diff --git a/product/ERP5/Document/Item.py b/product/ERP5/Document/Item.py
index 7530bb45297461980ed90cda3296a55286a91534..57b7e94f5616a063e3851908aef982c166af7df2 100755
--- a/product/ERP5/Document/Item.py
+++ b/product/ERP5/Document/Item.py
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.DateUtils import same_movement_interval, number_of_months
 from Products.ERP5.Document.Amount import Amount
 from Products.CMFCore.WorkflowCore import WorkflowMethod
 from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
-from Products.ERP5.Document.Immobilisation import Immobilisation
+from Products.ERP5.Document.ImmobilisableItem import ImmobilisableItem
 from zLOG import LOG
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ from zLOG import LOG
-class Item(XMLObject, Amount):
+class Item(XMLObject, Amount, ImmobilisableItem):
       Items in ERP5 are intended to provide a way to track objects
@@ -85,876 +85,3 @@ class Item(XMLObject, Amount):
       return XMLObject.generateNewId(self, id_group=id_group, default=default, method=method)
-    ### Amortisation
-    # _update_data and _get_data are used to implement a semi-cache system on
-    # heavy calculation methods.
-    def _update_data(self, cached_data, date, id, value):
-      """
-      Used to implement a semi-cache system on heavy calculation methods
-      """
-      if getattr(cached_data, "cached_dict", None) is None:
-        cached_data.cached_dict = {}
-      if cached_data.cached_dict.get(date, None) is None:
-        cached_data.cached_dict[date] = {}
-      cached_data.cached_dict[date][id] = value
-    def _get_data(self, cached_data, date, id):
-      """
-      Used to implement a semi-cache system on heavy calculation methods
-      """
-      if cached_data:
-        cached_dict = getattr(cached_data,"cached_dict", None)
-        if cached_dict is not None:
-          cached_date = cached_dict.get(date, None)
-          if cached_date is not None:
-            cached_value = cached_date.get(id, None)
-            if cached_value is not None:
-              return cached_value
-      return None
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getImmobilisationMovementValueList')
-    def getImmobilisationMovementValueList(self, from_date=None, to_date=None, 
-                                           sort_on="stop_date", filter_valid=1, 
-                                           owner_change=1, single_from=0, single_to=0, 
-                                           property_filter=['price', 'duration', 'durability'],
-                                           workflow_states = [], **kw):
-      """
-      Returns a list of immobilisation movements applied to current item from date to date
-      Argument filter_valid allows to select only the valid immobilisation movements
-      Argument owner_change allows to create temporarily some immobilisation movements
-        when the owner of the item changes.
-      Arguments single_from and single_to (exclusive from each other) allow to dramatically
-        reduce the calculation time, but it returns only one movement : the nearest from
-        from_date or to_date.
-      Argument property_filter has the same goal. Its role is to reduce the number of calculated
-        properties when a temporary immobilisation movement is created
-      Argument workflow_states allows to filter by states of workflows. It is a list of tuples (wf_name,wf_variable,state)
-      """
-      accessor = 'get'
-      if sort_on is not None:
-        word_list = sort_on.split('_')
-        for i in range(len(word_list)):
-          accessor += word_list[i].capitalize()
-      def cmpfunc(a,b, accessor = accessor):
-        """
-        Compares the two objects according to the accessor value.
