Commit 92a1f2fc authored by Oleg.Korshul's avatar Oleg.Korshul Committed by Alexander Trofimov


git-svn-id: svn://fileserver/activex/AVS/Sources/TeamlabOffice/trunk/ServerComponents@53372 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent c5177498
var g_fontManager = new CFontManager();
function CTableMarkup(Table)
this.Internal =
RowIndex : 0,
CellIndex : 0,
PageNum : 0
this.Table = Table;
this.X = 0; // Смещение таблицы от начала страницы до первой колонки
this.Cols = new Array(); // массив ширин колонок
this.Margins = new Array(); // массив левых и правых маргинов
this.Rows = new Array(); // массив позиций, высот строк(для данной страницы)
// Rows = [ { Y : , H : }, ... ]
this.CurCol = 0; // текущая колонка
this.CurRow = 0; // текущая строка
this.TransformX = 0;
this.TransformY = 0;
CTableMarkup.prototype =
CreateDublicate : function()
var obj = new CTableMarkup(this.Table);
obj.Internal = { RowIndex : this.Internal.RowIndex, CellIndex : this.Internal.CellIndex, PageNum : this.Internal.PageNum };
obj.X = this.X;
var len = this.Cols.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
obj.Cols[i] = this.Cols[i];
len = this.Margins.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
obj.Margins[i] = { Left : this.Margins[i].Left, Right : this.Margins[i].Right };
len = this.Rows.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
obj.Rows[i] = { Y : this.Rows[i].Y, H : this.Rows[i].H };
obj.CurRow = this.CurRow;
obj.CurCol = this.CurCol;
return obj;
CorrectFrom : function()
this.X += this.TransformX;
var _len = this.Rows.length;
for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
this.Rows[i].Y += this.TransformY;
CorrectTo : function()
this.X -= this.TransformX;
var _len = this.Rows.length;
for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
this.Rows[i].Y -= this.TransformY;
function CTableOutline(Table, PageNum, X, Y, W, H)
this.Table = Table;
this.PageNum = PageNum;
this.X = X;
this.Y = Y;
this.W = W;
this.H = H;
/*function CTextMeasurer()
this.m_oManager = new CFontManager();
this.m_oFont = null;
this.m_oLastFont = new CFontSetup();
CTextMeasurer.prototype =
Init : function()
SetFont : function(font)
this.m_oFont = font;
if (-1 == font.FontFamily.Index || undefined === font.FontFamily.Index || null == font.FontFamily.Index)
font.FontFamily.Index = window.g_map_font_index[font.FontFamily.Name];
if (font.FontFamily.Index == undefined || font.FontFamily.Index == -1)
var bItalic = true === font.Italic;
var bBold = true === font.Bold;
var oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleRegular;
if ( !bItalic && bBold )
oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleBold;
else if ( bItalic && !bBold )
oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleItalic;
else if ( bItalic && bBold )
oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleBoldItalic;
window.g_font_infos[font.FontFamily.Index].LoadFont(window.g_font_loader, this.m_oManager, font.FontSize, oFontStyle, 72, 72);
SetTextPr: function(textPr)
this.m_oTextPr = textPr.Copy();
SetFontSlot: function(slot, fontSizeKoef)
var _rfonts = this.m_oTextPr.RFonts;
var _lastFont = this.m_oLastFont;
switch (slot)
case fontslot_ASCII:
_lastFont.Name = _rfonts.Ascii.Name;
_lastFont.Index = _rfonts.Ascii.Index;
if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined)
_lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name];
_lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSize;
_lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.Bold;
_lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.Italic;
case fontslot_CS:
_lastFont.Name = _rfonts.CS.Name;
_lastFont.Index = _rfonts.CS.Index;
if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined)
_lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name];
_lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSizeCS;
_lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.BoldCS;
_lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.ItalicCS;
case fontslot_EastAsia:
_lastFont.Name = _rfonts.EastAsia.Name;
_lastFont.Index = _rfonts.EastAsia.Index;
if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined)
_lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name];
_lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSize;
_lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.Bold;
_lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.Italic;
case fontslot_HAnsi:
_lastFont.Name = _rfonts.HAnsi.Name;
_lastFont.Index = _rfonts.HAnsi.Index;
if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined)
_lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name];
_lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSize;
_lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.Bold;
_lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.Italic;
if (undefined !== fontSizeKoef)
_lastFont.Size *= fontSizeKoef;
var _style = 0;
if (_lastFont.Italic)
_style += 2;
if (_lastFont.Bold)
_style += 1;
if (_lastFont.Index != _lastFont.SetUpIndex || _lastFont.Size != _lastFont.SetUpSize || _style != _lastFont.SetUpStyle)
_lastFont.SetUpIndex = _lastFont.Index;
_lastFont.SetUpSize = _lastFont.Size;
_lastFont.SetUpStyle = _style;
window.g_font_infos[_lastFont.SetUpIndex].LoadFont(window.g_font_loader, this.m_oManager, _lastFont.SetUpSize, _lastFont.SetUpStyle, 72, 72);
GetFont : function()
return this.m_oFont;
Measure : function(text)
var Width = 0;
var Height = 0;
var Temp = this.m_oManager.MeasureChar( text.charCodeAt(0) );
Width = Temp.fAdvanceX * 25.4 / 72;
Height = 0;//Temp.fHeight;
return { Width : Width, Height : Height };
GetAscender : function()
var UnitsPerEm = this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em;
var Ascender = this.m_oManager.m_lAscender;
return Ascender * this.m_oFont.FontSize / UnitsPerEm * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
GetDescender : function()
var UnitsPerEm = this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em;
var Descender = this.m_oManager.m_lDescender;
return Descender * this.m_oFont.FontSize / UnitsPerEm * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
GetHeight : function()
var UnitsPerEm = this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em;
var Height = this.m_oManager.m_lLineHeight;
return Height * this.m_oFont.FontSize / UnitsPerEm * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
}; */
function CTextMeasurer()
this.m_oManager = new CFontManager();
this.m_oFont = null;
// RFonts
this.m_oTextPr = null;
this.m_oLastFont = new CFontSetup();
this.Init = function()
this.SetFont = function(font)
if (!font)
this.m_oFont = font;
if (-1 == font.FontFamily.Index || undefined === font.FontFamily.Index || null == font.FontFamily.Index)
font.FontFamily.Index = window.g_map_font_index[font.FontFamily.Name];
if (font.FontFamily.Index == undefined || font.FontFamily.Index == -1)
var bItalic = true === font.Italic;
var bBold = true === font.Bold;
var oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleRegular;
if ( !bItalic && bBold )
oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleBold;
else if ( bItalic && !bBold )
oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleItalic;
else if ( bItalic && bBold )
oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleBoldItalic;
var _lastSetUp = this.m_oLastFont;
if (_lastSetUp.SetUpIndex != font.FontFamily.Index || _lastSetUp.SetUpSize != font.FontSize || _lastSetUp.SetUpStyle != oFontStyle)
_lastSetUp.SetUpIndex = font.FontFamily.Index;
_lastSetUp.SetUpSize = font.FontSize;
_lastSetUp.SetUpStyle = oFontStyle;
window.g_font_infos[_lastSetUp.SetUpIndex].LoadFont(window.g_font_loader, this.m_oManager, _lastSetUp.SetUpSize, _lastSetUp.SetUpStyle, 72, 72);
this.SetTextPr = function(textPr)
this.m_oTextPr = textPr.Copy();
this.SetFontSlot = function(slot, fontSizeKoef)
var _rfonts = this.m_oTextPr.RFonts;
var _lastFont = this.m_oLastFont;
switch (slot)
case fontslot_ASCII:
_lastFont.Name = _rfonts.Ascii.Name;
_lastFont.Index = _rfonts.Ascii.Index;
if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined)
_lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name];
_lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSize;
_lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.Bold;
_lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.Italic;
case fontslot_CS:
_lastFont.Name = _rfonts.CS.Name;
_lastFont.Index = _rfonts.CS.Index;
if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined)
_lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name];
_lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSizeCS;
_lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.BoldCS;
_lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.ItalicCS;
case fontslot_EastAsia:
_lastFont.Name = _rfonts.EastAsia.Name;
_lastFont.Index = _rfonts.EastAsia.Index;
if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined)
_lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name];
_lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSize;
_lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.Bold;
_lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.Italic;
case fontslot_HAnsi:
_lastFont.Name = _rfonts.HAnsi.Name;
_lastFont.Index = _rfonts.HAnsi.Index;
if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined)
_lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name];
_lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSize;
_lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.Bold;
_lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.Italic;
if (undefined !== fontSizeKoef)
_lastFont.Size *= fontSizeKoef;
var _style = 0;
if (_lastFont.Italic)
_style += 2;
if (_lastFont.Bold)
_style += 1;
if (_lastFont.Index != _lastFont.SetUpIndex || _lastFont.Size != _lastFont.SetUpSize || _style != _lastFont.SetUpStyle)
_lastFont.SetUpIndex = _lastFont.Index;
_lastFont.SetUpSize = _lastFont.Size;
_lastFont.SetUpStyle = _style;
window.g_font_infos[_lastFont.SetUpIndex].LoadFont(window.g_font_loader, this.m_oManager, _lastFont.SetUpSize, _lastFont.SetUpStyle, 72, 72);
this.GetTextPr = function()
return this.m_oTextPr;
this.GetFont = function()
return this.m_oFont;
this.Measure = function(text)
var Width = 0;
var Height = 0;
var Temp = this.m_oManager.MeasureChar( text.charCodeAt(0) );
Width = Temp.fAdvanceX * 25.4 / 72;
Height = 0;//Temp.fHeight;
return { Width : Width, Height : Height };
this.Measure2 = function(text)
var Width = 0;
var Temp = this.m_oManager.MeasureChar( text.charCodeAt(0) );
Width = Temp.fAdvanceX * 25.4 / 72;
return { Width : Width, Ascent : (Temp.oBBox.fMaxY * 25.4 / 72), Height : ((Temp.oBBox.fMaxY - Temp.oBBox.fMinY) * 25.4 / 72),
WidthG: ((Temp.oBBox.fMaxX - Temp.oBBox.fMinX) * 25.4 / 72)};
this.MeasureCode = function(lUnicode)
var Width = 0;
var Height = 0;
var Temp = this.m_oManager.MeasureChar( lUnicode );
Width = Temp.fAdvanceX * 25.4 / 72;
Height = 0;//Temp.fHeight;
return { Width : Width, Height : Height };
this.Measure2Code = function(lUnicode)
var Width = 0;
var Temp = this.m_oManager.MeasureChar( lUnicode );
Width = Temp.fAdvanceX * 25.4 / 72;
return { Width : Width, Ascent : (Temp.oBBox.fMaxY * 25.4 / 72), Height : ((Temp.oBBox.fMaxY - Temp.oBBox.fMinY) * 25.4 / 72),
WidthG: ((Temp.oBBox.fMaxX - Temp.oBBox.fMinX) * 25.4 / 72)};
this.GetAscender = function()
var UnitsPerEm = this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em;
var Ascender = ( 0 !== this.m_oManager.m_lLineHeight ) ? 1.2 * this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em * this.m_oManager.m_lAscender / this.m_oManager.m_lLineHeight : this.m_oManager.m_lAscender;
return Ascender * this.m_oLastFont.SetUpSize / UnitsPerEm * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
this.GetDescender = function()
var UnitsPerEm = this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em;
var Descender = ( 0 !== this.m_oManager.m_lLineHeight ) ? 1.2 * this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em * this.m_oManager.m_lDescender / this.m_oManager.m_lLineHeight : this.m_oManager.m_lDescender;
return Descender * this.m_oLastFont.SetUpSize / UnitsPerEm * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
this.GetHeight = function()
var UnitsPerEm = this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em;
var Height = ( 0 !== this.m_oManager.m_lLineHeight ) ? 1.2 * this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em : this.m_oManager.m_lLineHeight;
return Height * this.m_oLastFont.SetUpSize / UnitsPerEm * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
var g_oTextMeasurer = new CTextMeasurer();
function CTableOutlineDr()
this.TableOutline = null;
this.Counter = 0;
this.bIsNoTable = true;
this.bIsTracked = false;
this.CurPos = null;
this.TrackTablePos = 0; // 0 - left_top, 1 - right_top, 2 - right_bottom, 3 - left_bottom
this.TrackOffsetX = 0;
this.TrackOffsetY = 0;
this.InlinePos = null;
this.IsChangeSmall = true;
this.ChangeSmallPoint = null;
this.checkMouseDown = function(pos, word_control)
if (null == this.TableOutline)
return false;
var _table_track = this.TableOutline;
var _d = 13 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * 100 / word_control.m_nZoomValue;
this.IsChangeSmall = true;
this.ChangeSmallPoint = pos;
switch (this.TrackTablePos)
case 1:
var _x = _table_track.X + _table_track.W;
var _b = _table_track.Y;
var _y = _b - _d;
var _r = _x + _d;
if ((pos.X > _x) && (pos.X < _r) && (pos.Y > _y) && (pos.Y < _b))
this.TrackOffsetX = pos.X - _x;
this.TrackOffsetY = pos.Y - _b;
return true;
return false;
case 2:
var _x = _table_track.X + _table_track.W;
var _y = _table_track.Y + _table_track.H;
