Commit 482463e4 authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

caddy-frontend: Use health-check name

backend-active-check is really long and technical name, whereas health-check
is well known description of backend checks.
parent 1593304e
......@@ -239,14 +239,14 @@ Necessary to activate cache.
``enable_cache`` is an optional parameter.
This set of parameters is used to control the way how the backend checks will be done. Such active checks can be really useful for `stale-if-error` caching technique and especially in case if backend is very slow to reply or to connect to.
`backend-active-check-http-method` can be used to configure the HTTP method used to check the backend. Special method `CONNECT` can be used to check only for connection attempt.
`health-check-http-method` can be used to configure the HTTP method used to check the backend. Special method `CONNECT` can be used to check only for connection attempt.
Please be aware that the `backend-active-check-timeout` is really short by default, so in case if `/` of the backend is slow to reply configure proper path with `backend-active-check-http-path` to not mark such backend down too fast, before increasing the check timeout.
Please be aware that the `health-check-timeout` is really short by default, so in case if `/` of the backend is slow to reply configure proper path with `health-check-http-path` to not mark such backend down too fast, before increasing the check timeout.
......@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ md5sum = a6a626fd1579fd1d4b80ea67433ca16a
filename =
md5sum = 7cb8157d2b368ab3b281ea42f743eb9c
md5sum = 9cc78e7ce1960691e37f103855ff0dc9
_update_hash_filename_ = templates/
md5sum = 5f2c1f3f8eebc8f3453c223b30459722
md5sum = eb98ffd96b2768cc6a5cf664b23aabd3
_update_hash_filename_ = templates/
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ md5sum = a0ae858a3db8825c22d33d323392f588
_update_hash_filename_ = templates/
md5sum = d86ae2fcf89deaa08d791da12d5897e4
md5sum = b9b56e0018bfbfa5b6c2640f95e6f750
_update_hash_filename_ = templates/
......@@ -123,33 +123,33 @@ context =
{% elif slave_type not in [None, '', 'default', 'zope', 'redirect', 'notebook', 'websocket'] %}
{% do slave_error_list.append('type:%s is not supported' % (slave_type,)) %}
{% endif %}
{# Check backend-active-check-* #}
{% set backend_active_check = (str(slave.get('backend-active-check', False)) or 'false').lower() %}
{% if backend_active_check in TRUE_VALUES %}
{% set backend_active_check_http_method = slave.get('backend-active-check-http-method') or 'GET' %}
{% if backend_active_check_http_method not in ['GET', 'OPTIONS', 'CONNECT', 'POST'] %}
{% do slave_error_list.append('Wrong backend-active-check-http-method %s' % (backend_active_check_http_method,)) %}
{% endif %}
{% set backend_active_check_http_path = slave.get('backend-active-check-http-path') or '/' %}
{% set backend_active_check_http_version = slave.get('backend-active-check-http-version') or 'HTTP/1.1' %}
{% if backend_active_check_http_version not in ['HTTP/1.1', 'HTTP/1.0'] %}
{% do slave_error_list.append('Wrong backend-active-check-http-version %s' % (backend_active_check_http_version,)) %}
{% endif %}
{% set backend_active_check_timeout = (slave.get('backend-active-check-timeout') or '2') | int(false) %}
{% if backend_active_check_timeout is false or backend_active_check_timeout <= 0 %}
{% do slave_error_list.append('Wrong backend-active-check-timeout %s' % (slave.get('backend-active-check-timeout'),)) %}
{% endif %}
{% set backend_active_check_interval = (slave.get('backend-active-check-interval') or '5') | int(false) %}
{% if backend_active_check_interval is false or backend_active_check_interval <= 0 %}
{% do slave_error_list.append('Wrong backend-active-check-interval %s' % (slave.get('backend-active-check-interval'),)) %}
{% endif %}
{% set backend_active_check_rise = (slave.get('backend-active-check-rise') or '1') | int(false) %}
