Commit 6c5687a4 authored by Elen.Subbotina's avatar Elen.Subbotina Committed by Alexander Trofimov


git-svn-id: svn://fileserver/activex/AVS/Sources/TeamlabOffice/trunk/ServerComponents@62929 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent cf32d321
......@@ -45,9 +45,7 @@ namespace cpdoccore
#ifdef _DEBUG
_CP_LOG(warning) << L"[warning] : incorrect type convert \'" << Name << L"\'\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] : incorrect type convert \'" << Name << L"\'\n";
return true;
......@@ -104,9 +102,7 @@ namespace cpdoccore
#ifdef _DEBUG
_CP_LOG(warning) << L"[warning] : could't read attribute \'" << QualifiedName << L"\'\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] : could't read attribute \'" << QualifiedName << L"\'\n";
......@@ -2,54 +2,29 @@
#include <iosfwd>
namespace cpdoccore {
#if 1
template <class Ostream>
class logging
logging(Ostream &stream) : ostream_(stream)
template <class T>
Ostream & operator << (const T & t)
return (ostream_ << t );
Ostream & ostream_;
template <class Ostream>
class logging
namespace cpdoccore
logging(Ostream & Ostream)
template <class T>
logging & operator << (const T & t)
template <class Ostream>
class logging
return *this;
logging(Ostream &stream) : ostream_(stream)
template <class T>
Ostream & operator << (const T & t)
#if _DEBUG
return (ostream_ << t );
Ostream & ostream_;
extern logging< std::wostream > logging_err;
extern logging< std::wostream > logging_cout;
extern logging< std::wostream > logging_cout;
#define _CP_LOG_error ::cpdoccore::logging_err
#define _CP_LOG_info ::cpdoccore::logging_err
#define _CP_LOG_warning ::cpdoccore::logging_err
#define _CP_LOG(A) _CP_LOG_##A
#define _CP_LOG cpdoccore::logging_cout
......@@ -13,12 +13,10 @@ bool read_doc_element::read_sax( xml::sax * Reader )
xml::attributes_wc_ptr attrb = xml::read_attributes( Reader );
add_attributes( attrb );
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (!attrb->check())
std::wcerr << " -- end (" << Reader->nodeQualifiedName() << ")\n";
//const std::wstring value = Reader->value();
......@@ -65,4 +63,4 @@ bool read_doc_element::read_sax( xml::sax * Reader )
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -9,16 +9,16 @@ namespace oox {
void conversion_element::docx_convert(docx_conversion_context & Context)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] empty conversion_element::docx_convert: \"" << typeid(*this).name() << L"\"\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] empty conversion_element::docx_convert: \"" << typeid(*this).name() << L"\"\n";
void conversion_element::xlsx_convert(xlsx_conversion_context & Context)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] empty conversion_element::xlsx_convert: \"" << typeid(*this).name() << L"\"\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] empty conversion_element::xlsx_convert: \"" << typeid(*this).name() << L"\"\n";
void conversion_element::pptx_convert(pptx_conversion_context & Context)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] empty conversion_element::pptx_convert: \"" << typeid(*this).name() << L"\"\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] empty conversion_element::pptx_convert: \"" << typeid(*this).name() << L"\"\n";
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ void word_files::add_charts(chart_content_ptr chart)
bool word_files::has_numbering()
return numbering_;
return numbering_ ? true : false;
void word_files::set_headers_footers(headers_footers & HeadersFooters)
......@@ -138,9 +138,7 @@ void docx_table_state::set_columns_spanned(unsigned int Val)
if ( current_columns_spaned() > 0 )
#ifdef _DEBUG
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] set_columns_spanned warning\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] set_columns_spanned warning\n";
columns_spanned_num_ = Val;
......@@ -155,13 +153,13 @@ void docx_table_state::set_rows_spanned(unsigned int Column, unsigned int Val, u
if (rows_spanned_.size() <= Column)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] set_rows_spanned error\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] set_rows_spanned error\n";
if (rows_spanned_[Column].num() > 0)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] set_rows_spanned warning\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] set_rows_spanned warning\n";
......@@ -173,7 +171,7 @@ unsigned int docx_table_state::current_rows_spanned(unsigned int Column) const
if (rows_spanned_.size() <= Column)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] current_rows_spanned error\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] current_rows_spanned error\n";
return 0;
......@@ -63,13 +63,11 @@ std::pair<float, float> GetMaxDigitSizePixels(const std::wstring & fontName, dou
#if _DEBUG
_CP_LOG(info) << "[info] : GetMaxDigitSizePixels...";
_CP_LOG << "[info] : GetMaxDigitSizePixels...";
std::pair<float, float> val = GetMaxDigitSizePixelsImpl(fontName, fontSize, dpi, fontStyle, pFontManager);
#if _DEBUG
_CP_LOG(info) << "ok" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << "ok" << std::endl;
return val;