var _r = _x + _d;
var _b = _y + _d;
if ((pos.X > _x) && (pos.X < _r) && (pos.Y > _y) && (pos.Y < _b))
this.TrackOffsetX = pos.X - _x;
this.TrackOffsetY = pos.Y - _y;
return true;
return false;
case 3:
var _r = _table_track.X;
var _x = _r - _d;
var _y = _table_track.Y + _table_track.H;
var _b = _y + _d;
if ((pos.X > _x) && (pos.X < _r) && (pos.Y > _y) && (pos.Y < _b))
this.TrackOffsetX = pos.X - _r;
this.TrackOffsetY = pos.Y - _y;
return true;
return false;
case 0:
var _r = _table_track.X;
var _b = _table_track.Y;
var _x = _r - _d;
var _y = _b - _d;
if ((pos.X > _x) && (pos.X < _r) && (pos.Y > _y) && (pos.Y < _b))
this.TrackOffsetX = pos.X - _r;
this.TrackOffsetY = pos.Y - _b;
return true;
return false;
return false;
this.checkMouseUp = function(X, Y, word_control)
this.bIsTracked = false;
if (null == this.TableOutline || (true === this.IsChangeSmall) || word_control.m_oApi.isViewMode)
return false;
var _d = 13 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * 100 / word_control.m_nZoomValue;
var _outline = this.TableOutline;
var _table = _outline.Table;
if (!_table.Is_Inline())
switch (this.TrackTablePos)
case 1:
var _w_pix = this.TableOutline.W * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100;
var pos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X - _w_pix, Y);
_table.Move(pos.X - this.TrackOffsetX, pos.Y - this.TrackOffsetY, pos.Page);
_outline.X = pos.X - this.TrackOffsetX;
_outline.Y = pos.Y - this.TrackOffsetY;
_outline.PageNum = pos.Page;
case 2:
var _w_pix = this.TableOutline.W * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100;
var _h_pix = this.TableOutline.H * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100;
var pos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X - _w_pix, Y - _h_pix);
_table.Move(pos.X - this.TrackOffsetX, pos.Y - this.TrackOffsetY, pos.Page);
_outline.X = pos.X - this.TrackOffsetX;
_outline.Y = pos.Y - this.TrackOffsetY;
_outline.PageNum = pos.Page;
case 3:
var _h_pix = this.TableOutline.H * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100;
var pos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X, Y - _h_pix);
_table.Move(pos.X - this.TrackOffsetX, pos.Y - this.TrackOffsetY, pos.Page);
_outline.X = pos.X - this.TrackOffsetX;
_outline.Y = pos.Y - this.TrackOffsetY;
_outline.PageNum = pos.Page;
case 0:
var pos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X, Y);
_table.Move(pos.X - this.TrackOffsetX, pos.Y - this.TrackOffsetY, pos.Page);
_outline.X = pos.X - this.TrackOffsetX;
_outline.Y = pos.Y - this.TrackOffsetY;
_outline.PageNum = pos.Page;
if (null != this.InlinePos)
// inline move
_table.Move(this.InlinePos.X, this.InlinePos.Y, this.InlinePos.Page);
this.checkMouseMove = function(X, Y, word_control)
if (null == this.TableOutline)
return false;
if (true === this.IsChangeSmall)
var _pos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X, Y);
var _dist = 15 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * 100 / word_control.m_nZoomValue;
if ((Math.abs(_pos.X - this.ChangeSmallPoint.X) < _dist) && (Math.abs(_pos.Y - this.ChangeSmallPoint.Y) < _dist) && (_pos.Page == this.ChangeSmallPoint.Page))
this.CurPos = { X: this.ChangeSmallPoint.X, Y : this.ChangeSmallPoint.Y, Page: this.ChangeSmallPoint.Page };
switch (this.TrackTablePos)
case 1:
this.CurPos.X -= this.TableOutline.W;
case 2:
this.CurPos.X -= this.TableOutline.W;
this.CurPos.Y -= this.TableOutline.H;
case 3:
this.CurPos.Y -= this.TableOutline.H;
case 0:
this.CurPos.X -= this.TrackOffsetX;
this.CurPos.Y -= this.TrackOffsetY;
this.IsChangeSmall = false;
var _d = 13 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm * 100 / word_control.m_nZoomValue;
switch (this.TrackTablePos)
case 1:
var _w_pix = this.TableOutline.W * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100;
this.CurPos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X - _w_pix, Y);
case 2:
var _w_pix = this.TableOutline.W * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100;
var _h_pix = this.TableOutline.H * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100;
this.CurPos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X - _w_pix, Y - _h_pix);
case 3:
var _h_pix = this.TableOutline.H * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix * word_control.m_nZoomValue / 100;
this.CurPos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X, Y - _h_pix);
case 0:
this.CurPos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2(X, Y);
this.CurPos.X -= this.TrackOffsetX;
this.CurPos.Y -= this.TrackOffsetY;
