Commit b82a8c6b authored by Oleg Korshul's avatar Oleg Korshul


parent d76b1897
...@@ -63,1700 +63,439 @@ CDocxRenderer::~CDocxRenderer() ...@@ -63,1700 +63,439 @@ CDocxRenderer::~CDocxRenderer()
} }
void CreateFile(const std::wstring& wsPath); void CDocxRenderer::CreateFile(const std::wstring& wsPath)
void Close();
void SetTextAssociationType(const NSDocxRenderer::TextAssociationType& eType);
void SetTempFolder(const std::wstring& wsPath);
// Тип рендерера
virtual HRESULT get_Type(LONG* lType);
// Функции для работы со страницей
virtual HRESULT NewPage();
virtual HRESULT get_Height(double* dHeight);
virtual HRESULT put_Height(const double& dHeight);
virtual HRESULT get_Width(double* dWidth);
virtual HRESULT put_Width(const double& dWidth);
virtual HRESULT get_DpiX(double* dDpiX);
virtual HRESULT get_DpiY(double* dDpiY);
// Функции для работы с Pen
virtual HRESULT get_PenColor(LONG* lColor);
virtual HRESULT put_PenColor(const LONG& lColor);
virtual HRESULT get_PenAlpha(LONG* lAlpha);
virtual HRESULT put_PenAlpha(const LONG& lAlpha);
virtual HRESULT get_PenSize(double* dSize);
virtual HRESULT put_PenSize(const double& dSize);
virtual HRESULT get_PenDashStyle(BYTE* nDashStyle);
virtual HRESULT put_PenDashStyle(const BYTE& nDashStyle);
virtual HRESULT get_PenLineStartCap(BYTE* nCapStyle);
virtual HRESULT put_PenLineStartCap(const BYTE& nCapStyle);
virtual HRESULT get_PenLineEndCap(BYTE* nCapStyle);
virtual HRESULT put_PenLineEndCap(const BYTE& nCapStyle);
virtual HRESULT get_PenLineJoin(BYTE* nJoinStyle);
virtual HRESULT put_PenLineJoin(const BYTE& nJoinStyle);
virtual HRESULT get_PenDashOffset(double* dOffset);
virtual HRESULT put_PenDashOffset(const double& dOffset);
virtual HRESULT get_PenAlign(LONG* lAlign);
virtual HRESULT put_PenAlign(const LONG& lAlign);
virtual HRESULT get_PenMiterLimit(double* dMiter);
virtual HRESULT put_PenMiterLimit(const double& dMiter);
virtual HRESULT PenDashPattern(double* pPattern, LONG lCount);
// Функции для работы с Brush
virtual HRESULT get_BrushType(LONG* lType);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushType(const LONG& lType);
virtual HRESULT get_BrushColor1(LONG* lColor);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushColor1(const LONG& lColor);
virtual HRESULT get_BrushAlpha1(LONG* lAlpha);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushAlpha1(const LONG& lAlpha);
virtual HRESULT get_BrushColor2(LONG* lColor);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushColor2(const LONG& lColor);
virtual HRESULT get_BrushAlpha2(LONG* lAlpha);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushAlpha2(const LONG& lAlpha);
virtual HRESULT get_BrushTexturePath(std::wstring* wsPath);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushTexturePath(const std::wstring& wsPath);
virtual HRESULT get_BrushTextureMode(LONG* lMode);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushTextureMode(const LONG& lMode);
virtual HRESULT get_BrushTextureAlpha(LONG* lAlpha);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushTextureAlpha(const LONG& lAlpha);
virtual HRESULT get_BrushLinearAngle(double* dAngle);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushLinearAngle(const double& dAngle);
virtual HRESULT BrushRect(const INT& nVal, const double& dLeft, const double& dTop, const double& dWidth, const double& dHeight);
virtual HRESULT BrushBounds(const double& dLeft, const double& dTop, const double& dWidth, const double& dHeight);
virtual HRESULT put_BrushGradientColors(LONG* pColors, double* pPositions, LONG lCount);
// Функции для работы со шрифтами
virtual HRESULT get_FontName(std::wstring* wsName);
virtual HRESULT put_FontName(const std::wstring& wsName);
virtual HRESULT get_FontPath(std::wstring* wsPath);
virtual HRESULT put_FontPath(const std::wstring& wsPath);
virtual HRESULT get_FontSize(double* dSize);
virtual HRESULT put_FontSize(const double& dSize);
virtual HRESULT get_FontStyle(LONG* lStyle);
virtual HRESULT put_FontStyle(const LONG& lStyle);
virtual HRESULT get_FontStringGID(INT* bGid);
virtual HRESULT put_FontStringGID(const INT& bGid);
virtual HRESULT get_FontCharSpace(double* dSpace);
virtual HRESULT put_FontCharSpace(const double& dSpace);
virtual HRESULT get_FontFaceIndex(int* lFaceIndex);
virtual HRESULT put_FontFaceIndex(const int& lFaceIndex);
// Функции для вывода текста
virtual HRESULT CommandDrawTextCHAR (const LONG& lUnicode, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH);
virtual HRESULT CommandDrawTextExCHAR(const LONG& lUnicode, const LONG& lGid, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH);
virtual HRESULT CommandDrawText (const std::wstring& wsUnicodeText, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH);
virtual HRESULT CommandDrawTextEx (const std::wstring& wsUnicodeText, const unsigned int* pGids, const unsigned int nGidsCount, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH);
// Маркеры команд
virtual HRESULT BeginCommand(const DWORD& lType);
virtual HRESULT EndCommand(const DWORD& lType);
// Функции для работы с патом
virtual HRESULT PathCommandMoveTo(const double& dX, const double& dY);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandLineTo(const double& dX, const double& dY);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandLinesTo(double* pPoints, const int& nCount);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandCurveTo(const double& dX1, const double& dY1, const double& dX2, const double& dY2, const double& dXe, const double& dYe);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandCurvesTo(double* pPoints, const int& nCount);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandArcTo(const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH, const double& dStartAngle, const double& dSweepAngle);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandClose();
virtual HRESULT PathCommandEnd();
virtual HRESULT DrawPath(const LONG& lType);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandStart();
virtual HRESULT PathCommandGetCurrentPoint(double* dX, double* dY);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandTextCHAR (const LONG& lUnicode, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandTextExCHAR(const LONG& lUnicode, const LONG& lGid, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandText (const std::wstring& wsUnicodeText, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH);
virtual HRESULT PathCommandTextEx (const std::wstring& wsUnicodeText, const unsigned int* pGids, const unsigned int nGidsCount, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH);
// Функции для вывода изображений
virtual HRESULT DrawImage(IGrObject* pImage, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH);
virtual HRESULT DrawImageFromFile(const std::wstring& wsImagePath, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH, const BYTE& nAlpha = 255);
// Функции для выставления преобразования
virtual HRESULT SetTransform(const double& dM11, const double& dM12, const double& dM21, const double& dM22, const double& dX, const double& dY);
virtual HRESULT GetTransform(double* dM11, double* dM12, double* dM21, double* dM22, double* dX, double* dY);
virtual HRESULT ResetTransform();
// Тип клипа
virtual HRESULT get_ClipMode(LONG* lMode);