......@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ void oox_serialize_xfrm(std::wostream & strm, _oox_drawing const & val, std::wst
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[error!!!] not set size object\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[error!!!] not set size object\n";
......@@ -356,4 +356,4 @@ void oox_serialize_hlink(std::wostream & strm, std::vector<_hlink_desc> const &
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ void pptx_table_state::set_rows_spanned(unsigned int Column, unsigned int Val, u
if (rows_spanned_.size() <= Column)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] set_rows_spanned error\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] set_rows_spanned error\n";
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ unsigned int pptx_table_state::current_rows_spanned(unsigned int Column) const
if (rows_spanned_.size() <= Column)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] current_rows_spanned error\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] current_rows_spanned error\n";
return 0;
......@@ -46,14 +46,23 @@ bool xlsx_border_edge::operator != (const xlsx_border_edge & rVal) const
return !(this->operator ==(rVal));
std::size_t hash_value(xlsx_border_edge const & val)
std::size_t hash_value(xlsx_border_edge const& val)
std::size_t seed = 0;
boost::hash_combine(seed, val.color.get_value_or(xlsx_color()));
return seed;
std::size_t hash_value(const _CP_OPT(xlsx_border_edge) & val)
std::size_t seed = 0;
if (val)
boost::hash_combine(seed, val->style.get_value_or(L""));
boost::hash_combine(seed, val->color.get_value_or(xlsx_color()));
return seed;
void xlsx_serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream, const _CP_OPT(xlsx_border_edge) & borderEdge, const std::wstring & name)
if (borderEdge)
......@@ -97,7 +106,7 @@ void xlsx_serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream, const xlsx_border & border)
std::size_t hash_value(xlsx_border const & val)
std::size_t hash_value(xlsx_border const& val)
std::size_t seed = 0;
boost::hash_combine(seed, val.diagonalUp.get_value_or(false));
......@@ -117,21 +126,28 @@ std::size_t hash_value(xlsx_border const & val)
bool is_default(const _CP_OPT(xlsx_border_edge) & borderEdge)
if (!borderEdge || is_default(borderEdge.get()))
return true;
return false;
if (!borderEdge) return true;
if (is_default(borderEdge.get())) return true;
return false;
bool is_default(const xlsx_border_edge & borderEdge)
bool is_default(xlsx_border_edge * borderEdge)
if (! || == L"none")
return true;
return false;
if (!borderEdge) return true;
if (!borderEdge->style) return true;
if (borderEdge->style.get() == L"none") return true;
return false;
bool is_default(xlsx_border_edge const& borderEdge)
if (! return true;
if ( == L"none") return true;
bool is_default(const xlsx_border & border)
return false;
bool is_default(xlsx_border const& border)
if (border.diagonalUp.get_value_or(false) == false &&
border.diagonalDown.get_value_or(false) == false &&
......@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ namespace oox {
bool operator == (const xlsx_border_edge & rVal) const;
bool operator != (const xlsx_border_edge & rVal) const;
friend std::size_t hash_value(xlsx_border_edge const & val);
struct xlsx_border
......@@ -56,13 +55,18 @@ namespace oox {
bool operator == (const xlsx_border & rVal) const;
bool operator != (const xlsx_border & rVal) const;
friend bool is_default(xlsx_border_edge const & borderEdge);
friend bool is_default(_CP_OPT(xlsx_border_edge) const & borderEdge);
friend bool is_default(xlsx_border const & border);
friend std::size_t hash_value(xlsx_border const & val);
std::size_t hash_value(const _CP_OPT(xlsx_border_edge) & val);
std::size_t hash_value(xlsx_border_edge const& val);
std::size_t hash_value(xlsx_border const& val);
bool is_default(xlsx_border_edge * borderEdge);
bool is_default(xlsx_border_edge const& borderEdge);
bool is_default(const _CP_OPT(xlsx_border_edge) & borderEdge);
bool is_default(xlsx_border const& border);
void xlsx_serialize(std::wostream & _Wostream, xlsx_border const & border);
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ void xlsx_table_state::start_cell(size_t columnsSpanned, size_t rowsSpanned)
if ( current_columns_spaned() > 0 )
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] current columns spanned > 0\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] current columns spanned > 0\n";
columns_spanned_num_ = static_cast<int>(columnsSpanned);
......@@ -121,17 +121,13 @@ void xlsx_table_state::start_cell(size_t columnsSpanned, size_t rowsSpanned)
if (rows_spanned_.size() <= current_table_column_)
#ifdef _DEBUG
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] set_rows_spanned error\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] set_rows_spanned error\n";
if (rows_spanned_[current_table_column_].num() > 0)
#ifdef _DEBUG
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] current rows spanned > 0\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] current rows spanned > 0\n";
rows_spanned_[current_table_column_].num(static_cast<unsigned int>(rowsSpanned));
