Commit 1a7f397c authored by Ilya.Kirillov's avatar Ilya.Kirillov Committed by Alexander Trofimov

Реализовано чтение чисел с мантиссой. Реализованы градиенты. Реализован...

Реализовано чтение чисел с мантиссой. Реализованы градиенты. Реализован нормальный механизм работы с "брашами", теперь браш читается и из ресурсов. 

git-svn-id: svn://fileserver/activex/AVS/Sources/TeamlabOffice/trunk/ServerComponents@63537 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent a1c8d4d0
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ namespace XPS
for (int nIndex = m_vResourcesStack.size() - 1; nIndex >= 0; nIndex--)
pResource =;
wsPath = pResource->Get(wsKey);
wsPath = pResource->GetFigure(wsKey);
if (NULL != wsPath)
wsPathData.create(wsPath, true);
......@@ -143,4 +143,23 @@ namespace XPS
CBrush* CContextState::GetBrush(const CWString& _wsKey)
if (_wsKey.size() < 17)
return NULL;
CWString wsKey((wchar_t*)(_wsKey.c_str() + 16), false, _wsKey.size() - 17);
CBrush* pBrush = NULL;
CStaticResource* pResource;
for (int nIndex = m_vResourcesStack.size() - 1; nIndex >= 0; nIndex--)
pResource =;
pBrush = pResource->GetBrush(wsKey);
if (pBrush)
return pBrush;
return NULL;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
namespace XPS
class CBrush;
class CStaticResource;
class CContextState
......@@ -46,6 +47,11 @@ namespace XPS
void PopResource();
void GetPathGeometry(const CWString& wsKey, CWString& wsPathData, CWString& wsPathTransform);
CBrush* GetBrush(const CWString& wsKey);
Aggplus::CMatrix GetCurrentTransform()
return m_oCurrentTransform;
......@@ -133,98 +133,6 @@ namespace XPS
return true;
//m_wsPath = wsPath;
//XmlUtils::CXmlNode oNode;
//XmlUtils::CXmlNodes arrNodes;
//XmlUtils::CXmlNode oSubnode;
//std::wstring wsRelsPath = NormalizePath(wsPath + L"_rels/.rels");
//clock_t oBeginTime = clock();
//if (!oNode.FromXmlFile(wsRelsPath.c_str()))
// return false;
//clock_t oEndTime = clock();
//double dElapsedSecs = double(oEndTime - oBeginTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
//printf("%S %fseconds\n", wsRelsPath.c_str(), dElapsedSecs);
//// Checking root node
//if (L"Relationships" != oNode.GetName())
// return false;
//if (!oNode.GetNodes(L"Relationship", arrNodes))
// return false;
//std::wstring wsFile;
//for (int nIndex = 0, nCount = arrNodes.GetCount(); nIndex < nCount; nIndex++)
// arrNodes.GetAt(nIndex, oNode);
// if (L"" == oNode.GetAttribute(L"Type"))
// {
// wsFile = oNode.GetAttribute(L"Target");
// break;
// }
// if (nIndex == nCount - 1)
// return false;
//oBeginTime = clock();
//if (!oNode.FromXmlFile((wsPath + wsFile).c_str()))
// return false;
//oEndTime = clock();
//dElapsedSecs = double(oEndTime - oBeginTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
//printf("%S %fseconds\n", (wsPath + wsFile).c_str(), dElapsedSecs);
//// Checking root node
//if (L"FixedDocumentSequence" != oNode.GetName())
// return false;
//if (!oNode.GetNode(L"DocumentReference", oSubnode))
// return false;
//wsFile = oSubnode.GetAttribute(L"Source");
//oBeginTime = clock();
//if (!oNode.FromXmlFile((m_wsPath + wsFile).c_str()))
// return false;
//oEndTime = clock();
//dElapsedSecs = double(oEndTime - oBeginTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
//printf("%S %fseconds\n", (m_wsPath + wsFile).c_str(), dElapsedSecs);
//if (L"FixedDocument" != oNode.GetName())
// return false;
//if (!oNode.GetNodes(L"PageContent", arrNodes))
// return false;
//std::wstring wsFilePath = GetPath(m_wsPath + wsFile);
//std::wstring wsPagePath;
//std::wstring wsSource;
//for (int nIndex = 0, nCount = arrNodes.GetCount(); nIndex < nCount; nIndex++)
// arrNodes.GetAt(nIndex, oNode);
// wsSource = oNode.GetAttribute(L"Source");
// if('/' == wsSource[0])
// wsPagePath = m_wsPath + wsSource;
// else
// wsPagePath = wsFilePath + wsSource;
// m_mPages.insert(std::pair<int, XPS::Page*>(nIndex, new XPS::Page(wsPagePath, wsPath, &m_oFontList, m_pFontManager)));
//return true;
int CDocument::GetPageCount()const
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ namespace XPS
bool ReadResource (XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader& oReader, IRenderer* pRenderer, CContextState* pState);
void DrawGlyph (XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader& oReader, IRenderer* pRenderer, CContextState* pState);
void DrawPath (XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader& oReader, IRenderer* pRenderer, CContextState* pState);
bool FillToRenderer (XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader& oReader, IRenderer* pRenderer, CContextState* pState);
bool StrokeToRenderer(XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader& oReader, IRenderer* pRenderer, CContextState* pState);
void ReadPathData (XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader& oReader, CWString& wsData, CWString& wsTranform);
This diff is collapsed.