virtual HRESULT put_ClipMode(const LONG& lMode);
// Дополнительные функции
virtual HRESULT CommandLong(const LONG& lType, const LONG& lCommand);
virtual HRESULT CommandDouble(const LONG& lType, const double& dCommand);
virtual HRESULT CommandString(const LONG& lType, const std::wstring& sCommand);
CPdfRenderer::CPdfRenderer(CApplicationFonts* pAppFonts) : m_oCommandManager(this)
m_pAppFonts = pAppFonts;
// Создаем менеджер шрифтов с собственным кэшем
m_pFontManager = pAppFonts->GenerateFontManager();
CFontsCache* pMeasurerCache = new CFontsCache();
m_pDocument = new CDocument();
if (!m_pDocument || !m_pDocument->CreateNew())
m_bValid = true;
m_dPageHeight = 297;
m_dPageWidth = 210;
m_pPage = NULL;
m_pFont = NULL;
m_nCounter = 0;
m_nPagesCount = 0;
m_bNeedUpdateTextFont = true;
m_bNeedUpdateTextColor = true;
m_bNeedUpdateTextAlpha = true;
m_bNeedUpdateTextCharSpace = true;
m_bNeedUpdateTextSize = true;
m_wsTempFolder = L"";
{ {
RELEASEOBJECT(m_pDocument); return S_OK;
if (L"" != m_wsTempFolder)
} }
void CPdfRenderer::SaveToFile(const std::wstring& wsPath) void CDocxRenderer::Close()
{ {
if (!IsValid()) return S_OK;
} }
void CPdfRenderer::SetTempFolder(const std::wstring& wsPath)
if (L"" != m_wsTempFolder)
int nCounter = 0;
m_wsTempFolder = wsPath;
int nPathLen = (int)m_wsTempFolder.length();
if (nPathLen > 0)
const wchar_t* pData = m_wsTempFolder.c_str();
if ((pData[nPathLen - 1] != '/') && (pData[nPathLen - 1] != '\\'))
m_wsTempFolder += L"/";
m_wsTempFolder += L"PDF";
std::wstring sTest = m_wsTempFolder; void CDocxRenderer::SetTextAssociationType(const NSDocxRenderer::TextAssociationType& eType)
while (NSDirectory::Exists(m_wsTempFolder))
m_wsTempFolder = sTest + L"/PDF_" + std::to_wstring(nCounter);
std::wstring CPdfRenderer::GetTempFile()
return NSFile::CFileBinary::CreateTempFileWithUniqueName(m_wsTempFolder, L"PDF");
void CPdfRenderer::SetThemesPlace(const std::wstring& wsThemesPlace)
{ {
m_wsThemesPlace = wsThemesPlace; return S_OK;
} }
std::wstring CPdfRenderer::GetThemesPlace()
void CDocxRenderer::SetTempFolder(const std::wstring& wsPath)
{ {
return m_wsThemesPlace; return S_OK;
} }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Тип рендерера // Тип рендерера
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_Type(LONG* lType) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_Type(LONG* lType)
{ {
*lType = c_nPDFWriter; return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Функции для работы со страницей // Функции для работы со страницей
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::NewPage() virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::NewPage()
{ {
m_oCommandManager.Flush(); return S_OK;
if (!IsValid())
return S_FALSE;
m_pPage = m_pDocument->AddPage();
if (!m_pPage)
return S_FALSE;
m_lClipDepth = 0;
m_nPagesCount++;//printf("Page %d\n", m_nPagesCount++);
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_Height(double* dHeight) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_Height(double* dHeight)
{ {
*dHeight = m_dPageHeight; return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_Height(const double& dHeight) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_Height(const double& dHeight)
{ {
if (!IsValid() || !m_pPage) return S_OK;
return S_FALSE;
m_dPageHeight = dHeight;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_Width(double* dWidth) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_Width(double* dWidth)
{ {
*dWidth = m_dPageWidth; return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_Width(const double& dWidth) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_Width(const double& dWidth)
{ {
if (!IsValid() || !m_pPage) return S_OK;
return S_FALSE;
m_dPageWidth = dWidth;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_DpiX(double* dDpiX) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_DpiX(double* dDpiX)
{ {
*dDpiX = 72; return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_DpiY(double* dDpiY) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_DpiY(double* dDpiY)
{ {
*dDpiY = 72; return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Функции для работы с Pen // Функции для работы с Pen
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_PenColor(LONG* lColor) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_PenColor(LONG* lColor)
{ {
*lColor = m_oPen.GetColor(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_PenColor(const LONG& lColor) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_PenColor(const LONG& lColor)
{ {
m_oPen.SetColor(lColor); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_PenAlpha(LONG* lAlpha) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_PenAlpha(LONG* lAlpha)
{ {
*lAlpha = m_oPen.GetAlpha(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_PenAlpha(const LONG& lAlpha) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_PenAlpha(const LONG& lAlpha)
{ {
m_oPen.SetAlpha(lAlpha); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_PenSize(double* dSize) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_PenSize(double* dSize)
{ {
*dSize = m_oPen.GetSize(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_PenSize(const double& dSize) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_PenSize(const double& dSize)
{ {
m_oPen.SetSize(dSize); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_PenDashStyle(BYTE* nDashStyle) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_PenDashStyle(BYTE* nDashStyle)
{ {
*nDashStyle = m_oPen.GetDashStyle(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_PenDashStyle(const BYTE& nDashStyle) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_PenDashStyle(const BYTE& nDashStyle)
{ {
m_oPen.SetDashStyle(nDashStyle); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_PenLineStartCap(BYTE* nCapStyle) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_PenLineStartCap(BYTE* nCapStyle)
{ {
*nCapStyle = m_oPen.GetStartCapStyle(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_PenLineStartCap(const BYTE& nCapStyle) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_PenLineStartCap(const BYTE& nCapStyle)
{ {
m_oPen.SetStartCapStyle(nCapStyle); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_PenLineEndCap(BYTE* nCapStyle) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_PenLineEndCap(BYTE* nCapStyle)
{ {
*nCapStyle = m_oPen.GetEndCapStyle(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_PenLineEndCap(const BYTE& nCapStyle) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_PenLineEndCap(const BYTE& nCapStyle)
{ {
m_oPen.SetEndCapStyle(nCapStyle); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_PenLineJoin(BYTE* nJoinStyle) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_PenLineJoin(BYTE* nJoinStyle)
{ {
*nJoinStyle = m_oPen.GetJoinStyle(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_PenLineJoin(const BYTE& nJoinStyle) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_PenLineJoin(const BYTE& nJoinStyle)
{ {
m_oPen.SetJoinStyle(nJoinStyle); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_PenDashOffset(double* dOffset) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_PenDashOffset(double* dOffset)
{ {
