Commit 3dcb3683 authored by claes's avatar claes

Attribute name window displayed permanently

parent 3b326828
* Proview $Id: ge_curve.cpp,v 1.8 2005-11-17 09:03:20 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: ge_curve.cpp,v 1.9 2005-12-06 10:45:12 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ extern "C" {
#include "ge_curve.h"
#include "ge_msg.h"
#define MARK_WIDTH 2.0
static void gec_activate_exit( Widget w, GeCurve *curve, XmAnyCallbackStruct *data)
if ( curve->close_cb)
......@@ -126,35 +128,6 @@ static void gec_activate_background( Widget w, GeCurve *curve, XmAnyCallbackStru
static void gec_activate_showname( Widget w, GeCurve *curve,
XmToggleButtonCallbackStruct *data)
if ( data->set) {
Arg args[2];
short width;
width = 200;
XtSetValues( curve->axisform_widget, args, 1);
curve->axis_displayed = 0;
XtManageChild( curve->grownames_main_widget);
XtUnmanageChild( curve->growaxis_main_widget);
else {
double zoom_x, zoom_y;
short width;
Arg args[2];
curve_GetZoom( curve->growcurve_ctx, &zoom_x, &zoom_y);
width = short( zoom_y * curve->axis_window_width);
XtSetValues( curve->axisform_widget, args, 1);
curve->axis_displayed = 1;
XtManageChild( curve->growaxis_main_widget);
XtUnmanageChild( curve->grownames_main_widget);
static void gec_activate_filledcurves( Widget w, GeCurve *curve,
......@@ -202,6 +175,11 @@ static void gec_create_growform( Widget w, GeCurve *curve, XmAnyCallbackStruct *
curve->axisform_widget = w;
static void gec_create_nameform( Widget w, GeCurve *curve, XmAnyCallbackStruct *data)
curve->nameform_widget = w;
static void gec_create_curveform( Widget w, GeCurve *curve, XmAnyCallbackStruct *data)
curve->curveform_widget = w;
......@@ -262,14 +240,85 @@ static int ge_growcurve_cb( GlowCtx *ctx, glow_tEvent event)
grow_GetCtxUserData( (GrowCtx *)ctx, (void **) &curve);
switch ( event->event)
case glow_eEvent_MB1Click:
printf( "GrowCurve callback MB1\n");
switch ( event->event) {
case glow_eEvent_MB1Click:
case glow_eEvent_SliderMoveStart: {
printf( "Slider start\n");
if ( event->object.object_type == glow_eObjectType_NoObject)
grow_SetMoveRestrictions( (GrowCtx *)ctx, glow_eMoveRestriction_Disable, 0, 0, NULL);
grow_SetMoveRestrictions( (GrowCtx *)ctx, glow_eMoveRestriction_HorizontalSlider,
case glow_eEvent_SliderMoved: {
char str[40];
int row;
double ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y;
double time;
grow_MeasureNode( curve->curve_markobject, &ll_x, &ll_y, &ur_x, &ur_y);
curve->last_mark_x = event->any.x;
if ( !curve->cd->x_reverse)
time = event->any.x *
(curve->cd->max_value_axis[0] - curve->cd->min_value_axis[0]) / 200;
time = (200.0 - event->any.x) *
(curve->cd->max_value_axis[0] - curve->cd->min_value_axis[0]) / 200;
row = int ((time - curve->cd->min_value[0]) /
(curve->cd->max_value[0] - curve->cd->min_value[0]) *
(curve->cd->rows - 1) + 0.5);
if ( row > curve->cd->rows - 1)
row = curve->cd->rows - 1;
if ( row < 0)
row = 0;
for ( int i = 1; i < curve->cd->cols; i++) {
sprintf( str, "%7.2f", curve->cd->data[i][row]);
grow_SetAnnotation( curve->mark_annot[i], 0, str, strlen(str));
