Commit 4f5f69f8 authored by Alexey.Musinov's avatar Alexey.Musinov Committed by Alexander Trofimov

вернул файлы для сборки

git-svn-id: svn://fileserver/activex/AVS/Sources/TeamlabOffice/trunk/ServerComponents@53586 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent e5ed2f5a
#pragma once
#include "property.h"
#include "./../XML.h"
#include <boost/call_traits.hpp>
namespace XML
template<class T, typename V>
void FillFromAttribute(T& container, const XML::XElement& element, const XML::XName& xname, typename boost::call_traits<V>::param_type value)
for (XML::const_element_iterator i = element.Elements.begin(); i != element.Elements.end(); ++i)
XElement element(*i);
if (element.attribute(xname).exist() && element.attribute(name).value() == value)
template<class T, typename V>
void FillFromAttribute(property<T>& container, const XML::XElement& element, const XML::XName& xname, typename boost::call_traits<V>::param_type value)
for (XML::const_element_iterator i = element.Elements.begin(); i != element.Elements.end(); ++i)
XElement element(*i);
if (element.attribute(name).exist() && element.attribute(name).value() == value)
} // namespace XML
\ No newline at end of file
// auto inserted precompiled begin
#include "precompiled_xml.h"
// auto inserted precompiled end
#include "Write.h"
#include "./../XObject.h"
#include "./../XElement.h"
namespace XML
const XNode Write(const XObject& object)
return object.toXML();
\ No newline at end of file
#pragma once
#include "nullable.h"
#include "property.h"
#include "nullable_property.h"
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include "./../XNode.h"
#include "./../XName.h"
#include <boost/call_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
namespace XML
class XObject;
const XNode Write(const XObject& object);
template<class O, typename T>
const XNode Write(const O& object, const T& value)
return object.toXML(value);
template<class T>
const XNode Write(const nullable<T>& object)
if (object.is_init())
return object->toXML();
return XNode();
template<class T, class S, class G>
const XNode Write(const property<T, S, G>& object)
return object->toXML();
template<class T, class S, class G, typename V>
const XNode Write(const property<T, S, G>& object, const V& value)
return object->toXML(value);
template<class T, class S, class G>
const XNode Write(const nullable_property<T, S, G>& object)
if (object.is_init())
return object->toXML();
return XNode();
template<class T, class S, class G, typename V>
const XNode Write(const nullable_property<T, G, S>& object, const V& value)
if (object.is_init())
return object->toXML(value);
return XNode();
template<class T>
const XNode Write(T* object)
if (object != 0)
return object->toXML();
return XNode();
template<class T, typename V>
const XNode Write(T* object, const V& value)
if (object != 0)
return object->toXML(value);
return XNode();
template<class T>
const XNode Write(const boost::shared_ptr<T>& object)
if (object != 0)
return object->toXML();
return XNode();
template<class T, typename V>
const XNode Write(const boost::shared_ptr<T>& object, const V& value)
if (object != 0)
return object->toXML(value);
return XNode();
template<template<typename T, class A> class C, typename T, class A>
const XNode Write(const C<T, A>& container)
return XContainer(container);
template<template<typename T, class A> class C, typename T, class A, typename V>
const XNode Write(const C<T, A>& container, const V& value)
XContainer xcontainer;
BOOST_FOREACH(const T& object, container)
return xcontainer;
template<template<typename T, class A> class C, typename T, class A>
const XNode Write(const property<C<T, A> >& container)
return XContainer(container);
template<template<typename T, class A> class C, typename T, class A, typename V>
const XNode Write(const property<C<T, A> >& container, const V& value)
XContainer xcontainer;
BOOST_FOREACH(const T& object, *container)
return xcontainer;
template<typename T>
const XML::XNode Write(const XML::XName& element, const XML::XName& attribute, const T& value)
return XML::XElement(element, XML::XAttribute(attribute, value));
template<typename T>
const XML::XNode Write(const XML::XName& element, const XML::XName& attribute, const nullable<T>& value)
if (value.is_init())
return XML::XElement(element, XML::XAttribute(attribute, *value));
return XML::XNode();
template<typename T, class S, class G>
const XML::XNode Write(const XML::XName& element, const XML::XName& attribute, const property<T, S, G>& value)
return XML::XElement(element, XML::XAttribute(attribute, value));
template<typename T, class S, class G>
const XML::XNode Write(const XML::XName& element, const XML::XName& attribute, const nullable_property<T, S, G>& value)
if (value.is_init())