rows_spanned_[current_table_column_].column_spanned(static_cast<unsigned int>(columnsSpanned));
......@@ -213,7 +209,7 @@ unsigned int xlsx_table_state::current_rows_spanned(unsigned int Column) const
if (rows_spanned_.size() <= Column)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] current_rows_spanned error\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] current_rows_spanned error\n";
return 0;
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ void chart_build::add_grid(std::wstring const & className, std::wstring const &
_CP_LOG(warning) << "unexpected chart:grid" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << "[warning] unexpected chart:grid" << std::endl;
void chart_build::add_series(std::wstring const & cellRangeAddress,
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ void chart_build::add_point(unsigned int rep, std::wstring const & styleName)
_CP_LOG(warning) << "unexpected chart:data-point" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << "[warning] unexpected chart:data-point" << std::endl;
......@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ bool process_build_chart::visit_rows(unsigned int repeated)
void process_build_chart::on_not_impl(std::string const & message)
_CP_LOG(warning) << L"[process_draw_chart visitor] : not impliment for \"" << utf8_to_utf16(message) << L"\"" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"[process_draw_chart visitor] : not impliment for \"" << utf8_to_utf16(message) << L"\"" << std::endl;
......@@ -228,9 +228,7 @@ public:
_CP_LOG(warning) << L"[process_draw_object] \"" << L"\"" << std::endl;
void ApplyChartProperties(std::wstring style,std::vector<_property> & propertiesOut);
......@@ -24,9 +24,7 @@ bool create_element_and_read(xml::sax * Reader,
if (_Element) //
std::wstringstream ss;
ss << L"[warning] : duplicate element (" << Ns << L":" << Name << L")\n";
_CP_LOG(error) << ss.str();
_CP_LOG << L"[error] : duplicate element (" << Ns << L":" << Name << L")\n";
_Element = elm;
......@@ -34,11 +32,8 @@ bool create_element_and_read(xml::sax * Reader,
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::wstringstream ss;
ss << L"[warning] : create element failed (" << Ns << L":" << Name << L")\n";
_CP_LOG(error) << ss.str();
_CP_LOG << L"[error] : create element failed (" << Ns << L":" << Name << L")\n";
not_applicable_element(L"[!!!]", Reader, Ns, Name);
return false;
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ const std::wstring color::get_hex_value() const
//_CP_LOG(info) << "[warning] convert color error (" << color_ << L")\n";
//_CP_LOG << "[warning] convert color error (" << color_ << L")\n";
return L"000000";
......@@ -27,9 +27,8 @@ public:
catch(odf::errors::invalid_attribute &)
attributes::value_type val = attr.get(QualifiedName);
#ifdef _DEBUG
_CP_LOG(error) << L"[warning] : invalud attribute value [" << QualifiedName << L":" << ( (val) ? (*val) : (L"?")) << L"]\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[error] : invalud attribute value [" << QualifiedName << L":" << ( (val) ? (*val) : (L"?")) << L"]\n";
return optional_v_type();
......@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ void oox_convert_transforms(std::wstring transformStr,std::vector<odf::_property
BOOST_FOREACH(std::wstring const & t, transforms)
//_CP_LOG(info) << "[info] : transform = " << t << L"\n";
//_CP_LOG << "[info] : transform = " << t << L"\n";
std::vector<std::wstring> transform;
boost::algorithm::split(transform,t, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(L"("), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on);
......@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ void xlsx_convert_transforms(std::wstring transformStr, oox::xlsx_conversion_con
BOOST_FOREACH(std::wstring const & t, transforms)
//_CP_LOG(info) << "[info] : transform = " << t << L"\n";
//_CP_LOG << "[info] : transform = " << t << L"\n";
std::vector<std::wstring> transform;
boost::algorithm::split(transform,t, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(L"("), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on);
......@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ void pptx_convert_transforms(std::wstring transformStr, oox::pptx_conversion_con
BOOST_FOREACH(std::wstring const & t, transforms)
//_CP_LOG(info) << "[info] : transform = " << t << L"\n";
//_CP_LOG << "[info] : transform = " << t << L"\n";
std::vector<std::wstring> transform;
boost::algorithm::split(transform,t, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(L"("), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on);
......@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ void draw_object::docx_convert(oox::docx_conversion_context & Context)
_CP_LOG(error) << "convert draw::object error" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << "[error] : convert draw::object error" << std::endl;
......@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ void draw_object::pptx_convert(oox::pptx_conversion_context & Context)
_CP_LOG(error) << "convert draw::object error" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << "[error] : convert draw::object error" << std::endl;
