Commit 29e6e8b2 authored by pwrp's avatar pwrp

Powerlink new stall action logic

parent ba690633
......@@ -39,23 +39,30 @@
#define rt_io_m_epl_h
typedef struct {
short init;
short timeoutStatus;
int prevState;
int input_area_size;
int output_area_size;
void *input_area;
void *output_area;
void *tmp_area;
struct timespec tpe, tps;
struct timespec tpe, tps, boot;
short inputResetEnabled;
} io_sLocalEpl_MN;
typedef struct {
int prevState;
short timeoutStatus;
int byte_ordering;
int float_representation;
struct timespec tpe, tps;
} io_sLocalEpl_CN;
typedef struct {
int prevState;
short timeoutStatus;
int byte_ordering;
int float_representation;
struct timespec tpe, tps;
......@@ -101,6 +101,11 @@
#include "Epl.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <rt_pwr_msg.h>
#define pl_Align(offs, align) ((offs + (align - 1)) & ~(align - 1))
......@@ -112,13 +117,6 @@
/* */
// const defines
#define IP_ADDR 0xc0a86401 //
#define SUBNET_MASK 0xFFFFFF00 // "
// module global vars
......@@ -310,7 +308,8 @@ static pwr_tStatus IoAgentInit (io_tCtx ctx, io_sAgent *ap) {
// Get nodeid from attribute in agent
EplApiInitParam.m_uiNodeId = op->NodeId;
EplApiInitParam.m_dwIpAddress = (0xFFFFFF00 & IP_ADDR) | EplApiInitParam.m_uiNodeId;
EplApiInitParam.m_dwIpAddress = ntohl( inet_addr( op->IpAddress));
// write 00:00:00:00:00:00 to MAC address, so that the driver uses the real hardware address
EPL_MEMCPY(EplApiInitParam.m_abMacAddress, abMacAddr, sizeof (EplApiInitParam.m_abMacAddress));
......@@ -352,7 +351,7 @@ static pwr_tStatus IoAgentInit (io_tCtx ctx, io_sAgent *ap) {
// NMT_IdentityObject_REC.SerialNo_U32
EplApiInitParam.m_dwSerialNumber = -1;
EplApiInitParam.m_dwSubnetMask = SUBNET_MASK;
EplApiInitParam.m_dwSubnetMask = ntohl( inet_addr( op->IpNetmask));
EplApiInitParam.m_dwDefaultGateway = 0;
EPL_MEMCPY(EplApiInitParam.m_sHostname, sHostname, sizeof(EplApiInitParam.m_sHostname));
EplApiInitParam.m_uiSyncNodeId = EPL_C_ADR_SYNC_ON_SOA;
......@@ -799,6 +798,7 @@ static pwr_tStatus IoAgentClose( io_tCtx ctx, io_sAgent *ap) {
io_sRack *rp;
ap->Local = 0;
for ( rp = ap->racklist; rp; rp = rp->next)
free( (io_sLocalEpl_CN *)rp->Local);
......@@ -824,29 +824,37 @@ static pwr_tStatus IoAgentRead( io_tCtx ctx, io_sAgent *ap) {
io_sCard *cp;
pwr_tUInt32 error_count = 0;
int ret = IO__SUCCESS;
return ret;
// Remeber the time when this functions was called the first time
if( local->init == 0) {
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &local->boot);
local->init = 1;
// Time now (tps = time when bad state occurred)
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &local->tpe);
error_count = op->ErrorCount;
// Add to error count if agent changed from good to bad state and setup is complete
if( local->prevState == pwr_eEplNmtState_EplNmtMsOperational && op->NmtState != pwr_eEplNmtState_EplNmtMsOperational && ( (local->tpe).tv_sec - (local->boot).tv_sec) >= op->StartupTimeout)
// Copy Powerlink process image to temp memory (only if stallaction=resetinputs else tmp_area=input_area)
if( op->StallAction == pwr_eStallActionEnum_ResetInputs)
memcpy( local->tmp_area , local->input_area, local->input_area_size);
// Save time when bad state occurs
if( op->NmtState == pwr_eEplNmtState_EplNmtMsOperational)
op->ErrorCount = 0;
// If no bad state and were still in startup there can be no error (else remember when error occurred)
if( op->NmtState == pwr_eEplNmtState_EplNmtMsOperational || ( (local->tpe).tv_sec - (local->boot).tv_sec) < op->StartupTimeout) {
(local->tps).tv_sec = 0;
else if( (local->tps).tv_sec == 0)
local->timeoutStatus = 0;
else if( (local->tps).tv_sec == 0) {
