Commit f9795a5d authored by Oleg Korshul's avatar Oleg Korshul

_T"" -> L""

parent 6aa97f10
......@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
_brcRight = NULL;
_brcBottom = NULL;
_tcPr = new XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t>(_T("w:tcPr"));
_tcMar = new XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t>(_T("w:tcMar"));
_tcBorders = new XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t>(_T("w:tcBorders"));
_tcPr = new XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t>(L"w:tcPr");
_tcMar = new XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t>(L"w:tcMar");
_tcBorders = new XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t>(L"w:tcBorders");
_ftsWidth = Global::nil;
......@@ -89,27 +89,27 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
_tGrid = tdef.rgdxaCenter;
_tcDef = tdef.rgTc80[(std::min)(_cellIndex, (int)tdef.rgTc80.size() - 1)]; // NOTE: fix for crash
appendValueElement( _tcPr, _T( "textDirection" ), FormatUtils::MapValueToWideString( _tcDef.textFlow, &Global::TextFlowMap[0][0], 6, 6 ).c_str(), false );
appendValueElement( _tcPr, L"textDirection", FormatUtils::MapValueToWideString( _tcDef.textFlow, &Global::TextFlowMap[0][0], 6, 6 ).c_str(), false );
if ( _tcDef.vertMerge == Global::fvmMerge )
appendValueElement( _tcPr, _T( "vMerge" ), _T( "continue" ), false );
appendValueElement( _tcPr, L"vMerge", L"continue", false );
else if ( _tcDef.vertMerge == Global::fvmRestart )
appendValueElement( _tcPr, _T( "vMerge" ), _T( "restart" ), false );
appendValueElement( _tcPr, L"vMerge", L"restart", false );
appendValueElement( _tcPr, _T( "vAlign" ), FormatUtils::MapValueToWideString( _tcDef.vertAlign, &Global::VerticalAlignMap[0][0], 3, 7 ).c_str(), false );
appendValueElement( _tcPr, L"vAlign", FormatUtils::MapValueToWideString( _tcDef.vertAlign, &Global::VerticalAlignMap[0][0], 3, 7 ).c_str(), false );
if ( _tcDef.fFitText )
appendValueElement( _tcPr, _T( "tcFitText" ), _T( "" ), false );
appendValueElement( _tcPr, L"tcFitText", L"", false );
if ( _tcDef.fNoWrap )
appendValueElement( _tcPr, _T( "noWrap" ), _T( "" ), true );
appendValueElement( _tcPr, L"noWrap", L"", true );
nComputedCellWidth = (short)( tdef.rgdxaCenter[(size_t)(std::min)(_cellIndex, (int)tdef.rgTc80.size() - 1) + 1] -
......@@ -145,22 +145,22 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
if ( FormatUtils::GetBitFromInt( iter->Arguments[2], 0 ) == true )
appendDxaElement( _tcMar, _T( "top" ), FormatUtils::IntToWideString( wMargin ).c_str(), true );
appendDxaElement( _tcMar, L"top", FormatUtils::IntToWideString( wMargin ).c_str(), true );
if ( FormatUtils::GetBitFromInt( iter->Arguments[2], 1 ) == true )
appendDxaElement( _tcMar, _T( "left" ), FormatUtils::IntToWideString( wMargin ).c_str(), true );
appendDxaElement( _tcMar, L"left", FormatUtils::IntToWideString( wMargin ).c_str(), true );
if ( FormatUtils::GetBitFromInt( iter->Arguments[2], 2 ) == true )
appendDxaElement( _tcMar, _T( "bottom" ), FormatUtils::IntToWideString( wMargin ).c_str(), true );
appendDxaElement( _tcMar, L"bottom", FormatUtils::IntToWideString( wMargin ).c_str(), true );
if ( FormatUtils::GetBitFromInt( iter->Arguments[2], 3 ) == true )
appendDxaElement( _tcMar, _T( "right" ), FormatUtils::IntToWideString( wMargin ).c_str(), true );
appendDxaElement( _tcMar, L"right", FormatUtils::IntToWideString( wMargin ).c_str(), true );
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
if ((_cellIndex >= first) && (_cellIndex < lim))
appendValueElement(_tcPr, _T( "vAlign" ), FormatUtils::MapValueToWideString( (VerticalCellAlignment)iter->Arguments[2], &VerticalCellAlignmentMap[0][0], 3, 7 ).c_str(), true );
appendValueElement(_tcPr, L"vAlign", FormatUtils::MapValueToWideString( (VerticalCellAlignment)iter->Arguments[2], &VerticalCellAlignmentMap[0][0], 3, 7 ).c_str(), true );