......@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ void draw_object::xlsx_convert(oox::xlsx_conversion_context & Context)
_CP_LOG(error) << "convert draw::object error" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << "[error] : convert draw::object error" << std::endl;
void draw_object_ole::xlsx_convert(oox::xlsx_conversion_context & Context)
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ void draw_page::pptx_convert(oox::pptx_conversion_context & Context)
const std::wstring layoutName = draw_page_attr_.page_layout_name_.get_value_or(L"");
const std::wstring masterName = draw_page_attr_.master_page_name_.get_value_or(L"");
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[info][xlsx] process page(slide) \"" << pageName /*L"" */<< L"\"" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"[info][xlsx] process page(slide) \"" << pageName /*L"" */<< L"\"" << std::endl;
Context.start_page(pageName, pageStyleName, layoutName,masterName);
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ void draw_page::pptx_convert(oox::pptx_conversion_context & Context)
const std::wstring layoutName = draw_page_attr_.page_layout_name_.get_value_or(L"");
const std::wstring masterName = draw_page_attr_.master_page_name_.get_value_or(L"");
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[info][xlsx] process page(slide) \"" << pageName /*L"" */<< L"\"" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"[info][xlsx] process page(slide) \"" << pageName /*L"" */<< L"\"" << std::endl;
Context.start_page(pageName, pageStyleName, layoutName,masterName);
......@@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
#include <logging.h>
#include <iostream>
namespace cpdoccore {
logging< std::wostream > logging_err(std::wcerr);
logging< std::wostream > logging_cout(std::wcout);
namespace cpdoccore
logging< std::wostream > logging_cout(std::wcout);
......@@ -79,25 +79,25 @@ odf_document::Impl::Impl(const std::wstring & folderPath, const ProgressCallback
std::wstring settings_xml = folderPath + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + L"settings.xml";
std::wstring manifest_xml = folderPath + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + L"META-INF" + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + L"manifest.xml";
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[info] read manifest.xml" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"[info] read manifest.xml" << std::endl;
manifest_xml_ = read_file_content(manifest_xml);
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[info] read settings.xml" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"[info] read settings.xml" << std::endl;
settings_xml_ = read_file_content(settings_xml);
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[info] read content.xml" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"[info] read content.xml" << std::endl;
content_xml_ = read_file_content(content_xml);
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[info] read styles.xml" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"[info] read styles.xml" << std::endl;
styles_xml_ = read_file_content(styles_xml);
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[info] parse fonts" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"[info] parse fonts" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[info] parse styles" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"[info] parse styles" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[info] parse manifest" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"[info] parse manifest" << std::endl;
......@@ -122,14 +122,14 @@ void odf_document::Impl::parse_fonts()
if (!content_xml_)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] empty content xml\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] empty content xml\n";
office_document_base * document = dynamic_cast<office_document_base *>( content_xml_->get_content() );
if (!document)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] empty document\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] empty document\n";
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ void odf_document::Impl::parse_fonts()
if (!fontFaceDecls)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] empty font face decls\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] empty font face decls\n";
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ void odf_document::Impl::parse_fonts()
style_font_face* fontFace = dynamic_cast<style_font_face*>( elm.get() );
if (!fontFace)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] read font face error\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] read font face error\n";
......@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ void odf_document::Impl::parse_fonts()
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] duplicate font name (" << fontName << L")\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] duplicate font name (" << fontName << L")\n";
......@@ -230,14 +230,14 @@ void odf_document::Impl::parse_styles()
if (!styles_xml_)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] empty styles xml\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] empty styles xml\n";