{% if backend_active_check_rise is false or backend_active_check_rise <= 0 %}
{% do slave_error_list.append('Wrong backend-active-check-rise %s' % (slave.get('backend-active-check-rise'),)) %}
{% endif %}
{% set backend_active_check_fall = (slave.get('backend-active-check-fall') or '1') | int(false) %}
{% if backend_active_check_fall is false or backend_active_check_fall <= 0 %}
{% do slave_error_list.append('Wrong backend-active-check-fall %s' % (slave.get('backend-active-check-fall'),)) %}
{# Check health-check-* #}
{% set health_check = (str(slave.get('health-check', False)) or 'false').lower() %}
{% if health_check in TRUE_VALUES %}
{% set health_check_http_method = slave.get('health-check-http-method') or 'GET' %}
{% if health_check_http_method not in ['GET', 'OPTIONS', 'CONNECT', 'POST'] %}
{% do slave_error_list.append('Wrong health-check-http-method %s' % (health_check_http_method,)) %}
{% endif %}
{% set health_check_http_path = slave.get('health-check-http-path') or '/' %}
{% set health_check_http_version = slave.get('health-check-http-version') or 'HTTP/1.1' %}
{% if health_check_http_version not in ['HTTP/1.1', 'HTTP/1.0'] %}
{% do slave_error_list.append('Wrong health-check-http-version %s' % (health_check_http_version,)) %}
{% endif %}
{% set health_check_timeout = (slave.get('health-check-timeout') or '2') | int(false) %}
{% if health_check_timeout is false or health_check_timeout <= 0 %}
{% do slave_error_list.append('Wrong health-check-timeout %s' % (slave.get('health-check-timeout'),)) %}
{% endif %}
{% set health_check_interval = (slave.get('health-check-interval') or '5') | int(false) %}
{% if health_check_interval is false or health_check_interval <= 0 %}
{% do slave_error_list.append('Wrong health-check-interval %s' % (slave.get('health-check-interval'),)) %}
{% endif %}
{% set health_check_rise = (slave.get('health-check-rise') or '1') | int(false) %}
{% if health_check_rise is false or health_check_rise <= 0 %}
{% do slave_error_list.append('Wrong health-check-rise %s' % (slave.get('health-check-rise'),)) %}
{% endif %}
{% set health_check_fall = (slave.get('health-check-fall') or '1') | int(false) %}
{% if health_check_fall is false or health_check_fall <= 0 %}
{% do slave_error_list.append('Wrong health-check-fall %s' % (slave.get('health-check-fall'),)) %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{# Check virtualhostroot-http-port and virtualhostroot-https-port #}
......@@ -224,8 +224,8 @@
"title": "Authenticate to backend",
"type": "string"
"backend-active-check": {
"title": "Backend Active Check",
"health-check": {
"title": "Health Check",
"description": "Enables active checks of the backend. For HTTP level checks the HTTP code shall be 2xx or 3xx, otherwise backend will be considered down.",
"enum": [
......@@ -234,8 +234,8 @@
"default": "false",
"type": "string"
"backend-active-check-http-method": {
"title": "Backend Active Check HTTP Metod",
"health-check-http-method": {
"title": "Health Check HTTP Metod",
"description": "Selects method to do the active check. CONNECT means that connection will be enough for the check, otherwise it's HTTP method.",
"enum": [
......@@ -246,14 +246,14 @@
"default": "GET",
"type": "string"
"backend-active-check-http-path": {
"title": "Backend Active Check HTTP Path",
"health-check-http-path": {
"title": "Health Check HTTP Path",
"description": "A path on which do the active check, unused in case of CONNECT.",
"default": "/",
"type": "string"
"backend-active-check-http-version": {
"title": "Backend Active Check HTTP Version",
"health-check-http-version": {
"title": "Health Check HTTP Version",
"description": "A HTTP version to use to check the backend, unused in case of CONNECT.",
"enum": [
......@@ -262,26 +262,26 @@
"default": "HTTP/1.1",
"type": "string"
"backend-active-check-timeout": {
"title": "Backend Active Check Timeout (seconds)",