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &local->tps);
// If Timeout time has passed and still in bad state, start adding to ErrorCount
if( (local->tpe).tv_sec - (local->tps).tv_sec >= op->Timeout && (local->tps).tv_sec != 0)
// Agent error soft limit reached, tell log (once)
if ( op->ErrorCount >= op->ErrorSoftLimit && error_count < op->ErrorSoftLimit) {
errh_Warning( "IO Agent ErrorSoftLimit reached, '%s'", ap->Name);
......@@ -864,20 +872,38 @@ static pwr_tStatus IoAgentRead( io_tCtx ctx, io_sAgent *ap) {
errh_Error( "IO Agent ErrorHardLimit reached '%s'", ap->Name);
// Agent timeout has elapsed, tell log (once)
if( ( (local->tpe).tv_sec - (local->tps).tv_sec) >= op->Timeout && local->timeoutStatus == 0 && (local->tps).tv_sec != 0) {
local->timeoutStatus = 1;
if( op->StallAction == pwr_eStallActionEnum_EmergencyBreak) {
errh_Error( "IO Agent timeout time elapsed '%s', IO stopped", ap->Name);
else if( op->StallAction == pwr_eStallActionEnum_ResetInputs) {
errh_Error( "IO Agent timeout time elapsed '%s', IO input area reset", ap->Name);
errh_Error( "IO Agent timeout time elapsed '%s'", ap->Name);
// Agent error hard limit reached, take action (always)
if ( op->ErrorCount >= op->ErrorHardLimit) {
// Agent error hard limit reached or timeout time elapsed, take action (always)
if ( op->ErrorCount >= op->ErrorHardLimit || ( (local->tpe).tv_sec - (local->tps).tv_sec) >= op->Timeout && (local->tps).tv_sec != 0) {
if( op->StallAction == pwr_eStallActionEnum_EmergencyBreak) {
ctx->Node->EmergBreakTrue = 1;
IoAgentClose(ctx, ap);
else if( op->StallAction == pwr_eStallActionEnum_ResetInputs) {
memset( local->tmp_area, 0, local->input_area_size);
// Remember agent state til next scan
local->prevState = op->NmtState;
// Loop through all slaves
for ( rp = ap->racklist; rp; rp = rp->next) {
......@@ -886,49 +912,66 @@ static pwr_tStatus IoAgentRead( io_tCtx ctx, io_sAgent *ap) {
// Time now (tps = time when bad state occurred)
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &local1->tpe);
pwr_tUInt32 error_count = ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->ErrorCount;
error_count = ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->ErrorCount;
// Add to error count if slave changed from good to bad state and setup is complete
if( local1->prevState == pwr_eEplNmtState_EplNmtCsOperational && ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->NmtState != pwr_eEplNmtState_EplNmtCsOperational && ( (local1->tpe).tv_sec - (local->boot).tv_sec) >= op->StartupTimeout)
((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->ErrorCount++;
// Save time when bad state occurs
if( ( (pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->NmtState == pwr_eEplNmtState_EplNmtCsOperational) {
( (pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->ErrorCount = 0;
(local1->tps).tv_sec = 0;
if( ( (pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->NmtState == pwr_eEplNmtState_EplNmtCsOperational || ( (local1->tpe).tv_sec - (local->boot).tv_sec) < op->StartupTimeout) {
(local1->tps).tv_sec = 0;
local1->timeoutStatus = 0;
else if( (local1->tps).tv_sec == 0)
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &local1->tps);
// If Timeout time has passed and still in bad state, start adding to ErrorCount
if( (local1->tpe).tv_sec - (local1->tps).tv_sec >= ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->Timeout && (local1->tps).tv_sec != 0)
( (pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->ErrorCount++;
// Slave error soft limit reached, tell log (once)
if ( ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->ErrorCount >= ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->ErrorSoftLimit && error_count < ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->ErrorSoftLimit) {