return XML::XElement(element, XML::XAttribute(attribute, value));
return XML::XNode();
} // namespace XML
\ No newline at end of file
// auto inserted precompiled begin
#include "precompiled_xml.h"
// auto inserted precompiled end
#include "WriteIf.h"
namespace XML
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XName& xname, const bool write)
if (write)
return XML::XElement(xname);
return XML::XNode();
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XName& xname, const nullable<bool> write)
if (write.get_value_or(false))
return XML::XElement(xname);
return XML::XNode();
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XName& xname, const property<bool> write)
if (write)
return XML::XElement(xname);
return XML::XNode();
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XName& xname, const nullable_property<bool> write)
if (write.get_value_or(false))
return XML::XElement(xname);
return XML::XNode();
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XML::XElement& element, const bool write)
if (write)
return element;
return XML::XNode();
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XML::XElement& element, const nullable<bool> write)
if (write.get_value_or(false))
return element;
return XML::XNode();
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XML::XElement& element, const property<bool> write)
if (write)
return element;
return XML::XNode();
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XML::XElement& element, const nullable_property<bool> write)
if (write.get_value_or(false))
return element;
return XML::XNode();
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XML::XNode& node, const bool write)
if (write)
return node;
return XML::XNode();
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XML::XNode& node, const nullable<bool> write)
if (write.get_value_or(write))
return node;
return XML::XNode();
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XML::XNode& node, const property<bool> write)
if (write)
return node;
return XML::XNode();
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XML::XNode& node, const nullable_property<bool> write)
if (write.get_value_or(false))
return node;
return XML::XNode();
const XML::XAttribute WriteIf(const XML::XAttribute& attribute, const bool write)
if (write)
return attribute;
return XML::XAttribute();
const XML::XAttribute WriteIf(const XML::XAttribute& attribute, const nullable<bool> write)
if (write.get_value_or(false))
return attribute;
return XML::XAttribute();
const XML::XAttribute WriteIf(const XML::XAttribute& attribute, const property<bool> write)
if (write)
return attribute;
return XML::XAttribute();
const XML::XAttribute WriteIf(const XML::XAttribute& attribute, const nullable_property<bool> write)
if (write.get_value_or(false))
return attribute;
return XML::XAttribute();
} // namespace XML
\ No newline at end of file
#pragma once
#include "nullable.h"
#include "property.h"
#include "nullable_property.h"
#include "./../XName.h"
#include "./../XNode.h"
#include "./../XElement.h"
#include "./../XAttribute.h"
namespace XML
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XName& xname, const bool write);
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XName& xname, const nullable<bool> write);
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XName& xname, const property<bool> write);
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XName& xname, const nullable_property<bool> write);
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XML::XElement& element, const bool write);
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XML::XElement& element, const nullable<bool> write);
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XML::XElement& element, const property<bool> write);
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XML::XElement& element, const nullable_property<bool> write);
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XML::XNode& node, const bool write);
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XML::XNode& node, const nullable<bool> write);
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XML::XNode& node, const property<bool> write);
const XML::XNode WriteIf(const XML::XNode& node, const nullable_property<bool> write);
const XML::XAttribute WriteIf(const XML::XAttribute& attribute, const bool write);
const XML::XAttribute WriteIf(const XML::XAttribute& attribute, const nullable<bool> write);
const XML::XAttribute WriteIf(const XML::XAttribute& attribute, const property<bool> write);
const XML::XAttribute WriteIf(const XML::XAttribute& attribute, const nullable_property<bool> write);
} // namespace XML
\ No newline at end of file
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