"health-check-timeout": {
"title": "Health Check Timeout (seconds)",
"description": "A timeout to for the request to be fulfilled, after connection happen.",
"default": "2",
"type": "integer"
"backend-active-check-interval": {
"title": "Backend Active Check Interval (seconds)",
"description": "An interval of backend active check.",
"health-check-interval": {
"title": "Health Check Interval (seconds)",
"description": "An interval of health check.",
"default": "5",
"type": "integer"
"backend-active-check-rise": {
"title": "Backend Active Check Rise",
"health-check-rise": {
"title": "Health Check Rise",
"description": "Amount of correct responses from the backend to consider it up.",
"default": "1",
"type": "integer"
"backend-active-check-fall": {
"title": "Backend Active Check Fall",
"health-check-fall": {
"title": "Health Check Fall",
"description": "Amount of bad responses from the backend to consider it down.",
"default": "1",
"type": "integer"
......@@ -136,32 +136,32 @@ context =
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('strict-transport-security', int(slave_instance['strict-transport-security'])) %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('authenticate-to-backend', ('' ~ slave_instance.get('authenticate-to-backend', '')).lower() in TRUE_VALUES) %}
{#- Setup active check #}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('backend-active-check', ('' ~ slave_instance.get('backend-active-check', '')).lower() in TRUE_VALUES) %}
{%- if slave_instance['backend-active-check'] %}
{%- if 'backend-active-check-http-method' not in slave_instance %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('backend-active-check-http-method', 'GET') %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('health-check', ('' ~ slave_instance.get('health-check', '')).lower() in TRUE_VALUES) %}
{%- if slave_instance['health-check'] %}
{%- if 'health-check-http-method' not in slave_instance %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('health-check-http-method', 'GET') %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if 'backend-active-check-http-version' not in slave_instance %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('backend-active-check-http-version', 'HTTP/1.1') %}
{%- if 'health-check-http-version' not in slave_instance %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('health-check-http-version', 'HTTP/1.1') %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if 'backend-active-check-interval' not in slave_instance %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('backend-active-check-interval', '5') %}
{%- if 'health-check-interval' not in slave_instance %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('health-check-interval', '5') %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if 'backend-active-check-rise' not in slave_instance %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('backend-active-check-rise', '1') %}
{%- if 'health-check-rise' not in slave_instance %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('health-check-rise', '1') %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if 'backend-active-check-fall' not in slave_instance %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('backend-active-check-fall', '2') %}
{%- if 'health-check-fall' not in slave_instance %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('health-check-fall', '2') %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if 'backend-active-check-timeout' not in slave_instance %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('backend-active-check-timeout', '2') %}
{%- if 'health-check-timeout' not in slave_instance %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('health-check-timeout', '2') %}
{%- endif %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('backend-active-check-http-path', slave_instance.get('backend-active-check-http-path') or '/') %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('health-check-http-path', slave_instance.get('health-check-http-path') or '/') %}