*dOffset = m_oPen.GetDashOffset(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_PenDashOffset(const double& dOffset) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_PenDashOffset(const double& dOffset)
{ {
m_oPen.SetDashOffset(dOffset); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_PenAlign(LONG* lAlign) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_PenAlign(LONG* lAlign)
{ {
*lAlign = m_oPen.GetAlign(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_PenAlign(const LONG& lAlign) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_PenAlign(const LONG& lAlign)
{ {
m_oPen.SetAlign(lAlign); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_PenMiterLimit(double* dMiter) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_PenMiterLimit(double* dMiter)
{ {
*dMiter = m_oPen.GetMiter(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_PenMiterLimit(const double& dMiter) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_PenMiterLimit(const double& dMiter)
{ {
m_oPen.SetMiter(dMiter); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::PenDashPattern(double* pPattern, LONG lCount) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::PenDashPattern(double* pPattern, LONG lCount)
{ {
m_oPen.SetDashPattern(pPattern, lCount); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Функции для работы с Brush // Функции для работы с Brush
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_BrushType(LONG* lType) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_BrushType(LONG* lType)
{ {
*lType = m_oBrush.GetType(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_BrushType(const LONG& lType) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_BrushType(const LONG& lType)
{ {
m_oBrush.SetType(lType); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_BrushColor1(LONG* lColor) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_BrushColor1(LONG* lColor)
{ {
*lColor = m_oBrush.GetColor1(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_BrushColor1(const LONG& lColor) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_BrushColor1(const LONG& lColor)
{ {
if (lColor != m_oBrush.GetColor1()) return S_OK;
m_bNeedUpdateTextColor = true;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_BrushAlpha1(LONG* lAlpha) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_BrushAlpha1(LONG* lAlpha)
{ {
*lAlpha = m_oBrush.GetAlpha1(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_BrushAlpha1(const LONG& lAlpha) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_BrushAlpha1(const LONG& lAlpha)
{ {
if (lAlpha != m_oBrush.GetAlpha1()) return S_OK;
m_bNeedUpdateTextAlpha = true;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_BrushColor2(LONG* lColor) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_BrushColor2(LONG* lColor)
{ {
*lColor = m_oBrush.GetColor2(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_BrushColor2(const LONG& lColor) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_BrushColor2(const LONG& lColor)
{ {
m_oBrush.SetColor2(lColor); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_BrushAlpha2(LONG* lAlpha) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_BrushAlpha2(LONG* lAlpha)
{ {
*lAlpha = m_oBrush.GetAlpha2(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_BrushAlpha2(const LONG& lAlpha) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_BrushAlpha2(const LONG& lAlpha)
{ {
m_oBrush.SetAlpha2(lAlpha); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_BrushTexturePath(std::wstring* wsPath) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_BrushTexturePath(std::wstring* wsPath)
{ {
*wsPath = m_oBrush.GetTexturePath(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_BrushTexturePath(const std::wstring& wsPath) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_BrushTexturePath(const std::wstring& wsPath)
{ {
m_oBrush.SetTexturePath(wsPath); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_BrushTextureMode(LONG* lMode) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_BrushTextureMode(LONG* lMode)
{ {
*lMode = m_oBrush.GetTextureMode(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_BrushTextureMode(const LONG& lMode) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_BrushTextureMode(const LONG& lMode)
{ {
m_oBrush.SetTextureMode(lMode); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_BrushTextureAlpha(LONG* lAlpha) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_BrushTextureAlpha(LONG* lAlpha)
{ {
*lAlpha = m_oBrush.GetTextureAlpha(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_BrushTextureAlpha(const LONG& lAlpha) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_BrushTextureAlpha(const LONG& lAlpha)
{ {
m_oBrush.SetTextureAlpha(lAlpha); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_BrushLinearAngle(double* dAngle) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_BrushLinearAngle(double* dAngle)
{ {
*dAngle = m_oBrush.GetLinearAngle(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_BrushLinearAngle(const double& dAngle) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_BrushLinearAngle(const double& dAngle)
{ {
m_oBrush.SetLinearAngle(dAngle); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::BrushRect(const INT& nVal, const double& dLeft, const double& dTop, const double& dWidth, const double& dHeight) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::BrushRect(const INT& nVal, const double& dLeft, const double& dTop, const double& dWidth, const double& dHeight)
{ {
// Данными параметрами пользуемся, только если пришла команда EnableBrushRect, если команда не пришла, тогда return S_OK;
// ориентируемся на границы пата.
m_oBrush.SetBrushRect(nVal, dLeft, dTop, dWidth, dHeight);
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::BrushBounds(const double& dLeft, const double& dTop, const double& dWidth, const double& dHeight) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::BrushBounds(const double& dLeft, const double& dTop, const double& dWidth, const double& dHeight)
{ {
// TODO: Пока определяется все по границам пата return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_BrushGradientColors(LONG* lColors, double* pPositions, LONG lCount) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_BrushGradientColors(LONG* pColors, double* pPositions, LONG lCount)
{ {
m_oBrush.SetGradientColors(lColors, pPositions, lCount); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Функции для работы со шрифтами // Функции для работы со шрифтами
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_FontName(std::wstring* wsName) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_FontName(std::wstring* wsName)
{ {
*wsName = m_oFont.GetName(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_FontName(const std::wstring& wsName) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_FontName(const std::wstring& wsName)
{ {
if (wsName != m_oFont.GetName()) return S_OK;
m_bNeedUpdateTextFont = true;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_FontPath(std::wstring* wsPath) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_FontPath(std::wstring* wsPath)
{ {
*wsPath = m_oFont.GetPath(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_FontPath(const std::wstring& wsPath) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_FontPath(const std::wstring& wsPath)
