From 9e7975df801721fcaa7da52d93fcd1fd2e4371a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jean-Paul Smets <>
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2007 21:19:41 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Removed Feature (moved to Requirement in erp5_project)

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
 .../portal_types/Feature/fast_input.xml       |  85 ---
 .../portal_types/Feature/print_pdf.xml        |  85 ---
 .../portal_types/Feature/view.xml             |  85 ---
 .../ModuleTemplateItem/feature_module.xml     | 526 ------------------
 .../portal_types/Feature%20Document.xml       | 104 ----
 .../portal_types/Feature%20Module.xml         | 104 ----
 .../portal_types/Feature.xml                  | 104 ----
 .../feature_analysis_workflow/scripts.xml     |  34 --
 .../feature_analysis_workflow/states.xml      |  40 --
 .../states/cancelled.xml                      |  48 --
 .../states/confirmed.xml                      |  51 --
 .../states/delivered.xml                      |  42 --
 .../states/draft.xml                          |  78 ---
 .../states/planned.xml                        |  51 --
 .../states/started.xml                        |  45 --
 .../states/stopped.xml                        |  51 --
 .../feature_analysis_workflow/transitions.xml |  40 --
 .../transitions/cancel.xml                    |  76 ---
 .../transitions/cancel_action.xml             | 102 ----
 .../transitions/confirm.xml                   |  76 ---
 .../transitions/confirm_action.xml            | 102 ----
 .../transitions/deliver.xml                   |  76 ---
 .../transitions/deliver_action.xml            | 102 ----
 .../transitions/plan.xml                      |  76 ---
 .../transitions/plan_action.xml               | 102 ----
 .../transitions/start.xml                     |  76 ---
 .../transitions/start_action.xml              | 102 ----
 .../transitions/stop.xml                      |  76 ---
 .../transitions/stop_action.xml               | 102 ----
 .../feature_analysis_workflow/variables.xml   |  40 --
 .../variables/action.xml                      |  85 ---
 .../variables/actor.xml                       |  85 ---
 .../variables/comment.xml                     |  85 ---
 .../variables/history.xml                     |  85 ---
 .../variables/time.xml                        |  85 ---
 .../feature_analysis_workflow/worklists.xml   |  34 --
 36 files changed, 3140 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Feature/fast_input.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Feature/print_pdf.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Feature/view.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/ModuleTemplateItem/feature_module.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/PortalTypeTemplateItem/portal_types/Feature%20Document.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/PortalTypeTemplateItem/portal_types/Feature%20Module.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/PortalTypeTemplateItem/portal_types/Feature.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/scripts.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/states.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/states/cancelled.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/states/confirmed.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/states/delivered.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/states/draft.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/states/planned.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/states/started.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/states/stopped.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/transitions.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/transitions/cancel.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/transitions/cancel_action.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/transitions/confirm.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/transitions/confirm_action.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/transitions/deliver.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/transitions/deliver_action.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/transitions/plan.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/transitions/plan_action.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/transitions/start.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/transitions/start_action.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/transitions/stop.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/transitions/stop_action.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/variables.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/variables/action.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/variables/actor.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/variables/comment.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/variables/history.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/variables/time.xml
 delete mode 100644 bt5/erp5_consulting/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/feature_analysis_workflow/worklists.xml

diff --git a/bt5/erp5_consulting/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Feature/fast_input.xml b/bt5/erp5_consulting/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Feature/fast_input.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a3365c29af..0000000000
--- a/bt5/erp5_consulting/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Feature/fast_input.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
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-      <tuple>
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-          <string>Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation</string>
-          <string>ActionInformation</string>
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-        <none/>
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-    </pickle>
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-      <dictionary>
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-            <value> <string></string> </value>
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-            <key> <string>description</string> </key>
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-            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
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-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>permissions</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <tuple>
-                <string>Modify portal content</string>
-              </tuple>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>priority</string> </key>
-            <value> <float>3.0</float> </value>
-        </item>
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-            <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>Features Fast Input</string> </value>
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-            <key> <string>visible</string> </key>
-            <value> <int>1</int> </value>
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-          <string>Products.CMFCore.Expression</string>
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-        <none/>
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-    </pickle>
-    <pickle>
-      <dictionary>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>text</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>string:${object_url}/Feature_addFeaturesFastInput</string> </value>
-        </item>
-      </dictionary>
-    </pickle>
-  </record>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_consulting/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Feature/print_pdf.xml b/bt5/erp5_consulting/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Feature/print_pdf.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2464f8eb04..0000000000
--- a/bt5/erp5_consulting/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Feature/print_pdf.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-  <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
-    <pickle>
-      <tuple>
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation</string>
-          <string>ActionInformation</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
-      </tuple>
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-        <item>
-            <key> <string>__ac_local_roles__</string> </key>
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-        <item>
-            <key> <string>condition</string> </key>
-            <value> <string></string> </value>
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-        <item>
-            <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-            <value> <string></string> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>print_pdf</string> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>permissions</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <tuple>
-                <string>View</string>
-              </tuple>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>priority</string> </key>
-            <value> <float>2.0</float> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>Print</string> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>visible</string> </key>
-            <value> <int>1</int> </value>
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-          <string>Products.CMFCore.Expression</string>
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-    <pickle>
-      <dictionary>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>text</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>string:${object_url}/Base_printPdf</string> </value>
-        </item>
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-    </pickle>
-  </record>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_consulting/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Feature/view.xml b/bt5/erp5_consulting/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Feature/view.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c33d19b932..0000000000
--- a/bt5/erp5_consulting/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Feature/view.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-  <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
-    <pickle>
-      <tuple>
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation</string>
-          <string>ActionInformation</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
-      </tuple>
-    </pickle>
-    <pickle>
-      <dictionary>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>__ac_local_roles__</string> </key>
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-        <item>
-            <key> <string>permissions</string> </key>
-            <value>
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-                <string>View</string>
-              </tuple>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>priority</string> </key>
-            <value> <float>1.0</float> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>View</string> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5b67075fec..0000000000
--- a/bt5/erp5_consulting/ModuleTemplateItem/feature_module.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
- <id>feature_module</id>
