Commit f0dfc4c9 authored by Gabriel Monnerat's avatar Gabriel Monnerat

refactor code to validate if the persistent memcache plugin is working

parent e4b0603f
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Verify if this instance is a properly configured one.\n
This script could be used in functional tests\n
plugin_id_list = [\'default_memcached_plugin\',\'persistent_memcached_plugin\' ]\n
plugin_id_list = [\'default_memcached_plugin\',\'persistent_memcached_plugin\']\n
portal = context.getPortalObject()\n
key_prefix = \'upgrade_verification\'\n
if getattr(portal, "erp5_site_global_id", None) == "test_client_chroot":\n
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def assertNotEquals(value1, value2, label=""):\n
message_list.append("Memcached: %s Fail (%s == %s)" % (label, value1, value2))\n
# Verify if memcached and plugins are present into the instance\n
portal_memcached = getattr(context.getPortalObject(), "portal_memcached", None)\n
portal_memcached = getattr(portal, "portal_memcached", None)\n
if portal_memcached is not None:\n
plugin_object_id_list = portal_memcached.objectIds()\n
for plugin_id in plugin_id_list:\n
......@@ -83,18 +83,22 @@ else: \n
message_list.append("Portal Memcached is not present.")\n
# Test Plugins\n
def getMemcachedDict():\n
def getMemcachedDict(plugin_path):\n
return portal_memcached.getMemcachedDict(key_prefix=key_prefix, \n
# If this is not None the value was get from another instance\n
site_id = getattr(portal, "erp5_site_global_id", None)\n
if getMemcachedDict().get("upgrade_verification_key", site_id) == "Foo Bar":\n
for plugin_id in plugin_id_list:\n
plugin_object = getMemcachedDict(\'portal_memcached/%s\' % plugin_id)\n
if plugin_object.get("upgrade_verification_key") in ("Foo Bar", None):\n
# Solve some possible legacy.\n
getMemcachedDict().set("upgrade_verification_key", site_id)\n
assertEquals(getMemcachedDict().get("upgrade_verification_key", site_id), site_id, "upgrade_verification_key")\n
getMemcachedDict().set("upgrade_verification_key", site_id)\n
assertEquals(getMemcachedDict().get("upgrade_verification_key", None), site_id, "upgrade_verification_key")\n
plugin_object["upgrade_verification_key"] = site_id\n
assertEquals(plugin_object.get("upgrade_verification_key", site_id),\n
site_id, "upgrade_verification_key")\n
plugin_object.set("upgrade_verification_key", site_id)\n
assertEquals(plugin_object.get("upgrade_verification_key", None),\n
site_id, "upgrade_verification_key")\n
return message_list\n
</string> </value>
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