office_document_base * document = dynamic_cast<office_document_base *>( styles_xml_->get_content() );
if (!document)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] empty document\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] empty document\n";
......@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ void odf_document::Impl::parse_styles()
office_automatic_styles * automaticStyles = dynamic_cast<office_automatic_styles *>( document->office_automatic_styles_.get() );
if (!automaticStyles)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] error reading automatic styles\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] error reading automatic styles\n";
......@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ void odf_document::Impl::parse_styles()
style_page_layout * pageLayout = dynamic_cast<style_page_layout *>(elm.get());
if (!pageLayout)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] error reading page layout\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] error reading page layout\n";
......@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ void odf_document::Impl::parse_styles()
style * styleInst = dynamic_cast<style*>(elm.get());
if (!styleInst)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] error reading style\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] error reading style\n";
......@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ void odf_document::Impl::parse_styles()
text_list_style * listStyle = dynamic_cast<text_list_style *>(elm.get());
if (!listStyle)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] error list style\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] error list style\n";
......@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ void odf_document::Impl::parse_styles()
office_master_styles * masterStyles = dynamic_cast<office_master_styles *>( document->office_master_styles_.get() );
if (!masterStyles)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] error reading master styles\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] error reading master styles\n";
......@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ void odf_document::Impl::parse_styles()
style_master_page * masterPage = dynamic_cast<style_master_page *>(elm.get());
if (!masterPage)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] error reading master page\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] error reading master page\n";
......@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ void odf_document::Impl::parse_styles()
office_styles * docStyles = dynamic_cast<office_styles *>(document->office_styles_.get());
if (!docStyles)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] error reading styles\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] error reading styles\n";
......@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ void odf_document::Impl::parse_styles()
default_style * styleInst = dynamic_cast<default_style *>(elm.get());
if (!styleInst)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] error reading default style\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] error reading default style\n";
......@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ void odf_document::Impl::parse_styles()
style * styleInst = dynamic_cast<style*>(elm.get());
if (!styleInst)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] error reading style\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] error reading style\n";
......@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ void odf_document::Impl::parse_styles()
text_list_style * listStyle = dynamic_cast<text_list_style *>(elm.get());
if (!listStyle)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] error list style\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] error list style\n";
......@@ -476,14 +476,14 @@ void odf_document::Impl::parse_styles()
if (!content_xml_)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] empty content xml\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] empty content xml\n";
office_document_base * document = dynamic_cast<office_document_base *>( content_xml_->get_content() );
if (!document)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] empty document\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] empty document\n";
......@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ void odf_document::Impl::parse_styles()
office_automatic_styles * automaticStyles = dynamic_cast<office_automatic_styles *>(document->office_automatic_styles_.get());
if (!automaticStyles)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] error reading automatic styles\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] error reading automatic styles\n";
......@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ void odf_document::Impl::parse_styles()
style * styleInst = dynamic_cast<style*>(elm.get());
if (!styleInst)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] error reading style\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] error reading style\n";
