@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ class RtfAbsPosTab : public IDocumentElement
l_ptablnone,//\ptablnone Absolute position tab with a blank leading (default).
l_ptabldot,//\ptabldot Absolute position tab with a leading that uses period symbols (.....).
l_ptablminus,//\ptablminus Absolute position tab with a leading that uses minus symbols (-----).
l_ptabluscore,//\ptabluscore Absolute position tab with a leading that uses underscore symbols (_____).
l_ptablmdot,//\ptablmdot Absolute position tab with a leading that uses middle dot symbols (•••••).
l_ptablnone,//ptablnone Absolute position tab with a blank leading (default).
l_ptabldot,//ptabldot Absolute position tab with a leading that uses period symbols (.....).
l_ptablminus,//ptablminus Absolute position tab with a leading that uses minus symbols (-----).
l_ptabluscore,//ptabluscore Absolute position tab with a leading that uses underscore symbols (_____).
l_ptablmdot,//ptablmdot Absolute position tab with a leading that uses middle dot symbols (•••••).
@@ -127,43 +127,44 @@ public:
rsc_chdate,//\chdate Current date (as in headers).
rsc_chdpl,//\chdpl Current date in long format (for example, Wednesday, February 20, 2008).
rsc_chdpa,//\chdpa Current date in abbreviated format (for example, Wed, Feb 20, 2008).
rsc_chtime,//\chtime Current time (as in headers).
rsc_chpgn,//\chpgn Current page number (as in headers).
rsc_sectnum,//\sectnum Current section number (as in headers).
rsc_chftn,//\chftn Automatic footnote reference (footnotes follow in a group).
rsc_chatn,//\chatn Annotation reference (annotation text follows in a group).
rsc_chftnsep,//\chftnsep Anchoring character for footnote separator.
rsc_chftnsepc,//\chftnsepc Anchoring character for footnote continuation.
rsc_page,//\page Required page break.
rsc_column,//\column Required column break.
rsc_line,//\line Required line break (no paragraph break).
rsc_softpage,//\softpage Nonrequired page break. Emitted as it appears in galley view.
rsc_softcol,//\softcol Nonrequired column break. Emitted as it appears in galley view.
rsc_softline,//\softline Nonrequired line break. Emitted as it appears in galley view.
rsc_tab,//\tab Tab character.
rsc_emspace,//\emspace Non-breaking space equal to width of character “m” in current font. Some old RTF writers use the construct '{' \emspace ' }' (with two spaces before the closing brace) to trick readers unaware of \emspace into parsing a regular space. A reader should interpret this as an \emspace and a regular space.
rsc_enspace,//\enspace Nonbreaking space equal to width of character “n” in current font. Some old RTF writers use the construct '{' \enspace ' }' (with two spaces before the closing brace) to trick readers unaware of \enspace into parsing a regular space. A reader should interpret this as an \enspace and a regular space.
rsc_qmspace,//\qmspace One-quarter em space.
rsc_Formula,//\| Formula character. (Used by Word 5.1 for the Macintosh as the beginning delimiter for a string of formula typesetting commands.)
rsc_OptHyphen,//\- Optional hyphen.
rsc_NonBrHyphen,//\_ Non-breaking hyphen.
rsc_NonBrSpace,//\~ Non-breaking space.
rsc_SubEntry,//\: Specifies a subentry in an index entry.
rsc_zwbo,//\zwbo Zero-width break opportunity. Used to insert break opportunity between two characters.
rsc_zwnbo,//\zwnbo Zero-width non-break opportunity. Used to remove break opportunity between two characters.
rsc_zwj,//\zwj Zero-width joiner. This is used for ligating (joining) characters.
rsc_zwnj,//\zwnj Zero-width nonjoiner. This is used for unligating a character.
rsc_chdate,// chdate Current date (as in headers).
rsc_chdpl,// chdpl Current date in long format (for example, Wednesday, February 20, 2008).
rsc_chdpa,// chdpa Current date in abbreviated format (for example, Wed, Feb 20, 2008).
rsc_chtime,// chtime Current time (as in headers).
rsc_chpgn,// chpgn Current page number (as in headers).
rsc_sectnum,// sectnum Current section number (as in headers).
rsc_chftn,// chftn Automatic footnote reference (footnotes follow in a group).
rsc_chatn,// chatn Annotation reference (annotation text follows in a group).
rsc_chftnsep,// chftnsep Anchoring character for footnote separator.
rsc_chftnsepc,// chftnsepc Anchoring character for footnote continuation.
rsc_page,// page Required page break.
rsc_column,// column Required column break.
rsc_line,// line Required line break (no paragraph break).
rsc_softpage,// softpage Nonrequired page break. Emitted as it appears in galley view.
rsc_softcol,// softcol Nonrequired column break. Emitted as it appears in galley view.
rsc_softline,// softline Nonrequired line break. Emitted as it appears in galley view.
