Commit 11dce64f authored by claes's avatar claes

New crossreference lists

parent 7e55bc8a
* Proview $Id: rt_rtt_crr.c,v 1.4 2005-10-25 15:28:10 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: rt_rtt_crr.c,v 1.5 2008-05-28 11:43:43 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -278,8 +278,6 @@ int rtt_crr_signal(
pwr_tFileName default_filename;
FILE *file;
char line[500];
int hierarchy_spaces;
pwr_tOName hierarchy;
int object_spaces;
pwr_tOName object;
pwr_tOName objname;
......@@ -352,96 +350,67 @@ int rtt_crr_signal(
/* First line is a header, skip it */
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&hierarchy_spaces, hierarchy, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
/* Get the hierarchy */
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&spaces, object, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
hierarchy_spaces = spaces;
object_spaces = spaces;
first = 1;
while ( 1)
while ( spaces != hierarchy_spaces)
if ( (s = strchr( object, ':')))
strcpy( objname, s+1);
strcpy( objname, object);
sts = rtt_wildcard( signalname, objname);
if ( !sts )
/* Hit, print this object */
if ( signalcount == 0)
buffcnt = sprintf( buff, "Crossreferens list %s\n\n", show_objname);
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&spaces, object, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
strcpy( hierarchy, object);
/* Next line is an object */
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&spaces, object, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
if ( first)
object_spaces = spaces;
first = 0;
while ( spaces == object_spaces)
/* Put object and hierarchy together and check if this is
the object */
strcpy( objname, hierarchy);
strcat( objname, "-");
strcat( objname, object);
strcpy( show_objname, objname);
rtt_toupper( objname, objname);
sts = rtt_wildcard( signalname, objname);
if ( !sts )
while( spaces > object_spaces)
/* Hit, print this object */
if ( signalcount == 0)
rtt_remove_spaces( line, line);
if ( buffcnt > CRR_BUFF_SIZE - 100)
buffcnt = sprintf( buff, "Crossreferens list %s\n\n", show_objname);
buffcnt += sprintf( buff+buffcnt,
"RTT-E-QUOTAEXC, Crossref quota exceeded");
goto finish;
if ( line[0] == '#')
buffcnt += sprintf( buff+buffcnt, " %s\n", line);
buffcnt += sprintf( buff+buffcnt, " %s\n", line);
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&spaces, object, &lines);
&spaces, object, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
while( spaces > object_spaces)
rtt_remove_spaces( line, line);
if ( buffcnt > CRR_BUFF_SIZE - 100)
buffcnt += sprintf( buff+buffcnt,
"RTT-E-QUOTAEXC, Crossref quota exceeded");
goto finish;
if ( line[0] == '#')
buffcnt += sprintf( buff+buffcnt, " %s\n", line);
buffcnt += sprintf( buff+buffcnt, " %s\n", line);
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&spaces, object, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
if ( !wildcard)
goto finish;
if ( !wildcard)
goto finish;
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&spaces, object, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
while( spaces > object_spaces)
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&spaces, object, &lines);
&spaces, object, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
while( spaces > object_spaces)
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&spaces, object, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
......@@ -485,8 +454,6 @@ int rtt_crr_object(
pwr_tFileName default_filename;
FILE *file;
char line[200];
int hierarchy_spaces;
char hierarchy[80];
int object_spaces;
char object[80];
pwr_tOName objname;
......@@ -559,21 +526,7 @@ int rtt_crr_object(
/* First line is a header, skip it */
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&hierarchy_spaces, hierarchy, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&hierarchy_spaces, hierarchy, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&hierarchy_spaces, hierarchy, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&hierarchy_spaces, hierarchy, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
