#!/bin/bash set -e git fetch --all # Go to master git checkout master # Clean up 1.0 git branch -D 1.0 || echo # Checkout 1.0 git checkout origin/1.0 -b 1.0 git reset origin/1.0 --hard # for now this script is hardcoded to release on 1.0.x versions intentionally # update to version 2 or 1.1 would require a major reorganisation on the release # process CURRENT_VERSION=`git tag | grep "^1\+\.0\+\.[0-9]\+$" | sort -t. -k 1,1n -k 2,2n -k 3,3n | tail -1` NEXT_MINOR_VERSION=$((`echo $CURRENT_VERSION | cut -f3 -d.`+1)) echo "###################################################################" echo "You are about to release a new version of SlapOS Software Release" echo "Lastest release: $CURRENT_VERSION" echo "Next Release to be Tagged: 1.0.$NEXT_MINOR_VERSION" echo "###################################################################" git tag 1.0.$NEXT_MINOR_VERSION -m "Release 1.0.$NEXT_MINOR_VERSION" echo " Please review current tag and then push it:" echo " To review use git log 1.0.$NEXT_MINOR_VERSION" echo "" echo " To push into main repository:" echo " git push origin 1.0.$NEXT_MINOR_VERSION"