rsc_tab,// tab Tab character.
rsc_emspace,// emspace Non-breaking space equal to width of character “m” in current font. Some old RTF writers use the construct '{' \emspace ' }' (with two spaces before the closing brace) to trick readers unaware of \emspace into parsing a regular space. A reader should interpret this as an \emspace and a regular space.
rsc_enspace,// enspace Nonbreaking space equal to width of character “n” in current font. Some old RTF writers use the construct '{' \enspace ' }' (with two spaces before the closing brace) to trick readers unaware of \enspace into parsing a regular space. A reader should interpret this as an \enspace and a regular space.
rsc_qmspace,// qmspace One-quarter em space.
rsc_Formula,// | Formula character. (Used by Word 5.1 for the Macintosh as the beginning delimiter for a string of formula typesetting commands.)
rsc_OptHyphen,// - Optional hyphen.
rsc_NonBrHyphen,// _ Non-breaking hyphen.
rsc_NonBrSpace,// ~ Non-breaking space.
rsc_SubEntry,// : Specifies a subentry in an index entry.
rsc_zwbo,// zwbo Zero-width break opportunity. Used to insert break opportunity between two characters.
rsc_zwnbo,// zwnbo Zero-width non-break opportunity. Used to remove break opportunity between two characters.
rsc_zwj,// zwj Zero-width joiner. This is used for ligating (joining) characters.
rsc_zwnj,// zwnj Zero-width nonjoiner. This is used for unligating a character.
intm_nTextWrapBreak;//\lbrN Text wrapping break of type
intm_nSoftHeight;//\softlheightN Nonrequired line height. This is emitted as a prefix to each line.
intm_nTextWrapBreak;// lbrN Text wrapping break of type
intm_nSoftHeight;// softlheightN Nonrequired line height. This is emitted as a prefix to each line.
hr_phmrg,//\tphmrg Use margin as horizontal reference frame.
hr_phmrg,//tphmrg Use margin as horizontal reference frame.
hr_phpg,//tphpg Use page as horizontal reference frame.
hr_phcol//tphcol Use column as horizontal reference frame. This is the default if no horizontal table positioning information is given.
@@ -1797,7 +1770,7 @@ public:
intm_nGraph;//trgaphN Half the space between the cells of a table row in twips.
@@ -2088,9 +2061,9 @@ public:
intm_nHorSpace;//\dxfrtextN Distance in twips of a positioned paragraph from text in the main text flow in all directions.
intm_nVerSpace;//\dfrmtxtxN N is the horizontal distance in twips from text on both sides of the frame.
intm_nAllSpace;//\dfrmtxtyN N is the vertical distance in twips from text on both sides of the frame.
intm_nHorSpace;//dxfrtextN Distance in twips of a positioned paragraph from text in the main text flow in all directions.
intm_nVerSpace;//dfrmtxtxN N is the horizontal distance in twips from text on both sides of the frame.
intm_nAllSpace;//dfrmtxtyN N is the vertical distance in twips from text on both sides of the frame.
@@ -2244,18 +2217,18 @@ public:
//Table Style Specific
intm_bStyleFirstRow;//\tscfirstrow This cell is in the first row.
intm_bStyleLastRow;//\tsclastrow This cell is in the last row.
intm_bStyleFirstCol;//\tscfirstcol This cell is in the first column.
intm_bStyleLastCol;//\tsclastcol This cell is in the last column.
intm_bStyleOddRowBand;//\tscbandhorzodd This cell is in the odd row band.
intm_bStyleEvenRowBand;//\tscbandhorzeven This cell is in the even row band.
intm_bStyleOddColBand;//\tscbandvertodd This cell is in the odd column band.
intm_bStyleEvenColBand;//\tscbandverteven This cell is in the even column band.
intm_bStyleNWCell;//\tscnwcell This is the NW (north west) cell in the table (upper left).
intm_bStyleNECell;//\tscnecell NE cell
intm_bStyleSWCell;//\tscswcell SW cell.
intm_bStyleSECell;//\tscsecell SE cell.
intm_bStyleFirstRow;//tscfirstrow This cell is in the first row.
intm_bStyleLastRow;//tsclastrow This cell is in the last row.
intm_bStyleFirstCol;//tscfirstcol This cell is in the first column.
intm_bStyleLastCol;//tsclastcol This cell is in the last column.
intm_bStyleOddRowBand;//tscbandhorzodd This cell is in the odd row band.
intm_bStyleEvenRowBand;//tscbandhorzeven This cell is in the even row band.
intm_bStyleOddColBand;//tscbandvertodd This cell is in the odd column band.
intm_bStyleEvenColBand;//tscbandverteven This cell is in the even column band.
intm_bStyleNWCell;//tscnwcell This is the NW (north west) cell in the table (upper left).
intm_bStyleNECell;//tscnecell NE cell
intm_bStyleSWCell;//tscswcell SW cell.
intm_bStyleSECell;//tscsecell SE cell.