-        """
-        access_a = getattr(a, accessor, None)
-        access_b = getattr(b, accessor, None)
-        if access_a is None or access_b is None:
-          return 0
-        return cmp(access_a(), access_b())
-      # Build the immobilisation movement list
-      immobilisation_list = []
-      for immobilisation in self.contentValues(filter = { 'portal_type':'Immobilisation' } ):
-        if filter_valid:
-          invalid = immobilisation.checkImmobilisationConsistency()
-        else:
-          invalid = 0
-        if not invalid:
-          immo_date = immobilisation.getStopDate()
-          if ( to_date is None or immo_date - to_date <= 0 ) and \
-             ( from_date is None or immo_date - from_date >= 0 ):
-            immobilisation_list.append(immobilisation)
-      wf_tool = self.portal_workflow
-      for wf, wf_variable, state in workflow_states:
-        try:
-          temp_immo_list = [x for x in immobilisation_list if wf_tool.getStatusOf(wf, x)[wf_variable] == state]
-          immobilisation_list = temp_immo_list
-        except:
-          LOG('error on wf %s, wf_variable %s, state %s' % (wf, wf_variable, state), 0, '')
-          pass
-      # Look for each change of ownership and an immobilisation movement within 1 hour
-      # If found, adapt the immobilisation date to be correctly interpreted
-      # If not found, and owner_change set to 1, create a context immobilisation movement
-      ownership_list = self.getSectionList(to_date)
-      if single_from or single_to:
-        immobilisation_list.sort(cmpfunc)
-        if single_from:
-          if len(immobilisation_list) > 0: immobilisation_list = immobilisation_list[:1]
-          if len(ownership_list) > 0:      ownership_list = ownership_list[:1]
-        else:
-          if len(immobilisation_list) > 0: immobilisation_list = immobilisation_list[-1:]
-          if len(ownership_list) > 0:      ownership_list = ownership_list[-1:]
-      for ownership in ownership_list:
-        owner_date = ownership['date']
-        found_immo = None
-        nearest_immo = None
-        i = 0
-        # Find the nearest immobilisation movement from the propertyship change
-        # and an immobilisation movement within a tolerance interval
-        while i < len(immobilisation_list) and found_immo is None:
-          immobilisation = immobilisation_list[i]
-          current_immo_stop_date = immobilisation.getStopDate()
-          if (current_immo_stop_date is not None) and (current_immo_stop_date - owner_date < 0) \
-                                                  and (nearest_immo is None \
-                                                       or nearest_immo.getStopDate() - current_immo_stop_date < 0):
-            nearest_immo = immobilisation
-          if (current_immo_stop_date is not None) and abs(owner_date - current_immo_stop_date) < same_movement_interval:
-            found_immo = immobilisation
-          i += 1
-        if found_immo is None and owner_change and nearest_immo is not None:
-          # None immobilisation movement was found within the tolerance interval
-          # and argument owner_change is set. So we need to create a temporary
-          # immobilisation movement on the change date.
-          # This has to be done only if nearest_immo is defined, since the temporary
-          # movement gets most of its data on the previous movement, which is nearest_immo
-          added_immo = self._createTemporaryImmobilisationMovement(nearest_immo,
-                                                                   owner_date,
-                                                                   property_filter,
-                                                                   **kw)
-          immobilisation_list.append(added_immo)
-          found_immo = added_immo
-        if found_immo is not None:
-          # It means an immobilisation movement is located within the tolerance interval
-          # Two cases :
-          #  - An unimmobilising movement and ownership change are close :
-          #        the unimmobilising movement has to be before the ownership change
-          #  - An immobilising movement and ownership change are close :
-          #        the immobilising movement has to be after the ownership change
-          found_date = found_immo.getStopDate()
-          if found_immo.getImmobilisation():
-            if found_date - owner_date < 0:
-              found_immo.setStopDate(owner_date + centis)
-          else:
-            if found_date - owner_date > 0:
-              found_immo.setStopDate(owner_date - centis)
-      if sort_on is not None:
-        immobilisation_list.sort(cmpfunc)
-      self._unconfuseImmobilisationMovementList(immobilisation_list)
-      return immobilisation_list
-    def _unconfuseImmobilisationMovementList(self, immobilisation_list):
-      """
-        Check if some movements have the same stop_date. If it is the case, since
-        it is impossible to know which movement has to be before the other ones,
-        change arbitrarily the date of one of them, in order to at least
-        have always the same behavior
-      """
-      immo_list = [x for x in immobilisation_list if x.getStopDate() is not None]
-      immo_list.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x.getStopDate(), y.getStopDate()))
-      for i in range(len(immo_list)):
-        immobilisation = immo_list[i]
-        ref_date = immobilisation.getStopDate()
-        immobilisation_sublist = [immobilisation]
-        j = 1
-        while i+j < len(immo_list) and immo_list[i+j].getStopDate() == ref_date:
-          immobilisation_sublist.append(immo_list[i+j])
-          j += 1
-        for j in range(len(immobilisation_sublist)):
-          immobilisation_sublist[j].setStopDate( ref_date + j * millis )
-    def _createTemporaryImmobilisationMovement(self, base_movement, base_date, property_filter=[], **kw):
-      """
-        Create a temporary immobilisation movement from base_movement
-      """
-      added_immo = base_movement.asContext()