{ {
if (wsPath != m_oFont.GetPath()) return S_OK;
m_bNeedUpdateTextFont = true;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_FontSize(double* dSize) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_FontSize(double* dSize)
{ {
*dSize = m_oFont.GetSize(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_FontSize(const double& dSize) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_FontSize(const double& dSize)
{ {
if (fabs(dSize - m_oFont.GetSize()) > 0.001) return S_OK;
m_bNeedUpdateTextSize = true;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_FontStyle(LONG* lStyle) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_FontStyle(LONG* lStyle)
{ {
*lStyle = m_oFont.GetStyle(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_FontStyle(const LONG& lStyle) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_FontStyle(const LONG& lStyle)
{ {
if (lStyle != m_oFont.GetStyle()) return S_OK;
m_bNeedUpdateTextFont = true;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_FontStringGID(INT* bGid) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_FontStringGID(INT* bGid)
{ {
*bGid = m_oFont.GetGid() ? 1 : 0; return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_FontStringGID(const INT& bGid) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_FontStringGID(const INT& bGid)
{ {
m_oFont.SetGid(bGid ? true : false); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_FontCharSpace(double* dSpace) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_FontCharSpace(double* dSpace)
{ {
*dSpace = m_oFont.GetCharSpace(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_FontCharSpace(const double& dSpace) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_FontCharSpace(const double& dSpace)
{ {
if (fabs(dSpace - m_oFont.GetCharSpace()) > 0.001) return S_OK;
m_bNeedUpdateTextCharSpace = true;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_FontFaceIndex(int* nFaceIndex) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_FontFaceIndex(int* lFaceIndex)
{ {
*nFaceIndex = (int)m_oFont.GetFaceIndex(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_FontFaceIndex(const int& nFaceIndex) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_FontFaceIndex(const int& lFaceIndex)
{ {
if (nFaceIndex != m_oFont.GetFaceIndex()) return S_OK;
m_bNeedUpdateTextFont = true;
return S_OK;
} }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Функции для вывода текста // Функции для вывода текста
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::CommandDrawTextCHAR(const LONG& lUnicode, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::CommandDrawTextCHAR (const LONG& lUnicode, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH)
{ {
if (!IsPageValid()) return S_OK;
return S_FALSE;
unsigned int unUnicode = lUnicode;
bool bRes = DrawText(&unUnicode, 1, dX, dY, NULL);
return bRes ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::CommandDrawText(const std::wstring& wsUnicodeText, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::CommandDrawTextExCHAR(const LONG& lUnicode, const LONG& lGid, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH)
{ {
if (!IsPageValid() || !wsUnicodeText.size()) return S_OK;
return S_FALSE;
unsigned int unLen;
unsigned int* pUnicodes = WStringToUtf32(wsUnicodeText, unLen);
if (!pUnicodes)
return S_FALSE;
// Специальный случай для текста из Djvu, нам не нужно, чтобы он рисовался
if (L"" == m_oFont.GetPath() && L"DjvuEmptyFont" == m_oFont.GetName())
if (m_bNeedUpdateTextFont)
if (!m_pFont)
return S_FALSE;
double dFontSize = MM_2_PT(dH);
unsigned char* pCodes = m_pFont->EncodeString(pUnicodes, unLen);
delete[] pUnicodes;
double dStringWidth = 0;
for (unsigned int unIndex = 0; unIndex < unLen; unIndex++)
unsigned short ushCode = (pCodes[2 * unIndex] << 8) + pCodes[2 * unIndex + 1];
dStringWidth += m_pFont->GetWidth(ushCode) * dFontSize / 1000.0;
double dResultWidth = MM_2_PT(dW);
CTransform& t = m_oTransform;
m_oCommandManager.SetTransform(t.m11, -t.m12, -t.m21, t.m22, MM_2_PT(t.dx + t.m21 * m_dPageHeight), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - m_dPageHeight * t.m22 - t.dy));
CRendererTextCommand* pText = m_oCommandManager.AddText(pCodes, unLen * 2, MM_2_PT(dX), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - dY - dH));
if (fabs(dStringWidth) > 0.001)
pText->SetHorScaling(dResultWidth / dStringWidth * 100);
return S_OK;
bool bRes = DrawText(pUnicodes, unLen, dX, dY, NULL);
delete[] pUnicodes;
return bRes ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::CommandDrawTextExCHAR(const LONG& lUnicode, const LONG& lGid, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::CommandDrawText (const std::wstring& wsUnicodeText, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH)
{ {
if (!IsPageValid()) return S_OK;
return S_FALSE;
unsigned int unUnicode = lUnicode;
unsigned int unGid = lGid;
bool bRes = DrawText(&unUnicode, 1, dX, dY, &unGid);
return bRes ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::CommandDrawTextEx(const std::wstring& wsUnicodeText, const unsigned int* pGids, const unsigned int unGidsCount, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::CommandDrawTextEx (const std::wstring& wsUnicodeText, const unsigned int* pGids, const unsigned int nGidsCount, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH)
{ {
if (!IsPageValid() || (!wsUnicodeText.size() && (!pGids || !unGidsCount))) return S_OK;
return S_FALSE;
unsigned int unLen = 0;
unsigned int* pUnicodes = NULL;
if (pGids && unGidsCount)
unLen = unGidsCount;
if (wsUnicodeText.size())
unsigned int unUnicodeLen;
pUnicodes = WStringToUtf32(wsUnicodeText, unUnicodeLen);
if (!pUnicodes || unUnicodeLen != unLen)
if (!pUnicodes)
pUnicodes = new unsigned int[unLen];
if (!pUnicodes)
return S_FALSE;
for (unsigned int unIndex = 0; unIndex < unLen; unIndex++)
pUnicodes[unIndex] = pGids[unIndex];
pUnicodes = WStringToUtf32(wsUnicodeText, unLen);
if (!pUnicodes)
return S_FALSE;
bool bRes = DrawText(pUnicodes, unLen, dX, dY, pGids);
return bRes ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
} }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Маркеры команд // Маркеры команд
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::BeginCommand(const DWORD& dwType) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::BeginCommand(const DWORD& lType)
{ {
// Здесь мы ничего не делаем return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::EndCommand(const DWORD& dwType) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::EndCommand(const DWORD& lType)
{ {
if (!IsPageValid()) return S_OK;
return S_FALSE;
// Здесь мы различаем лишь 2 команды: присоединить текущий пат к клипу и отменить клип
if (c_nClipType == dwType)
if (c_nClipRegionTypeEvenOdd & m_lClipMode)
m_oPath.Clip(m_pPage, true);
m_oPath.Clip(m_pPage, false);
else if (c_nResetClipType == dwType)
while (m_lClipDepth)
return S_OK;
} }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Функции для работы с патом // Функции для работы с патом
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::PathCommandStart() virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::PathCommandMoveTo(const double& dX, const double& dY)
{ {