sprintf( str, "%7.2f", curve->cd->data[0][row]);
grow_SetAnnotation( curve->mark_annot[0], 0, str, strlen(str));
case glow_eEvent_CursorMotion: {
char str[40];
int row;
double time;
curve->last_cursor_x = event->any.x;
if ( !curve->cd->x_reverse)
time = event->any.x *
(curve->cd->max_value_axis[0] - curve->cd->min_value_axis[0]) / 200;
time = (200.0 - event->any.x) *
(curve->cd->max_value_axis[0] - curve->cd->min_value_axis[0]) / 200;
row = int ((time - curve->cd->min_value[0]) /
(curve->cd->max_value[0] - curve->cd->min_value[0]) *
(curve->cd->rows - 1) + 0.5);
if ( row > curve->cd->rows - 1)
row = curve->cd->rows - 1;
if ( row < 0)
row = 0;
for ( int i = 1; i < curve->cd->cols; i++) {
sprintf( str, "%7.2f", curve->cd->data[i][row]);
grow_SetAnnotation( curve->cursor_annot[i], 0, str, strlen(str));
sprintf( str, "%7.2f", curve->cd->data[0][row]);
grow_SetAnnotation( curve->cursor_annot[0], 0, str, strlen(str));
return 1;
......@@ -286,6 +335,8 @@ static int ge_init_growcurve_cb( GlowCtx *fctx, void *client_data)
mask |= grow_eAttr_grid_on;
grow_attr.grid_on = 0;
mask |= grow_eAttr_double_buffer_on;
grow_attr.default_hot_mode = glow_eHotMode_TraceAction;
mask |= grow_eAttr_default_hot_mode;
grow_attr.double_buffer_on = 1;
if ( curve->initial_right_position) {
mask |= grow_eAttr_initial_position;
......@@ -295,9 +346,18 @@ static int ge_init_growcurve_cb( GlowCtx *fctx, void *client_data)
grow_SetCtxUserData( curve->growcurve_ctx, curve);
grow_SetMoveRestrictions( curve->growcurve_ctx, glow_eMoveRestriction_Disable, 0, 0, NULL);
grow_EnableEvent( (GrowCtx *)curve->growcurve_ctx, glow_eEvent_MB1Click,
glow_eEventType_CallBack, ge_growcurve_cb);
grow_EnableEvent( (GrowCtx *)curve->growcurve_ctx, glow_eEvent_CursorMotion,
glow_eEventType_CallBack, ge_growcurve_cb);
grow_EnableEvent( (GrowCtx *)curve->growcurve_ctx, glow_eEvent_SliderMoved,
glow_eEventType_CallBack, ge_growcurve_cb);
grow_EnableEvent( (GrowCtx *)curve->growcurve_ctx, glow_eEvent_SliderMoveStart,
glow_eEventType_CallBack, ge_growcurve_cb);
grow_EnableEvent( (GrowCtx *)curve->growcurve_ctx, glow_eEvent_MB1Press,
glow_eEventType_MoveNode, ge_growcurve_cb);
grow_CreateGrowCurve( curve->growcurve_ctx, "curve", NULL, 0, 0, 200, 30,
curve->curve_border, 2, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, 1, 1,
......@@ -307,7 +367,25 @@ static int ge_init_growcurve_cb( GlowCtx *fctx, void *client_data)
glow_eDrawType_TextHelvetica, curve,
grow_tNodeClass nc;
grow_CreateNodeClass( curve->growcurve_ctx, "MarkNc", glow_eNodeGroup_Common, &nc);
grow_AddLine( nc, "", 0, 0, 0, 32, glow_eDrawType_LineGray, 1, 0, NULL);
grow_AddRect( nc, "", -MARK_WIDTH/2, 30.1, MARK_WIDTH, 1.8, glow_eDrawType_LineGray, 1, 0,
glow_mDisplayLevel_1, 0, 0, 1,
glow_eDrawType_Color33, NULL);
glow_sPoint p1[3] = { -0.1, 30.3, {-MARK_WIDTH/2+0.1, 31},{-0.1, 31.7}};
grow_AddPolyLine( nc, "", p1, 3, glow_eDrawType_Line, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, glow_eDrawType_Color38,
1, 0);
glow_sPoint p2[3] = { 0.1, 30.3, { MARK_WIDTH/2-0.1, 31},{ 0.1, 31.7}};