/* Get the hierarchy */
/* Get the object */
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&spaces, object, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
......@@ -583,18 +536,22 @@ int rtt_crr_object(
first = 1;
while ( 1)
while ( spaces != object_spaces)
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&spaces, object, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
strcpy( objname, object);
if ( (s = strchr( object, ':')))
strcpy( objname, s+1);
strcpy( objname, object);
strcpy( show_objname, objname);
rtt_toupper( objname, objname);
sts = rtt_wildcard( objectname, objname);
if ( sts) {
pwr_tAName subname;
strcpy( subname, objectname);
strcat( subname, ".*");
sts = rtt_wildcard( subname, objname);
if ( !sts )
/* Hit, print this object */
......@@ -619,24 +576,28 @@ int rtt_crr_object(
goto finish;
if ( line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '&')
buffcnt += sprintf( buff+buffcnt, " %s\n", line);
buffcnt += sprintf( buff+buffcnt, " %s\n", line);
buffcnt += sprintf( buff+buffcnt, " %s\n", line);
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&spaces, object, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
if ( !wildcard)
goto finish;
if ( !wildcard && signalcount)
goto finish;
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&spaces, object, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
while ( spaces != object_spaces) {
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&spaces, object, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
......@@ -683,9 +644,6 @@ int rtt_crr_code(
FILE *file;
char line[500];
char tst_line[500];
int hierarchy_spaces;
pwr_tOName hierarchy;
int object_spaces;
pwr_tAName object;
pwr_tOName objname;
int spaces;
......@@ -745,44 +703,24 @@ int rtt_crr_code(
/* First line is a header, skip it */
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&hierarchy_spaces, hierarchy, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&hierarchy_spaces, hierarchy, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&hierarchy_spaces, hierarchy, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&hierarchy_spaces, hierarchy, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
/* Get the hierarchy */
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&spaces, object, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
object_spaces = spaces;
while ( strncmp( line, " _Obj_ ", 7) != 0) {
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&spaces, object, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
first = 1;
while ( 1)
while ( strncmp( line, "_Obj_ ", 6) != 0)
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&spaces, object, &lines);
if ( EVEN(sts)) goto finish;
strcpy( objname, &line[6]);
strcpy( objname, &line[7]);
for ( s = objname; !(*s == 32 || *s == 9 || *s == 0); s++);
*s = 0;
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&spaces, object, &lines);
objname_written = 0;
while ( strncmp( line, "_Obj_ ", 6) != 0)
while ( strncmp( line, " _Obj_ ", 7) != 0)
if ( !case_sensitive)
rtt_toupper( tst_line, line);
......@@ -852,7 +790,7 @@ int rtt_crr_code(
if ( brief)
while ( strncmp( line, "_Obj_ ", 6) != 0)
while ( strncmp( line, " _Obj_ ", 7) != 0)
sts = rtt_get_signal_line( file, line, sizeof( line),
&spaces, object, &lines);
* Proview $Id: rt_trace.cpp,v 1.6 2008-01-18 13:55:36 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: rt_trace.cpp,v 1.7 2008-05-28 11:43:43 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -34,22 +34,19 @@
#include "co_cdh.h"
#include "co_dcli.h"
#include "co_wow.h"
#include "co_trace.h"
#include "rt_gdh.h"
#include "rt_trace.h"
#include "xtt_menu.h"
#define GOEN_F_GRID 0.05
// Until xtt_menu.h i unavailable...
#define xmenu_mUtility_Trace (1 << 1)
#define xmenu_mUtility_Simulate (1 << 2)