{%- else %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('backend-active-check-http-method', '') %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('backend-active-check-http-version', '') %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('backend-active-check-http-path', '') %}
{%- endif %} {# if backend_active_check #}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('health-check-http-method', '') %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('health-check-http-version', '') %}
{%- do slave_instance.__setitem__('health-check-http-path', '') %}
{%- endif %} {# if slave_instance['health-check'] #}
{#- Set Up log files #}
{%- do slave_parameter_dict.__setitem__('access_log', '/'.join([caddy_log_directory, '%s_access_log' % slave_reference])) %}
{%- do slave_parameter_dict.__setitem__('error_log', '/'.join([caddy_log_directory, '%s_error_log' % slave_reference])) %}
......@@ -104,15 +104,15 @@ backend {{ slave_instance['slave_reference'] }}-{{ scheme }}
retries {{ slave_instance['backend-connect-retries'] }}
{%- set active_check_list = [] %}
{%- set active_check_option_list = [] %}
{%- if slave_instance['backend-active-check'] %}
{%- if slave_instance['health-check'] %}
{%- do active_check_list.append('check') %}
{%- do active_check_list.append('inter %ss' % (slave_instance['backend-active-check-interval'])) %}
{%- do active_check_list.append('rise %s' % (slave_instance['backend-active-check-rise'])) %}
{%- do active_check_list.append('fall %s' % (slave_instance['backend-active-check-fall'])) %}
{%- if slave_instance['backend-active-check-http-method'] != 'CONNECT' %}
{%- do active_check_option_list.append('option httpchk %s %s %s' % (slave_instance['backend-active-check-http-method'], slave_instance['backend-active-check-http-path'] | urlencode, slave_instance['backend-active-check-http-version'])) %}
{%- do active_check_list.append('inter %ss' % (slave_instance['health-check-interval'])) %}
{%- do active_check_list.append('rise %s' % (slave_instance['health-check-rise'])) %}
{%- do active_check_list.append('fall %s' % (slave_instance['health-check-fall'])) %}
{%- if slave_instance['health-check-http-method'] != 'CONNECT' %}
{%- do active_check_option_list.append('option httpchk %s %s %s' % (slave_instance['health-check-http-method'], slave_instance['health-check-http-path'] | urlencode, slave_instance['health-check-http-version'])) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- do active_check_option_list.append('timeout check %ss' % (slave_instance['backend-active-check-timeout'])) %}
{%- do active_check_option_list.append('timeout check %ss' % (slave_instance['health-check-timeout'])) %}
{%- endif %}
server {{ slave_instance['slave_reference'] }}-backend {{ hostname }}:{{ port }} {{ ' '.join(ssl_list) }} {{ ' ' + ' '.join(active_check_list)}}
{%- for active_check_option in active_check_option_list %}
......@@ -1854,7 +1854,7 @@ class TestSlave(SlaveHttpFrontendTestCase, TestDataMixin):
self.assertNotIn('Strict-Transport-Security', result.headers)
self.assertEqualResultJson(result, 'Path', '/test-path/deeper')
self.assertEqualResultJson(result, 'Path', '?a=b&c=/test-path/deeper')
j = result.json()
......@@ -2085,7 +2085,7 @@ class TestSlave(SlaveHttpFrontendTestCase, TestDataMixin):
'secure_access': '' % (hostname, ),
'backend-client-caucase-url': 'http://[%s]:8990' % self._ipv6_address,
'warning-list': [
"slave url ' %s ' has been converted to '%s'" % (
"slave url ' %s/?a=b&c= ' has been converted to '%s/?a=b&c='" % (
self.backend_url, self.backend_url)],
......@@ -2137,7 +2137,7 @@ class TestSlave(SlaveHttpFrontendTestCase, TestDataMixin):
'secure_access': '' % (hostname, ),
'backend-client-caucase-url': 'http://[%s]:8990' % self._ipv6_address,
'warning-list': [
