Commit 298e7e68 authored by claes's avatar claes

New scale cursors, and status row in ge

parent 64bb037d
......@@ -696,6 +696,14 @@ typedef enum {
glow_eDrawCursor_CrossHair, //!< Crosshair cursor
glow_eDrawCursor_Hand, //!< Hand cursor
glow_eDrawCursor_DiamondCross, //!< Diamond cross cursor
glow_eDrawCursor_BottomLeftCorner, //!< Bottom left corner cursor
glow_eDrawCursor_BottomRightCorner, //!< Bottom right corner cursor
glow_eDrawCursor_BottomSide, //!< Bottom side cursor
glow_eDrawCursor_TopLeftCorner, //!< Top left corner cursor
glow_eDrawCursor_TopRightCorner, //!< Top right corner cursor
glow_eDrawCursor_TopSide, //!< Top side cursor
glow_eDrawCursor_RightSide, //!< Right side cursor
glow_eDrawCursor_LeftSide, //!< Left side cursor
} glow_eDrawCursor;
......@@ -780,6 +780,10 @@ class GlowCtx {
/*! \param show 1 display the grid points, 0 hide. */
void set_show_grid( int show);
//! Get show grid.
/*! \return 1 grid points are displayed, 0 hidden. */
int get_show_grid() { return show_grid;}
//! Draw gridpoints in the specified area.
\param ll_x x coordinate for lower left corner of area in pixel.
......@@ -134,6 +134,30 @@ static int glow_create_cursor( draw_tCtx draw_ctx)
draw_ctx->cursors[glow_eDrawCursor_Hand] =
XCreateFontCursor( draw_ctx->display, XC_hand2);
draw_ctx->cursors[glow_eDrawCursor_BottomLeftCorner] =
XCreateFontCursor( draw_ctx->display, XC_bottom_left_corner);
draw_ctx->cursors[glow_eDrawCursor_BottomRightCorner] =
XCreateFontCursor( draw_ctx->display, XC_bottom_right_corner);
draw_ctx->cursors[glow_eDrawCursor_BottomSide] =
XCreateFontCursor( draw_ctx->display, XC_bottom_side);
draw_ctx->cursors[glow_eDrawCursor_TopLeftCorner] =
XCreateFontCursor( draw_ctx->display, XC_top_left_corner);
draw_ctx->cursors[glow_eDrawCursor_TopRightCorner] =
XCreateFontCursor( draw_ctx->display, XC_top_right_corner);
draw_ctx->cursors[glow_eDrawCursor_TopSide] =
XCreateFontCursor( draw_ctx->display, XC_top_side);
draw_ctx->cursors[glow_eDrawCursor_RightSide] =
XCreateFontCursor( draw_ctx->display, XC_right_side);
draw_ctx->cursors[glow_eDrawCursor_LeftSide] =
XCreateFontCursor( draw_ctx->display, XC_left_side);
return 1;
......@@ -678,6 +678,53 @@ void grow_SetAttributes( grow_tCtx ctx, grow_sAttributes *attr,
ctx->initial_position = attr->initial_position;
void grow_GetAttributes( grow_tCtx ctx, grow_sAttributes *attr,
unsigned long mask)
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_base_zoom_factor)
attr->base_zoom_factor = ctx->base_zoom_factor;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_offset_x)
attr->offset_x = ctx->offset_x;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_offset_y)
attr->offset_y = ctx->offset_y;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_grid_size_x)
attr->grid_size_x = ctx->grid_size_x;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_grid_size_y)
attr->grid_size_y = ctx->grid_size_y;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_grid_on)
attr->grid_on = ctx->grid_on;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_user_highlight)
attr->user_highlight = ctx->user_highlight;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_draw_delta)
attr->draw_delta = ctx->draw_delta;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_grafcet_con_delta)
attr->grafcet_con_delta = ctx->grafcet_con_delta;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_refcon_width)
attr->refcon_width = ctx->refcon_width;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_refcon_height)
attr->refcon_height = ctx->refcon_height;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_refcon_linewidth)
attr->refcon_linewidth = ctx->refcon_linewidth;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_refcon_textsize)
attr->refcon_textsize = ctx->refcon_textsize;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_application_paste)
attr->application_paste = ctx->application_paste;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_select_policy)
attr->select_policy = ctx->select_policy;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_display_level)
attr->display_level = ctx->display_level;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_default_hot_mode)
attr->default_hot_mode = ctx->default_hot_mode;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_enable_bg_pixmap)
attr->enable_bg_pixmap = ctx->enable_bg_pixmap;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_double_buffer_on)
attr->double_buffer_on = ctx->double_buffer_on;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_hot_mode)
attr->hot_mode = ctx->hot_mode;
if ( mask & grow_eAttr_initial_position)
attr->initial_position = (glow_eDirection) ctx->initial_position;
void grow_PositionToPixel( grow_tCtx ctx, double x, double y,
int *pix_x, int *pix_y)
......@@ -3636,11 +3683,21 @@ void grow_SetMoveRestrictions( grow_tCtx ctx, glow_eMoveRestriction restriction,
(GlowArrayElem *)object);
glow_eMoveRestriction grow_GetMoveRestrictions( grow_tCtx ctx)
return ctx->move_restriction;
void grow_SetScaleEqual( grow_tCtx ctx, int equal)
ctx->set_scale_equal( equal);
int grow_GetScaleEqual( grow_tCtx ctx)
return ctx->scale_equal;
void grow_GetSliderInfo( grow_tObject object, glow_eDirection *direction,
double *max_value, double *min_value, double *max_pos, double *min_pos)
......@@ -3899,6 +3956,11 @@ void grow_SetShowGrid( grow_tCtx ctx, int show)
ctx->set_show_grid( show);
int grow_GetShowGrid( grow_tCtx ctx)
return ctx->get_show_grid();
int grow_IsNextNodeClass( grow_tNodeClass nodeclass)
return ((GlowNodeClass *)nodeclass)->is_next();
......@@ -664,6 +664,15 @@ typedef GlowTraceData glow_sTraceData;
void grow_SetAttributes( grow_tCtx ctx, grow_sAttributes *attr,
unsigned long mask);
//! Get attributes of the grow context.