#include "Utils.h"
#include <map>
class XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader;
class XPS::CWString;
class IRenderer;
namespace XPS
class CBrush;
class CStaticResource
CStaticResource(const wchar_t* wsPath);
CStaticResource(XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader& oReader);
const wchar_t* GetFigure(CWString& wsKey);
CBrush* GetBrush(CWString& wsKey);
void Parse(XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader& oReader);
void AddFigure(const CWString& wsKey, const CWString& wsValue);
void AddBrush(const CWString& wsKey, CBrush* pBrush);
std::map<CWString, CWString> m_mFigures;
std::map<CWString, CBrush*> m_mBrushes;
class CBrush
virtual ~CBrush(){}
virtual bool SetToRenderer(IRenderer* pRenderer) { return false; }
virtual bool IsImageBrush() { return false; }
class CSolidBrush : public CBrush
CSolidBrush(int nBgr, int nAlpha) : m_nBgr(nBgr), m_nAlpha(nAlpha){}
bool SetToRenderer(IRenderer* pRenderer);
int m_nBgr;
int m_nAlpha;
class CImageBrush : public CBrush
CImageBrush(const wchar_t* wsPath)
m_wsPath.create(wsPath, true);
bool SetToRenderer(IRenderer* pRenderer);
bool IsImageBrush() { return true; }
void SetPaths(const wchar_t* wsRoot, const wchar_t* wsPage);
CWString m_wsPath;
CWString m_wsRoot;
CWString m_wsPage;
class CGradientBrush : public CBrush
m_pColors = NULL;
m_pPositions = NULL;
m_lCount = 0;
virtual ~CGradientBrush()
void SetGradientStops(LONG* pColors, double* pPositions, LONG lCount)
m_pColors = pColors;
m_pPositions = pPositions;
m_lCount = lCount;
LONG* m_pColors;
double* m_pPositions;
LONG m_lCount;
class CLinearGradientBrush : public CGradientBrush
CLinearGradientBrush(const double& dX0, const double& dY0, const double& dX1, const double& dY1) : m_dX0(dX0), m_dY0(dY0), m_dX1(dX1), m_dY1(dY1)
bool SetToRenderer(IRenderer* pRenderer);
double m_dX0;
double m_dY0;
double m_dX1;
double m_dY1;
class CRadialGradientBrush : public CGradientBrush
CRadialGradientBrush(const double& dXcenter, const double& dYcenter, const double& dXorigin, const double& dYorigin, const double& dRadX, const double& dRadY) :
m_dXc(dXcenter), m_dYc(dYcenter), m_dXo(dXorigin), m_dYo(dYorigin), m_dRadX(dRadX), m_dRadY(dRadY)
bool SetToRenderer(IRenderer* pRenderer);
double m_dXc;
double m_dYc;
double m_dXo;
double m_dYo;
double m_dRadX;
double m_dRadY;
CBrush* ReadBrushNode(XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader& oReader, const double& dOpacity = 1.0, CWString* pwsKey = NULL);
CBrush* ReadBrush(XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader& oReader, const double& dOpacity = 1.0, CWString* pwsKey = NULL);
CBrush* ReadBrush(const wchar_t* wsString, const double& dOpacity = 1.0);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@
|| '8' == (X)\
|| '9' == (X)\
|| '-' == (X)\
|| '.' == (X))
|| '.' == (X)\
|| 'e' == (X)\
|| 'E' == (X))
#define GetChar(STRING, POS) STRING[POS++]
#define LookChar(STRING, POS) STRING[POS]
......@@ -106,6 +108,12 @@ namespace XPS
dFloat = (double)nInt;
goto doReal;
else if ('e' == wChar || 'E' == wChar)
dFloat = (double)nInt;
goto doExponent;
......@@ -119,7 +127,13 @@ namespace XPS
while (1)
wChar = LookChar(wsString, nPos);
if (!isdigit(wChar))
if ('e' == wChar || 'E' == wChar)
goto doExponent;
else if (!isdigit(wChar))
......@@ -128,6 +142,49 @@ namespace XPS
return (bNegative ? (double)(-dFloat) : (double)dFloat);
wChar = GetChar(wsString, nPos);
bool bNegativeExponent = false;