......@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
if ( ( _cellIndex >= first ) && ( _cellIndex < lim ) )
appendValueElement( _tcPr, _T( "tcFitText" ), FormatUtils::IntToWideString( iter->Arguments[2] ).c_str(), true );
appendValueElement( _tcPr, L"tcFitText", FormatUtils::IntToWideString( iter->Arguments[2] ).c_str(), true );
......@@ -271,9 +271,9 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> tcW( _T( "w:tcW" ) );
XMLTools::XMLAttribute<wchar_t> tcWType( _T( "w:type" ), FormatUtils::MapValueToWideString( _ftsWidth, &Global::CellWidthTypeMap[0][0], 4, 5 ).c_str() );
XMLTools::XMLAttribute<wchar_t> tcWVal( _T( "w:w" ), FormatUtils::IntToWideString( _width ).c_str() );
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> tcW( L"w:tcW" );
XMLTools::XMLAttribute<wchar_t> tcWType( L"w:type", FormatUtils::MapValueToWideString( _ftsWidth, &Global::CellWidthTypeMap[0][0], 4, 5 ).c_str() );
XMLTools::XMLAttribute<wchar_t> tcWVal( L"w:w", FormatUtils::IntToWideString( _width ).c_str() );
tcW.AppendAttribute( tcWType );
tcW.AppendAttribute( tcWVal );
_tcPr->AppendChild( tcW );
......@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
appendValueElement( _tcPr, _T( "gridSpan" ), FormatUtils::IntToWideString( _gridSpan ).c_str(), true );
appendValueElement( _tcPr, L"gridSpan", FormatUtils::IntToWideString( _gridSpan ).c_str(), true );
//append margins
......@@ -310,28 +310,28 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
//append borders
if (_brcTop)
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> topBorder(_T("w:top"));
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> topBorder( L"w:top" );
appendBorderAttributes(_brcTop, &topBorder);
addOrSetBorder(_tcBorders, &topBorder );
if (_brcLeft )
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> leftBorder(_T("w:left"));
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> leftBorder( L"w:left" );
appendBorderAttributes(_brcLeft, &leftBorder);
addOrSetBorder(_tcBorders, &leftBorder);
if (_brcBottom)
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> bottomBorder(_T("w:bottom"));
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> bottomBorder( L"w:bottom" );
appendBorderAttributes(_brcBottom, &bottomBorder);
addOrSetBorder(_tcBorders, &bottomBorder);
if (_brcRight)
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> rightBorder( _T( "w:right" ) );
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> rightBorder( L"w:right" );
appendBorderAttributes( _brcRight, &rightBorder );
addOrSetBorder( _tcBorders, &rightBorder );
......@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
static const wchar_t VerticalCellAlignmentMap[3][7] =
_T( "top" ),
_T( "center" ),
_T( "bottom" )
class TableCellPropertiesMapping : public PropertiesMapping, public IMapping
......@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
static const wchar_t WidthType[4][5] =
_T( "nil" ),
_T( "auto" ),
_T( "pct" ),
_T( "dxa" )
struct FtsWWidth_Indent
......@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
TableRowPropertiesMapping::TableRowPropertiesMapping (XMLTools::CStringXmlWriter* pWriter, CharacterPropertyExceptions* rowEndChpx) : PropertiesMapping(pWriter), _trPr(NULL), _tblPrEx(NULL), _rowEndChpx(NULL)
_trPr = new XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t>(_T( "w:trPr"));
_tblPrEx = new XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t>(_T( "w:tblPrEx"));
//_tblBorders = new XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t>(_T( "w:tblBorders"));
_trPr = new XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t>(L"w:trPr");
_tblPrEx = new XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t>(L"w:tblPrEx");
//_tblBorders = new XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t>(L"w:tblBorders");
_rowEndChpx = rowEndChpx;
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