this.CheckStartTrack = function(word_control)
var pos = word_control.m_oDrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsToCursor(this.TableOutline.X, this.TableOutline.Y, this.TableOutline.PageNum, true);
var _x0 = word_control.m_oEditor.AbsolutePosition.L;
var _y0 = word_control.m_oEditor.AbsolutePosition.T;
if (pos.X < _x0 && pos.Y < _y0)
this.TrackTablePos = 2;
else if (pos.X < _x0)
this.TrackTablePos = 1;
else if (pos.Y < _y0)
this.TrackTablePos = 3;
this.TrackTablePos = 0;
function _rect()
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.w = 0;
this.h = 0;
function CDrawingPage()
this.left = 0; = 0;
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this.bottom = 0;
this.cachedImage = null;
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this.IsLockObjectsEnable = false;
this.cursorPaintFormat = "";
this.m_oWordControl = null;
this.m_oLogicDocument = null;
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this.IsEmptyPresentation = false;
this.SlideCurrent = -1;
this.SlideCurrectRect = new CDrawingPage();
this.m_bIsSelection = false;
this.m_bIsSearching = false;
this.CurrentSearchNavi = null;
var oThis = this;
this.m_sLockedCursorType = "";
this.TableOutlineDr = new CTableOutlineDr();
this.HorVerAnchors = [];
this.m_lCurrentRendererPage = -1;
this.m_oDocRenderer = null;
this.m_bOldShowMarks = false;
this.UpdateTargetFromPaint = false;
this.NeedTarget = true;
this.TextMatrix = null;
this.TargetShowFlag = false;
this.TargetShowNeedFlag = false;
this.CanvasHit = document.createElement('canvas');
this.CanvasHit.width = 10;
this.CanvasHit.height = 10;
this.CanvasHitContext = this.CanvasHit.getContext('2d');
this.TargetCursorColor = {R: 0, G: 0, B: 0};
this.AutoShapesTrack = null;
this.TransitionSlide = new CTransitionAnimation(null);
this.Start_CollaborationEditing = function()
this.IsMobileVersion = function()
this.SetCursorType = function(sType)
this.LockCursorType = function(sType)
this.LockCursorTypeCur = function()
this.UnlockCursorType = function()
this.OnStartRecalculate = function(pageCount)
this.SetTargetColor = function(r, g, b)
this.OnRecalculatePage = function(index, pageObject)
this.OnEndRecalculate = function()
this.SlidesCount = this.m_oLogicDocument.Slides.length;
this.ChangePageAttack = function(pageIndex)
this.RenderDocument = function(Renderer)
this.ToRenderer = function()
this.ToRenderer2 = function()
this.isComleteRenderer = function()
this.isComleteRenderer2 = function()
this.ToRendererPart = function()
this.SendChangeDocumentToApi = function(bIsAttack)
this.InitGuiCanvasTextProps = function(div_id)
this.DrawGuiCanvasTextProps = function(props)
this.DrawSelection = function(overlay)
this.DrawSearch = function(overlay)
this.DrawSearchCur = function(overlay, place)
this.StopRenderingPage = function(pageIndex)
this.ClearCachePages = function()
this.FirePaint = function()
this.StartTrackAutoshape = function()
this.EndTrackAutoShape = function()
this.ConvertCoordsFromCursor2 = function(x, y)
this.IsCursorInTableCur = function(x, y, page)
return false;
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OnPrAlign(выравнивание по ширине, правому краю, левому краю, по центру),
OnListType( возвращается CListType )
фейк-функции ожидающие TODO:
Print,Undo,Redo,Copy,Cut,Paste,Share,Save,Download & callbacks
OnFontName, OnFontSize, OnLineSpacing
OnFocusObject( возвращается массив CSelectedObject )
OnInitEditorStyles( возвращается CStylesPainter )
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OnLineSpacing( не используется? )
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// тут методы, замены евентов
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/*functions for working with clipboard, document*/
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CChartAsGroup.prototype.draw = function(graphics, pageIndex)
function CCacheManager()
var NATIVE_DOCUMENT_TYPE = "presentation";
\ No newline at end of file
var g_fontManager = new CFontManager();
function CTableMarkup(Table)
this.Internal =
RowIndex : 0,
CellIndex : 0,
PageNum : 0
this.Table = Table;
this.X = 0; // Смещение таблицы от начала страницы до первой колонки
this.Cols = new Array(); // массив ширин колонок
this.Margins = new Array(); // массив левых и правых маргинов
this.Rows = new Array(); // массив позиций, высот строк(для данной страницы)
// Rows = [ { Y : , H : }, ... ]
this.CurCol = 0; // текущая колонка
this.CurRow = 0; // текущая строка
this.TransformX = 0;
this.TransformY = 0;
CTableMarkup.prototype =
CreateDublicate : function()