errh_Warning( "IO Card ErrorSoftLimit reached, '%s'", rp->Name);
errh_Warning( "IO Rack ErrorSoftLimit reached, '%s'", rp->Name);
// Slave error hard limit reached, tell log (once)
if ( ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->ErrorCount >= ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->ErrorHardLimit && error_count < ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->ErrorHardLimit) {
if( ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->StallAction == pwr_eStallActionEnum_EmergencyBreak) {
errh_Error( "IO Card ErrorHardLimit reached '%s', IO stopped", rp->Name);
errh_Error( "IO Rack ErrorHardLimit reached '%s', IO stopped", rp->Name);
else if( ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->StallAction == pwr_eStallActionEnum_ResetInputs) {
errh_Error( "IO Rack ErrorHardLimit reached '%s', IO input area reset", rp->Name);
errh_Error( "IO Rack ErrorHardLimit reached '%s'", rp->Name);
// Slave timeout has elapsed, tell log (once)
if( ( (local1->tpe).tv_sec - (local1->tps).tv_sec) >= ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->Timeout && local1->timeoutStatus == 0 && (local1->tps).tv_sec != 0) {
local1->timeoutStatus = 1;
if( ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->StallAction == pwr_eStallActionEnum_EmergencyBreak) {
errh_Error( "Rack timeout time elapsed '%s', IO stopped", rp->Name);
else if( ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->StallAction == pwr_eStallActionEnum_ResetInputs) {
errh_Error( "IO Card ErrorHardLimit reached '%s', IO input area reset", rp->Name);
errh_Error( "Rack timeout time elapsed '%s', IO input area reset", rp->Name);
errh_Error( "IO Card ErrorHardLimit reached '%s'", rp->Name);
errh_Error( "Rack timeout time elapsed '%s'", rp->Name);
// Slave error hard limit reached, take action (always)
if ( ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->ErrorCount >= ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->ErrorHardLimit) {
// Slave error hard limit reached or timeout time elapsed, take action (always)
if ( ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->ErrorCount >= ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->ErrorHardLimit || ( (local1->tpe).tv_sec - (local1->tps).tv_sec) >= ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->Timeout && (local1->tps).tv_sec != 0) {
if( ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->StallAction == pwr_eStallActionEnum_EmergencyBreak) {
ctx->Node->EmergBreakTrue = 1;
ctx->Node->EmergBreakTrue = 1;
IoAgentClose(ctx, ap);
else if( ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->StallAction == pwr_eStallActionEnum_ResetInputs) {
memset( local->tmp_area + ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->InputAreaOffset, 0, ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->InputAreaSize);
memset( local->tmp_area + ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->InputAreaOffset, 0, ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->InputAreaSize);
// Remeber slave state til next scan
local1->prevState = ((pwr_sClass_Epl_CN *)rp->op)->NmtState;
// Update Proview chan-objects with data from Powerlink process image
for ( cp = rp->cardlist; cp; cp = cp->next) {
......@@ -946,6 +989,9 @@ static pwr_tStatus IoAgentWrite( io_tCtx ctx, io_sAgent *ap) {
//pwr_sClass_Epl_MN *op = (pwr_sClass_Epl_MN *)ap->op;
io_sRack *rp;
io_sCard *cp;
return IO__SUCCESS;
for ( rp = ap->racklist; rp; rp = rp->next) {
for ( cp = rp->cardlist; cp; cp = cp->next) {
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