Commit 5059d721 authored by Claes Sjofors's avatar Claes Sjofors

wb build, plc xtthelp file converted to html for all volumes

parent ca12d82d
......@@ -1241,6 +1241,9 @@ void wb_build::webhandler( pwr_tOid oid)
pwr_tTime xtthelp_time, html_time;
char *s;
pwr_tStatus fsts;
pwr_tStatus sts;
char line[200];
wb_object o = m_session.object(oid);
if ( !o) {
......@@ -1302,13 +1305,43 @@ void wb_build::webhandler( pwr_tOid oid)
m_sts = PWRB__SUCCESS;
// Check if plc xtthelp should be converted to html
sprintf( srcname, pwr_cNamePlcXttHelp, cdh_VolumeIdToFnString(0, oid.vid));
// Convert plc xtthelp files to html for all volumes
strcpy( fname, pwr_cNameVolumeList);
dcli_translate_filename( fname, fname);
ifstream fpm( fname, ios::in);
if ( !fpm) {
m_sts = 0;
while ( fpm.getline( line, sizeof(line))) {
int nr;
char vol_array[7][80];
pwr_tVid vid;
if ( line[0] == '#')
nr = dcli_parse( line, " ", "", (char *)vol_array,
sizeof(vol_array[0]), 0);
if ( cdh_NoCaseStrcmp( vol_array[2], "RootVolume") == 0 ||
cdh_NoCaseStrcmp( vol_array[2], "SubVolume") == 0 ||
cdh_NoCaseStrcmp( vol_array[2], "SharedVolume") == 0) {
sts = cdh_StringToVolumeId( vol_array[1], &vid);
if ( EVEN(sts)) {
m_sts = 0;
sprintf( srcname, pwr_cNamePlcXttHelp, cdh_VolumeIdToFnString(0, vid));
dcli_translate_filename( fname, srcname);
fsts = dcli_file_time( fname, &xtthelp_time);
if ( EVEN(fsts)) return;
if ( ODD(fsts)) {
sprintf( fname, "$pwrp_web/xtthelp_%s_plc_index.html", cdh_VolumeIdToFnString(0, oid.vid));
sprintf( fname, "$pwrp_web/xtthelp_%s_plc_index.html", cdh_VolumeIdToFnString(0, vid));
dcli_translate_filename( fname, fname);
fsts = dcli_file_time( fname, &html_time);
if ( opt.force || EVEN(fsts) || time_Acomp( &xtthelp_time, &html_time) == 1) {
......@@ -1318,10 +1351,14 @@ void wb_build::webhandler( pwr_tOid oid)
sprintf( cmd, "co_convert -d $pwrp_web -t %s", srcname);
system( cmd);
sprintf( msg, "Build: WebHandler plc xtthelp-file converted to html");
sprintf( msg, "Build: WebHandler plc xtthelp-file for volume %s converted to html", vol_array[0]);
MsgWindow::message( 'I', msg, msgw_ePop_No, oid);
m_sts = PWRB__SUCCESS;
// Generate wb history html file
pwr_tCmd cmd;
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