-      added_immo.setStopDate(base_date + millis)
-      if "durability" in property_filter:
-        added_immo.setDurability(added_immo.getDefaultDurability(**kw))
-      kwd = {}
-      if added_immo.getImmobilisation():
-        if 'price' in property_filter:
-          vat = base_movement.getVat()
-          previous_value = base_movement.getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationPrice(**kw)
-          current_value = added_immo.getDefaultAmortisationPrice(**kw)
-          kwd['amortisation_start_price'] = current_value
-          kwd['vat'] = vat * current_value / previous_value
-        added_immo._edit(**kwd)
-        kwd = {}
-        if 'duration' in property_filter:
-          kwd['amortisation_duration'] = added_immo.getDefaultAmortisationDuration(**kw)
-        kwd['input_account'] = added_immo.getOutputAccount()
-      added_immo._edit(**kwd)
-      return added_immo
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getUnfilteredImmobilisationMovementValueList')
-    def getUnfilteredImmobilisationMovementValueList(self, from_date=None, to_date=None, sort_on="stop_date", owner_change=0, **kw):
-      """
-      Returns a list of immobilisation applied to the current item from date to date
-      All of the movements are returned, not even those which are valid
-      """
-      return self.getImmobilisationMovementValueList(from_date=from_date,
-                                                to_date=to_date,
-                                                sort_on=sort_on,
-                                                owner_change=owner_change,
-                                                filter_valid=0, **kw)
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getPastImmobilisationMovementValueList')
-    def getPastImmobilisationMovementValueList(self, from_date=None, at_date=None, sort_on="stop_date", owner_change=1, **kw):
-       """
-       Returns a list of immobilisation movements applied to current item before the given date, or now
-       """
-       if at_date is None: at_date = DateTime()
-       result = self.getImmobilisationMovementValueList(from_date = from_date,
-                                                   to_date = at_date,
-                                                   sort_on = sort_on,
-                                                   owner_change = owner_change, **kw )
-       return result
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getFutureImmobilisationMovementValueList')
-    def getFutureImmobilisationMovementValueList(self, to_date=None, at_date=None, sort_on="stop_date", owner_change=1, **kw):
-      """
-      Returns a list of immobilisation movements applied to current item after the given date, or now
-      """
-      if at_date is None: at_date = DateTime()
-      result = self.getImmobilisationMovementValueList(from_date = at_date,
-                                                  to_date = to_date,
-                                                  sort_on = sort_on,
-                                                  owner_change = owner_change, **kw)
-      return result
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getLastImmobilisationMovementValue')
-    def getLastImmobilisationMovementValue(self, at_date=None, owner_change=1, **kw):
-      """
-      Returns the last immobilisation movement before the given date, or now
-      """
-      past_list = self.getPastImmobilisationMovementValueList(at_date = at_date,
-                                                              owner_change=owner_change,
-                                                              single_to = 1, **kw)
-      if len(past_list) > 0:
-        return past_list[-1]
-      return None
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getNextImmobilisationMovementValue')
-    def getNextImmobilisationMovementValue(self, at_date=None, owner_change=1, **kw):
-      """
-      Returns the first immobilisation movement after the given date, or now
-      """
-      future_list = self.getFutureImmobilisationMovementValueList(at_date = at_date,
-                                                                  owner_change = owner_change,
-                                                                  single_from = 1, **kw)
-      if len(future_list) > 0:
-        return future_list[0]
-      return None
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getLastMovementAmortisationDuration')
-    def getLastMovementAmortisationDuration(self, at_date=None, owner_change=1, **kw):
-      """
-        Returns the remaining duration of amortisation for this item
-	as it was entered on the last immobilisation movement
-      """
-      last_immobilisation_movement = self.getLastImmobilisationMovementValue(at_date = at_date, 
-                                                                             owner_change=owner_change,
-                                                                             property_filter = ['duration'],
-                                                                             **kw)
-      if last_immobilisation_movement is not None:
-        return last_immobilisation_movement.getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationDuration(**kw)
-      else:
-        return None
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'isCurrentlyImmobilised')
-    def isCurrentlyImmobilised(self, **kw):
-      """ Returns true if the item is immobilised at this time """
-      return self.isImmobilised(at_date = DateTime(), **kw)
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'isNotCurrentlyImmobilised')
-    def isNotCurrentlyImmobilised(self, **kw):
-      """ Returns true if the item is not immobilised at this time """
-      return not self.isCurrentlyImmobilised(**kw)
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'isImmobilised')
-    def isImmobilised(self, at_date=None, **kw):
-      """
-      Returns true if the item is immobilised at the given date.
-      If at_date = None, returns true if the item has ever been immobilised.