\param ctx Grow context.
\param attr Data structure with attribute values.
\param mask Mask of the attributes to get.
void grow_GetAttributes( grow_tCtx ctx, grow_sAttributes *attr,
unsigned long mask);
//! Convert coordinates for a point to pixel.
\param ctx Grow context.
......@@ -1938,6 +1947,13 @@ typedef GlowTraceData glow_sTraceData;
void grow_SetMoveRestrictions( grow_tCtx ctx, glow_eMoveRestriction restriction,
double max_limit, double min_limit, grow_tObject object);
//! Get current movement restrictions.
\param ctx Grow context.
\return Type of restriction.
glow_eMoveRestriction grow_GetMoveRestrictions( grow_tCtx ctx);
//! Set or reset scaletype to equal scale.
\param ctx Grow context.
......@@ -1948,6 +1964,13 @@ typedef GlowTraceData glow_sTraceData;
void grow_SetScaleEqual( grow_tCtx ctx, int equal);
//! Get current scaletype.
\param ctx Grow context.
\return If 1 scaletype is equal.
int grow_GetScaleEqual( grow_tCtx ctx);
//! Get info for a slider object.
\param object Slider object.
......@@ -2346,6 +2369,13 @@ typedef GlowTraceData glow_sTraceData;
void grow_SetShowGrid( grow_tCtx ctx, int show);
//! Get if gridpoints are displayed.
\param ctx Grow context.
\return 1: gridpoints are displayed, 0: hidden.
int grow_GetShowGrid( grow_tCtx ctx);
//! Check if a nodeclass is a next page.
\param nodeclass Nodeclass to check.
......@@ -493,14 +493,89 @@ int GrowCtx::event_handler( glow_eEvent event, int x, int y, int w, int h)
case glow_eEvent_CursorMotion:
if ( edit_mode == grow_eMode_Scale) {
int x0 = select_rect_ll_x;
int delta_x = (select_rect_ur_x - select_rect_ll_x) / 3 + 1;
int y0 = select_rect_ll_y;
int delta_y = (select_rect_ur_y - select_rect_ll_y) / 3 + 1;
glow_eScaleType scale_type;
if ( (x0 <= x && x < x0 + delta_x) &&
(y0 <= y && y < y0 + delta_y))
scale_type = glow_eScaleType_UpperRight;
else if ( (x0 + delta_x <= x && x < x0 + 2 * delta_x) &&
(y0 <= y && y < y0 + delta_y))
scale_type = glow_eScaleType_Up;
else if ( (x0 + 2 * delta_x <= x && x < x0 + 3 * delta_x) &&
(y0 <= y && y < y0 + delta_y))
scale_type = glow_eScaleType_UpperLeft;
else if ( (x0 <= x && x < x0 + delta_x) &&
(y0 + delta_y <= y && y < y0 + 2 * delta_y))
scale_type = glow_eScaleType_Right;
else if ( (x0 + 2 * delta_x <= x && x < x0 + 3 * delta_x) &&
(y0 + delta_y <= y && y < y0 + 2 * delta_y))
scale_type = glow_eScaleType_Left;
else if ( (x0 <= x && x < x0 + delta_x) &&
(y0 + 2 * delta_y <= y && y < y0 + 3 * delta_y))
scale_type = glow_eScaleType_LowerRight;
else if ( (x0 + delta_x <= x && x < x0 + 2 * delta_x) &&
(y0 + 2 * delta_y <= y && y < y0 + 3 * delta_y))
scale_type = glow_eScaleType_Down;
else if ( (x0 + 2 * delta_x <= x && x < x0 + 3 * delta_x) &&
(y0 + 2 * delta_y <= y && y < y0 + 3 * delta_y))
scale_type = glow_eScaleType_LowerLeft;
scale_type = glow_eScaleType_No;
switch ( scale_type) {
case glow_eScaleType_Up:
if ( scale_equal)
draw_set_cursor( this, glow_eDrawCursor_Normal);
draw_set_cursor( ctx, glow_eDrawCursor_TopSide);
case glow_eScaleType_Down:
if ( scale_equal)
draw_set_cursor( this, glow_eDrawCursor_Normal);
draw_set_cursor( ctx, glow_eDrawCursor_BottomSide);
case glow_eScaleType_Right:
if ( scale_equal)
draw_set_cursor( this, glow_eDrawCursor_Normal);
draw_set_cursor( ctx, glow_eDrawCursor_LeftSide);
case glow_eScaleType_Left:
if ( scale_equal)
draw_set_cursor( this, glow_eDrawCursor_Normal);
draw_set_cursor( this, glow_eDrawCursor_RightSide);
case glow_eScaleType_UpperRight:
draw_set_cursor( ctx, glow_eDrawCursor_TopLeftCorner);
case glow_eScaleType_LowerLeft:
draw_set_cursor( ctx, glow_eDrawCursor_BottomRightCorner);
case glow_eScaleType_UpperLeft:
draw_set_cursor( ctx, glow_eDrawCursor_TopRightCorner);
case glow_eScaleType_LowerRight:
draw_set_cursor( this, glow_eDrawCursor_BottomLeftCorner);
draw_set_cursor( this, glow_eDrawCursor_Normal);
else {
cursor_present = 1;
cursor_x = x;
cursor_y = y;
if ( node_movement_paste_active)
if ( node_movement_paste_active) {
switch( move_restriction)
switch( move_restriction) {
case glow_eMoveRestriction_Vertical:
a_move.move( 0, y - node_move_last_y, 0);
......@@ -517,10 +592,10 @@ int GrowCtx::event_handler( glow_eEvent event, int x, int y, int w, int h)
sts = 0;
hot_found = ( hot_mode == glow_eHotMode_Disabled);
for ( i = 0; i < a.a_size; i++)
for ( i = 0; i < a.a_size; i++) {
sts = a.a[a.a_size-i-1]->event_handler( event, x, y, fx, fy);
case glow_eEvent_ButtonMotion:
......@@ -971,8 +1046,14 @@ int GrowCtx::event_handler( glow_eEvent event, int x, int y, int w, int h)
else if ( edit_mode == grow_eMode_EditPolyLine && node_movement_active)
((GrowPolyLine *)a_move[0])->move_current_point(
x - node_move_last_x, y - node_move_last_y, 0);
int dx = x - node_move_last_x;
int dy = y - node_move_last_y;
if ( move_restriction == glow_eMoveRestriction_Vertical)
dx = 0;
else if ( move_restriction == glow_eMoveRestriction_Horizontal)
dy = 0;
((GrowPolyLine *)a_move[0])->move_current_point( dx, dy, 0);
node_move_last_x = x;
node_move_last_y = y;
......@@ -984,8 +1065,14 @@ int GrowCtx::event_handler( glow_eEvent event, int x, int y, int w, int h)
scale_active = 0;
if ( node_movement_active && edit_mode == grow_eMode_EditPolyLine)
((GrowPolyLine *)a_move[0])->move_current_point(
x - node_move_last_x, y - node_move_last_y, grid_on);
int dx = x - node_move_last_x;
int dy = y - node_move_last_y;
if ( move_restriction == glow_eMoveRestriction_Vertical)
dx = 0;
else if ( move_restriction == glow_eMoveRestriction_Horizontal)
dy = 0;
((GrowPolyLine *)a_move[0])->move_current_point( dx, dy, grid_on);
node_move_last_x = x;
node_move_last_y = y;
node_movement_active = 0;
......@@ -1327,9 +1414,8 @@ int GrowCtx::event_handler( glow_eEvent event, int x, int y, int w, int h)
else if ( select_rect_active && edit_mode != grow_eMode_Scale)
else if ( select_rect_active && edit_mode == grow_eMode_Scale)
else if ( con_create_active)
......@@ -2500,6 +2586,10 @@ void grow_auto_scrolling( GrowCtx *ctx)
delta_x = - (ctx->node_move_last_x - ctx->window_width / 2) / 6;
delta_y = - (ctx->node_move_last_y - ctx->window_height / 2) / 6;
if ( ctx->move_restriction == glow_eMoveRestriction_Vertical)
delta_x = 0;
else if ( ctx->move_restriction == glow_eMoveRestriction_Horizontal)
delta_y = 0;
((GrowPolyLine *)ctx->a_move[0])->move_current_point(
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