m_oPath.Clear(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::PathCommandEnd() virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::PathCommandLineTo(const double& dX, const double& dY)
{ {
m_oPath.Clear(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::DrawPath(const LONG& lType) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::PathCommandLinesTo(double* pPoints, const int& nCount)
{ {
m_oCommandManager.Flush(); return S_OK;
if (!IsPageValid())
return S_FALSE;
bool bStroke = LONG_2_BOOL(lType & c_nStroke);
bool bFill = LONG_2_BOOL(lType & c_nWindingFillMode);
bool bEoFill = LONG_2_BOOL(lType & c_nEvenOddFillMode);
if (bStroke)
if (bFill || bEoFill)
if (!m_pShading)
m_oPath.Draw(m_pPage, bStroke, bFill, bEoFill);
if (bFill || bEoFill)
m_oPath.Clip(m_pPage, bEoFill);
if (NULL != m_pShadingExtGrState)
if (bStroke)
m_oPath.Draw(m_pPage, bStroke, false, false);
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::PathCommandMoveTo(const double& dX, const double& dY) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::PathCommandCurveTo(const double& dX1, const double& dY1, const double& dX2, const double& dY2, const double& dXe, const double& dYe)
{ {
m_oPath.MoveTo(MM_2_PT(dX), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - dY)); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::PathCommandLineTo(const double& dX, const double& dY) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::PathCommandCurvesTo(double* pPoints, const int& nCount)
{ {
m_oPath.LineTo(MM_2_PT(dX), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - dY)); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::PathCommandLinesTo(double* pPoints, const int& nCount) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::PathCommandArcTo(const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH, const double& dStartAngle, const double& dSweepAngle)
{ {
if (nCount < 4 || !pPoints) return S_OK;
return S_OK;
if (!m_oPath.IsMoveTo())
m_oPath.MoveTo(MM_2_PT(pPoints[0]), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - pPoints[1]));
int nPointsCount = (nCount / 2) - 1;
for (int nIndex = 1; nIndex <= nPointsCount; ++nIndex)
m_oPath.LineTo(MM_2_PT(pPoints[nIndex * 2]), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - pPoints[nIndex * 2 + 1]));
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::PathCommandCurveTo(const double& dX1, const double& dY1, const double& dX2, const double& dY2, const double& dXe, const double& dYe) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::PathCommandClose()
{ {
m_oPath.CurveTo(MM_2_PT(dX1), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - dY1), MM_2_PT(dX2), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - dY2), MM_2_PT(dXe), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - dYe)); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::PathCommandCurvesTo(double* pPoints, const int& nCount) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::PathCommandEnd()
{ {
if (nCount < 8 || !pPoints) return S_OK;
return S_OK;
if (!m_oPath.IsMoveTo())
m_oPath.MoveTo(MM_2_PT(pPoints[0]), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - pPoints[1]));
int nPointsCount = (nCount - 2) / 6;
double* pCur = pPoints + 2;
for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex <= nPointsCount; ++nIndex, pCur += 6)
m_oPath.CurveTo(MM_2_PT(pCur[0]), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - pCur[1]), MM_2_PT(pCur[2]), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - pCur[3]), MM_2_PT(pCur[4]), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - pCur[5]));
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::PathCommandArcTo(const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH, const double& dStartAngle, const double& dSweepAngle) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::DrawPath(const LONG& lType)
{ {
m_oPath.ArcTo(MM_2_PT(dX), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - dY - dH), MM_2_PT(dW), MM_2_PT(dH), dStartAngle, dSweepAngle); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::PathCommandClose() virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::PathCommandStart()
{ {
m_oPath.Close(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::PathCommandGetCurrentPoint(double* dX, double* dY) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::PathCommandGetCurrentPoint(double* dX, double* dY)
{ {
m_oPath.GetLastPoint(*dX, *dY); return S_OK;
*dX = PT_2_MM(*dX);
*dY = PT_2_MM(*dY);
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::PathCommandTextCHAR(const LONG& lUnicode, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::PathCommandTextCHAR (const LONG& lUnicode, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH)
{ {
unsigned int unUnicode = lUnicode; return S_OK;
bool bRes = PathCommandDrawText(&unUnicode, 1, dX, dY, NULL);
return bRes ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::PathCommandText(const std::wstring& wsUnicodeText, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::PathCommandTextExCHAR(const LONG& lUnicode, const LONG& lGid, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH)
{ {
unsigned int unLen; return S_OK;
unsigned int* pUnicodes = WStringToUtf32(wsUnicodeText, unLen);
if (!pUnicodes)
return S_FALSE;
PathCommandDrawText(pUnicodes, unLen, dX, dY, NULL);
delete[] pUnicodes;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::PathCommandTextExCHAR(const LONG& lUnicode, const LONG& lGid, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::PathCommandText (const std::wstring& wsUnicodeText, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH)
{ {
unsigned int unUnicode = lUnicode; return S_OK;
unsigned int unGid = lGid;
bool bRes = PathCommandDrawText(&unUnicode, 1, dX, dY, &unGid);
return bRes ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::PathCommandTextEx(const std::wstring& wsUnicodeText, const unsigned int* pGids, const unsigned int unGidsCount, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::PathCommandTextEx (const std::wstring& wsUnicodeText, const unsigned int* pGids, const unsigned int nGidsCount, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH)
{ {
if (!IsPageValid() || (!wsUnicodeText.size() && (!pGids || !unGidsCount))) return S_OK;
return S_FALSE;
unsigned int unLen = 0;
unsigned int* pUnicodes = NULL;
if (pGids && unGidsCount)
unLen = unGidsCount;
if (wsUnicodeText.size())
unsigned int unUnicodeLen;
pUnicodes = WStringToUtf32(wsUnicodeText, unUnicodeLen);
if (!pUnicodes || unUnicodeLen != unLen)
if (!pUnicodes)
pUnicodes = new unsigned int[unLen];
if (!pUnicodes)
return S_FALSE;
for (unsigned int unIndex = 0; unIndex < unLen; unIndex++)
pUnicodes[unIndex] = pGids[unIndex];
pUnicodes = WStringToUtf32(wsUnicodeText, unLen);
if (!pUnicodes)
return S_FALSE;
bool bRes = PathCommandDrawText(pUnicodes, unLen, dX, dY, pGids);
return bRes ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
} }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Функции для вывода изображений // Функции для вывода изображений
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::DrawImage(IGrObject* pImage, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::DrawImage(IGrObject* pImage, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH)