"slave url ' %s ' has been converted to '%s'" % (
"slave url ' %s/?a=b&c= ' has been converted to '%s/?a=b&c='" % (
self.backend_url, self.backend_url)],
......@@ -6204,45 +6204,45 @@ class TestSlaveRejectReportUnsafeDamaged(SlaveHttpFrontendTestCase):
'ssl_key': '${section:option}ssl_keyunsafe\nunsafe',
'ssl_crt': '${section:option}ssl_crtunsafe\nunsafe',
'backend-active-check-http-method': {
'backend-active-check': True,
'backend-active-check-http-method': 'WRONG',
'health-check-http-method': {
'health-check': True,
'health-check-http-method': 'WRONG',
'backend-active-check-http-version': {
'backend-active-check': True,
'backend-active-check-http-version': 'WRONG/1.1',
'health-check-http-version': {
'health-check': True,
'health-check-http-version': 'WRONG/1.1',
'backend-active-check-timeout': {
'backend-active-check': True,
'backend-active-check-timeout': 'WRONG',
'health-check-timeout': {
'health-check': True,
'health-check-timeout': 'WRONG',
'backend-active-check-timeout-negative': {
'backend-active-check': True,
'backend-active-check-timeout': '-2',
'health-check-timeout-negative': {
'health-check': True,
'health-check-timeout': '-2',
'backend-active-check-interval': {
'backend-active-check': True,
'backend-active-check-interval': 'WRONG',
'health-check-interval': {
'health-check': True,
'health-check-interval': 'WRONG',
'backend-active-check-interval-negative': {
'backend-active-check': True,
'backend-active-check-interval': '-2',
'health-check-interval-negative': {
'health-check': True,
'health-check-interval': '-2',
'backend-active-check-rise': {
'backend-active-check': True,
'backend-active-check-rise': 'WRONG',
'health-check-rise': {
'health-check': True,
'health-check-rise': 'WRONG',
'backend-active-check-rise-negative': {
'backend-active-check': True,
'backend-active-check-rise': '-2',
'health-check-rise-negative': {
'health-check': True,
'health-check-rise': '-2',
'backend-active-check-fall': {
'backend-active-check': True,
'backend-active-check-fall': 'WRONG',
'health-check-fall': {
'health-check': True,
'health-check-fall': 'WRONG',
'backend-active-check-fall-negative': {
'backend-active-check': True,
'backend-active-check-fall': '-2',
'health-check-fall-negative': {
'health-check': True,
'health-check-fall': '-2',
......@@ -6298,26 +6298,26 @@ class TestSlaveRejectReportUnsafeDamaged(SlaveHttpFrontendTestCase):
"slave https-url '' invalid",
"slave url '' invalid"],
'_backend-active-check-fall': [
'Wrong backend-active-check-fall WRONG'],
'_backend-active-check-fall-negative': [
'Wrong backend-active-check-fall -2'],
'_backend-active-check-http-method': [
'Wrong backend-active-check-http-method WRONG'],
'_backend-active-check-http-version': [
'Wrong backend-active-check-http-version WRONG/1.1'],
'_backend-active-check-interval': [
'Wrong backend-active-check-interval WRONG'],
'_backend-active-check-interval-negative': [
'Wrong backend-active-check-interval -2'],
'_backend-active-check-rise': [
'Wrong backend-active-check-rise WRONG'],
'_backend-active-check-rise-negative': [
'Wrong backend-active-check-rise -2'],
'_backend-active-check-timeout': [
'Wrong backend-active-check-timeout WRONG'],
'_backend-active-check-timeout-negative': [
'Wrong backend-active-check-timeout -2'],
'_health-check-fall': [
'Wrong health-check-fall WRONG'],
'_health-check-fall-negative': [
'Wrong health-check-fall -2'],
'_health-check-http-method': [
'Wrong health-check-http-method WRONG'],
'_health-check-http-version': [
'Wrong health-check-http-version WRONG/1.1'],
'_health-check-interval': [
'Wrong health-check-interval WRONG'],
'_health-check-interval-negative': [
'Wrong health-check-interval -2'],
'_health-check-rise': [
'Wrong health-check-rise WRONG'],
'_health-check-rise-negative': [
'Wrong health-check-rise -2'],
'_health-check-timeout': [
'Wrong health-check-timeout WRONG'],
'_health-check-timeout-negative': [
'Wrong health-check-timeout -2'],