......@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ void odf_document::Impl::parse_styles()
text_list_style * listStyle = dynamic_cast<text_list_style *>(elm.get());
if (!listStyle)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] error reading list style\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] error reading list style\n";
......@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ bool odf_document::Impl::xlsx_convert(oox::xlsx_conversion_context & Context)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[info] convert content" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"[info] convert content" << std::endl;
if (UpdateProgress(450000)) return false;
......@@ -593,26 +593,26 @@ bool odf_document::Impl::xlsx_convert(oox::xlsx_conversion_context & Context)
if (UpdateProgress(750000)) return false;
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[info] process styles" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"[info] process styles" << std::endl;
if (UpdateProgress(800000)) return false;
catch(boost::exception & ex)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"\n[error]:\n";
_CP_LOG(info) << utf8_to_utf16(ansi_to_utf8(boost::diagnostic_information(ex))) << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"\n[error]:\n";
_CP_LOG << utf8_to_utf16(ansi_to_utf8(boost::diagnostic_information(ex))) << std::endl;
catch(std::exception & ex)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"\n[error]:\n";
_CP_LOG(info) << utf8_to_utf16(ansi_to_utf8(ex.what())) << L"\n";
_CP_LOG << L"\n[error]:\n";
_CP_LOG << utf8_to_utf16(ansi_to_utf8(ex.what())) << L"\n";
_CP_LOG(info) << L"\n[error]: undefined\n";
_CP_LOG << L"\n[error]: undefined\n";
......@@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ bool odf_document::Impl::pptx_convert(oox::pptx_conversion_context & Context)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[info] convert content" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"[info] convert content" << std::endl;
if (UpdateProgress(450000)) return false;
......@@ -645,19 +645,19 @@ bool odf_document::Impl::pptx_convert(oox::pptx_conversion_context & Context)
catch(boost::exception & ex)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"\n[error]:\n";
_CP_LOG(info) << utf8_to_utf16(ansi_to_utf8(boost::diagnostic_information(ex))) << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"\n[error]:\n";
_CP_LOG << utf8_to_utf16(ansi_to_utf8(boost::diagnostic_information(ex))) << std::endl;
catch(std::exception & ex)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"\n[error]:\n";
_CP_LOG(info) << utf8_to_utf16(ansi_to_utf8(ex.what())) << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"\n[error]:\n";
_CP_LOG << utf8_to_utf16(ansi_to_utf8(ex.what())) << std::endl;
_CP_LOG(info) << L"\n[error]: undefined\n";
_CP_LOG << L"\n[error]: undefined\n";
return true;
......@@ -675,4 +675,4 @@ const office_element * odf_document::Impl::get_content() const
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ public:
virtual ::std::wostream & text_to_stream(::std::wostream & _Wostream) const
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] use base text_to_stream\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] use base text_to_stream\n";
return _Wostream;
virtual ::std::wostream & xml_to_stream(::std::wostream & _Wostream) const
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[warning] use base xml_to_stream\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[warning] use base xml_to_stream\n";
return _Wostream;
document_context * getContext() { return context_; }
......@@ -76,17 +76,13 @@ bool office_element_creator::register_element(const std::wstring &ns, const std:
void not_applicable_element(const std::wstring & Current, xml::sax * Reader, const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::wstringstream ss;
ss << L"[warning] : element " << Ns << L":" << Name << " not applicable in current place";
ss << L"[error] : element " << Ns << L":" << Name << " not applicable in current place";
if (!Current.empty())
ss << L" ("<< Current << ")";
ss << L"\n";
_CP_LOG(error) << ss.str();
_CP_LOG << ss.str();
//if (Reader)
// _skip_element::skip_element_.read_sax(Reader);
void not_applicable_element(const office_element * CurrentElm, xml::sax * Reader, const std::wstring & Ns, const std::wstring & Name)
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ void office_presentation::add_attributes( const xml::attributes_wc_ptr & Attribu
void office_presentation::docx_convert(oox::docx_conversion_context & Context)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[info][docx] process pages (" << pages_.size() << L" elmements)" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"[info][docx] process pages (" << pages_.size() << L" elmements)" << std::endl;
BOOST_FOREACH(const office_element_ptr & elm, pages_)
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ void office_presentation::docx_convert(oox::docx_conversion_context & Context)