{ {
m_oCommandManager.Flush(); return S_OK;
if (!IsPageValid() || !pImage)
return S_OK;
if (!DrawImage((Aggplus::CImage*)pImage, dX, dY, dW, dH, 255))
return S_FALSE;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::DrawImageFromFile(const std::wstring& wsImagePath, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH, const BYTE& nAlpha) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::DrawImageFromFile(const std::wstring& wsImagePath, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH, const BYTE& nAlpha = 255)
{ {
m_oCommandManager.Flush(); return S_OK;
if (!IsPageValid())
return S_OK;
Aggplus::CImage* pAggImage = NULL;
CImageFileFormatChecker oImageFormat(wsImagePath);
if (_CXIMAGE_FORMAT_WMF == oImageFormat.eFileType || _CXIMAGE_FORMAT_EMF == oImageFormat.eFileType || _CXIMAGE_FORMAT_SVM == oImageFormat.eFileType)
// TODO: Реализовать отрисовку метафайлов по-нормальному
MetaFile::CMetaFile oMeta(m_pAppFonts);
double dNewW = std::max(10.0, dW) / 25.4 * 300;
std::wstring wsTempFile = GetTempFile();
oMeta.ConvertToRaster(wsTempFile.c_str(), _CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG, dNewW);
pAggImage = new Aggplus::CImage(wsTempFile);
pAggImage = new Aggplus::CImage(wsImagePath);
if (!pAggImage)
return S_FALSE;
if (!DrawImage(pAggImage, dX, dY, dW, dH, nAlpha))
delete pAggImage;
return S_FALSE;
delete pAggImage;
return S_OK;
} }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Функции для выставления преобразования // Функции для выставления преобразования
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::SetTransform(const double& dM11, const double& dM12, const double& dM21, const double& dM22, const double& dX, const double& dY) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::SetTransform(const double& dM11, const double& dM12, const double& dM21, const double& dM22, const double& dX, const double& dY)
{ {
m_oCommandManager.Flush(); return S_OK;
m_oTransform.Set(dM11, dM12, dM21, dM22, dX, dY);
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::GetTransform(double* dM11, double* dM12, double* dM21, double* dM22, double* dX, double* dY) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::GetTransform(double* dM11, double* dM12, double* dM21, double* dM22, double* dX, double* dY)
{ {
*dM11 = m_oTransform.m11; return S_OK;
*dM12 = m_oTransform.m12;
*dM21 = m_oTransform.m21;
*dM22 = m_oTransform.m22;
*dX = m_oTransform.dx;
*dY = m_oTransform.dy;
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::ResetTransform() virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::ResetTransform()
{ {
m_oCommandManager.Flush(); return S_OK;
return S_OK;
} }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Тип клипа // Тип клипа
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::get_ClipMode(LONG* lMode) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::get_ClipMode(LONG* lMode)
*lMode = m_lClipMode;
return S_OK;
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::put_ClipMode(const LONG& lMode)
m_lClipMode = lMode;
return S_OK;
// Дополнительные функции
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::CommandLong(const LONG& lType, const LONG& lCommand)
return S_OK;
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::CommandDouble(const LONG& lType, const double& dCommand)
return S_OK;
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::CommandString(const LONG& lType, const std::wstring& sCommand)
return S_OK;
// Дополнительные функции Pdf рендерера
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::CommandDrawTextPdf(const std::wstring& bsUnicodeText, const unsigned int* pGids, const unsigned int unGidsCount, const std::wstring& bsSrcCodeText, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH)
return S_OK;
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::PathCommandTextPdf(const std::wstring& bsUnicodeText, const unsigned int* pGids, const unsigned int unGidsCount, const std::wstring& bsSrcCodeText, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH)
return S_OK;
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::DrawImage1bpp(Pix* pImageBuffer, const unsigned int& unWidth, const unsigned int& unHeight, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH)
if (!IsPageValid() || !pImageBuffer)
return S_OK;
CImageDict* pPdfImage = m_pDocument->CreateImage();
pPdfImage->LoadBW(pImageBuffer, unWidth, unHeight);
m_pPage->DrawImage(pPdfImage, MM_2_PT(dX), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - dY - dH), MM_2_PT(dW), MM_2_PT(dH));
return S_OK;
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::EnableBrushRect(const LONG& lEnable)
return S_OK;
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::SetLinearGradient(const double& dX0, const double& dY0, const double& dX1, const double& dY1)
{ {
m_oBrush.SetType(c_BrushTypeLinearGradient); return S_OK;
m_oBrush.SetLinearGradientPattern(dX0, dY0, dX1, dY1);
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::SetRadialGradient(const double& dX0, const double& dY0, const double& dR0, const double& dX1, const double& dY1, const double& dR1) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::put_ClipMode(const LONG& lMode)
{ {
m_oBrush.SetType(c_BrushTypeRadialGradient); return S_OK;
m_oBrush.SetRadialGradientPattern(dX0, dY0, dR0, dX1, dY1, dR1);
return S_OK;
} }
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::DrawImageWith1bppMask(IGrObject* pImage, Pix* pMaskBuffer, const unsigned int& unMaskWidth, const unsigned int& unMaskHeight, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH)
if (!IsPageValid() || !pMaskBuffer || !pImage)
return S_OK;
CImageDict* pPdfImage = LoadImage((Aggplus::CImage*)pImage, 255);
pPdfImage->LoadMask(pMaskBuffer, unMaskWidth, unMaskHeight);
m_pPage->DrawImage(pPdfImage, MM_2_PT(dX), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - dY - dH), MM_2_PT(dW), MM_2_PT(dH));
return S_OK;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Внутренние функции // Дополнительные функции
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PdfWriter::CImageDict* CPdfRenderer::LoadImage(Aggplus::CImage* pImage, const BYTE& nAlpha) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::CommandLong(const LONG& lType, const LONG& lCommand)
{ {
int nImageW = abs((int)pImage->GetWidth()); return S_OK;
int nImageH = abs((int)pImage->GetHeight());
BYTE* pData = pImage->GetData();
int nStride = 4 * nImageW;
// Картинки совсем маленьких размеров нельзя делать Jpeg2000
bool bJpeg = false;
if (nImageH < 100 || nImageW < 100)
bJpeg = true;
// TODO: Пока не разберемся как в CxImage управлять параметрами кодирования нельзя писать в Jpeg2000,
// т.к. файлы получаются гораздо больше и конвертация идет намного дольше.
bJpeg = true;
// Пробегаемся по картинке и определяем есть ли у нас альфа-канал
bool bAlpha = false;
for (int nIndex = 0, nSize = nImageW * nImageH; nIndex < nSize; nIndex++)
if (pData[4 * nIndex + 3] < 255)
bAlpha = true;
CxImage oCxImage;
if (!oCxImage.CreateFromArray(pData, nImageW, nImageH, 32, nStride, (pImage->GetStride() >= 0) ? true : false))
return NULL;
BYTE* pBuffer = NULL;
int nBufferSize = 0;
if (!oCxImage.Encode(pBuffer, nBufferSize, bJpeg ? CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG : CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JP2))