#define xmenu_eItemType_Object 1
void RtTrace::get_trace_attr( flow_tObject object,
char *object_str, char *attr_str, flow_eTraceType *type,
int *inverted)
int *inverted, unsigned int *options)
pwr_tOName name;
char *s;
flow_GetTraceAttr( object, name, attr_str, type, inverted);
if ( m_has_host) {
......@@ -63,6 +60,14 @@ void RtTrace::get_trace_attr( flow_tObject object,
strcpy( object_str, name);
// Get options in attr_str after #
if ( (s = strchr( attr_str, '#'))) {
*s = 0;
sscanf( s+1, "%u", options);
*options = 0;
void RtTrace::get_save_filename( pwr_tObjid window_objid, char *filename)
......@@ -208,6 +213,9 @@ int RtTrace::connect_bc( flow_tObject object, char *name, char *attr,
strcpy( attr_str, name);
strcat( attr_str, ".");
strcat( attr_str, attr);
if ( (s = strchr( attr_str, '#')))
*s = 0;
if ( flow_GetObjectType( object) == flow_eObjectType_Node)
......@@ -369,22 +377,28 @@ void RtTrace::activate_display_object()
flow_tObject node;
int sts;
pwr_tObjid objid;
pwr_tAttrRef attrref;
xmenu_eItemType itemtype;
sts = get_selected_node( &node);
if (EVEN(sts)) return;
sts = get_objid( node, &objid);
sts = get_attrref( node, &attrref);
if (EVEN(sts)) return;
if ( call_method_cb) {
pwr_sAttrRef attrref = cdh_ObjidToAref( objid);
if ( attrref.Flags.b.ObjectAttr)
itemtype = xmenu_eItemType_AttrObject;
else if ( attrref.Flags.b.Object)
itemtype = xmenu_eItemType_Object;
itemtype = xmenu_eItemType_Attribute;
if ( call_method_cb) {
(call_method_cb)( parent_ctx,
xmenu_mUtility_Trace, NULL);
......@@ -393,22 +407,29 @@ void RtTrace::activate_collect_insert()
flow_tObject node;
int sts;
pwr_tObjid objid;
pwr_tAttrRef attrref;
xmenu_eItemType itemtype;
sts = get_selected_node( &node);
if (EVEN(sts)) return;
sts = get_objid( node, &objid);
sts = get_attrref( node, &attrref);
if (EVEN(sts)) return;
if ( attrref.Flags.b.ObjectAttr)
itemtype = xmenu_eItemType_AttrObject;
else if ( attrref.Flags.b.Object)
itemtype = xmenu_eItemType_Object;
itemtype = xmenu_eItemType_Attribute;
if ( call_method_cb) {
pwr_sAttrRef attrref = cdh_ObjidToAref( objid);
(call_method_cb)( parent_ctx,
xmenu_mUtility_Trace, NULL);
......@@ -484,22 +505,28 @@ void RtTrace::activate_show_cross()
flow_tObject node;
int sts;
pwr_tObjid objid;
pwr_tAttrRef attrref;
xmenu_eItemType itemtype;
sts = get_selected_node( &node);
if (EVEN(sts)) return;
sts = get_objid( node, &objid);
sts = get_attrref( node, &attrref);
if (EVEN(sts)) return;
if ( call_method_cb) {
pwr_sAttrRef attrref = cdh_ObjidToAref( objid);
if ( attrref.Flags.b.ObjectAttr)
itemtype = xmenu_eItemType_AttrObject;
else if ( attrref.Flags.b.Object)
itemtype = xmenu_eItemType_Object;
itemtype = xmenu_eItemType_Attribute;
if ( call_method_cb) {
xmenu_mUtility_Trace, NULL);
......@@ -508,23 +535,38 @@ void RtTrace::activate_open_classgraph()
flow_tObject node;
int sts;
pwr_tObjid objid;
pwr_tAttrRef attrref;
xmenu_eItemType itemtype;
sts = get_selected_node( &node);
if (EVEN(sts)) return;
sts = get_objid( node, &objid);
sts = get_attrref( node, &attrref);
if (EVEN(sts)) return;
if ( attrref.Flags.b.ObjectAttr)
itemtype = xmenu_eItemType_AttrObject;
else if ( attrref.Flags.b.Object)
itemtype = xmenu_eItemType_Object;
itemtype = xmenu_eItemType_Attribute;
if ( call_method_cb) {
pwr_sAttrRef attrref = cdh_ObjidToAref( objid);
(call_method_cb)( parent_ctx,
xmenu_mUtility_Trace, NULL);
if ( itemtype == xmenu_eItemType_Attribute)
(call_method_cb)( parent_ctx,
xmenu_mUtility_Trace, NULL);
(call_method_cb)( parent_ctx,
xmenu_mUtility_Trace, NULL);
......@@ -693,67 +735,30 @@ int RtTrace::flow_cb( FlowCtx *ctx, flow_tEvent event)
case flow_eEvent_MB3Press: {
flow_tTraceObj object_str;
flow_tTraceAttr attr_str;
flow_eTraceType trace_type;
int inverted;
pwr_sAttrRef attrref;
int sts;
int x, y;
unsigned int utility;
pwr_tAName name;
char *s;
xmenu_eItemType itemtype;
switch ( event->object.object_type) {
case flow_eObjectType_Node:
if ( flow_GetNodeGroup( event->object.object) !=