var obj = new CTableMarkup(this.Table);
obj.Internal = { RowIndex : this.Internal.RowIndex, CellIndex : this.Internal.CellIndex, PageNum : this.Internal.PageNum };
obj.X = this.X;
var len = this.Cols.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
obj.Cols[i] = this.Cols[i];
len = this.Margins.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
obj.Margins[i] = { Left : this.Margins[i].Left, Right : this.Margins[i].Right };
len = this.Rows.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
obj.Rows[i] = { Y : this.Rows[i].Y, H : this.Rows[i].H };
obj.CurRow = this.CurRow;
obj.CurCol = this.CurCol;
return obj;
CorrectFrom : function()
this.X += this.TransformX;
var _len = this.Rows.length;
for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
this.Rows[i].Y += this.TransformY;
CorrectTo : function()
this.X -= this.TransformX;
var _len = this.Rows.length;
for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
this.Rows[i].Y -= this.TransformY;
Get_X : function()
return this.X;
Get_Y : function()
var _Y = 0;
if (this.Rows.length > 0)
_Y = this.Rows[0].Y;
return _Y;
function CTableOutline(Table, PageNum, X, Y, W, H)
this.Table = Table;
this.PageNum = PageNum;
this.X = X;
this.Y = Y;
this.W = W;
this.H = H;
function CTextMeasurer()
this.m_oManager = new CFontManager();
this.m_oFont = null;
// RFonts
this.m_oTextPr = null;
this.m_oLastFont = new CFontSetup();
this.Init = function()
this.SetFont = function(font)
if (!font)
this.m_oFont = font;
if (-1 == font.FontFamily.Index || undefined === font.FontFamily.Index || null == font.FontFamily.Index)
font.FontFamily.Index = window.g_map_font_index[font.FontFamily.Name];
if (font.FontFamily.Index == undefined || font.FontFamily.Index == -1)
var bItalic = true === font.Italic;
var bBold = true === font.Bold;
var oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleRegular;
if ( !bItalic && bBold )
oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleBold;
else if ( bItalic && !bBold )
oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleItalic;
else if ( bItalic && bBold )
oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleBoldItalic;
var _lastSetUp = this.m_oLastFont;
if (_lastSetUp.SetUpIndex != font.FontFamily.Index || _lastSetUp.SetUpSize != font.FontSize || _lastSetUp.SetUpStyle != oFontStyle)
_lastSetUp.SetUpIndex = font.FontFamily.Index;
_lastSetUp.SetUpSize = font.FontSize;
_lastSetUp.SetUpStyle = oFontStyle;
window.g_font_infos[_lastSetUp.SetUpIndex].LoadFont(window.g_font_loader, this.m_oManager, _lastSetUp.SetUpSize, _lastSetUp.SetUpStyle, 72, 72);
this.SetTextPr = function(textPr)
this.m_oTextPr = textPr.Copy();
this.SetFontSlot = function(slot, fontSizeKoef)
var _rfonts = this.m_oTextPr.RFonts;
var _lastFont = this.m_oLastFont;
switch (slot)
case fontslot_ASCII:
_lastFont.Name = _rfonts.Ascii.Name;
_lastFont.Index = _rfonts.Ascii.Index;
if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined)
_lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name];
_lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSize;
_lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.Bold;
_lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.Italic;
case fontslot_CS:
_lastFont.Name = _rfonts.CS.Name;
_lastFont.Index = _rfonts.CS.Index;
if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined)
_lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name];
_lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSizeCS;
_lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.BoldCS;
_lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.ItalicCS;
case fontslot_EastAsia:
_lastFont.Name = _rfonts.EastAsia.Name;
_lastFont.Index = _rfonts.EastAsia.Index;
if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined)
_lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name];
_lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSize;
_lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.Bold;
_lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.Italic;
case fontslot_HAnsi:
_lastFont.Name = _rfonts.HAnsi.Name;
_lastFont.Index = _rfonts.HAnsi.Index;
if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined)
_lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name];
_lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSize;
_lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.Bold;
_lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.Italic;
if (undefined !== fontSizeKoef)
_lastFont.Size *= fontSizeKoef;
var _style = 0;
if (_lastFont.Italic)
_style += 2;
if (_lastFont.Bold)
