conflicts:true,revs:true,info_revs:true},o.f); o.tick(o); o.spy(o,'jobstatus','done','saving file'); o.jio.put({_id:'file',content:'content file'},function (err,val) { o.rev.file1 = val?val.rev:undefined; o.f(err,val); }); o.tick(o); o.spy(o,'jobstatus','done','saving memo'); o.jio.put({_id:'memo',content:'content memo'},function (err,val) { o.rev.memo1 = val?val.rev:undefined; o.f(err,val); }); o.tick(o); o.spy(o,'status',409,'saving memo conflict'); o.jio.put({_id:'memo',content:'content memo'},function (err,val) { o.rev.memo2 = err?err.rev:undefined; o.f(err,val); }); o.tick(o); o.f = o.t.spy(); o.jio.allDocs(function (err,val) { var i; if (val) { for (i = 0; i < val.total_rows; i+= 1) { val.rows[i].value._creation_date = val.rows[i].value._creation_date?true:undefined; val.rows[i].value._last_modified = val.rows[i].value._last_modified?true:undefined; o.rev[i] = checkRev (val.rows[i].value._rev); } } deepEqual(err||val,{total_rows:2,rows:[{ id:'file',key:'file',value:{ _creation_date:true,_last_modified:true,_rev:o.rev[0] } },{ id:'memo',key:'memo',value:{ _creation_date:true,_last_modified:true,_rev:o.rev[1] } }]},'Get revision list after adding 2 files'); o.f(); }); o.tick(o); o.f = o.t.spy(); o.jio.allDocs( {conflicts:true,revs:true,revs_info:true}, function (err,val) { var i; if (val) { for (i = 0; i < val.total_rows; i+= 1) { val.rows[i].value._creation_date = val.rows[i].value._creation_date?true:undefined; val.rows[i].value._last_modified = val.rows[i].value._last_modified?true:undefined; if (val.conflicts && val.conflicts.rows) { o.solveConflict = checkConflictRow (val.conflicts.rows[0]); } } } deepEqual(err||val,{ total_rows:2,rows:[{ id:'file',key:'file',value:{ _creation_date:true,_last_modified:true, _revisions:{start:1,ids:[getHashFromRev(o.rev.file1)]}, _rev:o.rev.file1,_revs_info:[{ rev:o.rev.file1,status:'available' }] } },{ id:'memo',key:'memo',value:{ _creation_date:true,_last_modified:true, _revisions:{start:1,ids:[getHashFromRev(o.rev.memo2)]}, _rev:o.rev.memo2,_revs_info:[{ rev:o.rev.memo1,status:'available' },{ rev:o.rev.memo2,status:'available' }] } }], conflicts:{total_rows:1,rows:[{ id:'memo',key:[o.rev.memo1,o.rev.memo2], value:{_solveConflict:'function'} }]} },'Get revision list with informations after adding 2 files'); o.f(); }); o.tick(o); o.jio.stop(); }); */ }; // end thisfun if (window.requirejs) { require.config ({ paths: { jiotestsloader: './jiotests.loader', jQueryAPI: '../lib/jquery/jquery', jQuery: '../js/jquery.requirejs_module', JIO: '../src/jio', Base64API: '../lib/base64/base64', Base64: '../js/base64.requirejs_module', JIODummyStorages: '../src/jio.dummystorages', JIOStorages: '../src/jio.storage', SJCLAPI:'../lib/sjcl/sjcl.min', SJCL:'../js/sjcl.requirejs_module' } }); require(['jiotestsloader'],thisfun); } else { thisfun ({JIO:jIO, sjcl:sjcl, Base64:Base64, jQuery:jQuery}); } }());