flow_eNodeGroup_Trace) {
tractx->get_trace_attr( event->object.object, object_str, attr_str,
&trace_type, &inverted);
if ( tractx->m_has_host) {
if ( strncmp( object_str, "$host", 5) == 0) {
/* Replace "$host" with hostname */
strcpy( name, tractx->m_hostname);
strcat( name, &object_str[5]);
else if ( strncmp( object_str, "$PlcFo:", 7) == 0) {
/* Replace "$PlcFo:" with fo name */
s = strchr( object_str, '.');
if ( !s)
strcpy( name, tractx->m_hostname);
else {
strcpy( name, tractx->m_hostname);
strcat( name, s);
else if ( strncmp( object_str, "$PlcMain:", 9) == 0) {
/* Replace "$PlcMain:" with plcconnect name */
s = strchr( object_str, '.');
if ( !s)
strcpy( name, tractx->m_plcconnect);
else {
strcpy( name, tractx->m_plcconnect);
strcat( name, s);
strcpy( name, object_str);
strcpy( name, object_str);
sts = gdh_NameToAttrref( pwr_cNObjid, name, &attrref);
if ( EVEN(sts)) return 1;
sts = tractx->get_attrref( event->object.object, &attrref);
if ( EVEN(sts)) return 1;
if ( tractx->popup_menu_cb) {
// Display popup menu
utility = xmenu_mUtility_Trace;
tractx->popup_menu_position( event->any.x_pixel + 8, event->any.y_pixel, &x, &y);
(tractx->popup_menu_cb)( tractx->parent_ctx, attrref,
utility, NULL, x, y);
if ( attrref.Flags.b.ObjectAttr)
itemtype = xmenu_eItemType_AttrObject;
else if ( attrref.Flags.b.Object)
itemtype = xmenu_eItemType_Object;
itemtype = xmenu_eItemType_Attribute;
if ( tractx->popup_menu_cb) {
// Display popup menu
utility = xmenu_mUtility_Trace;
tractx->popup_menu_position( event->any.x_pixel + 8, event->any.y_pixel, &x, &y);
(tractx->popup_menu_cb)( tractx->parent_ctx, attrref, itemtype,
utility, NULL, x, y);
......@@ -765,41 +770,25 @@ int RtTrace::flow_cb( FlowCtx *ctx, flow_tEvent event)
case flow_eEvent_MB1DoubleClick: {
/* Open attribute editor */
flow_tTraceObj object_str;
flow_tTraceAttr attr_str;
flow_eTraceType trace_type;
int inverted;
pwr_tObjid objid;
pwr_tAttrRef attrref;
int sts;
/* Display object */
switch ( event->object.object_type) {
case flow_eObjectType_Node:
if ( flow_GetNodeGroup( event->object.object) !=
flow_eNodeGroup_Trace) {
tractx->get_trace_attr( event->object.object, object_str, attr_str,
&trace_type, &inverted);
sts = tractx->get_attrref( event->object.object, &attrref);
if (EVEN(sts)) return 1;
sts = gdh_NameToObjid( object_str, &objid);
if ( EVEN(sts)) return 1;
if ( tractx->call_method_cb) {
// Display crossreferences
unsigned long utility = xmenu_mUtility_Trace;
pwr_sAttrRef attrref = cdh_ObjidToAref( objid);
utility, NULL);
//if ( tractx->display_object_cb)
// Display the object in the parent context
// (tractx->display_object_cb)(tractx->parent_ctx, objid);
if ( tractx->call_method_cb) {
// Display crossreferences
unsigned long utility = xmenu_mUtility_Trace;
utility, NULL);
......@@ -875,9 +864,11 @@ int RtTrace::flow_cb( FlowCtx *ctx, flow_tEvent event)
flow_ResetSelectInverse( ctx);
case flow_eEvent_ScrollDown:
flow_RemoveTipText( ctx);
flow_Scroll( ctx, 0, -0.05);
case flow_eEvent_ScrollUp:
case flow_eEvent_ScrollUp:
flow_RemoveTipText( ctx);
flow_Scroll( ctx, 0, 0.05);
case flow_eEvent_TipText: {
......@@ -886,14 +877,15 @@ int RtTrace::flow_cb( FlowCtx *ctx, flow_tEvent event)
flow_eTraceType trace_type;
pwr_tAName aname;
pwr_tAName name;
char tiptext[512];
char tiptext[512] = "";
pwr_tStatus sts;
int inverted;
char *s;
bool is_plcmain = false;
bool is_plcfo = false;
unsigned int options;
tractx->get_trace_attr( event->object.object, object_str, attr_str, &trace_type, &inverted);
tractx->get_trace_attr( event->object.object, object_str, attr_str, &trace_type, &inverted, &options);
if ( tractx->m_has_host) {
if ( strncmp( object_str, "$host", 5) == 0) {
......@@ -942,16 +934,14 @@ int RtTrace::flow_cb( FlowCtx *ctx, flow_tEvent event)
strcat( aname, ".PlcConnect");
sts = gdh_GetObjectInfo( aname, &aref, sizeof(aref));
if ( EVEN(sts)) break;
sts = gdh_AttrrefToName( &aref, aname, sizeof(aname),