return NULL;
if (!pBuffer || !nBufferSize)
return NULL;
CImageDict* pPdfImage = m_pDocument->CreateImage();
if (bAlpha || nAlpha < 255)
pPdfImage->LoadSMask(pData, nImageW, nImageH, nAlpha, (pImage->GetStride() >= 0) ? false : true);
if (bJpeg)
pPdfImage->LoadJpeg(pBuffer, nBufferSize, nImageW, nImageH);
pPdfImage->LoadJpx(pBuffer, nBufferSize, nImageW, nImageH);
return pPdfImage;
bool CPdfRenderer::DrawImage(Aggplus::CImage* pImage, const double& dX, const double& dY, const double& dW, const double& dH, const BYTE& nAlpha)
CImageDict* pPdfImage = LoadImage(pImage, nAlpha);
if (!pPdfImage)
return false;
m_pPage->DrawImage(pPdfImage, MM_2_PT(dX), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - dY - dH), MM_2_PT(dW), MM_2_PT(dH));
return true;
} }
bool CPdfRenderer::DrawText(unsigned int* pUnicodes, unsigned int unLen, const double& dX, const double& dY, const unsigned int* pGids) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::CommandDouble(const LONG& lType, const double& dCommand)
{ {
if (m_bNeedUpdateTextFont) return S_OK;
if (!m_pFont)
return false;
unsigned char* pCodes = m_pFont->EncodeString(pUnicodes, unLen, pGids);
CTransform& t = m_oTransform;
m_oCommandManager.SetTransform(t.m11, -t.m12, -t.m21, t.m22, MM_2_PT(t.dx + t.m21 * m_dPageHeight), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - m_dPageHeight * t.m22 - t.dy));
CRendererTextCommand* pText = m_oCommandManager.AddText(pCodes, unLen * 2, MM_2_PT(dX), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - dY));
return true;
} }
bool CPdfRenderer::PathCommandDrawText(unsigned int* pUnicodes, unsigned int unLen, const double& dX, const double& dY, const unsigned int* pGids) virtual HRESULT CDocxRenderer::CommandString(const LONG& lType, const std::wstring& sCommand)
{ {
if (m_bNeedUpdateTextFont) return S_OK;
if (!m_pFont)
return false;
unsigned char* pCodes = m_pFont->EncodeString(pUnicodes, unLen, pGids);
m_oPath.AddText(m_pFont, pCodes, unLen * 2, MM_2_PT(dX), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - dY), m_oFont.GetSize(), MM_2_PT(m_oFont.GetCharSpace()));
return true;
void CPdfRenderer::UpdateFont()
m_bNeedUpdateTextFont = false;
std::wstring wsFontPath = m_oFont.GetPath();
LONG lFaceIndex = m_oFont.GetFaceIndex();
if (L"" == wsFontPath)
std::wstring wsFontName = m_oFont.GetName();
bool bBold = m_oFont.IsBold();
bool bItalic = m_oFont.IsItalic();
bool bFind = false;
for (int nIndex = 0, nCount = m_vFonts.size(); nIndex < nCount; nIndex++)
TFontInfo& oInfo =;
if (oInfo.wsFontName == wsFontName && oInfo.bBold == bBold && oInfo.bItalic == bItalic)
wsFontPath = oInfo.wsFontPath;
lFaceIndex = oInfo.lFaceIndex;
bFind = true;
if (!bFind)
CFontSelectFormat oFontSelect;
oFontSelect.wsName = new std::wstring(m_oFont.GetName());
oFontSelect.bItalic = new INT(m_oFont.IsItalic() ? 1 : 0);
oFontSelect.bBold = new INT(m_oFont.IsBold() ? 1 : 0);
CFontInfo* pFontInfo = m_pFontManager->GetFontInfoByParams(oFontSelect, false);
wsFontPath = pFontInfo->m_wsFontPath;
lFaceIndex = pFontInfo->m_lIndex;
m_vFonts.push_back(TFontInfo(wsFontName, bBold, bItalic, wsFontPath, lFaceIndex));
m_pFont = NULL;
if (L"" != wsFontPath)
// TODO: Пока мы здесь предполагаем, что шрифты только либо TrueType, либо OpenType
m_pFontManager->LoadFontFromFile(wsFontPath, lFaceIndex, 10, 72, 72);
std::wstring wsFontType = m_pFontManager->GetFontType();
if (L"TrueType" == wsFontType || L"OpenType" == wsFontType || L"CFF" == wsFontType)
m_pFont = m_pDocument->CreateTrueTypeFont(wsFontPath, lFaceIndex);
void CPdfRenderer::UpdateTransform()
CTransform& t = m_oTransform;
m_pPage->SetTransform(t.m11, -t.m12, -t.m21, t.m22, MM_2_PT(t.dx + t.m21 * m_dPageHeight), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - m_dPageHeight * t.m22 - t.dy));
void CPdfRenderer::UpdatePen()
TColor oColor = m_oPen.GetTColor();
m_pPage->SetStrokeColor(oColor.r, oColor.g, oColor.b);
m_pPage->SetStrokeAlpha((unsigned char)m_oPen.GetAlpha());
LONG lDashCount = 0;
double* pDashPattern = NULL;
LONG lDashStyle = m_oPen.GetDashStyle();
if (Aggplus::DashStyleSolid == lDashStyle)
// Ничего не делаем
else if (Aggplus::DashStyleCustom == lDashStyle)
double *pDashPatternMM = m_oPen.GetDashPattern(lDashCount);
if (pDashPatternMM && lDashCount)
pDashPattern = new double[lDashCount];
if (pDashPattern)
for (LONG lIndex = 0; lIndex < lDashCount; lIndex++)
pDashPattern[lIndex] = MM_2_PT(pDashPatternMM[lIndex]);
// TODO: Реализовать другие типы пунктирных линий
if (pDashPattern && lDashCount)
m_pPage->SetDash(pDashPattern, lDashCount, MM_2_PT(m_oPen.GetDashOffset()));
delete[] pDashPattern;
LONG lCapStyle = m_oPen.GetStartCapStyle();
if (Aggplus::LineCapRound == lCapStyle)
else if (Aggplus::LineCapSquare == lCapStyle)
LONG lJoinStyle = m_oPen.GetJoinStyle();
if (Aggplus::LineJoinBevel == lJoinStyle)
else if (Aggplus::LineJoinMiter == lJoinStyle)
void CPdfRenderer::UpdateBrush()
m_pShading = NULL;
m_pShadingExtGrState = NULL;
LONG lBrushType = m_oBrush.GetType();
if (c_BrushTypeTexture == lBrushType)
std::wstring wsTexturePath = m_oBrush.GetTexturePath();
CImageFileFormatChecker oImageFormat(wsTexturePath);
CImageDict* pImage = NULL;
int nImageW = 0;
int nImageH = 0;
if (_CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG == oImageFormat.eFileType || _CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JP2 == oImageFormat.eFileType)
pImage = m_pDocument->CreateImage();
CBgraFrame oFrame;
nImageH = oFrame.get_Height();
nImageW = oFrame.get_Width();
if (pImage)
if (_CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG == oImageFormat.eFileType)
pImage->LoadJpeg(wsTexturePath.c_str(), nImageW, nImageH, oFrame.IsGrayScale());
pImage->LoadJpx(wsTexturePath.c_str(), nImageW, nImageH);
else if (_CXIMAGE_FORMAT_WMF == oImageFormat.eFileType || _CXIMAGE_FORMAT_EMF == oImageFormat.eFileType || _CXIMAGE_FORMAT_SVM == oImageFormat.eFileType)
// TODO: Реализовать отрисовку метафайлов по-нормальному
MetaFile::CMetaFile oMeta(m_pAppFonts);
double dL, dR, dT, dB;
m_oPath.GetBounds(dL, dT, dR, dB);
double dNewW = std::max(10.0, dR - dL) / 72 * 300;
std::wstring wsTempFile = GetTempFile();
oMeta.ConvertToRaster(wsTempFile.c_str(), _CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG, dNewW);
Aggplus::CImage oImage(wsTempFile);
nImageW = abs((int)oImage.GetWidth());
nImageH = abs((int)oImage.GetHeight());
pImage = LoadImage(&oImage, 255);
Aggplus::CImage oImage(wsTexturePath);
nImageW = abs((int)oImage.GetWidth());
nImageH = abs((int)oImage.GetHeight());
pImage = LoadImage(&oImage, 255);
if (pImage)
LONG lTextureMode = m_oBrush.GetTextureMode();
double dW = 10;
double dH = 10;
double dL, dR, dT, dB;
m_oPath.GetBounds(dL, dT, dR, dB);
if (c_BrushTextureModeStretch == lTextureMode)
// Чтобы избавиться от погрешностей из-за которых могут возникать полоски, немного увеличим границы пата.
dL -= 1;
dT -= 1;
dB += 1;
dR += 1;
// Растягиваем картинку по размерам пата
dW = std::max(10.0, dR - dL);
dH = std::max(10.0, dB - dT);
// Размеры картинки заданы в пикселях. Размеры тайла - это размеры картинки в пунктах.
dW = nImageW * 72 / 96;
dH = nImageH * 72 / 96;
// Нам нужно, чтобы левый нижний угол границ нашего пата являлся точкой переноса для матрицы преобразования.