_style += 1;
if (_lastFont.Index != _lastFont.SetUpIndex || _lastFont.Size != _lastFont.SetUpSize || _style != _lastFont.SetUpStyle)
_lastFont.SetUpIndex = _lastFont.Index;
_lastFont.SetUpSize = _lastFont.Size;
_lastFont.SetUpStyle = _style;
window.g_font_infos[_lastFont.SetUpIndex].LoadFont(window.g_font_loader, this.m_oManager, _lastFont.SetUpSize, _lastFont.SetUpStyle, 72, 72);
this.GetTextPr = function()
return this.m_oTextPr;
this.GetFont = function()
return this.m_oFont;
this.Measure = function(text)
var Width = 0;
var Height = 0;
var Temp = this.m_oManager.MeasureChar( text.charCodeAt(0) );
Width = Temp.fAdvanceX * 25.4 / 72;
Height = 0;//Temp.fHeight;
return { Width : Width, Height : Height };
this.Measure2 = function(text)
var Width = 0;
var Temp = this.m_oManager.MeasureChar( text.charCodeAt(0) );
Width = Temp.fAdvanceX * 25.4 / 72;
return { Width : Width, Ascent : (Temp.oBBox.fMaxY * 25.4 / 72), Height : ((Temp.oBBox.fMaxY - Temp.oBBox.fMinY) * 25.4 / 72),
WidthG: ((Temp.oBBox.fMaxX - Temp.oBBox.fMinX) * 25.4 / 72)};
this.MeasureCode = function(lUnicode)
var Width = 0;
var Height = 0;
var Temp = this.m_oManager.MeasureChar( lUnicode );
Width = Temp.fAdvanceX * 25.4 / 72;
Height = 0;//Temp.fHeight;
return { Width : Width, Height : Height };
this.Measure2Code = function(lUnicode)
var Width = 0;
var Temp = this.m_oManager.MeasureChar( lUnicode );
Width = Temp.fAdvanceX * 25.4 / 72;
return { Width : Width, Ascent : (Temp.oBBox.fMaxY * 25.4 / 72), Height : ((Temp.oBBox.fMaxY - Temp.oBBox.fMinY) * 25.4 / 72),
WidthG: ((Temp.oBBox.fMaxX - Temp.oBBox.fMinX) * 25.4 / 72)};
this.GetAscender = function()
var UnitsPerEm = this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em;
var Ascender = this.m_oManager.m_lAscender;
return Ascender * this.m_oLastFont.SetUpSize / UnitsPerEm * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
this.GetDescender = function()
var UnitsPerEm = this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em;
var Descender = this.m_oManager.m_lDescender;
return Descender * this.m_oLastFont.SetUpSize / UnitsPerEm * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
this.GetHeight = function()
var UnitsPerEm = this.m_oManager.m_lUnits_Per_Em;
var Height = this.m_oManager.m_lLineHeight;
return Height * this.m_oLastFont.SetUpSize / UnitsPerEm * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
var g_oTextMeasurer = new CTextMeasurer();
function _rect()
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.w = 0;
this.h = 0;
function CDrawingPage()
this.left = 0; = 0;
this.right = 0;
this.bottom = 0;
this.cachedImage = null;
function CPage()
this.width_mm = 210;
this.height_mm = 297;
this.margin_left = 0;
this.margin_top = 0;
this.margin_right = 0;
this.margin_bottom = 0;
this.pageIndex = -1;
function CDrawingDocument()
this.IsLockObjectsEnable = false;
this.m_oWordControl = null;
this.m_oLogicDocument = null;
this.m_oDocumentRenderer = null;
this.m_arrPages = new Array();
this.m_lPagesCount = 0;
this.m_lDrawingFirst = -1;
this.m_lDrawingEnd = -1;
this.m_lCurrentPage = -1;
this.FrameRect = { IsActive : false, Rect : { X : 0, Y : 0, R : 0, B : 0 }, Frame : null,
Track : { X : 0, Y : 0, L : 0, T : 0, R : 0, B : 0, PageIndex : 0, Type : -1 }, IsTracked : false, PageIndex : 0 };
this.m_lCountCalculatePages = 0;
this.Start_CollaborationEditing = function()
this.SetCursorType = function(sType, Data)
this.LockCursorType = function(sType)
this.LockCursorTypeCur = function()
this.UnlockCursorType = function()
this.OnStartRecalculate = function(pageCount)
this.m_lCountCalculatePages = pageCount;
this.OnRepaintPage = function(index)
this.OnRecalculatePage = function(index, pageObject)
this.m_lCountCalculatePages = index + 1;
if (undefined === this.m_arrPages[index])
this.m_arrPages[index] = new CPage();
var page = this.m_arrPages[index];
page.width_mm = pageObject.Width;
page.height_mm = pageObject.Height;
page.margin_left = pageObject.Margins.Left;
page.margin_top = pageObject.Margins.Top;
page.margin_right = pageObject.Margins.Right;
page.margin_bottom = pageObject.Margins.Bottom;
page.pageIndex = index;
this.OnEndRecalculate = function(isFull, isBreak)
if (undefined != isBreak)
this.m_lCountCalculatePages = this.m_lPagesCount;
if (isFull)
this.m_lPagesCount = this.m_lCountCalculatePages;
this.ChangePageAttack = function(pageIndex)
this.RenderDocument = function(Renderer)
for (var i = 0; i < this.m_lPagesCount; i++)
var page = this.m_arrPages[i];
Renderer.BeginPage(page.width_mm, page.height_mm);
this.m_oLogicDocument.DrawPage(i, Renderer);