-      """
-      if at_date is not None:
-        is_immobilised = 0
-        last_immobilisation_movement = self.getLastImmobilisationMovementValue(at_date = at_date, **kw)
-        if last_immobilisation_movement is not None:
-          is_immobilised = last_immobilisation_movement.getImmobilisation()
-      else:
-        past_immobilisation_movement_list = self.getPastImmobilisationMovementValueList(at_date = DateTime(), **kw)
-        for past_immobilisation in past_immobilisation_movement_list:
-          if past_immobilisation.getImmobilisation():
-            return 1
-      return is_immobilised
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getCurrentAmortisationDuration')
-    def getCurrentAmortisationDuration(self, **kw):
-      """ Returns the calculated remaining amortisation duration for this item at the current time. """
-      return self.getRemainingAmortisationDuration(at_date = DateTime(), **kw)
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getCurrentRemainingAmortisationDuration')
-    def getCurrentRemainingAmortisationDuration(self, **kw):
-      """ Returns the calculated remaining amortisation duration for this item at the current time. """
-      return self.getRemainingAmortisationDuration(at_date = DateTime(), **kw)
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getRemainingAmortisationDuration')
-    def getRemainingAmortisationDuration(self, at_date=None, from_immobilisation=0, **kw):
-      """
-      Returns the calculated remaining amortisation duration for the item.
-      It is based on the latest immobilisation period at given date, or now.
-      If from_immobilisation is set, we don't take the very last immobilisation movement
-      at the date. It is needed if the function is called by this particular movement, unless
-      the function will never end.
-      """
-      if at_date is None:
-        at_date = DateTime()
-      # Find the latest movement whose immobilisation is true
-      if from_immobilisation:
-        my_at_date = at_date - centis
-      else:
-        my_at_date = at_date
-      cached_data = kw.get("cached_data", None)
-      cached_duration = self._get_data(cached_data, my_at_date, 'duration')
-      if cached_duration is not None:
-        return cached_duration
-      last_immobilisation_movement = self.getLastImmobilisationMovementValue(at_date = my_at_date,
-                                                                             property_filter = ['duration'],
-                                                                             **kw)
-      previous_loop_movement = None
-      start_movement = None
-      stop_movement = None
-      current_search_date = None
-      while last_immobilisation_movement is not None and start_movement is None:
-        if last_immobilisation_movement.getImmobilisation():
-          start_movement = last_immobilisation_movement
-          stop_movement = previous_loop_movement
-        if not start_movement:
-          previous_loop_movement = last_immobilisation_movement
-          last_date = last_immobilisation_movement.getStopDate() - centis
-          last_immobilisation_movement = self.getLastImmobilisationMovementValue(at_date = last_date,
-                                                                                 property_filter = ['duration'],
-                                                                                 **kw)
-      if start_movement is None:
-        # Neither of past immobilisation movements did immobilise the item...
-        duration = self.getLastMovementAmortisationDuration(at_date=my_at_date, **kw)
-        if duration is not None:
-          if cached_data: self._update_data(cached_data, my_at_date, 'duration', int(duration))
-          return int(duration)
-        return None
-      # We found the last immobilising movement
-      # Two cases are possible : 
-      #  - The item is still in an amortisation period (i.e. the immobilising movement is the latest)
-      #  - The item is not in an amortisation period : in this case, we have to find the date of the unimmobilising movement
-      if stop_movement is None:
-        # Item is currently in an amortisation period
-        immo_period_stop_date = at_date
-      else:
-        immo_period_stop_date = stop_movement.getStopDate()
-      immo_period_start_date = start_movement.getStopDate()
-      immo_period_remaining = start_movement.getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationDuration(**kw)
-      immo_period_duration = getRoundedMonthBetween(immo_period_start_date, immo_period_stop_date)
-      returned_value = immo_period_remaining - immo_period_duration
-      if returned_value < 0:
-        returned_value = 0
-      if cached_data: self._update_data(cached_data, my_at_date, 'duration', returned_value)
-      return int(returned_value)
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getRemainingDurability')
-    def getRemainingDurability(self, at_date=None, from_immobilisation=0, **kw):
-      """
-      Returns the durability of the item at the given date, or now.
-      The durability is quantity of something which corresponds to the 'life' of the item
-      (ex : km for a car, or time for anything)
-      Each Immobilisation Movement stores the durability at a given time, so it is possible
-      to approximate the durability between two Immobilisation Movements by using a simple
-      linear calculation.