grow_AddPolyLine( nc, "", p2, 3, glow_eDrawType_Line, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, glow_eDrawType_Color38,
1, 0);
grow_CreateGrowSlider( curve->growcurve_ctx, "", nc, 1, 0, NULL, &curve->curve_markobject);
grow_SetSliderInfo( curve->curve_markobject, glow_eDirection_Right,
200, 0, 200, 0);
// grow_SetMode( curve->growcurve_ctx, grow_eMode_Edit);
return 1;
......@@ -414,8 +492,7 @@ static int ge_grownames_cb( GlowCtx *ctx, glow_tEvent event)
if ( event->object.object_type != glow_eObjectType_NoObject) {
for ( int i = 0; i < curve->cd->cols; i++) {
if ( event->object.object == curve->name_rect[i] ||
event->object.object == curve->hide_rect[i] ) {
if ( event->object.object == curve->hide_rect[i] ) {
if ( curve->hide[i]) {
// Check max number of curves
int num = 0;
......@@ -431,10 +508,11 @@ static int ge_grownames_cb( GlowCtx *ctx, glow_tEvent event)
curve->hide[i] = !curve->hide[i];
if ( curve->hide[i])
color = curve->cd->color[i];
color = glow_eDrawType_LineErase;
color = glow_eDrawType_Line;
grow_SetObjectFillColor( curve->hide_rect[i], color);
grow_SetObjectBorderColor( curve->hide_l1[i], color);
grow_SetObjectBorderColor( curve->hide_l2[i], color);
if ( curve->auto_refresh) {
......@@ -442,10 +520,27 @@ static int ge_grownames_cb( GlowCtx *ctx, glow_tEvent event)
if ( event->object.object == curve->scale_rect[i] ) {
char value_str[40];
sprintf( value_str, "%f",
XmTextSetString( curve->minmax_textmin_widget, value_str);
sprintf( value_str, "%f",
XmTextSetString( curve->minmax_textmax_widget, value_str);
curve->minmax_idx = i;
XtManageChild( curve->minmax_widget);
case glow_eEvent_HotRequest:
return 0;
case glow_eEvent_Resized:
printf( "GrowNames callback Resized\n");
......@@ -522,24 +617,113 @@ static int ge_init_grownames_cb( GlowCtx *fctx, void *client_data)
glow_eEventType_CallBack, ge_grownames_cb);
grow_EnableEvent( (GrowCtx *)curve->grownames_ctx, glow_eEvent_Resized,
glow_eEventType_CallBack, ge_grownames_cb);
grow_EnableEvent( (GrowCtx *)curve->grownames_ctx, glow_eEvent_HotRequest,
glow_eEventType_CallBack, ge_grownames_cb);
// Create nodeclass for mark values
grow_tNodeClass nc;
grow_CreateNodeClass( curve->grownames_ctx, "MarkVal", glow_eNodeGroup_Common, &nc);
grow_AddRect( nc, "", 0, 0, 3, 0.75, glow_eDrawType_LineGray, 1, 0,
glow_mDisplayLevel_1, 0, 0, 0,
glow_eDrawType_Line, NULL);
grow_AddAnnot( nc, 0.2, 0.7, 0, glow_eDrawType_TextHelvetica,
2, glow_eAnnotType_OneLine, 0, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, NULL);
// Draw header
grow_tObject o1;
grow_CreateGrowLine( curve->grownames_ctx, "", 0, 0.75, 60, 0.75,
glow_eDrawType_Color34, 2, 0, NULL, &o1);
grow_CreateGrowRect( curve->grownames_ctx, "", 0, 0, 60, 0.8,
glow_eDrawType_Line, 1, 0, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, 0, 0, 1,
glow_eDrawType_Color32, NULL, &o1);
grow_CreateGrowText( curve->grownames_ctx, "", "View",
0.8, 0.6, glow_eDrawType_TextHelvetica,
glow_eDrawType_Line, 2, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, NULL, &o1);
grow_CreateGrowText( curve->grownames_ctx, "", "Cursor",
3, 0.6, glow_eDrawType_TextHelvetica,