void office_presentation::xlsx_convert(oox::xlsx_conversion_context & Context)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[info][xlsx] process pages (" << pages_.size() << L" elmements)" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"[info][xlsx] process pages (" << pages_.size() << L" elmements)" << std::endl;
BOOST_FOREACH(const office_element_ptr & elm, pages_)
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ void office_presentation::pptx_convert(oox::pptx_conversion_context & Context)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[info][pptx] process pages(" << pages_.size() << L" elmements)" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"[info][pptx] process pages(" << pages_.size() << L" elmements)" << std::endl;
BOOST_FOREACH(const office_element_ptr & elm, footer_decls_)
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ void office_spreadsheet::docx_convert(oox::docx_conversion_context & Context)
void office_spreadsheet::xlsx_convert(oox::xlsx_conversion_context & Context)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[info][xlsx] process spreadsheet (" << content_.size() << L" elmements)" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"[info][xlsx] process spreadsheet (" << content_.size() << L" elmements)" << std::endl;
BOOST_FOREACH(const office_element_ptr & elm, content_)
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public:
virtual void on_not_impl(std::string const & message)
_CP_LOG(warning) << L"[table_round visitor] : not impliment for \"" << utf8_to_utf16(message) << L"\"" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"[table_round visitor] : not impliment for \"" << utf8_to_utf16(message) << L"\"" << std::endl;
......@@ -19,9 +19,7 @@ void _skip_element::add_attributes( const xml::attributes_wc_ptr & Attributes )
void _skip_element::add_child_element( xml::sax * Reader, const ::std::wstring & Ns, const ::std::wstring & Name)
std::wstringstream ss;
ss << L"[warning] : skip element " << Ns << L":" << Name << "\n";
_CP_LOG(error) << ss.str();
_CP_LOG << L"[error] : skip element " << Ns << L":" << Name << "\n";
if (Reader)
......@@ -29,9 +27,7 @@ void _skip_element::add_child_element( xml::sax * Reader, const ::std::wstring &
void _skip_element::add_text(const std::wstring & Text)
std::wstringstream ss;
ss << L"[warning] : skip element text\n";
_CP_LOG(error) << ss.str();
_CP_LOG << L"[error] : skip element text\n";
......@@ -94,9 +94,7 @@ std::wstring process_margin(const _CP_OPT(length_or_percent) & margin, double Mu
#ifdef _DEBUG
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[docx_convert] convert margin warning: invalid type (percent)\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[docx_convert] convert margin warning: invalid type (percent)\n";
return L"";
......@@ -443,7 +441,6 @@ void style_tab_stop::docx_convert(oox::docx_conversion_context & Context)
if (style_leader_style_)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[docx_convert] convert warning (w:tab/@w:leader)\n";
case line_style::None:
......@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ void style_tab_stop::pptx_convert(oox::pptx_conversion_context & Context)
// {
// if (style_leader_style_)
// {
// _CP_LOG(info) << L"[pptx_convert] convert warning (a:tab/@a:leader)\n";
// _CP_LOG << L"[pptx_convert] convert warning (a:tab/@a:leader)\n";
// switch(style_leader_style_->get_type())
// {
// case line_style::None:
......@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ double text_format_properties_content::process_font_size_impl(const _CP_OPT(font
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[docx_convert] convert font_size error (" << FontSize << ")\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[docx_convert] convert font_size error (" << FontSize << ")\n";
return -1.0;
......@@ -62,9 +62,6 @@ void table_table_row::xlsx_convert(oox::xlsx_conversion_context & Context)
bool skip_next_row = false;
#ifdef _DEBUG
_CP_LOG(info) << "[info][xlsx] process repeated rows " << table_table_row_attlist_.table_number_rows_repeated_ << std::endl;
std::wstring ht = L"";
double row_height = 0.0;
......@@ -240,7 +237,7 @@ void table_table::xlsx_convert(oox::xlsx_conversion_context & Context)
const std::wstring tableStyleName = table_table_attlist_.table_style_name_ ? table_table_attlist_.table_style_name_->style_name() : L"";
const std::wstring tableName = table_table_attlist_.table_name_.get_value_or(L"");
_CP_LOG(info) << L"[info][xlsx] process table \"" <</* tableName*/ L"1111" << L"\"" << std::endl;
_CP_LOG << L"[info][xlsx] process table \"" << tableName << L"\"\n" << std::endl;
if (table_table_source_)
......@@ -556,7 +553,7 @@ void table_table_cell::xlsx_convert(oox::xlsx_conversion_context & Context)
_CP_LOG(info) << L"\n[error]: style wrong\n";
_CP_LOG << L"[error]: style wrong\n";
std::wstring data_style = CalcCellDataStyle(Context,
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ typedef void (*OnProgressExCallback)( void* lpParam, long nID, long nPercent, sh
struct ProgressCallback
OnProgressCallback OnProgress;
OnProgressExCallback OnProgressEx;
OnProgressCallback OnProgress;
OnProgressExCallback OnProgressEx;
void* caller;
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