-      """
-      if at_date is None:
-        at_date = DateTime()
-      my_at_date = at_date
-      if from_immobilisation:
-        my_at_date -= centis
-      cached_data = kw.get("cached_data", None)
-      cached_durability = self._get_data(cached_data, my_at_date, "durability")
-      if cached_durability is not None:
-        return cached_durability
-      last_movement = self.getLastImmobilisationMovementValue(at_date = my_at_date,
-                                                              property_filter = ['durability', 'duration'],
-                                                              **kw)
-      if last_movement is not None:
-        if not last_movement.getImmobilisation():
-          # The item is not currently amortised
-          # The current durability is the durability on
-          # last immobilisation movement
-          return_value = last_movement.getDurability()
-          if cached_data: self._update_data(cached_data, my_at_date, 'durability', return_value)
-          return return_value
-        start_durability = last_movement.getDurability()
-        start_date = last_movement.getStopDate()
-        my_at_date = at_date
-        if from_immobilisation:
-          my_at_date += centis
-        next_movement = self.getNextImmobilisationMovementValue(at_date = my_at_date + millis,
-                                                                          property_filter = ['durability'],
-                                                                          **kw)
-        if next_movement is not None:
-          stop_durability = next_movement.getDurability()
-          stop_date = last_movement.getStopDate()
-        else:
-          # In this case, we take the end of life of the item and use
-          # it like an immobilisation movement with values set to 0
-          last_remaining_months = last_movement.getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationDuration(**kw)
-          stop_date = addToDate(start_date, month=last_remaining_months)
-          stop_durability = 0
-        consumpted_durability = start_durability - stop_durability
-        consumpted_time = getRoundedMonthBetween(start_date, stop_date)
-        current_consumpted_time = getRoundedMonthBetween(start_date, at_date)
-        if consumpted_time <= 0 or current_consumpted_time <= 0:
-          return_value = start_durability
-        else:
-          return_value = start_durability - consumpted_durability * current_consumpted_time / consumpted_time
-      else:
-        return_value = None
-      if cached_data: self._update_data(cached_data, my_at_date, 'durability', return_value)
-      return return_value
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getCurrentRemainingDurability')
-    def getCurrentRemainingDurability(self, **kw):
-      """
-      Returns the remaining durability at the current date
-      """
-      return self.getRemainingDurability(at_date = DateTime(), **kw)
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getAmortisationPrice')
-    def getAmortisationPrice(self, at_date=None, from_immobilisation=0, with_currency=0, **kw):
-      """
-      Returns the deprecated value of item at given date, or now.
-      If from_immobilisation is set, we don't take the very last immobilisation movement
-      at the date. It is needed if the function is called by this particular movement, unless
-      the function will never end.
-      If with_currency is set, returns a string containing the value and the corresponding currency.
-      """
-      if at_date is None:
-        at_date = DateTime()
-      # Find the latest movement whose immobilisation is true
-      if from_immobilisation:
-        # We need to exclude the immobilisation movement which calls currently the method,
-        # unless the method will never end
-        my_at_date = at_date - centis
-      else:
-        my_at_date = at_date
-      cached_data = kw.get("cached_data", None)
-      cached_price = self._get_data(cached_data, my_at_date, 'price')
-      if cached_price is not None:
-        return cached_price
-      last_immobilisation_movement = self.getLastImmobilisationMovementValue(at_date = my_at_date, 
-                                                                             **kw)
-      previous_loop_movement = None
-      start_movement = None
-      stop_movement = None
-      current_search_date = None
-      while last_immobilisation_movement is not None and start_movement is None:
-        if last_immobilisation_movement.getImmobilisation():
-          start_movement = last_immobilisation_movement
-          stop_movement = previous_loop_movement
-        if not start_movement:
-          previous_loop_movement = last_immobilisation_movement
-          last_date = last_immobilisation_movement.getStopDate() - millis
-          last_immobilisation_movement = self.getLastImmobilisationMovementValue(at_date = last_date,
-                                                                                 **kw)
-      if start_movement is None:
-        # Neither of past immobilisation movements did immobilise the item...
-        LOG ('ERP5 Warning :',0,'Neither of past immobilisation movements did immobilise the item %s' % self.getTitle())
-        last_immobilisation_movement = self.getLastImmobilisationMovementValue(at_date = my_at_date,
-                                                                               **kw)
-        if last_immobilisation_movement:
-          returned_price = last_immobilisation_movement.getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationPrice(**kw)
-          if with_currency:
-            return '%s %s' % (repr(round(returned_price,2)), immobilisation_movements[-1].getPriceCurrency())
-          if cached_data: self._update_data(cached_data, my_at_date, 'price', returned_price)
-          return returned_price
-        return None # XXX How to find the buy value ?