if ( ( _rowEndChpx != NULL ) && ( rev.Type == Deleted ) )
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> del( _T( "w:del" ) );
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> del( L"w:del" );
_trPr->AppendChild( del );
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
if ( fHeader )
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> header( _T( "w:tblHeader" ) );
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> header( L"w:tblHeader" );
_trPr->AppendChild( header );
......@@ -89,11 +89,11 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
case sprmTWidthAfter:
{ //width after
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> wAfter( _T( "w:wAfter" ) );
XMLTools::XMLAttribute<wchar_t> wAfterValue( _T( "w:w" ), FormatUtils::IntToWideString( FormatUtils::BytesToInt16( iter->Arguments, 1, iter->argumentsSize ) ).c_str() );
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> wAfter( L"w:wAfter" );
XMLTools::XMLAttribute<wchar_t> wAfterValue( L"w:w", FormatUtils::IntToWideString( FormatUtils::BytesToInt16( iter->Arguments, 1, iter->argumentsSize ) ).c_str() );
wAfter.AppendAttribute( wAfterValue );
XMLTools::XMLAttribute<wchar_t> wAfterType( _T( "w:type" ), _T( "dxa" ) );
XMLTools::XMLAttribute<wchar_t> wAfterType( L"w:type", L"dxa" );
wAfter.AppendAttribute( wAfterType );
_trPr->AppendChild( wAfter, true );
......@@ -105,11 +105,11 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
if ( before != 0 )
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> wBefore( _T( "w:wBefore" ) );
XMLTools::XMLAttribute<wchar_t> wBeforeValue( _T( "w:w" ), FormatUtils::IntToWideString( before ).c_str() );
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> wBefore( L"w:wBefore" );
XMLTools::XMLAttribute<wchar_t> wBeforeValue( L"w:w", FormatUtils::IntToWideString( before ).c_str() );
wBefore.AppendAttribute( wBeforeValue );
XMLTools::XMLAttribute<wchar_t> wBeforeType( _T( "w:type" ), _T( "dxa" ) );
XMLTools::XMLAttribute<wchar_t> wBeforeType( L"w:type", L"dxa" );
wBefore.AppendAttribute( wBeforeType );
_trPr->AppendChild( wBefore, true );
......@@ -119,25 +119,25 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
case sprmOldTDyaRowHeight:
case sprmTDyaRowHeight:
{ //row height
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> rowHeight( _T( "w:trHeight" ) );
XMLTools::XMLAttribute<wchar_t> rowHeightVal( _T( "w:val" ) );
XMLTools::XMLAttribute<wchar_t> rowHeightRule( _T( "w:hRule" ) );
XMLTools::XMLElement<wchar_t> rowHeight( L"w:trHeight" );
XMLTools::XMLAttribute<wchar_t> rowHeightVal( L"w:val" );
XMLTools::XMLAttribute<wchar_t> rowHeightRule( L"w:hRule" );
short rH = FormatUtils::BytesToInt16( iter->Arguments, 0, iter->argumentsSize );
if ( rH > 0 )
rowHeightRule.SetValue( _T( "atLeast" ) );
rowHeightRule.SetValue( L"atLeast" );
rowHeightVal.SetValue( FormatUtils::IntToWideString( rH ).c_str() );
rowHeight.AppendAttribute( rowHeightVal );
else if( rH == 0 )
rowHeightRule.SetValue( _T("auto") );
rowHeightRule.SetValue( L"auto" );
rowHeightRule.SetValue( _T( "exact" ) );
rowHeightRule.SetValue( L"exact" );
rH *= -1;
rowHeightVal.SetValue( FormatUtils::IntToWideString( rH ).c_str() );
rowHeight.AppendAttribute( rowHeightVal );
......@@ -152,13 +152,13 @@ namespace DocFileFormat
case sprmTFCantSplit:
case sprmTFCantSplit90:
{ //can't split
appendFlagElement( _trPr, *iter, _T( "cantSplit" ), true );
appendFlagElement( _trPr, *iter, L"cantSplit", true );
//div id
case sprmTIpgp:
appendValueElement( _trPr, _T( "divId" ), FormatUtils::IntToWideString( FormatUtils::BytesToInt32( iter->Arguments, 0, iter->argumentsSize ) ).c_str(), true );
appendValueElement( _trPr, L"divId", FormatUtils::IntToWideString( FormatUtils::BytesToInt32( iter->Arguments, 0, iter->argumentsSize ) ).c_str(), true );
//borders 80 exceptions
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