CMatrix* pMatrix = m_pPage->GetTransform();
pMatrix->Apply(dL, dB);
CMatrix oPatternMatrix = *pMatrix;
oPatternMatrix.x = dL;
oPatternMatrix.y = dB;
m_pPage->SetPatternColorSpace(m_pDocument->CreateImageTilePattern(dW, dH, pImage, &oPatternMatrix));
else if (c_BrushTypeHatch1 == lBrushType)
std::wstring wsHatchType = m_oBrush.GetTexturePath();
double dW = 8 * 72 / 96;
double dH = 8 * 72 / 96;
TColor oColor1 = m_oBrush.GetTColor1();
TColor oColor2 = m_oBrush.GetTColor2();
BYTE nAlpha1 = (BYTE)m_oBrush.GetAlpha1();
BYTE nAlpha2 = (BYTE)m_oBrush.GetAlpha2();
m_pPage->SetPatternColorSpace(m_pDocument->CreateHatchPattern(dW, dH, oColor1.r, oColor1.g, oColor1.b, nAlpha1, oColor2.r, oColor2.g, oColor2.b, nAlpha2, wsHatchType));
else if (c_BrushTypeRadialGradient == lBrushType || c_BrushTypeLinearGradient == lBrushType)
TColor* pGradientColors;
double* pPoints;
LONG lCount;
m_oBrush.GetGradientColors(pGradientColors, pPoints, lCount);
if (lCount > 0)
unsigned char* pColors = new unsigned char[3 * lCount];
unsigned char* pAlphas = new unsigned char[lCount];
if (pColors)
for (LONG lIndex = 0; lIndex < lCount; lIndex++)
pColors[3 * lIndex + 0] = pGradientColors[lIndex].r;
pColors[3 * lIndex + 1] = pGradientColors[lIndex].g;
pColors[3 * lIndex + 2] = pGradientColors[lIndex].b;
pAlphas[lIndex] = pGradientColors[lIndex].a;
if (c_BrushTypeLinearGradient == lBrushType)
double dX0, dY0, dX1, dY1;
m_oBrush.GetLinearGradientPattern(dX0, dY0, dX1, dY1);
m_pShading = m_pDocument->CreateAxialShading(m_pPage, MM_2_PT(dX0), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - dY0), MM_2_PT(dX1), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - dY1), pColors, pAlphas, pPoints, lCount, m_pShadingExtGrState);
else //if (c_BrushTypeRadialGradient == lBrushType)
double dX0, dY0, dR0, dX1, dY1, dR1;
m_oBrush.GetRadialGradientPattern(dX0, dY0, dR0, dX1, dY1, dR1);
m_pShading = m_pDocument->CreateRadialShading(m_pPage, MM_2_PT(dX0), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - dY0), MM_2_PT(dR0), MM_2_PT(dX1), MM_2_PT(m_dPageHeight - dY1), MM_2_PT(dR1), pColors, pAlphas, pPoints, lCount, m_pShadingExtGrState);
delete[] pColors;
delete[] pAlphas;
else// if (c_BrushTypeSolid == lBrushType)
TColor oColor1 = m_oBrush.GetTColor1();
m_pPage->SetFillColor(oColor1.r, oColor1.g, oColor1.b);
m_pPage->SetFillAlpha((unsigned char)m_oBrush.GetAlpha1());
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::OnlineWordToPdf (const std::wstring& wsSrcFile, const std::wstring& wsDstFile)
if (!NSOnlineOfficeBinToPdf::ConvertBinToPdf(this, wsSrcFile, wsDstFile, false))
return S_FALSE;
return S_OK;
HRESULT CPdfRenderer::OnlineWordToPdfFromBinary(const std::wstring& wsSrcFile, const std::wstring& wsDstFile)
if (!NSOnlineOfficeBinToPdf::ConvertBinToPdf(this, wsSrcFile, wsDstFile, true))
return S_FALSE;
return S_OK;
static inline void UpdateMaxMinPoints(double& dMinX, double& dMinY, double& dMaxX, double& dMaxY, const double& dX, const double& dY)
if (dX < dMinX)
dMinX = dX;
if (dX > dMaxX)
dMaxX = dX;
if (dY < dMinY)
dMinY = dY;
if (dY > dMaxY)
dMaxY = dY;
void CPdfRenderer::CPath::Draw(PdfWriter::CPage* pPage, bool bStroke, bool bFill, bool bEoFill)
for (int nIndex = 0, nCount = m_vCommands.size(); nIndex < nCount; nIndex++)
CPathCommandBase* pCommand =;
if (bStroke && !bFill && !bEoFill)
else if (bStroke && bFill)
else if (bStroke && bEoFill)
else if (bFill)
else if (bEoFill)
void CPdfRenderer::CPath::Clip(PdfWriter::CPage* pPage, bool bEvenOdd)
for (int nIndex = 0, nCount = m_vCommands.size(); nIndex < nCount; nIndex++)
CPathCommandBase* pCommand =;
if (bEvenOdd)
void CPdfRenderer::CPath::GetLastPoint(double& dX, double& dY)
dX = 0;
dY = 0;
bool bFindMoveTo = false;
for (int nIndex = m_vCommands.size() - 1; nIndex >= 0; nIndex--)
CPathCommandBase* pCommand =;
if (rendererpathcommand_Close == pCommand->GetType())
bFindMoveTo = true;
pCommand->GetLastPoint(dX, dY);
if (!bFindMoveTo || rendererpathcommand_MoveTo == pCommand->GetType())
void CPdfRenderer::CPath::GetBounds(double& dL, double& dT, double& dR, double& dB)
GetLastPoint(dL, dT);
dR = dL;
dB = dT;
for (int nIndex = 0, nCount = m_vCommands.size(); nIndex < nCount; nIndex++)
CPathCommandBase* pCommand =;
pCommand->UpdateBounds(dL, dT, dR, dB);
void CPdfRenderer::CPath::CPathMoveTo::Draw(PdfWriter::CPage* pPage)
pPage->MoveTo(x, y);
void CPdfRenderer::CPath::CPathMoveTo::UpdateBounds(double& dL, double& dT, double& dR, double& dB)
UpdateMaxMinPoints(dL, dT, dR, dB, x, y);
void CPdfRenderer::CPath::CPathLineTo::Draw(PdfWriter::CPage* pPage)
pPage->LineTo(x, y);
void CPdfRenderer::CPath::CPathLineTo::UpdateBounds(double& dL, double& dT, double& dR, double& dB)
UpdateMaxMinPoints(dL, dT, dR, dB, x, y);
void CPdfRenderer::CPath::CPathCurveTo::Draw(PdfWriter::CPage* pPage)
pPage->CurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, xe, ye);
void CPdfRenderer::CPath::CPathCurveTo::UpdateBounds(double& dL, double& dT, double& dR, double& dB)
UpdateMaxMinPoints(dL, dT, dR, dB, x1, y1);
UpdateMaxMinPoints(dL, dT, dR, dB, x2, y2);
UpdateMaxMinPoints(dL, dT, dR, dB, xe, ye);
void CPdfRenderer::CPath::CPathArcTo::Draw(PdfWriter::CPage* pPage)
if (sweepAngle >= 360 - 0.001)
pPage->Ellipse(x + w / 2, y + h / 2, w / 2, h / 2);
pPage->EllipseArcTo(x + w / 2, y + h / 2, w / 2, h / 2, 360 - startAngle, 360 - (startAngle + sweepAngle), sweepAngle > 0 ? true : false);
void CPdfRenderer::CPath::CPathArcTo::UpdateBounds(double& dL, double& dT, double& dR, double& dB)
UpdateMaxMinPoints(dL, dT, dR, dB, x, y);
UpdateMaxMinPoints(dL, dT, dR, dB, x + w, y + h);
void CPdfRenderer::CPath::CPathClose::Draw(PdfWriter::CPage* pPage)
void CPdfRenderer::CPath::CPathClose::UpdateBounds(double& dL, double& dT, double& dR, double& dB)
void CPdfRenderer::CPath::CPathText::Draw(PdfWriter::CPage* pPage)
// TODO: Если данная команда будет часто вызываться, тогда ее нужно будет оптимизировать, точно также как это делается в обычном тексте
pPage->SetFontAndSize(font, fontSize);
pPage->DrawText(x, y, codes, codesCount);
void CPdfRenderer::CPath::CPathText::UpdateBounds(double& dL, double& dT, double& dR, double& dB)
UpdateMaxMinPoints(dL, dT, dR, dB, x, y);
void CPdfRenderer::CBrushState::Reset()
m_lType = c_BrushTypeSolid;
m_nAlpha1 = 255;
m_nAlpha2 = 255;
m_wsTexturePath = L"";
m_lTextureMode = c_BrushTextureModeStretch;
m_nTextureAlpha = 255;
m_dLinearAngle = 0;
if (m_pShadingColors)
delete[] m_pShadingColors;
if (m_pShadingPoints)
delete[] m_pShadingPoints;
m_pShadingColors = NULL;
m_pShadingPoints = NULL;
m_lShadingPointsCount = 0;
} }
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