-      # Find the latest immobilisation period and gather information
-      currency = start_movement.getPriceCurrency()
-      start_date = start_movement.getStopDate()
-      if stop_movement is None:
-        # Item is currently in an amortisation period
-        stop_date = at_date
-      else:
-        # Item is not in an amortisation period
-        stop_date = stop_movement.getStopDate()
-      start_price = start_movement.getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationPrice(**kw)
-      disposal_price = start_movement.getDisposalPrice()
-      depreciable_price = start_price - disposal_price
-      start_remaining_months = start_movement.getAmortisationOrDefaultAmortisationDuration(**kw)
-      stop_remaining_months = 0
-      start_durability = start_movement.getDurability(**kw)
-      stop_durability = 0
-      section = start_movement.getSectionValue()
-      financial_date = section.getFinancialYearStopDate()
-      amortisation_method = "erp5_accounting_" + start_movement.getAmortisationMethod()
-      next_date = stop_date
-      if stop_movement is not None:
-        stop_remaining_months = stop_movement.getDefaultAmortisationDuration(**kw)
-        stop_durability = stop_movement.getDurabilityOrDefaultDurability(**kw)
-      else:
-        next_movement = self.getNextImmobilisationMovementValue(at_date = my_at_date + millis,
-                                                                property_filter = ['durability'],
-                                                                **kw)
-        if next_movement is not None:
-          stop_durability = next_movement.getDurabilityOrDefaultDurability(**kw)
-          stop_remaining_months = next_movement.getDefaultAmortisationDuration(**kw)
-          next_date = next_movement.getStopDate()
-        else:
-          next_date = addToDate(start_date, month = start_remaining_months)
-      # Get the amortisation method parameters
-      amortisation_parameters = start_movement.getAmortisationMethodParameter(parameter_list = [
-                "cut_annuities", "price_calculation_basis", "prorata_precision",
-                "round_duration", "specific_parameter_list", "date_precision"])
-      cut_annuities = amortisation_parameters["cut_annuities"]
-      price_calculation_basis = amortisation_parameters["price_calculation_basis"]
-      prorata_precision = amortisation_parameters["prorata_precision"]
-      round_duration = amortisation_parameters["round_duration"]
-      date_precision = amortisation_parameters["date_precision"]
-      specific_parameter_list = amortisation_parameters["specific_parameter_list"]
-      # Adjust some values according to the parameters 
-      start_date = getClosestDate(date=financial_date, target_date=start_date,
-                                  precision=date_precision, before=1, strict=0)
-      stop_date = getClosestDate(date=financial_date, target_date=stop_date,
-                                 precision=date_precision, before=0, strict=0)
-      if prorata_precision == 'day':
-        local_stop_date = addToDate(start_date, month = start_remaining_months)
-        start_remaining_annuities = getBissextilCompliantYearFraction(from_date = start_date,
-                                                                      to_date   = local_stop_date,
-                                                                      reference_date = financial_date)
-        local_stop_date = addToDate(next_date, month = stop_remaining_months)
-        stop_remaining_annuities = getBissextilCompliantYearFraction(from_date = next_date,
-                                                                     to_date   = local_stop_date,
-                                                                     reference_date = financial_date)
-      else:
-        start_remaining_annuities = getYearFraction(months = start_remaining_months)
-        stop_remaining_annuities  = getYearFraction(months = stop_remaining_months)
-      if round_duration == "greater annuity":
-        if start_remaining_annuities != int(start_remaining_annuities):
-          start_remaining_annuities = int(start_remaining_annuities) + 1
-        else:
-          start_remaining_annuities = int(start_remaining_annuities)
-      elif round_duration == "lower annuity":
-        start_remaining_annuities = int(start_remaining_annuities)
-      # Get specific parameters
-      specific_parameter_dict = {}
-      for specific_parameter in specific_parameter_list:
-        getter = getattr(start_movement,
-                         'get' + ''.join( [capitalize(x) for x in specific_parameter.split("_")] ),
-                         None
-                        )
-        if getter is not None:
-          specific_parameter_dict[specific_parameter] = getter()
-      def calculatePrice(at_date):
-        # First we calculate which is the current annuity
-        annuity_number = 0
-        if cut_annuities:
-          current_date = getClosestDate(date = financial_date,
-                                        target_date = start_date,
-                                        precision = "year",
-                                        before = 0)
-          if getIntervalBetweenDates(current_date, start_date, keys={'day':1})['day'] == 0:
-            current_date = addToDate(current_date, year=+1)
-        else:
-          current_date = addToDate(start_date, year=1)
-        while current_date - at_date < 0:
-          annuity_number += 1
-          current_date = addToDate(current_date, year=1)