'warning-slave-dict': {
......@@ -7019,7 +7019,7 @@ class TestPassedRequestParameter(HttpFrontendTestCase):
class TestSlaveBackendActiveCheck(SlaveHttpFrontendTestCase, TestDataMixin):
class TestSlaveHealthCheck(SlaveHttpFrontendTestCase, TestDataMixin):
def getInstanceParameterDict(cls):
return {
......@@ -7036,28 +7036,28 @@ class TestSlaveBackendActiveCheck(SlaveHttpFrontendTestCase, TestDataMixin):
def getSlaveParameterDictDict(cls):
return {
'backend-active-check-disabled': {
'health-check-disabled': {
'url': cls.backend_url,
'backend-active-check-default': {
'health-check-default': {
'url': cls.backend_url,
'backend-active-check': True,
'health-check': True,
'backend-active-check-connect': {
'health-check-connect': {
'url': cls.backend_url,
'backend-active-check': True,
'backend-active-check-http-method': 'CONNECT',
'health-check': True,
'health-check-http-method': 'CONNECT',
'backend-active-check-custom': {
'health-check-custom': {
'url': cls.backend_url,
'backend-active-check': True,
'backend-active-check-http-method': 'POST',
'backend-active-check-http-path': '/POST-path to be encoded',
'backend-active-check-http-version': 'HTTP/1.0',
'backend-active-check-timeout': '7',
'backend-active-check-interval': '15',
'backend-active-check-rise': '3',
'backend-active-check-fall': '7',
'health-check': True,
'health-check-http-method': 'POST',
'health-check-http-path': '/POST-path to be encoded',
'health-check-http-version': 'HTTP/1.0',
'health-check-timeout': '7',
'health-check-interval': '15',
'health-check-rise': '3',
'health-check-fall': '7',
......@@ -7065,35 +7065,35 @@ class TestSlaveBackendActiveCheck(SlaveHttpFrontendTestCase, TestDataMixin):
def setUpAssertionDict(cls):
backend = urlparse.urlparse(cls.backend_url).netloc
cls.assertion_dict = {
'backend-active-check-disabled': """\
backend _backend-active-check-disabled-http
'health-check-disabled': """\
backend _health-check-disabled-http
timeout server 12s
timeout connect 5s
retries 3
server _backend-active-check-disabled-backend %s""" % (backend,),
'backend-active-check-connect': """\
backend _backend-active-check-connect-http
server _health-check-disabled-backend %s""" % (backend,),
'health-check-connect': """\
backend _health-check-connect-http
timeout server 12s
timeout connect 5s
retries 3
server _backend-active-check-connect-backend %s check inter 5s"""
server _health-check-connect-backend %s check inter 5s"""
""" rise 1 fall 2
timeout check 2s""" % (backend,),
'backend-active-check-custom': """\
backend _backend-active-check-custom-http
'health-check-custom': """\
backend _health-check-custom-http
timeout server 12s
timeout connect 5s
retries 3
server _backend-active-check-custom-backend %s check inter 15s"""
server _health-check-custom-backend %s check inter 15s"""
""" rise 3 fall 7
option httpchk POST /POST-path%%20to%%20be%%20encoded HTTP/1.0
timeout check 7s""" % (backend,),
'backend-active-check-default': """\
backend _backend-active-check-default-http
'health-check-default': """\
backend _health-check-default-http
timeout server 12s
timeout connect 5s
retries 3
server _backend-active-check-default-backend %s check inter 5s"""
server _health-check-default-backend %s check inter 5s"""
""" rise 1 fall 2
option httpchk GET / HTTP/1.1
timeout check 2s""" % (backend, )
......@@ -7125,17 +7125,17 @@ backend _backend-active-check-default-http
self.assertEqualResultJson(result, 'Path', '/test-path/deeper')
def test_backend_active_check_disabled(self):
def test_health_check_disabled(self):
def test_backend_active_check_default(self):
def test_health_check_default(self):
def test_backend_active_check_connect(self):
def test_health_check_connect(self):
def test_backend_active_check_custom(self):
def test_health_check_custom(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -9,18 +9,18 @@ T-2/var/log/backend-haproxy.log
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