int nExp = 0;
if ('-' == wChar)
bNegativeExponent = true;
else if ('+' == wChar)
bNegativeExponent = false;
nExp = wChar - '0';
while (1)
wChar = LookChar(wsString, nPos);
if (!isdigit(wChar))
nExp = nExp * 10 + (wChar - '0');
dFloat = (bNegative ? (double)(-dFloat) : (double)dFloat);
nExp = max(20, min(0, nExp));
while (nExp)
if (bNegativeExponent)
dFloat /= 10;
dFloat *= 10;
return dFloat;
return 0.0;
......@@ -312,6 +369,10 @@ namespace XPS
return (((wChar >= 'A') && (wChar <= 'Z')) || ((wChar >= 'a') && (wChar <= 'z')));
double GetDouble(const CWString& wsString)
return _wtof(wsString.c_str());
double GetDouble(const std::wstring& wsString)
return _wtof(wsString.c_str());
......@@ -1006,13 +1067,18 @@ namespace XPS
wsTransform.create(oReader.GetText(), true);
else if (wsAttrName == L"x:Key" && pwsKey)
pwsKey->create(oReader.GetText(), true);
if (!oReader.MoveToNextAttribute())
wsAttrName = oReader.GetName();
void ReadPathGeometry(XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader& oReader, CWString& wsData, CWString& wsTransform, CWString* pwsKey)
void ReadPathGeometry (XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader& oReader, CWString& wsData, CWString& wsTransform, CWString* pwsKey)
bool bEvenOdd = true;
CWString wsAttrName;
......@@ -1142,4 +1208,145 @@ namespace XPS
_wsData.create(wsData.c_str(), true);
void ReadGradientStops(XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader& oReader, std::vector<LONG>& vColors, std::vector<double>& vPositions, const double& dOpacity)
if (oReader.IsEmptyNode())
CWString wsNodeName, wsAttrName;
int nCurDepth = oReader.GetDepth();
while (oReader.ReadNextSiblingNode(nCurDepth))
wsNodeName = oReader.GetName();
if (wsNodeName == L"GradientStop")
double dPos = 0;
LONG lColor = 0;
if (oReader.MoveToFirstAttribute())
wsAttrName = oReader.GetName();
while (!wsAttrName.empty())
if (wsAttrName == L"Color")
int nBgr, nAlpha;
ReadSTColor(oReader.GetText(), nBgr, nAlpha);
nAlpha *= dOpacity;
lColor = (nAlpha << 24 & 0xFF000000) | (nBgr & 0xFFFFFF);
else if (wsAttrName == L"Offset")
ReadSTDouble(oReader.GetText(), dPos);
if (!oReader.MoveToNextAttribute())
wsAttrName = oReader.GetName();
void ReadSTPoint(const CWString& wsString, double& dX, double& dY)
int nCommaPos = 0;
while (nCommaPos < wsString.size())
if (wsString[nCommaPos] == ',')
if (nCommaPos >= wsString.size())
CWString wsX = wsString.c_str();
dX = GetDouble(wsX);
dY = 0;
CWString wsX((wchar_t*)wsString.c_str(), false, nCommaPos);
CWString wsY((wchar_t*)(wsString.c_str() + nCommaPos + 1), false, wsString.size() - nCommaPos - 1);
dX = GetDouble(wsX);
dY = GetDouble(wsY);
void ReadSTColor(const CWString& wsString, int& nBgr, int& nAlpha)
int nLen = wsString.size();
if (nLen <= 0)
const wchar_t* pBuffer = wsString.c_str();
if (L'#' == pBuffer[0])
if (6 != nLen && 8 != nLen)
if (8 == nLen)
nAlpha = GetDigit(*pBuffer++);
nAlpha <<= 4;
nAlpha += GetDigit(*pBuffer++);
nAlpha = 255;
nBgr = GetDigit(pBuffer[4]);
nBgr <<= 4;
nBgr += GetDigit(pBuffer[5]);
nBgr <<= 4;
nBgr += GetDigit(pBuffer[2]);
nBgr <<= 4;
nBgr += GetDigit(pBuffer[3]);
nBgr <<= 4;
nBgr += GetDigit(pBuffer[0]);
nBgr <<= 4;
nBgr += GetDigit(pBuffer[1]);
else if (nLen >= 3 && L's' == pBuffer[0] && L'c' == pBuffer[1] && L'#' == pBuffer[2])
int nPos = 3;
if (nPos >= nLen)
CWString wsString2;
wsString2.create(pBuffer + 3, false);
std::vector<CWString> vElements = wsString2.split(',');