-        annuity_start_date = addToDate(current_date, year=-1)
-        annuity_stop_date = current_date
-        current_annuity_stop_date = annuity_stop_date
-        current_annuity_start_date = annuity_start_date
-        if stop_date < annuity_stop_date:
-          current_annuity_stop_date = stop_date
-        if start_date > annuity_start_date:
-          current_annuity_start_date = start_date
-        # Get the current ratio
-        current_ratio = self.restrictedTraverse(amortisation_method).ratioCalculation(
-                                            start_remaining_annuities  = start_remaining_annuities
-                                           ,stop_remaining_annuities   = stop_remaining_annuities
-                                           ,current_annuity            = annuity_number
-                                           ,start_remaining_durability = start_durability 
-                                           ,stop_remaining_durability  = stop_durability
-                                           ,**specific_parameter_dict)
-        if current_ratio is None:
-          LOG("ERP5 Warning :",0,"Unable to calculate the ratio during the amortisation calculation on item %s at date %s" % (
-                  repr(self), repr(at_date)))
-          return None
-        # Calculate the value at the beginning of the annuity
-        annuity_start_price = depreciable_price
-        if annuity_number:
-          annuity_start_price = calculatePrice(annuity_start_date)
-          if annuity_start_price is None:
-            return None
-        # Calculate the raw annuity value
-        if price_calculation_basis == "start price":
-          raw_annuity_price = depreciable_price * current_ratio
-        elif price_calculation_basis == "annuity start price":
-          raw_annuity_price = annuity_start_price * current_ratio
-        # Apply the prorata temporis on the raw annuity value
-        if start_date <= annuity_start_date and stop_date >= annuity_stop_date:
-          annuity_value = raw_annuity_price
-        else:
-          if prorata_precision == 'month':
-            month_value = raw_annuity_price / number_of_months_in_year
-            duration = getMonthAndDaysBetween(current_annuity_start_date, current_annuity_stop_date)
-            month_number = duration['month']
-            day_number = duration['day']
-            annuity_value = month_value * (month_number + getMonthFraction(current_annuity_stop_date, day_number))
-          elif prorata_precision == 'day':
-            annuity_value = raw_annuity_price * getBissextilCompliantYearFraction(current_annuity_start_date,
-                                                                                  current_annuity_stop_date,
-                                                                                  reference_date=financial_date)
-        # Deduct the price at the given date
-        returned_price = annuity_start_price - annuity_value
-        if returned_price < 0:
-          returned_price = 0
-        return returned_price
-      ### End of calculatePrice()
-      calculated_price = calculatePrice(at_date)
-      if calculated_price is None:
-        return None
-      if calculated_price < NEGLIGEABLE_PRICE:
-        calculated_price = 0.
-      returned_price = calculated_price + disposal_price
-      if cached_data: self._update_data(cached_data, my_at_date, 'price', returned_price)
-      if with_currency:
-        return '%0.2f %s' % (returned_price, currency)
-      return returned_price 
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getCurrentAmortisationPrice')
-    def getCurrentAmortisationPrice(self, with_currency=0, **kw):
-      """ Returns the deprecated value of item at current time """
-      return self.getAmortisationPrice (at_date = DateTime(), with_currency=with_currency, **kw)
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'immobilise')
-    def immobilise(self, **kw):
-      """ Create the immobilisation movement to immobilise the item """
-      return self._createImmobilisationMovement(immobilisation_state = 1, **kw)
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'unimmobilise')
-    def unimmobilise(self, **kw):
-      """ Create the immobilisation movement to unimmobilise the item """
-      return self._createImmobilisationMovement(immobilisation_state = 0, **kw)
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, '_createImmobilisationMovement')
-    def _createImmobilisationMovement(self, immobilisation_state, **kw):
-      """ Build a new Immobilisation Movement into the current Item """
-      new_id = str(self.generateNewId())
-      self.newContent(portal_type = "Immobilisation", id=new_id)
-      immobilisation = self[new_id]
-      immobilisation.setStopDate(DateTime())
-      immobilisation.setImmobilisation(immobilisation_state)
-      self.expandAmortisation()
-      return 1
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, '_createAmortisationRule')
-    def _createAmortisationRule(self):
-      """
-      Build or update the amortisation rule related to this item, then expand the rule
-      """
-      applied_rule_list = self.getCausalityRelatedValueList(portal_type='Applied Rule')
-      my_applied_rule_list = []
-      for applied_rule in applied_rule_list:
-        specialise_value = applied_rule.getSpecialiseValue()
-        if specialise_value is not None and specialise_value.getPortalType() == "Amortisation Rule":
-          my_applied_rule_list.append(applied_rule)