- <permission_list>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Access Transient Objects</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Access arbitrary user session data</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Access contents information</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Access future portal content</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Access inactive portal content</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Access session data</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>AccessContentsInformation</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Accelerated HTTP Cache Managers</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add BTreeFolder2s</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Browser Id Manager</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add CMF Action Icons Tools</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add CMF Active Processs</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add CMF Caching Policy Managers</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add CMF Calendar Tools</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add CMF Core Tools</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add CMF Default Tools</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add CMF Report Tools</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add CMF Setup Tools</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add CMF Sites</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add CMF Unique Id Tools</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add CMFActivity Tools</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add CMFCategory Tools</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add CMFMailIn Tools</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Configured CMF Sites</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Content Type Registrys</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Cookie Crumblers</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Database Methods</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Documents, Images, and Files</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ERP5 Filesystem Formulator Forms</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ERP5 Forms</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ERP5 OOo Templates</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ERP5 PDF Forms</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ERP5 PDF Templates</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ERP5 Publications</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ERP5 Reports</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ERP5 Sites</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ERP5 Subscriptions</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ERP5 Tools</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ERP5Catalog Tools</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ERP5Form Tools</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ERP5Subversion Tools</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ERP5SyncML Tools</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ERP5Type Tools</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ExtFiles</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ExtImages</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add External Methods</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Filesystem Directory Views</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Folders</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Formulator Forms</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add LocalContents</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add LocalFolders</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Localizers</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add MailHost objects</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add MessageCatalogs</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Page Templates</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Photo Folders</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Photos</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Pluggable Index</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Plugin Registrys</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Portal ZSyncer Tools</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Python Scripts</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add RAM Cache Managers</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ReStructuredText Documents</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Session Data Manager</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Site Roots</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Temporary Folder</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Transient Object Container</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add User Folders</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Versions</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Virtual Host Monsters</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Vocabularies</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Z Gadfly Database Connections</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Z MySQL Database Connections</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Z MySQL Database Deferred Connections</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ZCatalogs</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ZMailIn Clients</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ZMailMessages</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ZODB Mount Points</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add ZSyncers</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add Zope Tutorials</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add portal content</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add portal events</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add portal folders</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add portal member</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Add portal topics</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change Browser Id Manager</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change DTML Documents</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change DTML Methods</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change Database Connections</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change Database Methods</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change ExtFile/ExtImage</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change External Methods</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change Formulator Fields</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change Formulator Forms</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change Images and Files</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change Lock Information</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change Page Templates</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change Photo</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change Python Scripts</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change Session Data Manager</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change Versions</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change ZMailIn</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change ZMailMessages</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change bindings</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change cache managers</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change cache settings</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change configuration</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change local roles</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change permissions</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change portal events</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change portal topics</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Change proxy roles</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Copy or Move</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Create Transient Objects</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Create class instances</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Define permissions</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Delete objects</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Download ExtFile/ExtImage</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Edit Factories</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Edit ReStructuredText</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>FTP access</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Import/Export objects</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Join/leave Versions</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>List folder contents</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>List portal members</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>List undoable changes</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Log Site Errors</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Log to the Event Log</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Mail forgotten password</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Manage Access Rules</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Manage Groups</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Manage Transient Object Container</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Manage Vocabulary</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Manage WebDAV Locks</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Manage Z Classes</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Manage ZCatalog Entries</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Manage ZCatalogIndex Entries</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Manage languages</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Manage messages</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Manage portal</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Manage properties</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Manage users</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Modify Cookie Crumblers</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Modify portal content</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Open/Close Database Connection</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Open/Close Database Connections</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Post mail to ZMailIn</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Query Vocabulary</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Reply to item</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Request review</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Review portal content</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Save/discard Version changes</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Search ZCatalog</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Search for principals</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Set own password</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Set own properties</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Take ownership</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Test Database Connections</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Translate Content</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Undo changes</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Use Database Methods</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Use Factories</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>Use mailhost services</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>View</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>View History</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>View ZMailMessage</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>View management screens</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>WebDAV Lock items</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>WebDAV Unlock items</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>WebDAV access</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>ZopeProfiler: manage</name>
-  </permission>
-  <permission type='list'>
-   <name>ZopeProfiler: view</name>
-  </permission>
- </permission_list>
- <portal_type>Feature Module</portal_type>
- <title>Features</title>
\ No newline at end of file
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-            <value> <string>Feature documents allow to describe a client project from a feature list point of view. They contain Feature which can contain individual features.</string> </value>
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-            <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>The Feature Module contains all Feature Documents</string> </value>
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-            <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>Each Feature is entirely described and associated to an implementation task. A Feature can contain other Feature.</string> </value>
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-            <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>We have enough information about this feature.</string> </value>
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-        </item>
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-            <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>We have to ask more details to our client. We don\'t have enough information to know about what we are talking about</string> </value>
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-            <key> <string>description</string> </key>
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-            <value> <string>This is fine for us. We must ask to the client if it is great or not.</string> </value>
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