if ( EVEN(sts)) break;
strcat( aname, ".Description");
if ( ODD(sts))
sts = gdh_AttrrefToName( &aref, aname, sizeof(aname),
if ( ODD(sts)) {
strcat( aname, ".Description");
sts = gdh_GetObjectInfo( aname, tiptext, sizeof(tiptext));
if ( EVEN(sts)) break;
sts = gdh_GetObjectInfo( aname, tiptext, sizeof(tiptext));
if ( is_plcfo) {
......@@ -1064,6 +1054,7 @@ int RtTrace::get_objid( flow_tObject node, pwr_tObjid *oid)
flow_tTraceAttr attr_str;
flow_eTraceType trace_type;
int inverted;
unsigned int options;
/* Try flow node name */
sts = gdh_ObjidToName( objid, name, sizeof(name), cdh_mNName);
......@@ -1076,7 +1067,7 @@ int RtTrace::get_objid( flow_tObject node, pwr_tObjid *oid)
sts = gdh_NameToObjid( name, oid);
if ( EVEN(sts)) {
/* Try trace object */
get_trace_attr( node, object_name, attr_str, &trace_type, &inverted);
get_trace_attr( node, object_name, attr_str, &trace_type, &inverted, &options);
sts = gdh_NameToObjid( object_name, oid);
if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;
......@@ -1084,6 +1075,77 @@ int RtTrace::get_objid( flow_tObject node, pwr_tObjid *oid)
return 1;
int RtTrace::get_attrref( flow_tObject node, pwr_tAttrRef *aref)
flow_tTraceObj object_str;
flow_tTraceAttr attr_str;
flow_eTraceType trace_type;
int inverted;
pwr_sAttrRef attrref;
int sts;
pwr_tAName name;
char *s;
unsigned int options;
if ( flow_GetNodeGroup( node) == flow_eNodeGroup_Trace)
return 0;
get_trace_attr( node, object_str, attr_str,
&trace_type, &inverted, &options);
if ( m_has_host) {
if ( strncmp( object_str, "$host", 5) == 0) {
/* Replace "$host" with hostname */
strcpy( name, m_hostname);
strcat( name, &object_str[5]);
else if ( strncmp( object_str, "$PlcFo:", 7) == 0) {
/* Replace "$PlcFo:" with fo name */
s = strchr( object_str, '.');
if ( !s)
strcpy( name, m_hostname);
else {
strcpy( name, m_hostname);
strcat( name, s);
else if ( strncmp( object_str, "$PlcMain:", 9) == 0) {
/* Replace "$PlcMain:" with plcconnect name */
s = strchr( object_str, '.');
if ( !s)
strcpy( name, m_plcconnect);
else {
strcpy( name, m_plcconnect);
strcat( name, s);
strcpy( name, object_str);
strcpy( name, object_str);
if ( options & trace_mAttrOptions_MenuAttr) {
if ( strcmp( attr_str, "") != 0) {
strcat( name, ".");
strcat( name, attr_str);
sts = gdh_NameToAttrref( pwr_cNObjid, name, &attrref);
if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;
else {
sts = gdh_NameToAttrref( pwr_cNObjid, name, &attrref);
if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;
else {
sts = gdh_NameToAttrref( pwr_cNObjid, name, &attrref);
if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;
*aref = attrref;
return 1;
int RtTrace::get_selected_node( flow_tObject *node)
flow_tNode *list;
......@@ -1254,6 +1316,7 @@ void RtTrace::changevalue( flow_tNode fnode)
flow_tTraceAttr attr_str;
flow_eTraceType trace_type;
int inverted;
unsigned int options;
if ( is_authorized_cb) {
if ( !(is_authorized_cb)(parent_ctx,
......@@ -1272,7 +1335,7 @@ void RtTrace::changevalue( flow_tNode fnode)
else {
/* Toggle the value, start to get the current value */
get_trace_attr( fnode, object_str, attr_str, &trace_type, &inverted);
get_trace_attr( fnode, object_str, attr_str, &trace_type, &inverted, &options);
strcpy( name, object_str);
strcat( name, ".");
strcat( name, attr_str);
* Proview $Id: rt_trace.h,v 1.10 2007-12-03 14:51:39 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: rt_trace.h,v 1.11 2008-05-28 11:43:43 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -111,8 +111,9 @@ class RtTrace {
void get_trace_attr( flow_tObject object,
char *object_str, char *attr_str, flow_eTraceType *type,
int *inverted);
int *inverted, unsigned int *options);
int get_objid( flow_tObject node, pwr_tObjid *objid);
int get_attrref( flow_tObject node, pwr_tAttrRef *aref);
int get_selected_node( flow_tObject *node);
pwr_tStatus viewsetup();
pwr_tStatus simsetup();
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