glow_eDrawType_Line, 2, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, NULL, &o1);
grow_CreateGrowText( curve->grownames_ctx, "", "Mark",
5.7, 0.6, glow_eDrawType_TextHelvetica,
glow_eDrawType_Line, 2, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, NULL, &o1);
grow_CreateGrowText( curve->grownames_ctx, "", "Unit",
9.0, 0.6, glow_eDrawType_TextHelvetica,
glow_eDrawType_Line, 2, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, NULL, &o1);
grow_CreateGrowText( curve->grownames_ctx, "", "Scale",
11, 0.6, glow_eDrawType_TextHelvetica,
glow_eDrawType_Line, 2, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, NULL, &o1);
grow_CreateGrowText( curve->grownames_ctx, "", "Attribute",
14, 0.6, glow_eDrawType_TextHelvetica,
glow_eDrawType_Line, 2, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, NULL, &o1);
for ( int i = 1; i < curve->cd->cols; i++) {
grow_CreateGrowRect( curve->grownames_ctx, "", 0, (i-1), 1, 1,
// Draw shadowed frame
grow_CreateGrowRect( curve->grownames_ctx, "", 0, (i-0.2), 60, 1,
glow_eDrawType_Line, 1, 0, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, 0, 0, 1,
glow_eDrawType_Color32, NULL, &o1);
// Draw color rectangle
grow_CreateGrowRect( curve->grownames_ctx, "", 0.25, (i-0.2)+0.3, 0.75, 0.5,
glow_eDrawType_Line, 1, 0, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, 1, 1, 1,
curve->cd->color[i], NULL, &curve->name_rect[i]);
if ( curve->hide[i])
color = curve->cd->color[i];
color = glow_eDrawType_LineErase;
color = glow_eDrawType_Line;
grow_CreateGrowRect( curve->grownames_ctx, "", 0.25, (i-1)+0.25, 0.5, 0.5,
glow_eDrawType_Line, 1, 0, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, 1, 0, 0,
color, NULL, &curve->hide_rect[i]);
// Draw checkbox for hide
grow_CreateGrowLine( curve->grownames_ctx, "", 1.4, (i-0.2)+0.45, 1.52, (i-0.2)+0.75,
color, 2, 0, NULL, &curve->hide_l1[i]);
grow_CreateGrowLine( curve->grownames_ctx, "", 1.50, (i-0.2)+0.75, 1.77, (i-0.2)+0.35,
color, 2, 0, NULL, &curve->hide_l2[i]);
grow_CreateGrowRect( curve->grownames_ctx, "", 1.3, (i-0.2)+0.3, 0.5, 0.5,
glow_eDrawType_Line, 1, 0, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, 0, 1, 1,
glow_eDrawType_Color32, NULL, &curve->hide_rect[i]);
// Draw nodes for mark and cursor values
grow_CreateGrowNode( curve->grownames_ctx, "", nc, 2.2, (i-0.2)+0.05, NULL,
grow_CreateGrowNode( curve->grownames_ctx, "", nc, 5.4, (i-0.2)+0.05, NULL,
// Draw unit
grow_CreateGrowText( curve->grownames_ctx, "", "km/h" /* curve->cd->unit[i]*/,
9.0, (i-0.2) + 0.75, glow_eDrawType_TextHelvetica,
glow_eDrawType_Line, 2, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, NULL, &t1);
// Draw button for scale
grow_CreateGrowRect( curve->grownames_ctx, "", 11, (i-0.2)+0.1, 1.2, 0.7,
glow_eDrawType_Line, 1, 0, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, 1, 1, 1,
glow_eDrawType_Color33, NULL, &curve->scale_rect[i]);
grow_SetObjectShadowWidth( curve->scale_rect[i], 20);
// Draw attribute name
grow_CreateGrowText( curve->grownames_ctx, "", curve->cd->name[i],
1.3, (i-1) + 0.85, glow_eDrawType_TextHelveticaBold,
14.0, (i-0.2) + 0.75, glow_eDrawType_TextHelveticaBold,