@@ -2444,18 +2417,18 @@ public:
intm_nGridBefore;//для oox
intm_nGridAfter;//для oox
intm_bStyleFirstRow;//\tscfirstrow This cell is in the first row.
intm_bStyleLastRow;//\tsclastrow This cell is in the last row.
intm_bStyleFirstCol;//\tscfirstcol This cell is in the first column.
intm_bStyleLastCol;//\tsclastcol This cell is in the last column.
intm_bStyleOddRowBand;//\tscbandhorzodd This cell is in the odd row band.
intm_bStyleEvenRowBand;//\tscbandhorzeven This cell is in the even row band.
intm_bStyleOddColBand;//\tscbandvertodd This cell is in the odd column band.
intm_bStyleEvenColBand;//\tscbandverteven This cell is in the even column band.
intm_bStyleNWCell;//\tscnwcell This is the NW (north west) cell in the table (upper left).
intm_bStyleNECell;//\tscnecell NE cell
intm_bStyleSWCell;//\tscswcell SW cell.
intm_bStyleSECell;//\tscsecell SE cell.
intm_bStyleFirstRow;//tscfirstrow This cell is in the first row.
intm_bStyleLastRow;//tsclastrow This cell is in the last row.
intm_bStyleFirstCol;//tscfirstcol This cell is in the first column.
intm_bStyleLastCol;//tsclastcol This cell is in the last column.
intm_bStyleOddRowBand;//tscbandhorzodd This cell is in the odd row band.
intm_bStyleEvenRowBand;//tscbandhorzeven This cell is in the even row band.
intm_bStyleOddColBand;//tscbandvertodd This cell is in the odd column band.
intm_bStyleEvenColBand;//tscbandverteven This cell is in the even column band.
intm_bStyleNWCell;//tscnwcell This is the NW (north west) cell in the table (upper left).
intm_bStyleNECell;//tscnecell NE cell
intm_bStyleSWCell;//tscswcell SW cell.
intm_bStyleSECell;//tscsecell SE cell.
@@ -2583,7 +2556,7 @@ public:
intm_bKeep;//keep Keep paragraph intact (completely on one page if possible).
intm_bKeepNext;//keepn Keep paragraph with the next paragraph.
intm_bPageBB;//pagebb Break page before the paragraph.
intm_nOutlinelevel;//\outlinelevelN Outline level of paragraph. The N argument is a value from 0 to 8 representing the outline level of the paragraph. In the default case, no outline level is specified (same as body text).
intm_nOutlinelevel;//outlinelevelN Outline level of paragraph. The N argument is a value from 0 to 8 representing the outline level of the paragraph. In the default case, no outline level is specified (same as body text).
intm_nStyle;//sN Designates paragraph style. If a paragraph style is specified, style properties must be specified with the paragraph. N references an entry in the style sheet.
@@ -2671,19 +2644,19 @@ public:
//Table Style Specific
intm_nTableStyle;//\ytsN Designates the table style handle that was applied to the row/cell.
intm_bStyleFirstRow;//\tscfirstrow This cell is in the first row.
intm_bStyleLastRow;//\tsclastrow This cell is in the last row.
intm_bStyleFirstCollumn;//\tscfirstcol This cell is in the first column.
intm_bStyleLastCollumn;//\tsclastcol This cell is in the last column.
intm_bStyleOddRowBand;//\tscbandhorzodd This cell is in the odd row band.
intm_bStyleEvenRowBand;//\tscbandhorzeven This cell is in the even row band.
intm_bStyleOddColBand;//\tscbandvertodd This cell is in the odd column band.
intm_bStyleEvenColBand;//\tscbandverteven This cell is in the even column band.
intm_bStyleNWCell;//\tscnwcell This is the NW (north west) cell in the table (upper left).
intm_bStyleNECell;//\tscnecell NE cell.
intm_bStyleSWCell;//\tscswcell SW cell.
intm_bStyleSECell;//\tscsecell SE cell.
intm_nTableStyle;//ytsN Designates the table style handle that was applied to the row/cell.
intm_bStyleFirstRow;//tscfirstrow This cell is in the first row.
intm_bStyleLastRow;//tsclastrow This cell is in the last row.
intm_bStyleFirstCollumn;//tscfirstcol This cell is in the first column.
intm_bStyleLastCollumn;//tsclastcol This cell is in the last column.
intm_bStyleOddRowBand;//tscbandhorzodd This cell is in the odd row band.
intm_bStyleEvenRowBand;//tscbandhorzeven This cell is in the even row band.
intm_bStyleOddColBand;//tscbandvertodd This cell is in the odd column band.
intm_bStyleEvenColBand;//tscbandverteven This cell is in the even column band.
intm_bStyleNWCell;//tscnwcell This is the NW (north west) cell in the table (upper left).