if (3 == vElements.size())
nAlpha = 255;
nBgr = (((int)(min(GetDouble(vElements[2]), 1.0) * 255)) << 16) + (((int)(min(GetDouble(vElements[1]), 1.0) * 255)) << 8) + ((int)(min(GetDouble(vElements[0]), 1.0) * 255));
else if (4 == vElements.size())
nAlpha = (int)(min(GetDouble(vElements[0]), 1.0) * 255);
nBgr = (((int)(min(GetDouble(vElements[3]), 1.0) * 255)) << 16) + (((int)(min(GetDouble(vElements[2]), 1.0) * 255)) << 8) + ((int)(min(GetDouble(vElements[1]), 1.0) * 255));
void ReadSTColor(const CWString& wsString, LONG& lColor)
int nBgr, nAlpha;
ReadSTColor(wsString, nBgr, nAlpha);
lColor = (nAlpha << 24 & 0xFF000000) | (nBgr & 0xFFFFFF);
void ReadSTDouble(const CWString& wsString, double& dValue)
int nPos = 0;
dValue = GetDouble(wsString.c_str(), nPos, wsString.size());
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
#include <vector>
#include "WString.h"
#include "../../DesktopEditor/common/Types.h"
namespace XmlUtils
class CXmlLiteReader;
......@@ -76,9 +78,16 @@ namespace XPS
bool VmlToRenderer(const wchar_t* wsString, IRenderer* pRenderer);
bool GetNextGlyph(const wchar_t* wsIndices, int& nIndicesPos, const int& nIndicesLen, unsigned short* pUtf16, int& nUtf16Pos, const int& nUtf16Len, TIndicesEntry& oEntry);
void ReadSTPoint(const CWString& wsString, double& dX, double& dY);
void ReadSTColor(const CWString& wsString, int& nBgr, int& nAlpha);
void ReadSTColor(const CWString& wsString, LONG& lColor);
void ReadSTDouble(const CWString& wsString, double& dValue);
void ReadTransform (XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader& oReader, CWString& wsTransform, CWString* pwsKey = NULL);
void ReadPathGeometry(XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader& oReader, CWString& wsData, CWString& wsTransform, CWString* pwsKey = NULL);
void ReadPathFigure (XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader& oReader, CWString& _wsData, bool bEvenOdd);
void ReadGradientStops(XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader& oReader, std::vector<LONG>& vColors, std::vector<double>& vPositions, const double& dOpacity);
\ No newline at end of file
#include "WString.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "../../DesktopEditor/common/String.h"
#include "../../DesktopEditor/common/Types.h"
#define MAX_STRING_LEN 2147483648
namespace XPS
class CWStringBuffer
CWStringBuffer(const wchar_t* wsString, unsigned int unLen)
if (unLen)
m_pBuffer = new wchar_t[unLen + 1];
m_pBuffer[unLen] = 0x00;
memcpy(m_pBuffer, wsString, sizeof(wchar_t) * unLen);
m_pBuffer = NULL;
m_nRefCount = 1;
void AddRef()
int Release()
return --m_nRefCount;
void Free()
wchar_t operator[](const unsigned int& unIndex) const
return m_pBuffer[unIndex];
wchar_t* m_pBuffer;
int m_nRefCount;
friend class CWString;
m_bOwnBuffer = false;
m_pBuffer = NULL;
m_unLen = 0;
CWString::CWString(const wchar_t* wsString)
m_bOwnBuffer = false;
m_pBuffer = NULL;
m_unLen = 0;
create(wsString, false);
CWString::CWString(wchar_t* wsString, bool bCopy, int nLen)
m_bOwnBuffer = false;
m_pBuffer = NULL;
m_unLen = 0;
create(wsString, bCopy, nLen);
CWString::CWString(const CWString& wsString)
m_unLen = wsString.m_unLen;
m_bOwnBuffer = wsString.m_bOwnBuffer;
m_pBuffer = wsString.m_pBuffer;
if (m_bOwnBuffer && m_pBuffer)
void CWString::create(const wchar_t* wsString, bool bCopy, int nLen)
unsigned int unLen = -1 == nLen ? min(wcslen(wsString), MAX_STRING_LEN) : (unsigned int)nLen;