-      if len(my_applied_rule_list) == 0:
-        # Create a new applied order rule (portal_rules.order_rule)
-        portal_rules = getToolByName(self, 'portal_rules')
-        portal_simulation = getToolByName(self, 'portal_simulation')
-        my_applied_rule = portal_rules.default_amortisation_rule.constructNewAppliedRule(portal_simulation)
-        # Set causality
-        my_applied_rule.setCausalityValue(self)
-      elif len(my_applied_rule_list) == 1:
-        # Re expand the rule if possible
-        my_applied_rule = my_applied_rule_list[0]
-      else:
-        # Delete first rules and re expand if possible
-        for my_applied_rule in my_applied_rule_list[:-1]:
-          my_applied_rule.aq_parent._delObject(my_applied_rule.getId())
-        my_applied_rule = my_applied_rule_list[-1]
-      # We are now certain we have a single applied rule
-      # It is time to expand it
-      my_applied_rule.expand()
-    def expandAmortisation(self):
-      """
-      Calculate the amortisation annuities for the item
-      in an activity
-      """
-      self.activate().immediateExpandAmortisation()
-    def immediateExpandAmortisation(self):
-      """
-      Calculate the amortisation annuities for the item
-      """
-      self._createAmortisationRule()
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getSectionChangeValueList')
-    def getSectionChangeValueList(self, at_date=None):
-      """
-      Return the list of deliveries which change the item ownership
-      If at_date is None, return the result for all the time
-      XXX To add : a verification on delivery state ; does an item belong to
-        the destination section of a delivery if this delivery is on draft state ?
-      """
-      def cmpfunc(a,b):
-         """
-         Compares the objects on their stop_date
-         """
-         date_a = a.getStopDate()
-         date_b = b.getStopDate()
-         if date_a is None and date_b is None:
-           return 0
-         return cmp(date_a, date_b)
-      raw_list = self.getAggregateRelatedValueList()
-      delivery_list = []
-      for movement in raw_list:
-        if movement.getPortalType() in self.getPortalMovementTypeList():
-          date = movement.getStopDate()
-          if date is None:
-            try:
-              date = movement.getParent().getStopDate()
-            except AttributeError:
-              pass
-          if date is not None and (at_date is None or date - at_date <= 0):
-            current_owner = movement.getDestinationSectionValue()
-            previous_owner = movement.getSourceSectionValue()
-            if current_owner is None:
-              try:
-                current_owner = movement.getParent().getDestinationSectionValue()
-              except AttributeError:
-                pass
-            if previous_owner is None:
-              try:
-                previous_owner = movement.getParent().getSourceSectionValue()
-              except AttributeError:
-                pass
-            if current_owner is not None and previous_owner != current_owner:
-              delivery_list.append(movement)
-      delivery_list.sort(cmpfunc)
-      return delivery_list
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getSectionList')
-    def getSectionList(self, at_date=None):
-      """
-      Return the list of successive owners of the item with
-      the corresponding ownership change dates
-      If at_date is None, return the result all the time
-      """
-      delivery_list = self.getSectionChangeValueList(at_date = at_date)
-      owner_list = []
-      for delivery in delivery_list:
-        owner_list.append( { 'owner' : delivery.getDestinationSectionValue(), 'date' : delivery.getStopDate() } )
-      return owner_list
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getSectionValue')
-    def getSectionValue(self, at_date=None):
-      """
-      Return the owner of the item at the given date
-      If at_date is None, return the last owner without time limit
-      """
-      owner_list = self.getSectionList(at_date = at_date)
-      if len(owner_list) > 0:
-        return owner_list[-1]['owner']
-      return None
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getCurrentSectionValue')
-    def getCurrentSectionValue(self):
-      """
-      Return the current owner of the item
-      """
-      return self.getSectionValue( at_date = DateTime() )
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'isUsingAmortisationMethod')
-    def isUsingAmortisationMethod(self, method):
-      """
-      Return true if this item is using the given method
-      """
-      if self.getAmortisationMethod() == method:
-        return 1
-      return 0
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'isUsingEuLinearAmortisationMethod')
-    def isUsingEuLinearAmortisationMethod(self):
-      """
-      Return true if this item is using this method
-      """
-      return self.isUsingAmortisationMethod('eu/linear')
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'isUsingFrDegressiveAmortisationMethod')
-    def isUsingFrDegressiveAmortisationMethod(self):
-      """
-      Return true if this item is using this method
-      """
-      return self.isUsingAmortisationMethod('fr/degressive')
-    security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'isUsingFrActualUseAmortisationMethod')
-    def isUsingFrActualUseAmortisationMethod(self):
-      """
-      Return true if this item is using this method
-      """
-      return self.isUsingAmortisationMethod('fr/actual_use')