glow_eDrawType_Line, 2, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, NULL, &t1);
grow_SetAnnotation( curve->cursor_annot[i], 0, "0", 1);
grow_SetAnnotation( curve->mark_annot[i], 0, "0", 1);
// Draw nodes for time values
// Draw shadowed frame
grow_CreateGrowRect( curve->grownames_ctx, "", 0, (curve->cd->cols-0.2), 60, 1,
glow_eDrawType_Line, 1, 0, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, 0, 0, 1,
glow_eDrawType_Color32, NULL, &o1);
grow_CreateGrowNode( curve->grownames_ctx, "", nc, 2.2, (curve->cd->cols-0.2)+0.05, NULL,
grow_CreateGrowNode( curve->grownames_ctx, "", nc, 5.4, (curve->cd->cols-0.2)+0.05, NULL,
// Draw unit
grow_CreateGrowText( curve->grownames_ctx, "", "s",
9.0, (curve->cd->cols-0.2) + 0.75, glow_eDrawType_TextHelvetica,
glow_eDrawType_Line, 2, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, NULL, &t1);
// Draw button for scale
grow_CreateGrowRect( curve->grownames_ctx, "", 11, (curve->cd->cols-0.2)+0.1, 1.2, 0.7,
glow_eDrawType_Line, 1, 0, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, 1, 1, 1,
glow_eDrawType_Color33, NULL, &curve->scale_rect[0]);
grow_SetObjectShadowWidth( curve->scale_rect[0], 20);
// Draw attribute name
grow_CreateGrowText( curve->grownames_ctx, "", "Time axis",
14.0, (curve->cd->cols-0.2) + 0.75, glow_eDrawType_TextHelveticaBold,
glow_eDrawType_Line, 2, glow_mDisplayLevel_1, NULL, &t1);
grow_SetAnnotation( curve->cursor_annot[0], 0, "0", 1);
grow_SetAnnotation( curve->mark_annot[0], 0, "0", 1);
return 1;
......@@ -765,6 +949,16 @@ void GeCurve::points_added()
gcd.x_reverse = cd->x_reverse;
grow_CurveAddPoints( curve_object, &gcd);
// Simulate cursormotion and slidermoved event to update markvalues
glow_sEvent e;
e.any.event = glow_eEvent_CursorMotion;
e.any.x = last_cursor_x;
ge_growcurve_cb( growcurve_ctx, &e);
e.any.event = glow_eEvent_SliderMoved;
e.any.x = last_mark_x;
ge_growcurve_cb( growcurve_ctx, &e);
int GeCurve::read_file( char *filename)
......@@ -900,7 +1094,8 @@ GeCurve::GeCurve( void *gc_parent_ctx,
cd(0), axis_window_width(0), auto_refresh(1), axis_displayed(1),
minmax_idx(0), close_cb(0), help_cb(0), initial_right_position(pos_right)
minmax_idx(0), close_cb(0), help_cb(0), initial_right_position(pos_right),
last_cursor_x(0), last_mark_x(0)
char uid_filename[120] = {"xtt_curve.uid"};
char *uid_filename_p = uid_filename;
......@@ -927,6 +1122,7 @@ GeCurve::GeCurve( void *gc_parent_ctx,
{"gec_activate_help",(caddr_t)gec_activate_help },
{"gec_create_pane",(caddr_t)gec_create_pane },
{"gec_create_growform",(caddr_t)gec_create_growform },
{"gec_create_nameform",(caddr_t)gec_create_nameform },
{"gec_create_curveform",(caddr_t)gec_create_curveform },
{"gec_create_minmax_textmin",(caddr_t)gec_create_minmax_textmin },
{"gec_create_minmax_textmax",(caddr_t)gec_create_minmax_textmax },
......@@ -940,6 +1136,11 @@ GeCurve::GeCurve( void *gc_parent_ctx,
memset( hide, 0, sizeof(hide));
memset( name_rect, 0, sizeof(name_rect));
memset( hide_rect, 0, sizeof(hide_rect));
memset( scale_rect, 0, sizeof(scale_rect));
memset( hide_l1, 0, sizeof(hide_l1));
memset( hide_l2, 0, sizeof(hide_l2));