m_unLen = unLen;
if (bCopy)
if (unLen)
m_pBuffer = (void*)(new CWStringBuffer(wsString, m_unLen));
m_bOwnBuffer = true;
m_pBuffer = (void*)wsString;
m_bOwnBuffer = false;
void CWString::clear()
if (m_bOwnBuffer)
CWStringBuffer* pWStringBuffer = (CWStringBuffer*)m_pBuffer;
if (pWStringBuffer && !pWStringBuffer->Release())
delete pWStringBuffer;
m_bOwnBuffer = false;
m_pBuffer = NULL;
m_unLen = 0;
void CWString::operator=(const wchar_t* wsString)
create(wsString, false);
void CWString::operator=(const CWString& wsString)
m_unLen = wsString.m_unLen;
m_bOwnBuffer = wsString.m_bOwnBuffer;
m_pBuffer = wsString.m_pBuffer;
if (m_bOwnBuffer && m_pBuffer)
const wchar_t* CWString::c_str() const
if (m_bOwnBuffer)
CWStringBuffer* pWStringBuffer = (CWStringBuffer*)m_pBuffer;
if (pWStringBuffer)
return pWStringBuffer->m_pBuffer;
return NULL;
return (const wchar_t*)m_pBuffer;
bool CWString::operator<(const CWString& wsString) const
const wchar_t* wsLeft = this->c_str();
const wchar_t* wsRight = wsString.c_str();
unsigned int unLen = min(m_unLen, wsString.m_unLen);
for (unsigned int unPos = 0; unPos < unLen; unPos++)
if (wsLeft[unPos] < wsRight[unPos])
return true;
else if (wsLeft[unPos] > wsRight[unPos])
return false;
return (m_unLen > wsString.m_unLen);
bool CWString::operator>(const CWString& wsString) const
return !operator<(wsString);
bool CWString::operator==(const CWString& wsString) const
const wchar_t* wsLeft = this->c_str();
const wchar_t* wsRight = wsString.c_str();
if (m_unLen != wsString.m_unLen)
return false;
for (unsigned int unPos = 0; unPos < m_unLen; unPos++)
if (wsLeft[unPos] != wsRight[unPos])
return false;
return true;
bool CWString::operator==(const wchar_t* wsString) const
const wchar_t* wsLeft = this->c_str();
unsigned unLen = min(wcslen(wsString), MAX_STRING_LEN);
if (m_unLen != unLen)
return false;
for (unsigned int unPos = 0; unPos < m_unLen; unPos++)
if (wsLeft[unPos] != wsString[unPos])
return false;
return true;
unsigned int CWString::size() const
return m_unLen;
wchar_t CWString::operator[](const unsigned int& unIndex) const
return this->c_str()[unIndex];
bool CWString::empty() const
return 0 == m_unLen;
std::vector<CWString> CWString::split(wchar_t wChar, bool bCopy)
std::vector<CWString> vResult;
int nPos = 0;
int nLen = size();
int nCharPos = nPos;
while (nPos < nLen)
int nCharPos = nPos;
while (nCharPos < nLen && operator[](nCharPos) != wChar)
CWString wsElement;
wsElement.create(this->c_str() + nPos, bCopy, nCharPos - nPos);
nPos = nCharPos + 1;
return vResult;
\ No newline at end of file
#include <vector>
namespace XPS
class CWStringBuffer;
class CWString
CWString(const wchar_t* wsString);
CWString(const CWString& wsString);
CWString(wchar_t* wsString, bool bCopy, int nLen = -1);
void create(const wchar_t*, bool bCopy, int nLen = -1);
void operator=(const wchar_t* wsString);
void operator=(const CWString& wsString);
bool operator<(const CWString& wsString) const;
bool operator>(const CWString& wsString) const;
bool operator==(const CWString& wsString) const;
bool operator==(const wchar_t* wsString) const;
unsigned int size() const;
bool empty() const;
wchar_t operator[](const unsigned int& unIndex) const;
const wchar_t* c_str() const;
void clear();
std::vector<CWString> split(wchar_t wChar, bool bCopy = false);
void* m_pBuffer;
unsigned int m_unLen;
bool m_bOwnBuffer;
\ No newline at end of file
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