this.ToRenderer = function()
var Renderer = new CDocumentRenderer();
Renderer.VectorMemoryForPrint = new CMemory();
var old_marks = this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.ShowParaMarks;
this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.ShowParaMarks = false;
this.m_oWordControl.m_oApi.ShowParaMarks = old_marks;
var ret = Renderer.Memory.GetBase64Memory();
return ret;
this.ClearCachePages = function()
this.FirePaint = function()
this.InitViewer = function()
this.TargetStart = function()
this.TargetEnd = function()
this.UpdateTargetNoAttack = function()
this.GetTargetStyle = function()
this.SetTargetColor = function(r, g, b)
this.UpdateTargetTransform = function(matrix)
this.UpdateTarget = function(x, y, pageIndex)
this.SetTargetSize = function(size)
this.TargetShow = function()
this.StartTrackImage = function(obj, x, y, w, h, type, pagenum)
this.StartTrackTable = function(obj, transform)
this.EndTrackTable = function(pointer, bIsAttack)
this.CheckTrackTable = function()
this.SetCurrentPage = function(PageIndex)
this.SelectEnabled = function(bIsEnabled)
this.SelectClear = function()
this.SearchClear = function()
this.AddPageSearch = function(findText, rects, type)
this.StartSearchTransform = function(transform)
this.EndSearchTransform = function()
this.StartSearch = function()
this.EndSearch = function(bIsChange)
this.AddPageSelection = function(pageIndex, x, y, w, h)
this.AddPageSelection2 = function(pageIndex, x, y, width, height)
this.SelectShow = function()
this.Set_RulerState_Table = function(markup, transform)
this.Set_RulerState_Paragraph = function(margins)
this.Set_RulerState_HdrFtr = function(bHeader, Y0, Y1)
this.Update_ParaTab = function(Default_Tab, ParaTabs)
this.UpdateTableRuler = function(isCols, index, position)
this.GetDotsPerMM = function(value)
return value * this.m_oWordControl.m_nZoomValue * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix / 100;
this.GetMMPerDot = function(value)
return value / this.GetDotsPerMM( 1 );
this.GetVisibleMMHeight = function()
// при загрузке документа - нужно понять какие шрифты используются
this.CheckFontNeeds = function()
var map_keys = this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Document_Get_AllFontNames();
var dstfonts = new Array();
for (var i in map_keys)
dstfonts[dstfonts.length] = new CFont(i, 0, "", 0, null);
this.m_oWordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Fonts = dstfonts;
// вот здесь весь трекинг
this.DrawTrack = function(type, matrix, left, top, width, height, isLine, canRotate)
this.DrawTrackSelectShapes = function(x, y, w, h)
this.DrawAdjustment = function(matrix, x, y)
this.LockTrackPageNum = function(nPageNum)
this.UnlockTrackPageNum = function()
this.IsMobileVersion = function()
return false;
this.OnSelectEnd = function()
this.DrawVerAnchor = function(pageNum, xPos, bIsFromDrawings)
this.DrawHorAnchor = function(pageNum, yPos, bIsFromDrawings)
this.DrawHorVerAnchor = function()
// track text (inline)
this.StartTrackText = function()
this.EndTrackText = function()
\ No newline at end of file
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var g_dKoef_mm_to_pix = g_dDpiX / 25.4;
var g_dKoef_pix_to_mm = 25.4 / g_dDpiX;
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var orientation_Landscape = 0x01;
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if (AscBrowser.isIE || window.opera)
// не убирать!!! это для ие. чтобы не селектились элементы
document.onselectstart= function() {
return false;
function CEditorPage(api)
this.Name = "";
this.X = 0;
this.Y = 0;
this.Width = 10;
this.Height = 10;
this.m_nZoomValue = 100;
this.m_oBoundsController = new CBoundsController();
this.m_nTabsType = 0;
this.m_oDrawingDocument = new CDrawingDocument();
this.m_oDrawingDocument.m_oWordControl = this;
this.m_oLogicDocument = null;
this.m_oApi = api;
\ No newline at end of file
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
CFontFileLoader.prototype.LoadFontNative = function()
var __font_data_idx = g_fonts_streams.length;
var _data = window.native.GetFontBinary(this.Id);
g_fonts_streams[__font_data_idx] = new FT_Stream(_data, _data.length);
this.Status = 0;
BinaryFileReader.prototype.ReadNative = function(data)
{ = new FT_Stream2(data, data.length);
if(e.message == g_sErrorCharCountMessage)
return false;
throw e;
return true;
CChartAsGroup.prototype.draw = function(graphics, pageIndex)
var NATIVE_DOCUMENT_TYPE = "document";
\ No newline at end of file
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