memset( mark_annot, 0, sizeof(cursor_annot));
memset( mark_annot, 0, sizeof(mark_annot));
curve_color = background_dark;
curve_border = border_dark;
for ( i = TREND_MAX_CURVES; i < CURVE_MAX_COLS; i++)
......@@ -994,17 +1195,8 @@ GeCurve::GeCurve( void *gc_parent_ctx,
XtManageChild( ge_curve_widget);
growaxis_main_widget = GrowCreate( axisform_widget,
"GeCurveAxis", NULL,
0, ge_init_growaxis_cb, this);
i = 0;
XtSetValues( growaxis_main_widget, args,i);
XtManageChild( growaxis_main_widget);
Widget w;
grownames_main_widget = ScrolledGrowCreate( axisform_widget,
grownames_main_widget = ScrolledGrowCreate( nameform_widget,
"GeCurveNames", NULL,
0, ge_init_grownames_cb, this, &w);
i = 0;
......@@ -1013,6 +1205,15 @@ GeCurve::GeCurve( void *gc_parent_ctx,
XtManageChild( grownames_main_widget);
growaxis_main_widget = GrowCreate( axisform_widget,
"GeCurveAxis", NULL,
0, ge_init_growaxis_cb, this);
i = 0;
XtSetValues( growaxis_main_widget, args,i);
XtManageChild( growaxis_main_widget);
growcurve_main_widget = CurveCreate( curveform_widget,
"GeCurve", NULL,
0, ge_init_growcurve_cb, this);
......@@ -1030,8 +1231,6 @@ GeCurve::GeCurve( void *gc_parent_ctx,
XtPopup( toplevel, XtGrabNone);
XtRealizeWidget( toplevel);
XtUnmanageChild( grownames_main_widget);
// Connect the window manager close-button to exit
flow_AddCloseVMProtocolCb( toplevel,
(XtCallbackProc)gec_activate_exit, this);
......@@ -1043,6 +1242,7 @@ GeCurveData::GeCurveData( curve_eDataType datatype) :
memset( data, 0, sizeof(data));
for ( int i = 0; i < CURVE_MAX_COLS; i++) {
strcpy( unit[i], "");
max_value[i] = 0;
min_value[i] = 0;
min_value_axis[i] = 0;
* Proview $Id: ge_curve.h,v 1.7 2005-11-17 09:03:20 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: ge_curve.h,v 1.8 2005-12-06 10:45:12 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ class GeCurveData {
int rows;
int cols;
pwr_tAName name[CURVE_MAX_COLS];
char unit[CURVE_MAX_COLS][16];
double *data[CURVE_MAX_COLS];
double max_value[CURVE_MAX_COLS];
double min_value[CURVE_MAX_COLS];
......@@ -100,6 +101,7 @@ class GeCurve {
Widget grow_widget;
Widget curve_widget;
Widget axisform_widget;
Widget nameform_widget;
Widget curveform_widget;
Widget pane_widget;
Widget toplevel;
......@@ -121,11 +123,17 @@ class GeCurve {
glow_eDrawType border_bright;
grow_tObject curve_object;
grow_tObject curve_axisobject;
grow_tObject curve_markobject;
GeCurveData *cd;
double axis_window_width;
int hide[CURVE_MAX_COLS];
grow_tObject name_rect[CURVE_MAX_COLS];
grow_tObject hide_rect[CURVE_MAX_COLS];
grow_tObject hide_l1[CURVE_MAX_COLS];
grow_tObject hide_l2[CURVE_MAX_COLS];
grow_tObject scale_rect[CURVE_MAX_COLS];
grow_tObject mark_annot[CURVE_MAX_COLS];
grow_tObject cursor_annot[CURVE_MAX_COLS];
grow_tObject axis_rect[CURVE_MAX_COLS];
grow_tObject axis_object[CURVE_MAX_COLS];
grow_tObject axis_lineobject;
......@@ -136,6 +144,8 @@ class GeCurve {
void (*help_cb)( void *);
int initial_right_position;
char title[300];
double last_cursor_x;
double last_mark_x;
int read_file( char *filename);
int configure_curves();
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